PAGE 6 PLAINDEAI ER FRIDAY. t\\l \RY 7. I >; A VT MCHS FRESHMEN" BASKETBALL TEAA1-- <"A" Squad1, kneeling, from left, are l.ennv Jensen, ron\ Sri>ka. Bob Bitterman. lireg Brookes. Barr\ Anderson and John Partenheirner. Standing are Coach (iar> Gray, Rick Szunilas. (»reg Mro/. Jim Johnson. Tom Schoenig Tim Sabatka. Brett .Zimbrick and Kevin Zeoli. (ST \FF IO-W WNF GAY! ORD> Doubleheader Weekend F o r W a r r i o r H o o p s let i o By Dick Babbitt Coach Ken Ludwig's McHenry High Warriors will try and rebound from the defeat at the hands of Ridgewood in the Elgin Holiday tourney, with a pair of North Suburban conference games this Weekend Tonight the Warriors travel to Lake Forest to take on the Scouts First year coach Hal Wertich of the Scouts has his team at a 7 and -J margfn af ter the holidays. Although they are only 1 and 2 in conference play, the Scouts won the Bollingbrook round robin tournament over the holidays The Scouts are led bv Tom Trkla an all conference star last year as a junior The 6'4" . is currently carrying a ii; ?er eame average. i^Trkia is an excellent shooter g^d rebounder, and the £ __ Warriors wil l h ;nc th; t hands ful l keeping him in chuk Senior Jamie M'.AVecnev 1! ' guard is the S^o^uts f loor leader , and moth"^ senior Kel ly Moore a t ' i f i i l l bo a forward spot Rounding out the s tar t ing f ive wil l be John Grab a 6 ' o" junior guard, and 5 ' 9" Fd Nolan . i lso a junior The Scouts this year i re a f^st breaking team, a change fron. the previous years when they were a set pat tern bal l c lub On Saturday niuht the Warr iors hos* a t o ld r iv: ; l the Liber ty vi l le Wilde i ts Coach Larry I .con has his "Cats perched in the top sp<.>t in th ' . North Suburban with a 3 and 0 record, wh' le «he Warr iors ar< c j rs t inS in the wUh a . 1 record. The "Cats' jBvei a l l record tf T and 3 against ' : ' sofne tough competi t ion. Coach Ceon has f ive re turning It- t tertnen led b> Bob Frickson who is cat r> ing a IV pf average this se . i . -on A?!' conference taekie center Jim who sat out Lis t season is the museleman of the Cats. The 6 >" 225 lb Lenzmi has been a t iger on the boards for the Cats i t tLie ear ly season play Guards Tim Matthews and Guy Matson are the playmakers fff the squad A non le t terman -Frac> Dureet: a fi' 4" ser:or has been the surprise o! the Wildcats team th!- \<vt\ Me is averaging about J V- \'V- game and a vt paging 6 Hinds per g. r:u-. roh The -W-arr iars -wit! be out tcT .itone for the loss last year here r>n a Saturday af ternoon when the Cats, really put it to the ^Warriors 51 to 3 V That was a ^appoint ing loss to the great Warrior team of 1*76-77 WINTER SPORTS SCHEDl I E £ ^Codes: •BBB-Boys Basketball Slfr-WresUing *Sw-Swimming TVB-Volleyball fcBB-Giris Basketball McHenry High School 4724 W. Crystal Lake R«rd McHenry, III. 60950 fr (81S-385-7077> Hrtf Bad-Badminton V-Varsity S-Sophomre F-Freshman JV-Junior Varsity SoB-Sophomafe B F-S-Frosh-Soph * Two Buses - one from each school > fJU-.- jr > Sport Squads Opponent 77'r Wy-.* Clearing Off The Sports Desk A proposed rulemaking that descr ibes s teel <hot zones for the Mississ ippi and Atlant ic f lyways has been publ ished in the December 23. 