J EDITORIALS Saving Our Game This is the time? of year a senseless slaughter of wild animals and birds often takesiplace. Fox are being eradicated in many areas, bear are disappearing from our mountains.Deer are being wiped out in areas--and many other animals' and birds' survival are threatened. Why kill a bear? Not many people eat bear meat. Why kill a fox? The skin may be worth a few dollars but that's poor compensation for decimating the reds, as has happened in so many areas. Pheasant, quail, grouse and partridge have been hunted out of existence in many, mar\y states. Leaving five or six quail in a covey, after killing perhaps ten or fifteen, will mean a new covey next season, rather than no birds at all. Greedy hunters and those who kill just to "win** the chase, are out of step with thie times and with good sportsmanship today. One famous fox hunter recently admitted he had never killed a fox. A famous bear hunter decided never again to kill a treed bear. If expert hunters can obtain as much hunting pleasure froip the chase, from catching their prey, not killing him (bat often photographing him) so too can the rank and file--who can preserve their sport by applying common sense and restraint. Solar Heat Arrives The energy and Research administration announced Recently sufficient progress had been made by the solar heating industry to make that form of heating competitive with electricity in newly- built, well-insulated homes. The announcement is of historic and economic importance because it means new houses can be heated with solar energy. Contractors will have to pay more attention to insulation but the benefits of solar heat are so vast this becomes a minor consideration. In the most thorough study of solar heating yet done, the federal energy agency also found solar heat was not yet as economical as heating by gas or oil. But it's assumed gas and oil prices will rise and that the cost of s olar heating equipment, and the heating itself, will decline as the industry gets into production «*d refinements and improvements are made in the new heating process. The estimate that solar heat can now compete with electricity in home heating is not accepted by all contractors. But the fact that the most thorough government study yet made indicates it can, shows how close to a heating breakthrough current-day technology is. / The ERA announcement, then, is encouraging news, even if more progress is yet to be achieved, because it reflects a considerable advance and reorientation of thinking in the last two or three years. The Law Serves You Three Types Of Business Organization Starting a business? If so, give some carefuil thought to the type of business organization that ̂ -should *be developed. The Hiinois State Bar association says there are three basic 7 l ypes of organization available: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. Choosing among these three types of organization will depend in large measure on the individual circumstances and the special requirements of the business. It is wise to seek * •••••••••••••••• ••••••••• J u;l Prayer For Our government On the occasion of the Inauguration of the 59th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, January 20, 1977. special permission has been given this newspaper by THE CHRISTOPHERS to reproduce this prayer. * * it * * * % * t * * Father, a handful of courageous men m a moment of danger, pledged their lives t fortunes and honor to proclaim a nation whose citizens rights were based not on the nod of king or ruler, but ortVeatum J * at your hands. Qrant to our administration a ministry of service to all, not the few: to our J Congress the upholding of public interest, not Jf merely a welter of competing private claims; to our judiciary a wisdom in interpreting law. grounded in principle, not expediency. 3end your spirit on our people, that they may become active in the affairs of government, that £ they may not confuse dissent for disloyalty, that they may ufie their mighty power for the ^ J healing of differences among nations with justice j J" and mercy and love, j ********* t For Your < Information Dear friends, At the ifuneral home, mourners ask, "What should I say?" Be natural - we are most effective with a minimum of words. Somt; tend to say too much - we »talk when we should be listening. Some times not a word is necessary. One's very presence is helpful to the bereaved. Respectfully, --.M TERMJl/STEN & SON "* funeral H$ME 3807 wTELm St. McHenry, III. 385-0063 SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - Pi^AINOEALER-WEDNESD 4v JANUARY 19,1977 S You Read Me Out There, Good