jpoooo<xweoeoB<0oooooee®S0eooodD*oooooeo< I Twice Told Tales "Mflflaaaaa<'#1""" " **~^~~~*^-nrrTmnfinnn 19 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ft, 1977 FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken fi*om the files of February 3, 1927) Two young lads from the notorious Chicago suburb, Cicero, created some real v excitement in McHenry Wednesday morning about 9 o'clock when they staged an automobile theft at the corner of Green and Elm streets, driving away with a Chevrolet coupe belonging to Harry Frye, linotype operator in the Plaindealer office. The two boys, who gave their names as Tony Wieczorek, Polish, aged 16, and Eugene Bellogombo, Italian, 18, of Cicero, were captured after a wild ride, at • the George Colby farm, north of the city. They were placed in the city jail and a short time later transferred to the county jail at Woodstock by Sheriff Cy San ford and his chief duputy, Joseph Wandrack. The installation of officers of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic daughters of America, took place on Sunday, Jan. 30, at the K.C. hall at 2:30 with District Deputy Miss Ann O'Neill of Chicago as installing officer. Mrs. Mayme Miller was installing marshal. This was followed with a banquet at Justen's hotel at 5:30 p.m. Miss Eleanor Phalin was installed as grand regent. The community high school was broken into and robbed of about $35 on last Thursday night. Desks were ransacked in the search for money and the prowler was successful to the extent of obtaining about $25 of the seniors' money. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 4, 1937) Pushing all thoughts of the Red Cross quota assigned to the local branch into the background, McHenry went over the top last week when residents and citizens opened their purse strings in generous contributions to the flood relief fund, reaching a total of $777.09, far above the earliest ex pectations of the workers. It is believed that the local fund will reach a total of nearly $1,000 before the contributions stop pouring in, again showing the generous spirit of residents. Mr. and Mrs. John Regner and family have been receiving very interesting letters from Miss Elsie Regner, R.N., who went with the first group of volunteer nurses under the direction of the Red Cross to the flooded city of Evansville, Ind. The red Cross has its headquarters in the McCurdy hotel, which is completely surrounded by 10 to 15 feet of water. She reports their only means of communication with the outer world is by radio or boat. They have no heat or light except candles, no water ex cept that brought by boat. McHenry's high school basketball team worked their followers into a high pitch of enthusiasm in the county tournament last week, but fell before a mighty squad from Woodstock in the finals. The score was 41 to 29. x>) TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 7, 1927) McHenry's City Council met on Monday night of this week. It was bill-paying night - the first meeting of the month. Bills totaled approximately $3,500 and the finance committee estimated income and expense for the final quarter of the fiscal year with much concern. A rigid program will be necessary in collecting all licenses and accounts due the city. In the waterworks department, notices are being sent out, setting a final shut-off date unless delinquent balances are paid. More lenient treat ment has failed in many in stances and, in fairness to all, the council feels that all water users must be treated the same. Results were evident in the city collector's report. The Fighting Warriors beat Marengo in two overtime periods, 75-73. The main heroes were Ron Ford who made 29 points and John Lawrence, who sank the winning basket. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 9, 1967) The McHenry Plaindealer has welcomed to its staff "Ken" Wise- as the newspaper's new advertising manager. Mr. Wise assumes duties formerly carried on by William "Bill" Moore, who left last week to become publisher of the Harvard Herald. More than 160 interested Republicans gathered in the McHenry high school auditorium Tuesday evening to express themselves on can didates for township offices to be filled early in April. Only one contest resulted, in which J R. Levesque of McCullom Lake was elected his party's choice to run for supervisor of McHenry township. Levesque's only opposition came from Dr. Raymond Watkins of Wonder Lake. The winner polled 107 votes against 52 for Watkins. Two young boys in the McHenry area will appear in family court following a shooting incident Tuesday afternoon in Huemann's sub division. Their identity was not revealed because they are juveniles. Sheriff's police said they were shooting a rifle out of the back window in one of their homes about 3:30. The bullets carried a distance of about two blocks, breaking a picture window and entering the home of Dan Frey. No one in the home was injured. St. Patrick's wins tour nament for second time in two years. Saturday afternoon, Feb. 4, 1967, was the big show down for local grade schools in the annual basketball tour nament. St. Pat's beat a good St. Mary's team with consistent outside shooting by a score of 48 to 33. _____ WHO KNOWS! 1. Name the Senate ma jority leader. 2. Who is the Senate min ority leader? 3. When was Michigan ad mitted to the U.S.? 4. Define renascent. 5. What was the first bi cycle called? 6. When did the first traf fic death occur? Usvtrs TO Who KROWS 1. Robert C. Byrd, Sena tor (D-WVa). 2. Howard H. Baker Jr., Senator (R-Tenn). 3. January 26. 1837. 4. Being born again show ing renewed life, growth or vigor. A dandy horse or walk- along. Reportedly, on Septem ber 13. 1899. 5. It's YOUR Money BY DONALD DALEY PRESIDENT •FIRST NATION AT BANK OF McHENRY WHAT DOES IT COSTS TO RUN A HOUSE? First you buy the house; you've saved for the down payment, budgeted for the mortgage. But you're not finished yet. Since 1970, according to the Chase Manhattan Bank, costs of running a house have risen an average 8V2 percent a year -almost 50 percent in all-and the increase was even more rapid in the later years. Sad to state, homeowners' expenses have gone up even more than median family in come. Result: a squeeze, and homeowners are hurting. Mortage payments tell part of the story. In 1965 the average monthly payment (interest and amortization) for the average new home was less than $120; by 1970 it was $200; in 1975, $275. Maintenance and repairs have risen an average of nine percent a year. Back in 1965 you could have an average-size living and dining room painted for $190; by 1975 that was up to $450. (Which explains the upsurge in do-it-yourself projects). Heating oil cost 16c a gallon in 1965; it was 39c in 1975. Electricity rates have zoomed some 55 percent (or more) since 1970, most of it in the last two or three years. Even natural gas prices are going up, when you can get it. Homeowners are also faced with big rises in real estate taxes, insurance, even watpv Through it all, homeowning is still one of the best in vestments around. You have real equity instead of rent receipts, and the value of homes continues to rise over the years, while you pay off that mortgage in cheaper dollars. Wheiner you are interested in f ving money ...or borrow- taTywfll find FIRST NATIC L BANK OF McHENRY most accommodating! You will aIso revive &st, personal service...with a smile! FIRST NATIONAL •BANK OF McHENRY. 3814 W. Elm St. Telephone 385-5400. tv\i >(Vt( .< )/VU K'Y tWMIJ FIX-UP SALE Home imDrovements? Let improv Wards doit! Ask our experts on any 15% off. Professionally blown-in insulation. 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