Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1977, p. 10

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10 - PLAIN DEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1977 I I SERVICE NEWS Commendation Medal Earned 4econd Time J* Meritorious achievement at Vokota AB. Japan, with the x*56th Communications group. a$.an installation manager with duty in southeast Asia, has ^rned his second award of the (tjS. Air Force Commendation medal for Chief Master v€»rgeant Robert J Tracy, 'vfrhose mother is Mrs Marie J Yfracv of 4620 N Spring Grove fj^ad. McHenry. >lA|Sergetnt Tracy was presented the medal at Yokota. inhere he now serves as an •^fcectronics branch superin­ tendent with the 1956th. a part the Air Force Com- •toMjnications service cj The sergeant, a 1951 graduate ^'Jefferson < Wis. > high school, received his associate degree in 1972 from Parkland Junior college. Champaign His father. Ben Christensen. resides at 10272 W Grand avenue. Franklin Park Service With Marines Begins /nor Leo Backs "^Marine Sergeant Leo C B^cks Jr.. son of Leo C Backs > Sri. of 1508 W. Lakeview.' f^cHenry. has repurted for duty ppth the 2d Marine Division. Gimp Lejeune. N.C *»A 1971 graduate of McHenry high school, he joined the Marine corps in November. 1*71. Recognize Tom • 6.1 Gtaybaugh For $grvice Merit ^ptain Thomas A Claybaugh. son of Mr. and Mrs James D Claybaugh of 3512 W Broad street. McHenry. has received the Meritorious Service medal at Ramstein AB. Germany. Captain Claybaugh was cited for outstanding duty per­ formance as E-3A com­ munication systems manager with the Directorate of Engineering at headquarters, Efijtteropie Systems division, L^grHanscom AFB. Mass ?%£ captain now serves at Rctffistein as a communication electronics engineer with Detachment 9, Electronic Systems division, a part of the United States Air Forces in Europe. Captain Claybaugh. a 1959 graduate of McHenry Com­ munity high school, received a B S. degree in electrical engineering in 1968 from Arizona State university and was commissioned later that year upon completion of officer training school at Lackland AFB. Tex. His wife, Mary, is the daughter of Mrs. Ruth E. McVey of 6290 Birch Valley drive, San Antonio. Naval Exercise Involves Airman v I L Richard Morris f^avy Airman Apprentice Richard E. Morris of 5010 Park View, McHenry, recently participated in Exercise '•Readex 1-77" in the South China and Phillippine seas. He is serving as a crewmember aboard the aircraft carrier USS Midway, homeported in Yokosuka, Japan ' Vice Admiral Robert B Bald win, the commander of the Seventh fleet, exercised SVferall control of the Maneuvers from the Oklahoma feitv " Readex 1-77", which in­ volved twenty-two ships and nearly 200 aircraft, was ifeigned to test and enhance thte antisubmarine and antiair uarrfare preparedness of participating Seventh Fleet units Morris join»*d the Navy in SfcjMember. 1975 f MIR FORCE PROGRAM Under a recent decision by U.S. Commissioner of acation. enlisted Air Force personnel can now earn Associate degrees through the ©jrtimunity College of the Air Force '(CCAF), For further ^formation, contact the local A# Force recruiter at 40 Brink stN*et, Crystal Lake n a i h . ' ., | 9fi) , Dog Thief man who owned the corner in* store had a problem Every a dog would come by, steal WMPPte- and eat it. Finally, the pianer went to the police station ndfreported the dog to the desk fMHeant. "I can't do anything alboui it," the sergeant shrugged, (riding, "he's probably a police dog!" AP Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as specifically noted in this ad A&PACTS TO ~ CONSERVE ENERGY IN VIEW OF THE SEVERE ENERGY CRISIS BROUGHT ABOUT BY EXTREME WEATHER CONDITION'S, A 4, P HAS REDUCED MANY OF ITS STORE HOURS EFFECTIVE THIS WEEK. PLEASE CHECK THE STORE HOURS OF OUR LOCAL A &• P STORE NEW HOURS SUNDAY 9-5 M0N.