Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1977, p. 23

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SUCTION - P.\C»U 4 - PIMNDKALER-WKDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 2,1977 Let the sunshine in ir\ i im i » • i ^ • »- »• -- EDITORIALS Railroad Safety In America there are still far too many railroad crossings neither equipped with flashing lights nor safety barriers, to warn oncoming tnotorists of the approach of trains, On the ninth of last month, six members of a family near Erie," Pa., were killed when their car was struck by a train as they drove to church. That crossing was reportedly equipped with flashing lights which were working The tragedy occurred nevertheless. Barriers would perhaps have saved those lives. Barriers, of course, can't be erected everywhere in rural areas. Motorists must exercise caution. But mistakes are more likely where there is no barrier to automatically lower when a train approaches. They are costly and it can t be done overnight but eventaully barriers should protect motorists at every highway grade crossing in America Train speeds should be limited at additional highway crossings until the best safety measures are installed. Harbinger Of Spring The American association for the observance of "Ground Hog Day" might as well begin lining up its legion because the advent of February 2 reminds us that the traditional occasion, when the little animal come^-out of its winter burrow for a look about to see if it is time to resume normal activities, is upon us. The ground hog is perhaps our most famous weather prophet, but. unfortun&tely. not the most accurate to be found. The theory is that if the ground hog sees its shadow, it retires for another six weeks of sleep, but, according to the legend, if the sky is cloudy, it remains outside, with the assurance of an early spring. Liberal Attack Jimmy Carter is already being attacked by,some liberals, who complain the President isn't coming through for the left wing of the Democratic party. Ralph Nader was one of the first to denounce the Georgian and other liberals have followed suit in recent days. None of them have much cause for complaint. Carter was not the left wing candidate of the Democratic party in the primaries. The true left produced half a dozen candidates; Carter beat them all. Today, these liberals--who always get disenchanted with a President quickly, as soon as he doesn't give them everything they want--are denouncing Carter as if they won him the nomination. The truth is they almost cost him victory. In the election campaign. Carter's greatest handicap was the election campaign. Carter's greatest handicap was the liberal spend-and-spend tradition, which frightened millions of voters. Only by promising to balance the budget (in four years) and tacking to the center in mid- campaign did Carter salvage a narrow election victory. February, 1977 The Trees Stand Wistful in the Square, Wearing a Half-expectant Air. -Anne Lawler. The name February derives from the Latin "Febru- are," meaning to purify, and from church custom and superstitions. In the United States it is notable for con­ taining the birthday anniversaries of the father of this country, George Washington (the 22nd), and Abraham Lincoln (the 12th). Candlemas, a purification feast, is observed by Ro­ man, Anglican and Greek churches, and in others, on the 2nd. Many in this country know it as Ground Hog Day . The territory of Illinois was established on the 3rd, in 1809. Roger Williams, a famous defender of free­ dom of religion, arrived in Boston (from England) on the 5th in 1631. Boy Scout Day, commemorating its American charter­ ing, is the 8th, dating from 1910. William Henry Harri­ son, 9th U.S. President, was born in Charles County, Virginia, on the 9th in 1773. Thomas Edison was bom at Milan. Ohio, on the 11th in 1847. Abraham Lincoln was born in Harden County, Ken­ tucky. on the 12th in 1809, his ancestors having first settled -in Hingham, Massachusetts (from Norwich, jLngkmd). He lived later in Indiana and (at 21) moved to'Illinois. -James Oglethorpe landed at Savannah on the 12th in 173.3 and founded Georgia. St. Valentine's Day falls on the 14th, as well as Arizona Admission Day- dating from 1912 when Arizona became a state. THIN ICE BCACKSy MATIaM*.7 HEALTH _ | t*l9UOAHCE-J o& 7 program3 v l ' &v© CSPS V-3/ For Your Information l A, Dear fri«*nd«. A funeral with ihe body present give* identity and purpooe to the nerviee. A rlimate for mour­ ning rxiat* which allow* a natural (tharing of sorrow. Without the body, the eiprnuiion of «ym> pathy may be constrained and Icmh natural for many people, and makes the acceptance of the reality of death more difficult. Respectfully, PETER MJIJSTEN & SON FUNEPAL HOME McHenry, Illinois 385-0063 v ""' IP PS a#*-: .a-V -v .. -/? Extension Comments (By George J. Young, Extension Adviser, McHenry County, University of Illinois) Pesticide Certification The E P A. has a deadline from congress of Oct., 1977. to compile a list of restricted use pesticides. When they get their list compiled, it will be necessary to be a licensed custom spray applicator or a certified private applicator to be able to purchase and use restricted use pesticides The Illinois Department of Agriculture is responsible for issuing the certificates. The University of Illinois is responsible for the educational portion of the private pesticide applicators program. You can obtain your private pesticide applicators cer­ tificate by attending our Feb. 3 session. It will be held in building "D", McHenry County- Fairgrounds, Woodstock from 10:15 a.m. un til 3 p.m. (We have conducted this training