PAGE 4 - P L,\ IN DRA UK RW E DNESDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1977 W./Daivd Diercks, Copley Memorial hospital. Aurora The seminar will begin at 9 a.m. and lasts until 4 pm Lunch will be available for a small fee. Nursing Seminar Scheduled Feb. 5 In Crystal Lake The Emergency Department Nurses association »EDNA) is sponsoring a seminar Satur day, Feb 5. at Martinetti's restaurant. 6305 Rt 14. Crystal Lake The theme of the seminar is . "Death and Dying. Grief and ^Grieving", and guest speakers Vt ill be Clarice A Schultz.^.N . Mnrris hoso"al. and Chaplain Pet Welfare EDNA members attending the seminar will receive ac credited continuous education hours THere is a fee for at tending For further information.- contact Sandy Bowe. (312) 497- 3215. The public is invited to attend, as well as all EDNA members THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 West Elm Street Established 1875 Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry. Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry. Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY iuoscribers are requested To provide immediate notice of change of address to The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W Elm St , McHenry. IL 60050 A deduction of one month from the expiration of a suBscription will be mad* where a chanoe of address is provided thHiugh the Po*t Office Departme"' Larry E Lund Publisher Adele Froehlich Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER mocuTim fn--rt utT INNA SUSTAINING IEMBER-1977 f r*« Prtu | * «*r SUBSCRIPTION RATES ^ear ....$10.50 i Year...............,$15.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County - Lake County I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Cats have a way of looking regal, even when relaxing. This lovely creature is looking for a new home to adorn through Pel Welfare. Please fall for her at 385-1771. Facts and Feelings on Spaying and Neutering By Chris Gillespie Every year thousands of our tax dollars are spent on con trolling and disposing of stray and unwanted animals. And. every year there are millions of cats and dogs put to death in pounds and shelters. These are the lucky ones. Other unwanted animals are hit by cars, freeze to death, starve, are caught in traps, or poisoned by spoiled garbage or poison set out for rodents. I personally have known of whole litters of pup pies and kittens dumped in rural areas, their fate left to chance Many animal lovers shake their heads at this situation, yet still keep their pets unneutered and unspayed with not intention of keeping their offspring. They don't want them to get McHENRY JEWELERS LINDENHURST JEWELERS GRAYSLAKE JEWELERS 3440 Elm (815) 344-1344 2054 Grand Ave. (312) 356-7474 143 Center St. (312)223-8444 UNIQUE JEWELRY DIAMONDS-RUBY-EMERALDS-TURQUOISE "WE DO DIAMOND 4 TURQUOISE CUSTOM REPAIRS' fat and lazy or spend the money. After spaying and neutering, sufficient exercise and controlled diet will helj> any weight problems. Neutering does* not change a pet's will keep. your male dog or cat at home and unscarred. Neutered males often avoid urinary tract in fections in later years. Your female pet very happily stays home all year round. Spayed females are not prone to sometimes cancerous tumors. Some people think a female should have a litter before spaying. This is nonsense. Even if you own a pedigreed dog or cat. only the best individuals of the breed should be allowed to reproduce. Every pet owner should take personal responsiblity for spaying or neutering their pets. Talk to yotfr veterinarian about spaying or neutering or contact Pet Welfare for advise. Our humane society is required by law to see that every female pet we place is spayed. We urge everyone to neuter their males. Our main goal is to stop cruelty to animals. If only wanted puppies and kittens are born, we will have taken a giant step toward our goal The following pets are available for adoption through Pet Welfare by writing to P.O. Box 143, or calling 385-1771. DOGS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION Beagle mix, female, 5 months, black with tiny white on feet. She is housebroken and good with children v Golden Lab mix", male, 15 months. He is very loving, has excellent disposition. Doberman-Shepherd mix, female, 1 year. She is U & dial 385-9400 * I his round-the-clock service is brought to you through the courtesy of McHenry State Bank housebroken and good with children. Golden Retriever mix pups, male and female, 12 weeks. . German Shorthair Pointer, purebred, male, 1 year, has had field training. Shepherd mix, male, black and tan, 6 weeks. He's had puppy shot. Terrior mix pups, one male, one female, black and white, 6 weeks old. They had first puppy shots. Wirehaired Fox Terrier, male, young adults, white with tan markings. He has all shots. Excellent companion dog. Poodle mix, mostly poodle, female, dark gray, 1>2 years old. She is small, housebroken and good with children. German Shepherd, male. 3 years, silver and black Has his shots and is very alert dog CATS AVAILABLE ' FOR ADOPTION Persian, female, smoke gray, 11 months, litter trained. Calico, female, 6 months, litter trained. Beige and White kittens. 4 months, both males, litter trained. Persian, long hair, neutered male, declawed, 1 year, litter trained. Domestic medium hair, spayed female, has distemper shot. She is black & brown, 2 years and is litter trained. Gray Tabby, male. 7 months. Very pretty face Long haired, female, white with orange spots. 