L.. CANCER AnswerMine Amehcan Cencw Sedety f Soybean Price Strength To Continue PAGE II - PLAINDEALER-WEPNESDAY, JANUARY 26. 1977 LAMM 1MV7? ORAM CMN MflU. KXMT CANRVOVCR; SOVKAN SUPPUS TIGHT Pictured are a committee of Luther Leaguers at Shepherd of the Hilli^ Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, discussing a youth retreat. In front row, left to right, are Janet Picked, Tricia Boyd, and Mary Ann O'Donnell; second row, Jeff llankins and James Boyd, discussion leader. Leaguers Plan Winter Retreat Fifty members of the Luther League or youth group at Shepherd of the Hills Luthern church, 404 North Green street, McHenry <»will attend a retreat at Lutherdale Bible camp, Elkhorn. Wis., this weekend. The leaguers will enjoy discussion groups, audio visual presentations and many forms of planned recreation such as tobaggoning. ice skating, ice fishing, knock hockey, and many |4rms of indoor games. They will travel to the Bible camp, which is located on Lauderdale Lakes in Wisconsin, Friday evening and return Sunday evening. The League officers include Cassie York, president; Jeff Hankins, vice-president; Linda Alton, treasurer; and Terri Mai, secretary. The sponsors for the group include Howard and Yvonne Alton, Harold and Shirley Kivley, Lyle and Sue Luzum, Earle and Lynette Trier, Brian Cunat and Parish Worker Kristin Stuhr. State Board Offers Election Judge Manual (Editor's Note: This is a regular feature, prepared by the American Cancer society in cooperation with the McHenry County Unit, Eustice Klein, president, to help save your life from cancer). A furniture manufacturer writes: "My wife has tried three times without success to stop smoking cigarettes, and instead, she finally decided to switch to a low tar, low nicotine brand. Will this keep her safe from cigarette related diseases?" ANSWERIine: There is no such things as a "safe" cigarette. A major recent study by the American Cancer society showed that smoking low tar and nicotine cigarettes results in lower total dea£h rates, including lower death rates from both lung cancer and coronary heart disease. However, among people who smoked low tar and nicotine cigarettes, deaths were still 30 to 75 percent higher than among those who never smoked regularly. This" means that while it may be a step in the right direction for your wife to reduce her tar and nictoine intake, quitting would be the best of all. Why not contact your local American Cancer society unit--your wife may be surprised and encouraged by {he practical help in smoking withdrawal that th6 ACS can give. A school dietician asks: "Is it true that the plastic film wrap we use in the kitchen is made of the same material that has been linked with cancer?" ANSWERIine: The material you have in mind is vinyl chloride, a gas, that is com mercially converted to solid form for use in plastic bottles, and wraps. The Food and Drug administration investigated the material because there is a link between the gaseous from of vinyl chloride and cancer. There was a possibility that some of the gas remains trapped in the solid form of the plastic and could migrate to food. However, after in vestigation, the FDS could find no vinyl chloride "migration" problem with the plastic wraps we so commonly use. A high school coach explains; "I recently saw the very moving story of Babe Didrikson Zaharias, the famous "Babe" on TV, and I would like to know something about the kind of cancer she had. Is it common?" ANSWERIine: This' out standing athlete and courageous human being had colon-rectal cancer, one of the most com mon forms of canofer which occurs almost equally in men and women. "Babe went on to win major sports victories and to live several years after being treated for cancer. Although she did die of the disease, thousands of/ colon-rectal patients are now saved each year because colon-rectal cancer is one of the most curable forms of cancer if it is detected in an early stage and treated promptly. To ac complish that, the American Cancer society advises the public (1) to have regular check ups, certain laboratory tests (and special "Procto" examinations after the age of 40; and (2) to see a physician right away upon noticing a change in bowel habits. tiwim CMM m 13 71 H H 1172 *71 14 It H tf7J 71 V--r