-FRIDAY 89 SATURDAY 87 JANE PARKER ^ ^ ̂ ̂ White O *100 Bread ^ ' Jane Parker Wheat Bread Sap's Apple Pie Sap's Powder Donuts Vi 49c I 'HI 79c I 59c J ZlGGY S DELI ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLV N STQRES HORMEL BRAUNSCHWEIGER LIVER SAUSAGE LB. 1 DEL CATESSEN DEP'S 98 PLflYGOTERflfTTfl * • > neless Smoked Rump Picnics OR BOTTOM ROUND ROAST 5 T O 7 L B . A V E R A G E LB. Corned Hard Ham Smoked Canned Beef Salami Slices Butt Ham sw s $|49 PREMIUM • ^ LB. SWIFTS . -- PREMIUM WCQ WHOLE OR HALF STICK LB OR ROAST FULLY U "W COOKED | L0 boneless goetze fmM |£9 5 SIZE f & on OVEN READY Ducks 4 TO 5 LB AVG L B . F U L L R I B H A L F Pork Loin Roast L B . °0JND HALP - S 73 =CUND Q?C POUNC W h i t e M e a t C h i c k e n R o l l 1 Eckrich All Meat Bologna Busch All Beef Summer Sausage ^* 4 99c B L A D E C U T Chuck Steak L B . SandwichJlxinA S w i f t ' s P r e m i u m F r a n k s C h u n k B o l o g n a A & P C h i p p e d M e a t s S w i f t ' s P r e m i u m S l i c e d B a c o n B r o w n & S e r v e S a u s a g e s S m o k e d L i v e r S a u s a g e OR AAP WIENERS LAND OF FROST ALL MEAT CHICKEN SEVERAL VARIETIES OR LAZY MAPLE SWIFTS PREMIUM SWIFTS PREMIUM LB. 3-OZ. PKGS. PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY. FEB. 12, 1977 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS A&P All Purpose Flour 5CQ BAG wW m FLOUR <D Reynold's Wrap 25 FOOT ROLL A L U M I N I U M F O I L 29 REG & OR DIET OR PEPSI LIGHT 8 99 A&P Orange Juice -»»' 89 KRAFT-PROCESSED Velveeta Cheese 2 '179 LOAF | »• DARI-COUNTRY ,Colby Cheese s *149 NDOM • V :IGHTS | LB. Gallon Milk A & P 2% L O W F A T F O R A U T O M A T I C D I S H W A S H E R S Cascade D E T E R G E N T F O R U S E I N Y O U R D R Y E R Bounce FABRIC SOFTENER J>h0$SM J'Dod SpQcialA S A U S A G E 1 3 - 1 / 2 - O Z . S I Z E Totino's Pizza 7ft d(sbodlh&&&ajuhi(UdA RICH'S Coffee Rich FLEISCH MANN'S Egg Beeters Pot Pies DEAN'S Ice Cream 16-OZ CARTON 16-OZ CARTON SULTANA ASST VAR 4 SANDWICHES T2-CT. PKG. 1 29 89 >100 $120 ROSE MILK Skin Care Cream AIM-1 5c OFF LABEL > •; Toothpaste i V PEPSODENT * Tooth Brushes R I G H T G U A R D Deodorant 8-OZ 6 4V OZ. SIZE ADULT SIZE 99 89 69 s179 P CARY RTE. 14 & SILVER LAKE RD. HARVARD 106 W. SUMNER WOODSTOCK 220 N. JEFFERSON McHENRY 3750 W. ELM ST. AT YOUR/IP Round Steak BONELESS *119 I BONELES ROUND STEAK ' I LB. I SIRLOIN TIP STE SOLD AS STEAK ONLY LIMIT 4 STEAKS PLEASE MEET THESE LUCKY WINNERS $1000. WINNER $1000. WINNER $1000. WINNER Spare Pork Swiss Sirloin Ribs Roast Steak Tip T03 SIM) LB. AVG. PORK SHOULDER BLADE ROUND Sfl IIQ BONE • W W ARM CUT • LB. ROAST OR TOP • "W ROUND • . LB. Ground Beef w< APPROX 82% LEAN CHUCK QUALITY RONALt) R ROBINSON ANNA SABO JUSTiCE. ILL. CHICAGO. ILL. $1000. WINNER $1000. WINNER $1000. WINNER ^ (Jafm ĵohnA U)hahQ FULLY COOKED IN CREAM SAUCE Vita Herring Greenland Turbot Fillets Cap'n John's Fish & Chips Turbot Steaks Cap'n John's Ocean Perch Ship Ahoy Shrlmpeze Mrs. Paul's Fish Fillets 12-OZ. JAR LB. LB. OR HADDOCK DINNER 9-OZ. PKG. lO-OZ. PKG. BATTERED 14-1/2-0Z. PKG. FULL SHANK HALF i WATER ADDED LB. "KING OF THE ROAST" WHOLE Beef Rib Roast CHESTER HOWARD AURORA, ILL ROSE MARIE CHODL CHICAGO. ILL ODDS CHART as of •FEBRUARY 1, 1977 22 TO 35-LB, AVG LB. !M M.I 'I It I ASSORTED Pork Chops INCLUDES: • 2 SIRLOIN CHOPS • 6 CENTER CHOPS ~ •2SHOULOER CHOPS LB. This game be­ ing played in 130 par­ ticipating A&P Food Stores located in Northern Illinois, Northwestern Indiana and Dubuque. Iowa. SCHEDULED TERMINATION DATE OF THIS PROGRAM MARCH 14. 1977 SUBJECT TO EXTENSION IF YOU VISIT THE PARTICIPATING STORES 14 TIMES DURING THE PROMOTION YOU HAVE ONE CHANCE IN 2-1/2 OF WIN­ NING A CASH PRIZE GOOD ONLY IN CHICAGO DIVISION PARTICIPATING A&P FOOD STORES Riceland Rice 9 JW P K G S . | Welch's Grape I Campbell's Chicken Jelly ^Noodle Soup $tfOA ^IPLa P" tl 1/U i*M J 48-OZ. S I Z E NooiK.. 