I'V V rj . PLAIVDKAI.KH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 0 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, " \]Ln Memoriam, Situation0 Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. - » The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas sified ads. after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 ajn. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:0Q a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 71 AMC Hornet! one owner. 29.(XX) miles, 6 cyl, automatic, ps AM radio. Dark blue viiyyl top. white walls $1,200 . 312-587- 9866 2-2-2 -A 1969 Chevy Impala, new tires $600 or best offer 385-3983 2-2-2-4 1970 BUICK ESTATE 9 passenger wagon. 1 owner, p.s., p b . a c , luggage rack. Ex cellent condition 312-526-5569 2-2-2-4 1967 FORD MUSTANG 8 cylinder, automatic, excellent condition 67,000 miles $1,150. 385-8591 1-28-2-4 1975 Cutlass Supreme, ex cellent condition, sandstone with vinyl top. 815-459-2423 1-5TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SEQUKES Highest Prices paid for Junk cars and trucks. Day or night. 815-459-0081 2-2TF1-2 ESTATE & CONSIGNMENT HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUES FARM FLUGER'S AUCTION SERVICE We'll Sell Them All Large or Small COL DONALD FLTJGER AUCTIONEER Member of National Auctioneer Assoc 815-385-5218 McHENRY 2-2TF1-2 FOR SALE i N a IRE#: REPAIREBt any make. In shop or home. Dodd Sewing Center 2911 W. Rte. 120, McHenrv 815-385-9120 2-2TF1-2 ************* §B0EDECKER UPHOLSTERING J Expert Workmanship J Large Selection of * * Fabrics * :* free Estimates * * Phone i * 815-385-5478 * '* l-26-4-2bir-l * ********* i<*** BEEF SPECIAL 10 Days. Only January 26, through Februaiar t Sides tec j Hind Quarter 98c j Front Quarter 69c j All farm raised grain fed j beef. i Marengo Packing 8808 S. Rte. 23 I I Marengo, U. 815-568-7234 1-26-2-4 J0TUL NORWEGIAN WOOD STOVES & COMBI-FIREPLACES Artistic quolity & efficiency. 12 beautiful cast iron airtight models. Smallest heats 46M) cu. ft. safely & evenly. Ex clusive area dealer. Roger Newton Builder. Caledonia 815-885-3074 1-28-3-11 McHENRY MARKET PUCE VERY REASONABLE 385-5441 BUSINESS SERVICES r • en 385-7448 TAX RETURNS Established for 22 years with * An experienced staff to handle your in dividual problems § * Prepared and verified on our in-house com- 6 puter * One day service * Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling PHONE 385-4410 For an Appointment Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. Highway 120 * McHenry, III. fOR SAL£ Hamilton gas dryer $35. Call after 5 385-4409 2-2-2-4 2 Polaris 1971 snowmobiles. One 335 TX and one 398 Charger One Gator double trailer $1,000 for all. 385-7450 2-2-2-4 Top quality wood burning stoves. Able to heat 4 or 5 room house $150 to $280 Call 459-5560 2-2-2-4 YAMAHA 100, excellent con dition $275. 385-0507 2-2-2-4 Duncan Phyfe table and 4 chairs, 1942 Rock-ola juke box Plays 45's. 385-4207 1-28-2-2 1974 Yamaha G.P.X., snowmobile, excellent con dition Must sell. 385-5593 1-28-2-2 1969 350 Honda, 1974 Indian on road or off road bike. 69 Chevy pick up truck. 385-5259 or 385- 9143. Call anytime. 1-28-2-2 Two 1975- 250 Artie Cat Z s, like new $600 each, four place custom trailer $1,000 . 815-338- 7260 { 1-28-2-2 Ladies Ice Skates, size 7, best offer 385-0494 2-2-2-4 11 cubic ft. Whirlpool upright freezer $75. After 5pm 815-653- 4800 2-2-2-4 3 Pc. bedroom set, dark wood, bookcase headboard $75. 815- 728-0700 after 5pm 2-2-2-4 QUILTS O o 11 Beautiful hand made, hand {} quilted. o o At reasonable costs. Wide selection Superb gifts. 815-385-5478 or | R & 0 AUTO SERVICE • 24 Hour Towing & Emergency Service I "We'll Get You Started This Winter" j i 815-385-5478 or • X 815-943-6149 \ 4 12-1-2-22TF-14 SN0U?M0BIL£S 73 El Tigre, 440 cc, excellent condition. $950. 385-8451 2-2-2-4 PETS FOB SALE Adorable dark brown miniature poodle pups. A.K.C. registered. 8 weeks old. 497-3051 2-2-2-4 Rare red Alaskan Malamute puppies. AKC registered, all shots. Champion bloodlines. $300. 815-943-7079 or 815-943-6692 2-2-2-11 WANTED RESPONSIBLE woman to share home and expenses. Write McHenry Plaindealer Box FE2, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, If. 60050 2-2-2-4 INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS given Monday through Saturday. 