Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1977, p. 2

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GIVE PROFESSIONAL . CARE Exdusiy, Elm Str»«f noi* 385-0744 McHmn i ashion 1212 N. Green St. McHenry, Ofc. 8 FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL Beauty Salon .4 m e rica n L egio n A u x i l i a r y A e n s To Opera House Delectable Menu Scheduled Feb. 5 JULIE FREUND ALAN BEDNAR ^ SPRING NUPTIAL--Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Freund. formerly of McHenry. now living in Richmond, announce Uie engagement of their daughter, Julie, to Alan Bednar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Bednar of Antioch. Julie graduated from Marian Central Catholic school and Alan from Antioch high school. A late May wedding is being planned by the couple. The fourth program in this season s Creative Living Series sponsored by the Woodstock Fine Arts association features May Leonard s slide-talk, "Did Threads and New Ideas.•" Accompanying the program will be an exhibit of stitchery. crewel and needlepoint pieces inspired by children's drawings. The presentation will cover stitchery from ancieht times to the present. The slide-talk will be held at 10 a m at the Woodstock Opera House following coffee at 9a.m. Tickets are available at the door with reduced rates for students and senior citizens. Interested persons are in­ vited to luncheon with Mrs. Leonard at their own expense. Lunch reservations may be made by calling 338-6700. PAGE <5? • T PI. \INDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1977 May Leonard Brings Program Entertainment, The GALS women's group from the Faith Presbyterian church. 2107 W. Lincoln road. McHenry. are presenting a "Swinging Salad luncheon" Saturday. Feb 5. at 11 a m „ The Grant high school swing choir, consisting of sixteen boys and girls, will sing and dance their way through show tunes and popular songs familiar to everyone. A boys' quartet and girls' trio will also entertain. The salad luncheon will follow the entertainment. Over forty delectable salads will be featured, including Caesar salad. seafood. chicken, marinated vegetable and whipped cream dessert salads. Recipes will be available for all salads The G A L S have been busy hand dipping candles for the unusual handcraft table decorations, which will be given away following the luncheon For ticket information, contact Mrs. Tom (Karen) Thennes. Tickets will also be availat)le at the door By Pearl Cooper President. Mrs* Edward (Margaret) Datz. opened the January meeting of the McHenry unit of the American Legion auxiliary, after the advancement of the flags. The invocation was given, the singing of the Star Spangled Banner and the pledge ot Allegiance was led by Americanism chairman. Mrs. Roy (Lauretta) Homo. The charter was draped for departed members, Ruth Young and Jean McCulloch, by President Marge Datz and in the absence of the chaplain, Evelyn Osmon. by Eleanore Reid The committee reports followed Lauretta Homo. Americanism chairman, an­ nounced that a hand is to be placed over the heart at all times when singing the "Star Spangled Banner". She reported that she had given a flag to the Legion post and is to present one to the K.C. hall. After some discussion, it was decided to give all A.F.S. or foreign students an American flag as a gift when they speak before our group. Communications chairman, Mrs. Jack (Pearl ) Cooper, asked the members to please save duplicate articles for her book Mrs Dennis (Grace) Latimer announced that thirty- one families with 144 children received Christmas baskets and gifts certificates. She recognized Eleanore Miller and Pearl Cooper for their help and also the Lions Club, Rotary, Kiwanis, Rifle squad," Legion post and patrons of the Legion. Membership chairman, Mrs. David (Doris) Henken, an­ nounced that the annual membership dinner will be held Saturday. Feb 26, at 6:30 p.m. and all paid up members of the auxiliary are invited to attend. Members are asked to please call for reservations if they nian to attend. Husbands or Make Way for Spring! FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE BEGINNING WED., FEB. 2 • DRESSES • SLACKS • BLOUSES • SHELLS • LINGERIE REDUCED TO |J§§ THAN HALF PRICE SOME UP TO 75% OFF Juniors, - Misses - Half Sizes THE FASHION SHOPPE i007 N. FRONT ST. (Rt. 31) McHENRY, ILL. 385-7747 Members of the executive committee planning for the annual Church Women United luncheon meeting are pictured, left to right. Ginny Covalt, McHenry; Marge Fowler, Crystal Lake; Mary Brannock, McHenry; President Libby Podpora, McHenry, and Lolly Kloepfer, Crystal Lake. Church Women United Church Women United of Lake Region will meet for their annual luncheon Friday, Feb. 4, at 11:45 at First United Methodist church in Crystal Lake. The luncheon will be served promptly at noon, and will be followed by a brief business meeting, installation of newly-elected officers and worship The program. "Where Do We Go for Help0", will be a panel presentation by executive members