197(1 Federal ( Register , according to the L.S. Fish and Wildl i fe Service. The proposal designates areas in which s teel shot wil l be required tor hunt ing waterfowl in seasons beginning in 1977 ILLINOIS 1 In th e Counties of Putnam Marshal . Calhoun. ' Jersey. Henderson, and Rock Is land. 3 . All waters of State- managed waterfowl hunt ing areas that are not included in 1 . •Jku-r« t-r- * L*ke forest , Crystal Lak^ Hr.vlt. ncim&gcurxt, ^ ' FI MD THE LETTERS I THIS PICTURE Thai 5PE RENTAL & EARL WALSH -- So I Hear V | 1 SPORTS EDITOR Friends ask. What did you do New Years Fv,e"" Oh*. we were devils! Went out to dinner, then headed for home to listen to Cuy Lombardo. That.'s a strenuous Eve. Muhammad. Ali pulled his • amous rope-a-dope on his foes in the boxing ring, now gets roped in the divorce court. But. w'hat s a couple of million henP^nd a Couple there to the Greatest? ^ "" Great wealth seems to bring trouble Makes one fhink of the old saying -- '""Blessed be nothing." What to do with your spare tinfe? Ityve you called on a shut-in lately" • A visit -not too long - means so much to those who can't get out of the house in the winter 'months. Basketballs will be bouncing again this weekend. The Warriors travel to Lake Forest Friday night. Saturday night the strong Libertyv^le team will be here. With the big enrollment in our schools and the number of sports fans in the area, the local gym should be packed. may not be the' best ever to represent McHenry High, but flojrt sell >m short Wouldn't know if people ,are putting, money in or taking it out We do know that lines have been forming at our financial institutions this week like in the days of gasoline shortage Chicago's new Mayor calls a press conference to complain about the price of coffee Reminds us of the time our mother tried to get our father to drink tea. Says she. "Why don't you like it ? • ^ Came the reply. "The d-- stuff is half water." Why didn't we think of it° A 2- pound can of coffee would have been a perfect Christmas gift <To give or to receive). & Put away your little sleds for a while The promised snow- went that-a-way. If Bowie Kuhn, baseball commissioner, can knock down Charlie Finley to the tune of over three million bucks, he is going to make that famous old tiger. Judge Landis, look like a pussycat. None can say the grizzled old Judge didn't rule baseball with an iron hand. He wasn't out to win a popularity contest. What he won was respect. The present Warrior team On The Sidelines by Dick Rabbitt £ The Warrior basketball team is working ̂ ard this week in preparation for the big doubleheader. Tonight at Lake Forest and tomorrow night when they host the first place Liberty ville Wildcats. Coach Ken Ludwig was not overall jx pleased with their performance against Ridgewood in the Elgin tournament. You can bet that the Warriors will be a x: different ball club this weekend. Congratulations to Coach Marty Sobczak and his :j: " Hassling Warriors'*. A fourth place finish in the tough :> Rockford Boylan Invitational has to be a feather in the cap of the popular Warrior coach The competition was awesome, yet the Warriors did a very commendable job. :'x Don Freund came away with the 132 lbs. title in what had x; to be probably the toughest competition in the entire :£ tourney. After a first round bye the y/ung Warrior had 'hiS'bantfs fu!H*i$h the Competition, but came through in -. fine style. Fro&i all Warrio^fans, a jobWll done Don], & Dean Hargi?T<rtner Wafrior football coach once again £•: had a banner season at Marist High School in Atlanta £: Georgia Dean's squadiinished the regular season with a £: 10 and 0 record in Class A. In the playoffs they played to a 14 to 14 fie through two overtimes and then lost out in the battle of statistics and the opponent won 15 to 14. What a way to lose your way to the state championship. i-i; Dean had been named coach of the year twice in :£ Georgia in the 10 years he has been coaching, and runnerup twice. Bud Murray is another former Warrior coach who is on the football staff at Marist and head wrestling coach. His wnestlers won the state tourney last year in Class A and are favored again this year. §: To my golfing pals in Chapel Hill. I can't help it. but I £: did get in 72 holes over the holidays in Florida. I really *: thought of you