12 weeks. Gary and black tiger, male, 5 months, litter trained. Tortoise shell, female, 5 months, litter trained. Black and white kitten, female, 12 weeks, litter trained. She has one black eye spot and one white eye spot. Gentle, white breasted cat, female, 1 year, litter trained. Health Officials Visit Hospital Two officials of the Illinois Department of Public Health recently visited the Emergency department of McHenry hospital and posed with members of the Mobile Intensive Care "program which is headquartered at the hospital. From left, are Mike Brown, physicians assistant of Critical Care Associates, Woodstock, who teaches the emergency medical technicians-I course; James H. Mowery. M.D., McHenry, who is project medical director of the MICU program for McHenry county-Western Lake county; Kathleen LaGreca, R.N., MICU program coordinator for McHenry County-Western Lake county; Mohammed Akhtar, M.D., M.P.H., chief of the Division of Emergency Medical Services for the IDPH; and Karin Swanson, R.N., MICU Project coordinator for IDPH. KEEPCOOL The State Energy office, a division of the Illinbis Department of Business and Economic Development, last week issued a plea that Illinois residents turn back their thermostats to sixty-five degrees. State residents facing emergency ' fuel supply problems during the current cold wave may call the "Energy Hot Line", (217)-782- 1986, for assistance from Fuel allocation officers at Energy division headquarters. DRUG PROGRAMS The state's drug abuse treatment capacity was in creased by more than 325 treatment "slots" across the state through grants announced last week by the Illinois Dangerous Drugs commission-.- Federal anti-drug abuse funds were awarded to treatment programs in Elgin, Kankakee, Peoria, Carbondale and Chicago. The commission makes regular awards of state and federal funds to assist local agencies in the fight against drug abuse. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS , PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF JOSEPH M. CROWLEY Deceased. FILE NO 76-P-396 Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Section 194 of the robate Act. of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on Jan. 10. i977, to McHenry State Bank. 3510 W. Elm St., McHenry. Illinois, whose attorney of record is Harry C. Kinne. Jr., 3431 W. Elm St.. McHenry. Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court. County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attornev. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 19.26. Feb. 2.1977) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on January 19th, A D. 1977, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, .ig post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as McHENRY OFFICE SUPPLY, located at 1260 N. Green Street. McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 19th day of January, A.D. 1977. Vernon W Kays County Clerk (Pub. Jan. 26, Feb. 2.9,1977) Legal Notice NOTICE TO SUBDIVISIONS WITH NON-DEDICATED ROADS IN NUNDA TOWNSHIP SUBDIVISIONS interested in expenditure of motor, fuel tax funds during the calendar year 1977 for maintenance and-or improvement of non-dedicated roads established prior to July 23. 1959 must make request for application forms by a delegated subdivision representative on or before February 15th. 1977 to Nunda Road District,, 201 Hickory Drive, Crystal Lake, 111. 60014. LeRoy Geske Highway Commissioner Nunda Road District (Pub Jan. 26, Feb. 2&9,1977) CORRECTIONS ACTION Governor James Thompson outlined a plan recently to deal with the "unprecedented crisis within the state's penal system." He announced that Charles Rowe will be retained as acting director of the Department of Corrections, and that Richard English will be deputy director. Thompson directed the new corrections team to begin work im mediately on problems of overcrowding, charges of racial discrimination and other problem areas in the state's correctional system. 1 CONSUMER GUIDELINES TAX TIP Illinois residents on active duty in the U.S. armed forces aren't required to pay Illinois income tax on their military pay but they are required to file a state income tax return, according to state Revenue director Robert M. Whitler. If commercial home-care products are not available when you need them, you can make your own fof cleaning windows and mirrors. For example, add four tablespoons of house* hold ammonia to one quart of warm water to clean ^greasy soil Add two table spoons of vinegar to one quart of warm water to clean water spots. | HOUSE OF QUAUTY Uununn's Meats, fish & Orli 5000 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY, ILL 385-3401 We Accept Food Stamps Mon. thru Sat 9:00 to 6:30 Fri. 9:00 to 8:00 Sun. 9:00 to 5.:^0 'WHEN YOU'VE TASTED PRIME...THERE IS NO CHOICE!" In Our Del? Always sliced fresh for you H0RMEL SPICED HAM HOFFMANN'S SWISS CHEESE J4 LB. Yi LB. SOFT SUMMER SAUS. m TAC0 CHEESE ALL BEEF BOLOGNA. ^lb. y2LB. OUR OWN SMOKED POLISH SAUSAGE $1 59 LB. TRY US FOR LUNCH! MADE TO ORDER" SANDWICHES Any combination of Lunchmeat and Cheeses from our Deli-Choose \oo\ from over 60 Varieties FRESH, VERY LEAN CORNED BEEF SPICES ADDED t 4 OQ ROUND OR • I " BRISKET * LB- EA. LB. SEA COVE WHERE YOU CAN BUY FRESH FISH 7 DAYS A WEEK AT REALISTIC PRICES (Fresh Makes A Difference) DEVILED CRABS.... 79? SHRIMP (Breaded) LOBSTER SLIPPERS.... .. 4 LQ. CI HI IU l\C D Stuffed with $185 rLUUnUtK Crab Meat) 1 EA. SEA SCALLOPS ... J3W »1J9 ... * L $119 ... A LI LB. LB. UCDDIMP finWineor nCKItlNb Cream Sauce) ... FRESH • NORTHERN PIKE GREENLAND ***** TURB0T. 99L AND MANY MORE i