of Forum for Com­ munity services. The in­ formation presented will be valuable help to the women attending. Bill Biscomb, president of the Forum, will give an overview of the work of the group and will be assisted in the panel by Jan Betustak, vice-president, who is affiliated with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation in the county; Mary Plocher, treasurer, from the Mental Health center in the community education program, and Tom Tollon who is with Pioneer center. Pat Seiling, secretary of the Forum and secretary- elect for C.W.U., will serve as moderator for the program. Officers of Church Women United to be installed at the luncheon are president. Sister Virginia Lawrence, Wonder Lake; vice-president. Almarie James. Crystal Lake; secretary, Pat Seiling, Crystal Lake; treasurer. Pearl Mc- Connell. Woodstock; planning g r o u p c o o r d i n a t o r s ; ecumenical celebrations, Lolly Kloepfer, Crystal Lake; ecumenical development, Pauline Helbig, Crystal Lake; ecumenical action, Lillian Bolger, McHenry, and com­ mittee chairpersons: com­ municating, Mae Stinespring, McHenry; finance, Nellie Cina, McHenry and nominations, Ginny Covalt. McHenry. Area representatives include Helen Skelly, McHenry. Two ad­ ditional members at large on the nominating committee to be elected are Libby Podpora and Marie Wykle. Church Women United in Lake Region is involved in many community services and sponsors Meals on Wheels in all three areas and the Clothing Closet located in Woodstock. Volunteers who serve regularly in these programs are especially urged to be present for the luncheon program. Women from participating churches are preparing the luncheon dishes. All church women are cordially invited to attend. There is no mem­ bership. Those attending are asked to bring a friend and join the group. Child-care will be provided. A sack lunch for each child should be brought. guests are invited for dancing at 9 p.m Mrs. Jerome (Elaine) Murphy, Department of Illinois. American Legion auxiliary president, and her husband will be special guests. Also invited are Mr. and Mrs Grover <Carrie)Petrie, 11th district president, and her secretary and husband, Mr and Mrs. Don (Marna) Norris. Florence Kennedy, McHenry county Council president and her secretary, Helen Neilson. will also be guests. Helen Birmingham, Com­ munity Service chairman, announced that two books were donated to the McHenry library, "The World Atlas of Birds", in honor of Junior past auxiliary president, Evelyn Osmon and "Epic Sea Battles", in memory of past commander. Elmer Weissenborn. She also announced that Ilaverne Gregory will show cancer film at the February meeting and urges all members to attend. There will be a doctor in at­ tendance to answer all questions. Members may bring guests if they would care to. Birthday greetings were extended to Lauretta Homo. Lois Crouch and Ruth Mrachek were winners of the Veterans Craft prizes. Phyllis Letizia was not present to receive the attendance award. Legislative chairman, Jody Sossong, urges all auxiliary members to support bills dealing with Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation for Disabled Veterans by expressing their opinions in letters, telegrams and personal contact, if possible, to members of Congress and to state Legislative assemblies. , Donations were sent to I S . S C . C a n t i g n y C o t t a g e Spending fund; l.S.S.C. Girls Scout troop; American Seminar Scholarship fund; U.S.O. Lounge fund at O'Hara field; Pioneer Center and Landscaping fund at the new department headquarters in Bloomington. A subscription was sent for the National Legislative Bulletin. Betty Bockman was refresh­ ment chairman for the January meeting, with her committee of Stella Rortvet, Chris Nixon, Dolores Hoover, Berniece Peterson. Emma Lieser, Pat Borcovan, Karen Alfcrd, Marie Bykowski, Anne Lee, Florence Black, Arlys Aim, Theresa Conway, Dorothy Wilson, Martha Raasch, Helen Bacon and Margaret Olsen. Jane Grothman will be refreshment chairman for the February meeting, which will be held Monday, Feb. 21. If you're . expecting, Register today! $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO EACH REGISTRANT Community Calendar FEBRUARY2 McHenry Grandmothers Club - Card Party - Dessert Lunch - 12:30 p.m. -- St. Patrick's Hall. FEBRUARY 3 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting -- 9:30 a.m. -- Lakeland Park Community House. McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Driver Refresher Course - Second Session - 10 a.m. to Noon - McHenry City Hall - Council Chambers. Blood Pressure Screening - First National Bank, McHenry - 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. FEBRUARY4 Church Women United - Annual Luncheon Meeting -- First United Methodist Church, Crystal Lake. - FEBRUARY4&5 Johnsburg Community Club - - Roaring 20's Night - 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. - Benefit St. John's Church Restoration Fund. FEBRUARY5 Faith Presbyterian Church ~ Salad Luncheon Follows Grant Swing