fellows up there in the cold, while I'm in shorts, and all the Floridans are complaining of the cold, but the low 70's and high 60's were ideal for someone who :j:j left with the weather in the low 20's. Dug out of the files the first Warrior-Lake Forest game S in the North Suburban Conference in December 1952. The Warriors of Cliff Fulton rallied from a 10 point halftime- v. deficit to win a thriller 50 to 49. In the second meeting of •x the two clubs the W'arriors won easily 51 to 37. If any of you former Warriors have a request of a game g played in the North Suburban that you would like to relive, •>i please give me a call and I will be glad to oblige you. I have all conference games since the conference started including the years before McHenry became a member. I know that Billy Oeffling and Don Bentz among others, that have enjoyed looking at the games in the years that^they played for the Warriors. So don't hesitate if you are interested •" » $ WARRIOR GAME OF 1952 MCHENRY LAKE FOREST Davidson fg ft pf to Davidson 1 3 1 .5 Froelich Bolger 9 0 0 18 Drieske Ford 4 4 4 12 \ Johnson Huemann 2 0 2 4 Olson Blake -2 1 1 5 Ullman Aim 1 2 0 4 Fisher Letcher 1 0 1 2 Totals Totals 20 10 9 50 When it's time for the patient •fif1 to come home . . . Riru A HOSPITAL BED FOR ALL THE COMFORTS OF A HOSPITAL AND EASIER HOME _ NURSING FOR ONLY $60per mo YOU CAN RENT OUR EASILY W ADJUSTABLE HOSPITAL BED' WE ALSO HAVE WAl KERS £ WHEELCHAIRS COMMODES AND MUCH MORE1 CALL NOW AND RESERVE A HOSPITAL BED FOR YOUR PATIENT SOON & TO COME HOME 845/385-3232 $04 N. FRONT ST.,McHENRY AXA amencan rental association $g75 per rr.onth RENTAL NO installation charge NEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions PHONE 312-259-3393 AittMjfoK Soft Wok Co. DIVISION OF RENT A SOFT INC. SERVING NORTH & NORTHWEST SUBURBS 21 7 16 49 •McHenry 16 6 12 16 50 : Lake Forest 14 18 8 » 4!) ; In An Orderly Manner If you want a job done, give it to a busy man. He'll have his secretary do it. -News, Kreolite, la. r! MCHS FRESHMEiN BASKETBALL TEAM ("B" Squad), kneeling, from left, are Jim Frantz, Bart Decker. DeWayne Oeffling, Tom Fowler, Rich Shiman, Jim Condon and Leu Piklor. Standing are Coach Pat Wirtz, Hans Larsen, Brad Bortato, Dave DeVries, Joe Bellich. Rich Hager, ken Hoff, and managers Brad Smith, Tony Pint^zi and Jeff Rhode. (STAFJFPHOTO WAYNEC.AYLORD) Warrior Wrestlers Take Fourth Place In Boylan Invitational By Dick Rabbitt Coach .Marty Sobczak's "Rassling Warriors" finished 4th in the 12 team Rockford Boylan Invitational last week in Rockford At 98 lbs. Ed Mullen took 6th place. In the opening match Ed was pinned by Durkee from Morris in the second round. He then defeated Falsesof Dundee by a decision. Ed then defeated Schulz of Cary Grove, but then lost to Rogers from Schurz of Chicago. Jon Ortman at 105 lost to I'gillie of Barrington, defeated Bagley from Harlem, and lost to McKenney of Oak Park. Mark Ziszik at 112 was pinned by Yark of Morris, and again was pinned by Holler of Harlem. Jeff Hurckes at 119 pinned Ellison of Morris, was pinned by King from Elk Grove, decisioned- Rivera of Chicago Schurz, defeated Repp from Woodstock. Jeff then was defeated by Herman of Harlem taking 5th place in the tourney. Howie Useman at 126 lost to Porter of Oak Park, then defeated Sullivan of Cary Grove and Crowley of Wood stock He then defeated Yucius of Dundee and took third place by defeating Busch of Elk Grove. Don Freund the only Warrior champion at 132 defeated Callahan of Cary Grove after drawing a first round bye He then proceeded to defeat Black of Elk Grove, and Jerry Hecht of Woodstock in the finals to become the champion Bob Beck at 138 didn't place as he lost to Patton of Wood stock and Moment of Boylan Tim Oakley at 145 defeated