385- 4496 2-2-2-4 Complete Body Shop | | 4250 W. Bull Valley Rd., V% mi. West of Rt 31 j " 2-2TF1-2 PERSONALS Reduce excess fluids with Fluidex tablets - Bonus pill box in every package $2.39 Bolgers Drug. 1-28-2-16 "Grapefruit Pill" with Diadax plan more convenient than grapefruits -Eat satisfying meals and lose weight. Osco Drug 2-2-4-27TF-1 HAPPY 40th *• HELP WANTED HELP ID ANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FUTURE MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY large Corporation has openings for individuals. Up to $18,000 first year income. Prefer College Graduate or successful business experience. Applicant will receive excellent training and fringe benefits. An equal opportunity employer M/F Write Box FE 1, McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 2-2-2-11 AVON fitter the exciting world of, ibeauty and fragrance. Ex-1 icellent earnings. Make your, ownhours. Call Mrs. Bauer 385-5385 2-2 2-4 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ALL AROUND TOP MACHINISTS ALSO BRIDGEPORT AND LATHE HAND OPERATORS Only Experienced to Apply. Top wages to qualified applicont. Major Medical Insurance Paid Holiday and Vacation 4% Day Work Week Astro Craft Inc. 7509 Spring Grove Road Spring Grove, II. 815-675-2344 2-2 MANAGER (Part Time) To work part time 3 or 4 evenings per week. Super visory experience preferred. Must be Mature and depen dable. Apply in person only. Shwpbtt Theatres Crystal Lake, II. 2-2-2-4 NURSES-RN's/LPN's Keep active in your field by working flexible schedules. Full time or part time for Homemakers Upjohn. Hospital staff relief and private homecare in McHenry area. Earn $46 to $50 per shift. Professional Insurance included. No fee. Call collect 312-623-2777 HOMEMAKERS UPJOHN" 1-5-2-25 Wanted, dishwasher for evenings, 6 nights a week, write Woodstock Country Club. P.O. Box 227, Woodstock, II. 2-2-2-11 Mature woman for few hours a day-about 3 days per week, to assist with housework, per sonal care of invalid and oc casionally shop for groceries. Must like pets. Call McHenry State Bank-Ext. 31. 2-2-2-4 Wanted: Waitress for evenings 6 evenings a week, over 18 years. Send qualifications to Woodstock Country Club, P.O. Box 227, Woodstock, II. 60098 2-2-2-11 ;pooooooooGopoooococooooooooooooooooooooooq; MACHINE OPERATOR ASSEMBLER We are accepting applications for immediate openings on our day shift. Previous experience helpful, but will train qualified applicants. WE OFFER * Good Starting Wages * Excellent company paid benefit program which includes profit sharing, hospitalization, li(p insurance, vacation and holiday pay. I Apply in person 9KX)»m to 3:00pm KEMPER VALVE & FITTINGS COMPANY North Old Rand Rd. ft Route 12 Wauconda, III. 312-526-2166 2-2-2-4 SALES PERSON For immediate opening. Ex perienced in retail, wholesale grocery or drug line, helpful, but not necessary. . Exceptional opportunity for ambitious person with ability to accept responsibility. Apply in person McHenry Eby Brown Co. 3710 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. PART TIME HELP WANTED Must be able to start at 11:30am Apply in person BEEF VILLA 3709 W. Elm 17fTF12 2-2-2-4 ^•tfcbmpuTER N <5> OPERATOR Evening shift position available in a growing Data Processing Department. Need individual with background operating medium scale multi-processing equipment. Must be able to perform without -d»Efi£L supervision'and hp familiar, with All company--benefits. Salary experience. commensurate with Interested persons should apply in person or contact personnel at: 815-385-7000 Bmaki Parts Company 1600 N. Industrial Drive • McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 1-28-2-2 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Looking for a sales career that offers you an opportunity, not a job? We have such an opening at Pitney Bowes. If you con communicate, have a desire to work and succeed, we want to talk with you. . International Business Equip ment Corporation, with all fringe benefits. Starting salary dependent upon previous sales experience. Some out side selling experience desirable. 