Buddy?r*% Wtu:, To rue GESR OF MV ABILITY, PRESERVE/ R PROTECT AK? DEFEMP THE CONSTITUTION OF TUB ' Hi UNTO? STATES, so HELP ME SOP. QmuM CSPS PUBLIC PULSE &"<• r WINTER GAMES professional assistance to learn the advantages and disad vantages of each type. A lawyer will help with the legal requirements of setting up a business and can advise on such matters as control of the business, perpetuation of the business and personal liability resulting from the business. An accountant is also a good source of professional assistance to discuss taxes, organizational expenses, record keeping and other financial matters. In choosing among the Various forms of business organization, one should be aware that there are two basic forms a partnership may take: general partnership and limited partnership. Each member of a general part nership is liable for 100 percent of the partnership obligations, without regard to' the per^ centage of profits that mem bers may share. But limited partners are restricted in their right to participate in the management of the business, and they assume liability only in the amount of their in vestment. Sole proprietorships are a common form of organization of the smallest businesses. But there are several legal con siderations concerning liability and continuation of .the business that should be carefully weighed before going it alone. And the ISBA says the word "corporation" should not prevent the organizer of even the smallest business frofo considering its use. Tax benefits available through incorporation often make this form of organization the best choice. ARTISTS REGISTRY The Illindife'Arts council is inviting all creative artists in the state to enter their names in the Illinois Creative Arts registry. The registry, which will list composers, choreographers, poets, fiction writers, playwrights, graphic artists, painters, sculptors and photographers and film and video artists, is a first step in the council's planned program of assistance to creative ar tists. To obtain a registry card, artists should contact their local , community arts organizations or write "Registry", Illinois Arts council. 111 N. Wabash, Chicago. II. 60602. The Hitch-Hiker (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this co lumn Iks an expression of „ their views on subjects of general interest in our co- . mmunity. Our only request is that the writers give - signature, full address and phone number. We ask too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we con sider libelous or in objec- NO DILEMMA HERE - "Editor: "A Montini Catholic school in McHenry is a quality school that is here to stay. The report in one county paper 'that reduced enrollment is causing a dilemma in our school' is false. Our enrollment is down in proportion to the declining birth rate but our school, with just under' 400 students, is healthy, strong, and proud. "In the next few years we will be taking in approximately the same number of first grade students as we graduate. Thus stability. We expect after the stabilizing period to enter a tytime of growjjb as the com munity ferotar \^'We are stable financially because we have the support of the thousand peo$e who use their church envelopes, from which comes half Our finances. We are strong as we have a high degree of parental in volvement in our school ranging from playground duty, teacher aides, coaching teams, to chaperoning dances, . and also stretching their pocket- books to pay the tuition. They know that Catholic education has something special to offer. "At our parent teacher conferences we average 90-95 percent attendance. Our parents care. Parish subsidy and tuition income are not the only things that have made us financially predictable. Ef ficient management of a balanced budget carries a high degree of concern throughout our school. Therefore we have to specialize in doing only those things that can be done with excellence. "The three 'H's" are still the backbone of our academics.. Montini has made strides toward academic distinction in the last few years. We have changed from a single classroom, one teacher en vironment to the multiple classroom specialized teaching concept. It has proved itself in that Montini has swept the McHenry Area Education math contest for the last two years. "Montini is also fortunate to have a high quality, dedicated faculty. Our science teacher holds the 'Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the Year' award, and the rest of the staff deserving the samft. "Montini is strong because its goal is high. Montini, being a Catholic school, cannot be; just content with high qifality