Choir - 11 a.m. - Tickets From Mrs. Tom (Karen) Thennes or At The Door. FEBRUARY6 Order of Eastern Star -- Initiation Rehearsal - 2 p.m. - Acacia Hall. Roast Beef Dinner -- Zion Lutheran Church, Rt. 120 West - - Noon to 3 p.m. ~ Public In­ vited. Benefit Breakfast And Bake Sale - First United Methodist Church -- 8 to 11 a.m. FEBRUARY7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Executive Committee Meeting - 3:30 p.m. -- Land mark School. St. Patrick's Ladies Guild -- Meeting -1 p.m. - Church Hall. FEBRUARYS Town and Country Newcomers Club Meeting -- St. Paul's Church - 7:30 p.m. Business Meeting and Speaker - - "Right to Read" Program. FEBRUARY9 McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Loop Bus Trip -- Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. St. Patrick's^ Ladies Guild Valentine Luncheon and Card Party - Church Hall -- 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Public Invited. FEBRUARY 10 Job's Daughters - Advance Night - Acacia Hall -- 7 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Driver Refresher Course - Third Session -- 10 a.m. to Noon -- McHenry City Hall - Council Chambers. Knights of Columbus -- Regular Business Meeting -- 8 p.m. - K of C Hall Parkland School - Cary- Grove Swing and Acapella Choir - 7:30 p.m. Grade School Children Free - Minimal Adult Charge. La Leche League - Meeting - 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 12 Friendship Club Potluck Dinner and Meeting -- 6 p.m. - First United Methodist Church. FEBRUARY 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Meeting -- 7:30 p.m - East Campus Cafeteria FEBRUARY 15 Women of the Moose -- Meeting -- 8 p.m. - Moose Hall C C D. Parents Association Meeting - St Patrick's Church Hall - 8 p.m. FEBRUARY 16 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Bus-Luncheon Trip to Janesville, Wis. -- Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank at 7:30 a.m. Whispering Oaks Woman's Club -- "Neapolitan Night" -- 7 p.m. -- Men's Night. FEBRUARY 17 United Methodist Women - Potluck Luncheon and Meeting - Noon - First United Methodist Church - Marcia Mary Ball Circle Hostesses - Program, Home Missions. FEBRUARY 20 Pancake Breakfast American Legion Post 491 a.m. to 1 p.m. FFPRVARY 2! Regular Meeting - McHenry Unit American Legion Auxiliary - Legion Post Home - - 8 p.m. -- Cancer Films -- Members Bring Guests. FEBRUARY 24 Social Game Night - 8 p.m. -- K of C Hall. FEBRUARY 26 McHenry Unit American Legion Auxiliary -- Annual Membership Dinner -- Legion Post Home - 6:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 28 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria. IPUMflHCMt No Chargo To Our Snort . . . Money Orders , McHenry Savings -- AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 19HQ \T C I I« . . MCHENRY « ~ " • • W I I •* .** !NC8 1209 N. Green St. McHenry 385-3000 10520 Main St. Richmond 678-2061 m AMY RUTH BOBEK RICHARD ALAN RUPP PLAN FALL WEDDING-The engagement of Amy Ruth Bobek and Richard Alan Rupp is announced along with plans for a Sept. 17 wedding date at Bethany Lutheran church. Crystal Lake. Amy is the daughter of Mrs. BrUt Bobek of 441 Porter avenue. Crystal Lake, and Ray Bobek, also of Crystal Lake. She is a 1975 graduate of Crystal Lake high school. Rick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Rupp of 1321 Lake view. McHenry, and graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1974. SARNWICK PHOTOGRAPHY Auxiliary* Notes From V.F.W. #••••••••••••••• The Department of Illinois. Ladies auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, will hold its thirtieth annual Patriotic conference Saturday, F&b. 5. at the Ramada O'Hare Inn located in Rosemont. Guest speakers at the morning session will be Jean Bunnell, a psychic, Arline Kasparine who will speak on "Communication in the Adult." and a representative from Commonwealth Edison, who will speak on ecology. Bob Petty of Channel 7, ABC TV. will be the guest speaker at the luncheon session Members of the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 of McHenry who will be attending the conference are Renne Jende, Mary Kuemmel, Gerry Kuck. Ila Hogg* and Lucille Garifi. 3T He that loveth his wife loveth himselff -Ephesians 5:34- < MR. AND MRS. STEVE DAVIS FLORIDA HONEYMOON-The new Mr. and Mrs. Steve Davis are making their home in Wonder Lake following a honeymoon trip to Florida. The former Joanne Simon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Simon of 7301 Spaatz avenue. Wonder Lake, exchanged nuptial vows with Steve Davis Saturday. Jan. 15, before the Rev. Dorrence Tranel of Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davis, 4610 Ringwood road, Ringwood. The bride and groom are both graduates of McHenry Community high school, Joanne in 1976 and Steve in 1974. Both are employed in the area. v POPELKA PHOTO FEBRUARY SPECIAL YOUR HAIR A HOLIDAY.# WITH BUTTERMILK SHAMPOO c - GOOD FOR DRY, CURtY REG NQw ^ | $ 1 25 OR UNRULY HAIR $2.00 I.

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