1st years earnings should be in „ excess of $16,000.00 Territory, Wolworth County and Northern McHenry Coun ty- For personal interview. Call Don Wingf ield 312-439-3000 PITNEY BOWES 2626 S. Clearbrook Arlington Heights, II. An equal opportunity employer 1-28-2-2 GENERAL OFFICE Prefer mature individual with good typing skills, and ex perience in payroll, accounts payable, traffic, etc. Precision Quincy Corp. 220 N. Madison St. Woodstock, II, 815-338-2675 1-28-2-4 REGISTERED NURSES Applications now being accepted for full time and part time positions. Apply to personnel dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111. 815-385-2200 ext. 645 HELP WANTED 1 I I I I I I STOCK ROM ATTENDANT Man or Woman. Some ordering, some lifting involved. Presently working 55 hours. Modern air conditioned plant, excellent star ting pay and fringe benefits. Accura Tool & Hold, Inc. 193 Elmhurst Street Crystal Lake, II. 815-459-5520 2-2-2-4 I I I I I I I ELECTRO--MECHANICAL PROJECT ENGINEER Growing manufacturer of fractional horse power motors, has an immediate opening in their engineering department. BSEE or BSME required with experience in the motor industry preferred. Duties will be consistent with previous experience, and will in clude basic design, modification! of standard motor lines to meet specific customer applications. * * * * * * * * * * * * * HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE Over 21, in good physical condition to work and maintain parking meters. Contact Chief of Police between 9:00am - 4:00pm McHenry Police Department No phone calls 2-2-2-4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?***************************} DRAFTSPERSON Excellent opportunity for an experienced draftsperson with an electro-mechanical background. 2-3 years experience or equivalent technical training preferred. Duties will include: Preparation of detail drawings, compiling bills of material, tolerance studies and some design lay-outs. Knowledge of gearing and small electric motors a definite plus. Rapid advan cement for the right individual. We offer the selected qualified applicant, an excellent work en vironment and an up to date extensive employee benefits pockage. Apply in person or send resume. C O f t P O N A T l O M r i i i MAINTENANCE MACHINIST 1 I I To repair tools and machines. Must be capable and experienced in using Lathe, Milling Machine and other machine tools. Good steady job at good wage. i i i i vJoiw Co\|>oVaUo%v 5801 W. Route 120 McHENRY, ILL. (815) 385-3500 11600 STERLING PARKWAY RICHMOND. ILLINOIS 60071 -PHONE 815-678-2031 Setter Harirtare thru ^Better T)esiqn CSSSSSS$SSSSSSS8SSSS EARN EXTRA CASH i Are you bored with your present routine? Would you like to average $50.00 an evening, showing QUEEN'S WAY TO FASHIONS on Home j Party Plarff For a personal interview Call 8T5-568-8211 or 815-B85-8488 2-2-3-30 SmiATWH WANTED Will do housecleaning in McHenry Area References Call 385-6633 after 5pm 1-28-2-2 FOR RENT 1 bedroom unfurnished lake front with privileges. $175 plus electric. Security deposit required. 653-9317 after 5:30 2-2 4 plex apartment unit for rent in McHenry. 2 large bedrooms, 1st floor, carpeted, private patio, stove, refrigerator, air conditioned, 14 baths, $240,per month, includes gas. heat and water, no pets, no children, references required. 1 year lease. Shown by appointment only. Available February And March Call after 6-615-344-1839 1-28-2-2 Jobnsburg area, furnished 1 bedroom apartment, with garage. Heat included. $175 month. Security deposit, references and lease. 385-0560 between 8:00am-5:00pm Monday through Friday. 2-2-2-4 Nice sleeping room by week or month. 385-1948 2-2TF1-2 1 mile from McHenry. Available February 1. Spacious 1 bedroom coachhouse apart ment in wooded country set ting. All utilities furnished $260 month. 815-344-1120 1-26TF1-2 STORAGE SPACE all- sizes inside or out. Monthly rental. The Keep Mini-warehouse. 815-455-0095 2-2TF1-2 V.F.W. Hall for rent. Seating capacity 400. Call 385-9860 after 6pm 2-2TF1-2 Warehouse or factory space, from 5,000 to 15,000 ft. 385-1079 2-2TF1-2 WEEKLY RATES avaUable on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 2-2TF1-2 2 bedroom apartment, range and refrigerator, lease and security deposit, adults only 385-8042 2-2TF1-2 REAL ESTATE WHISPERING OAKS- 5 room brick frame ranch, garage, central air, fireplace, extras! Owner. 312-788-2776 1-28-2-4 1-28-2-11 1-28-2-4 2-2 FOR SALE BY OWNER J2 Story Cape Cod Irooms, 8 rooms, 2'-j baths, fully carpeted on Fox River. Large wooded lot. $59,760.00 344-1632 . ) 385-6566 344-0748 2-2TF1-2