academics but must go further to insure spiritual and moral growth in her students coupled with the discipline necessary to achieve total growth. Montini is a Catholic school that works. We believe we have the support of Jesus Christ, who is and shall be tht reason Catholic schools exist, . f J 1 "If we lose sight of dur reason for being here then we_ \yould have a dilemma Montini has been here a long time and with the support of the people wno sacrifice to keep it/going it Willi be here for years, io come. "Paul A^peinber jnt School Board" January, 1977 Hiere is snow on the windowpane Framing my room And the trees are heavy - With Frosty bloom r~. -Anne Lawler January--named by the Romans for Janus, supposedly the god of the beginning of things--was one of the two months added to the modern calendar. Few today know where the name came from, or care, nor do they know that for centuries most humans fixed the beginning of the year according to the sun. For millions of Egyptians the calendar year formerly began on September 21st (the autumnal equinox). The Greeks coufited their year from June 21st (the summer solstice)- For a short time New Englanders began the year on December 25th! But today most nations accept January 1st as the beginning of the year. The Romans exchanged gifts on January 1st--and perhaps some of today's Christmas gift customs stem from it. The use of mistletoe during the Christmas holi day season stems from the old Druid custom of giving branches of this supposedly sacred bush on New Year's Day. For many years in Scotland young boys gathered to gether on New Year's Day and went from house to house singing for money or something to eat. This custom was brought' to America, but the songs were shortened in the New World. For many years American Presidents gave a reception--open to the public--at the White House on New Year's Day. For most American h today the new year means a party or sentimental thoughts the night of the 31st, a holi day a week after the Christmas holiday, and the bowl end of the football season. LET'S GET TOGETHER AND TALK ABOUT LOW-COST ' AUTO INSURANCE. i Are You New In * I | McHenry Area ? ^ •j *********** I Do You Know Someone New? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA !!!!!! CALL JOAN STULL 385-5418 McHenry . % % K0YAL WUC0W % OW YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES IT BEST \ I GIVE ME A CALL FOR THE FACTS ON LOW-COST HEALTH INSURANCE. I'D LIKE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS ON LOW-COST HOME OWNERS INSURANCE. I'D LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE FACTS ON LOW-COST LIFE INSURANCE. AMERICAN FAMILY I N S U R A N C E AUTO HOME HEALTH AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL IN»U*ANCE COMPANY* MADISON, WIS. S3701 Call me for Details CHUCK LEWAND0WSKI 1108 Violet St. McHenry Phone 385-2304 DR. LEONARD B0TTARI 303 N. Richmond Rd , McHenry Eyes examined - Contact Lenses Glasses fitted Mon., Tues.. Thurs., Fri., 4-4 p.m Tues., Thurs., Fri., 7-9 p.m EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INS. Fire, Auto, Farm, Life Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES 4410 W. Rte. 120, McHenry 385-3300 Sat., 9:30 to 3 00 Ph. 385-4151 or 385 2242 McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES DENNIS CONWAY AUTO-LIFE-FIRE State Farm Ins. Co. SALES SERVICE & RENTALS Mon Sat9 5:30 Friday til 9. 00 93 Grant St., Crystal Lake Ph. 459-1224 3319 W. Elm St McHenry, III 385-7111 McHenry Telephone Answering & Letter Service • Answering Service • Car, Telephone & Paging Service • Complete Mimeographing & Printing Service • Typing & Photocopying ' Ph. 385-0258 3932 W. Rt. 120, McHenry "GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE" CALL US (815) 385-4810 V l R E L L I RADIAL TIRES Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. FOR ALL CARS Case - New Holland 4102 VV. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Europa Motors, Inc. 2318 Rte. 120 815-385-0700 Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 CALL The Plaindealer ED'S STANDARD SERVICE NOW This space is available and could bring new business to you. 385-0170 MAIN 3909 W EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS Tires. Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. ELM STREET at our quick-action copy center. FINEST QUALITY COPIES MADE ON XEROX EQUIPMENT See us, also, for every kind of Printing Need!! MCHEIMRY PRINTING 385 7600 NE« TRAILERS used ' HILLSBORO & OWENS DUMP-FLATBEDS-CAR" HAULERS Stidham Horse & Cattle Trailers Plus A Complete Line Of Braden Winches ADAMS ENTERPRISES I 3017 W. Rte. 120 McHENRY, ILL.' „ 815-1*85-5970