three previous times for McHenry county producers. ' These were conducted on Jan 5. Feb 13 and Nov. 3. > Those that attend, if they wish, may make application to the State Department of Agriculture for Private Pesticide Applicators cer­ tification The State Depar­ tment of Agriculture does require that persons applying for certification, be present for the entire program . There is no charge for certification. The state plans to issue the cer­ tificates in Oct., 1977. and they will be valid for five years. Anyone who has attended one of the previous sessions, doesn't need to attend this one. Certificates from previous sessions will be mailed in Oct. 1977. This is to allow early birds to get the full five years use from them. 0 Anyone who hasn't attended one of our previous training for certification sessions and can't attend our session on Feb. 3, has another alternative. They can purchase the Pesticide Applicator Study guide and pick up a copy of the state's 100 question examination for Private Pesticide Applicators certification from our office. The state grades the examination: sixty-eight correct answers are required to pass The exam is an open book exam, that is done in the home. People are encouraged to at­ tend the Feb. 3 session, if at all possible because the planned presentations will be very worthwhile. At the three previous sessions, participants were especially appreciative of Dr. Bode's application equipment and calibration section. , "*77 Sheep Shearing Schools April 6 and 7 are the dates of this years sheep shearing school for northern Illinois. It will be held in Lee county at Am boy. Call Dave Plocher at '338-4747 or 3737 for details. Fertilizer Situation The low river levels and ice probelms plus the natural gas shortage could bring some problems in anhydrous, solution 28 and urea in the spring. These products depend on water movement and need to move up river and fill ter­ minals now. Congratulations Congratulations to the new new directors of the McHenry C o u n t y L i v e s t o c k association. Charles Budreck Jr., McHenry "and Gene Weidner, Harvard were the new directors elected at the association's annual business meeting last week. Jack Frank with the Illinois EPA gave an excellent presentation on 208 i non-point pollution) and possible regulations that will •affect agricultqre * Marketing ^ Dr. Tom Hieronymes, University of Illinois Marketing specialist, is coordinating our five session workshops on price forecasting and sales management. This will include corn, soybeans, hogs and beef» The doctor is considered by many as one of the best price analyists in the world. This promises to be an excellent series It starts lleb^. Call the office 338-3737 of 4747 for details. Pre-enrollment is desired so wfe caii order the handout material. Coming Agriculture Education Events Feb. 3, Private Presticide Applicators Training for certification, 10:15 a.m. - 3 p.m.. Woodstock. Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 and Mar. 7, Price Forecasting and Sales Management Short course, first session in Woodstock. Feb. 7, House plants, telenet, Woodstock. Feb. 10, Beef Feeders, forum, DeKaib. Feb. 14, 21, Vegetable gar­ dening. telenet, Woodstock. Feb. 15, 22, Mar. 1, 8, Home landscaping, telenet, Wood­ stock. Feb. 22, Dairy Calf Housing tour, Hebron area. Feb. 24, Commercial Vegetable Growers school, St. Charles. Feb. 24, Beekeeping for beginners, Woodstock. Feb. 28, Grain and Livestock Outlook update, telenet, Woodstock. Feb. 28, Mar. 7, Flower gardening, telenet, Woodstock. "Marine Corps veterans total 36,000 among the nation's 577,000 women veterans, the Veterans administration reported. Are You New In McHenry Area ? *********** Do You Know Someone New? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA ! M M ! . CALL JOAN STULL 385-5418 McHeniy % x I l i / I I J I IH l I t th­ rowing Rules Under Attack On many of the express highways and bridges in the five boroughs of New York City, only tow truck opera­ tors that hold a special fran­ chise can haul off a motor vehicle that breaks down or is in an accident. Even com­ panies with large fleets that have their own tow trucks are not allowed to use them to haul away their own property. New some of the biggest trucking lines operating in the city and an alliance of tow truck operators that are frozen out by the franchise arrangement have teamed up in a new political battle to get the local statute changed. They complain that the cur­ rent system leads to out­ rageous charges--fees of as much as $800 to tow away a large truck have been re­ ported--and to unsafe prac­ tices. Many of the franchised towers do not have the proper equipment for major rigs, the opponents of the present set-up argue. A new law that would give any tow truck operator ac­ cess to the NYC highways would provide substantial new business for those in nearby Connecticut, New Jersey and Long Island, says the United Towing & Road Service Assn., organizer of the new cam­ paign. ••• A Russian accent is be­ ing seen in some of the new styles. These match up well with boots. Culottes are p o p u l a r a s a r e p e a s a n t style blouses. Higher heels on shoes are in the shops. Oh, You Woman Rosie--Aren't you getting "Johnnie and Bill confused? Mary--Yes, I get Johnnie jonfusedone night and Bill the next. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this co­ lumn as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our co­ mmunity. Our only request is that the writers give - signature, full address and phone number. We ask too, that one individual not write on the same,subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we con­ sider libelous or in objec- tional taste.) RESCUE SQUAD TOUR "Editor: { "On Jan. 24 I had the privilege of escorting my seven Cub Scouts from Pack 162, Den 4. to the McHenry Rescue squad headquarters We had a very, interesting and in­ formative tour of the building, vehicles and equipment given us by Mrs. Dunford and Mrs. Baseley of the Rescue squad. *'The boys were very im­ pressed with the equipment and the skill with which it is used. 1 personally feel the Scouts learned a valuable lesson and wish that anyone who has not yet contributed to the Rescue squad fund drive would see the things we had the opportunity to see and hear. This is truly a worthwhile organization and McHenry residents are indeed fortunate to have this invaluable protection at their disposal. "Cut# Scout Pack 162, Den 4 "Geri Neubauer "Den Mother" March Of Dimes The annual fund-raising drive through the March of Dimes is now in progress. The worthiness of this cause cannot be doubted. It started when Franklin 4 Delano Roosevelt was President of the United States, and has continued since then. These drives resulted in the Salk and Sabin vac­ cines being developed through the support of the March of Dimes' funds. Polio, since the develop­ ment of the vaccines, has been almost controlled through vaccinations. The March of Dimes has branched out inta. many other activities resides polio, and much has been accomplished in the area of birth defects. It should be noted thai"' the March of Dimes is not a ^member of the United Fund, and is maintained independently of the drive conducted by the United Fund. This is the choice of the March of Dimes it­ self. Among the 136,000 women veterans released by the military in the past twelve years, 99,300 had obtained a high school diploma, according to the Veterans administration. * J KNOVV YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES IT BEST J #-**********************^*******+ I i i i LET S GET TOGETHER AND TALK ABOUT LOW-COST ' AUTO INSURANCE. Service Line M$HENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 385-4300 FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CUNIC 3409 W. Waukegan Road McHenry 385-6400 PARENTAL STRESS LINE OF McHENRY COUNTY Meeting Place: McHenr^County 24hours a day, 7 days a week Call 312-463-0390 STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT . REGULATIONS HOTLINE 217-522-5514 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-755-8660 Hours 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. week days (Ever had a problem involving the federal government and not know where to call? And then been given a runaround or referrals by persons who meant well but didn't know how to help? Ten specialists available at this center,) NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD Phone 800-621-4000 (For confidential conversation on problems dealing with run-away children) MOV ING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 (Complaints about interestate moving by companies, buses or trains. Sponsored by Interstate Commerce commission) CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION Phone 800-638-2666 (For questions or complaints on products ranging from toys to ovens) NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Phone 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about automobile safety defects or whether a particular model has ever been recalled. Valuable for those interested in buying a used car) GIVE ME A CALL FOR THE FACTS, LOW^COST .. HEALTH INSURANCE. I D LIKE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS ON LOW-COST HOME­ OWNERS INSURANCE. I D LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE FACTS ON LOW-COST LIFE INSURANCE. AMERICAN FAMILY N S U R A N C E AUTO HOME HEALTH LIFE AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY • MADISON, WIS. 53701 Call me for Details CHUCK LEWAND0WSKI 1108 Violet St. McHenry Phone 385-2304 EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INS. Fire, Auto. Farm, Lit* Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES «410 W. Rfe. 120, McHenry US-3300 DENNIS CONWAY AUTO-LIFE FIRE State Farm Ins. Co. 331* W. Elm St. McHenry, til. MS-7111 DR. LEONARD B0TTARI 303 N. Richmond Rd., McHenry Eyes examined Contact Lenses Glasses fitted Mon , Tues., Thurs., Fri„ 4-4 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Fri., p.m. Sat., t:30 to 3:00 Ph. 30S-41S1 or MS-1M2 McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES SALES-SERVICE A RENTALS Mon Sat*-S:30 Friday til »:00 *3 Grant St.. Crystal Lake K Ph. 4SM22* McHenry Telephone Answering & Letter Service • Answering Service • Car, Telephone & Paging Service • Complete Mimeographing & Printing Service • Typing & Photocopying Ph. 385-0258 Hmewav REALTORS Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 • VI CALL The PlijRdea! NOW This space is available and could bring new business to you. 385-0170 3932 W. Rt. 120, McHenry "GATEWAY TO YOUR FUTURE" CALL US (815) 385-4810 •? 11 nELL RADIAL TIRE FOR ALL CARS Europa Motors, Inc 2318 Rte. 120 815-385-0700 ED'S JL Sinn BARD STANDARD SERVICE *TflNDARP EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS Tires. Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products -x, PH. 385-0720 3817 W. ELM STREET CornMtl m at our quic quick-action copy center. FINEST QUALITY COPIES MADE ON XEROX EQUIPMENT See us, also, for every kind of Printing Need!! 3909 W. MAIN 385-7600 i NEW TRAILERS used HILLSBORO & OWENS DUMP-FIATBEDS-CAR HAULERS % Stidham Horse & Cattle Trailers jx Plus A Complete Line Of Braden Winches s ADAMS ENTERPRISES .3017 W. Rte. 120 * • McHENRY, ILL.' 815-385-5970 O

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