beginning June 1 tor wh--t Oct 1 tor com, and S«pt. 1 toe aoyto--n* Municipal and township clerks now may order a copy of the State Board of Elections' judges manual of instructions for the upcoming general elections, it was announced by Franklin J. Lunding, Jr., chairman. Lunding said that the manuals will be available after Monday, Jan. 24, and may be obtained either by calling or writing to the State Board's offices in Springfield or Chicago "Due to the limited supply. only one copy can be sent to each municipal or township clerk," Lunding said. But, he pointed out that the clerks may duplicate the manuals for their judges. He asked that all requests indicate whether the election is held by paper ballot, punch card or voting machine. The State Board of Elections' Springfield office is at 1020 S. Spring St., Springfield 62702. Tlie Chicago offices are at 100 N LaSalle street, Chicago 60602. Summer Employment Directory Available PET COLUMN GIVEAWAY 2 puppies, 2 months old, male. 385-4564 1-26 WHAT S NEW Information for getting summer jobs is readily available to area college students, teachers, high school seniors and foreign students at the McHenry library. The library offers the aid of the annual paperback Summer Employment Directory of the U.S. which lists the most up-to- date information for 90,000 summer jobs in 1977. Jobs to be filled are at summer camps, national parks, summer theatres, ranches, resort hotels, resorts, restaurants, and amusement parks in every state in the^U.S. and Canada as well. S u m m e r E m p l o y m e n t Directory of the U.S. does not guarantee a job; however, information given comes- directly from the employers who want summer help. "With the up-to-date information provided, an applicant who is qualified may expect success in o b t a i n i n g s u m m e r e m ployment," according to Mynena A. Leith, editor. Summer employers are now ready to hire. Applications sent early will have first con sideration. The Summer Employment Directory of the U.S. is on reserve at the library, or copies are available from National Directory Service, Inc., 252 Ludlow avenue, Cincinnati, Oh. 45220. Close Shave? It is estimated that an average man who shaves, removes more than 27 feet of whiskers from his face in the course of a lifetime. Thanks to promising ex port demand and tight domes tic supplies, the outlook is for strengthened soybean prices in 1977. The world market is a prime source of soybean price firmness. In December .1976, Assistant Agriculture Secre tary Richard E< Bell said: "When you look at the hori zon ahead, there is good rea son for optimism." He noted that although total tonnage of farm exports (in fiscal year 1977) would be down slightly, "this will be offset by higher prices" for soybeans and oil seed products. Foreign demand for.soy bean oil and meal, as well as beans, is not expected to abate. As the Department of Agriculture concluded last December 20: "Tighter sup plies relative to demand for both oilseed meal and oils are likely in 1977 because of smaller oilseed production in i V.A. NEWS i EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are representative questions answered daily by VA coun selors. Full information is available at any VA office. Q - I will soon be drawing unemployment compensation. Will this have any effect on my receiving veterans educational allowance? -- A - Income is not considered in the payment of education allowances. Rates of payment are based generally on hours of attendance or the cost of the course. Q -- I have an automobile in which the VA has installed adaptive equipment. If I subsequently purchase other vehicles, will the VA install equipment in them? A -- Yes. However, adaptive equipment will not be provided for more than one conveyance at a time and for not more than three conveyances I1 in a two- year period. Q - If a widow receiving Dependency and Indemnity Compensation becomes em ployed, does she lose her right to this benefit? A -No. Income is not a factor for DIC. Q - A veteran's educational assistance may be apportioned in behalf of his dependents. Does this include dependent parents? A -- No. Educational assistance may not be ap portioned for dependent parents. UiMMM't Meats, fish & Drii 5000 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL 385-3401 We Accept Food Stamps "WHEN YOU'VE TASTED PRIME. BONELESS-LEAN LUNCHEON STEAKS In Our Deli Always sliced fresh for you A PRcrmcv\/g P£V)££ BUM\NA1&€> KlCK BACK OF CHAIN SAWS. r/TB MOOT CHAIN &AVJS. REAL MEAT LOAF SMOOTH & MILD MUNCHEE (tokftmrnWrmt) CHEESE • ••••• ••'•••••• RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-th# mw SMOKED LIVER SAUSAGE ntrMtini carptt w®dii#8 thit §mtfj rims'dvpft fibin lifts sll dirt, grim mi rssiissi to ths csrpst ssrfscs whtrs PEPPER CHEESE Issvss your csrpsts CLEAN. FRESHmdl GDOR-FREElH PIZZA CHEESE SAVE 20' A LB.! CANADIAN BACON (GREAT FOR EGG SANDWICHES) y** (tat tor only eiUMM Win TMIM ClUM* IWKM REG. 1.69 LB. 6 LB. BOX SLICED ONLY $5.00 MIM.) HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I 8:00 P.M. -9:00 A.M $10.00 PORK TENDERLOIN CHUNKS LEAN CUBE STEAKS $1 HORNSBYS f a m i l y centers -- 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL ^ SMOKED RIBS Mon. thru Sat 9:00 to 6:30 Fri. 9:00 to 8:00 Sun.:9:00 to 5:30; THERE IS NO CHOICE!" FINE TRIM STEAKS 00 >2 49 LB. SEA COVE WHERE YOU CAN BUY FRESH FISH 7 DAYS A WEEK AT REALISTIC PRICES (Fresh Makes A Difference) DEVILED CRABS FROZEN TURB0T FILLETS FROZEN SOLE FILLETS .......... 99! 99? n '3 $ 1 W X LB. EA r LB 59 LB 05 LB. HALIBUT STEAKS FROZEN^ HADDOCK FILLETS ... FLOUNDER. (Stuffed with Crab) ^ J ̂EA. AM_liin (Breaded & SillO SHRIMP Stuffed with Crab) if LB. WHITEFISH ,i »i 29 LB. AND MANY MORE 1976 -- du/e largely to a re- ducd U. S. J ( 1976) soybean harvest, and expected contin ued growth in global con sumption." Supply looks so tight on world markets, that the internationally-read West German commodity publica tion, Oil World, declared last December 23: "Even more important is the question whether U. S. growers can and will give the world' enough corn acres and at the same time enough soybean acres next spring." Domestic markets look ap pealing. Doane's Agricultural Report stated on December 24: "The soybean supply . could be extremely tight by the end of this season. And you can build a good case for a moderately tight situation again in 1977-78, even if there is a 10% boost in plantings next spring." Doane's says that even with 55.5 million acres of soybeans, harvested at record-tying yields, beans will still be "relatively good property into 1978," leaving "the path clear for another explosive price situation" if weather problems occur. Soybean crushers seem prepared to do their part in sustaining demand. Progres sive Farmer magazine stated in its December issue: "Soy bean processors have contin ued to expand crushing capac ity, and if they utilize it at a below-average 75%, they'll still use up almost as many soybeans as the record of the., past season -- a plus for higher prices." All this confirms USDA's long-range analysis issued last October, which summed up: "Despite the smaller supplies and high prices, soybean de mand is expected to remain strong." Thatjnakes soybeans preferable over competing crops in farmers' planting decisions this spring. As Dr. T. E. Nichols, Jr. of/North Carolina State University has said: "Based on March futures, soybean prices will be about 2.3 times those of corn. Any time this ratio is above 2.2, it favors soybeans over corn." Among the nation's 577,000 women veterans, 447,000 are m a r r i e d , t h e V e t e r a n s a d ministration reports. V RECEIVE CAPS Debra Calbow and Charlene Diedrich of McHenry received their nursing caps when the class of 1979 of the St. Anthony hospital School of Nursing held its capping ceremonies Friday, Jan. 21. The McHenry students were among forty-seven fresh men to receive their caps, symbols of the successful c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e i r f i r s t semester. *r |"'n'1"* a /2 Price Wed.-Sun. Jan. 26-30 Ladies Bikini Panties Values to n ^ ij» 50' One Select Group Slippers Ladies Girls Va Price One^Select Of LOSS Group ' ••••• : ; ' -X" . ' Drapes & Curtains Boys Sweaters Va Price Va Price One Select Group One Select Group Other Great Buys Below! II MK mmmmmmm Reversible Braided Throw Rugs 2/$288 1.50 ea. Qne se|ect Group Snow Boots Girls $400 Womens $500 * *600 *,'8°° Reg. 7.99 to Reg. 8.99 to 9.99 12.99 One Select Group 4400 W. Rt. 120 McHenry 385-4100 ^iin^uiiit» 189 *656 9 MlUf (UflOMtl