Morales of Schurz. then lost to Taylor of Barrington. Tim then came back to defeat Brown of Dundee. Dergo of Morris, and Zudiema of Woodstock Tim then was pinned by Fari of Freeport and took 4th place. Mike Fink at 155 had two byes then lost to Moore of Harrington for a 7th place. Doug Pfau at 167 had a bye then was pinned by Kenpedy of Elk Grove, Doug then defeated Maliando of Boylan, but lost to Burkholtz of Harlem for a 7th place Tom Lundelius at 185 had a bye, then lost to Whiting from Woodstock, drew another bye, won by a forfeit, and then defeated Louran of Harlem, and then.won over Averman of Cary Grove for a fine third place finish. Bob Larke Warrior heavyweight pinned Edler of Barrington in the second round, Jmd then lost a tough decision to Everett of Dundee. Bob then pinned Mruk of Cary Grove to take a third place finish The Warriors did a fine job and Coach Sobczak was quite pleased with their 4th place finish in the tough tourney. Junior Tennis Tourney For Soph-Frosh Boys Played December 28th, 29th, 30th were big days for Junior Tennis in the Lakeland area. Sixteen Sophomore and Freshen boys battled thru individual matches to the Finals on Thursday morning Bill Glasser and Dave Whymark of Fox Lake, Paul Basin of Wonder Lake, and Jim Tafel of McHenry played off for the championship The finals was a close match that ended with a win for Jim Tafel over Dave Whymark. The Junior Senior Tour nament registered 26 entries. The Round Robin individual play ended with eight bracket winners for the finals Thursday afternoon The following reached the finals: Dave Brooke, Mark Mondrowski and Bob Nasenberry of Anticoh, B J Swantz, Doug Miyaki, Phit Kent and Mike Gende of McHenry, and Bill Kirscht of Grant school The finals was a play off between two rival teammates who live in the same block and play first and second on the Antioch High School team NORTH SUBURBAN BASKETBALL Notice Sports Pictures Since previous notices • starting last fall) have not been noted, this will be run from time to time.-. Being,,unable to use the many group pictures sent in. a decision was made to discontinue all league groups except cham pionship teams, pictures taken by our staff photographers of athletes on the high school level will be selected as to their importance. Individual pictures of various sports will be appraised as to their newsworthy value and available space. It was a flood of group pictures last year that made this decision by the management necessary. Team w 1 pts opp Libertyville 3 0 195 173 McHenry 3 1 290 270 Barrington 2 1 231 195 North Chicago ^ 2 2 255 265 Mundelein 2 2 311 276 Zion Benton * - ; 2 2 262 241 Lake Forest 1 1 2 181 179 Crystal Lake i 1 3 218 251 Crown 0 3 186 274 SCORERS Nam£ School fR rt tP Boyle _ Mundelein 45 27 117 Miller McHenry 34 21 89 Trkla Lake Forest 34 14 82 Davis Zion Benton 38 5 81 Hurckes * McHenry 30 13 73 Erickson Libertyville 31 10 r 72 Hutchinson Mundelein 30 11 71 Howell Crown 29 11 69 ODDITY...Strong winds didn't create this pretzel ef fect. The crooked chimney was built this way as a con versation piece atop a home at New Athens, Illinois. B U D D Y R U F F 7?//S A W -TKEE... TH£M & Ticking our OP THAT Hole! LAPfeR 0H 0H a X SQU/fZ/?£C • • He'*, AA&KY/ J I M-U'- f-jA VB' P/STIJRPL ///£ STV&Z PLA, C(; / S '//<£ 77//a/A ^> M kb A COUL'L t w \ Nl/TS ' . Tt • No Charge Our Savers Money Onle # # < # rc McHenry Savings mm AND LOAN ASSOCIATION I < savings 1209 N. Green St. McHenry 385-3000 j 10520 Main St. Richmond 678-2061 faUexrjJiople, HeJplr̂ / for the comfort of SprjHg in your home, al l winter long.. Humidify with an. call: HUMTDIFIER dux[ ^Wozinst HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 3511 S. Wright Rd. 312-526-6286 McHENRY, ILL. 815-459-2300 FINANCING AVAILABLE