1 0 - 3 / 4 - O Z . C A N S PAGE 11 PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY t. lHt Legal Notice . IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY .. COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ~ ESTATE OF OLIVE M. HAWKINS Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-3 Notice is hereby givep pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on Jan. 27, 1977, to Richard C. Hawkins, Sr., 2406 Country Lane, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Donald W. Truckenbrod, 4108 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to - said legal representative and to- said attorney. MARGARET CP NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Feb f 9.16.1977) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT , OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ALBERT H. AHRENS Deceased, FILE NO; 77-P-9 Notice is hereby given Suant to Section 194 of the ite Act, of the death of the above named decedent and thpt letters Testamentary were issued on Jan. 27,1977, to Albert H. Ahrens, Jr., 3601 Queen Anne Rd., Woodstock, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Herbert W. Lutter, 10 Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal Lake, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood­ stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET CNEIL Clerk at the Court (Pub. Feb. 2,9,16,1977) Legal Notice NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on January 19th, A.D. 1977, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names ana post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as McHENRY OFFICE SUPPLY, located at 1260 N. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 19th day of January, A.D. 1977. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. Jan. 26, Feb. 2,9,1977) PABLO MATTEI CHICAGO. ILL. JOSE SANCHEZ CHICAGO. ILL. 100 A&P SALTINES 49c THIS WEEK'S FEATURE 3 Wexford Crystal ICED TEA GLASS EACH ONEIDA Bracelet FOR YOUR S W E E T H E A R T f • PRICE ft PRIDE • PRlCt ft PRIDE • PRICE ft PRIOE i! !! ii I " " SAVE 30c TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANY PAIR OF A&P PANTYHOSE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON 89c TO $1 99 LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY REDEEMABLE THRU FEB 12.1977 SUBJECT TO STATE SALES TAX ATREQ PRICE PRICE ft PRIDE • PRICE ft PRIDE • PRICE ft PRIDE SAVE 30c TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF ANY PAIR OF A&P PANTY HOSE WITH THIS COUPON (Di&covah Oahisdu at &&(p m m LARGE SIZE • Navel Oranges FOR WASHINGTON STATE RED Delicious Apples $1691 b »b0 r J Red Grapefruit Large Calif. Avocados Large Pineapples a t i A Q 5aking o .la'0*148 Potatoes _ „ ,A A Mum 3 ro„*l00 Plants t l ,0 Hanging *128 Baskets LBS. EACH FLORIST QUALITY 6 INCH POT-EACH 6 INCH POTS EACH $100 $349 $499 Foliage Plants Wild Bird Seed Potting Soil 4 INCH POTTED EACH $149 20 iM" 8 QUART BAG 89c IT TAKES A LOT TO MAKE A FOOD STORE GREAT... We're working at it! CARY RTE. 14 & SILVER LAKE RD. HARVARD 106 W. SUMNER WOODSTOCK 220 N. JEFFERSON McHENRY 3750 W. ELM ST. Legal Notice NOTICE TO SUBDIVISIONS WITH NON-DEDICATED ROADS IN NUNDA TOWNSHIP SUBDIVISIONS interested in expenditure of motor fuel tax' funds during the calendar year 1977 for maintenance and-or^ improvement of non-dedicated' roads established prior to July 23, 1959 must make request for application forms by a d e l e g a t e d s u b d i v i s i o n representative on or before February 15th, 1977 to Nunda Road District, 201 Hickory Drive, Crystal Lake, 111. 60014. LeRoy Geske Highway Commissioner Nunda Koad District (Pub. Jan. 26. Feb. 2 & 9,1977) MUSEUM DIRECTOR The Governing Board of the Illinois State museum has named Dr. R. Bruce McMillan director of the Illinois State Museum division. The division includes museums in Springfield, Dickson Mounds and Lewistown. Dr. McMillan has served as assistant museum director since 1973. He r e p l a c e s D r . M i l t o n D . Thompson who recently retired as State Museum director. CABINET APPOINTMENTS Governor James R. Thomp­ son recently announced the appointments of new directors for four major Illinois agencies. Theodore D. Puckorius was named to head the Department of" General Services and as interim director of the Department of Finance- Leo Eisel, presently director of the Illinois Division of Water Resources, was appointed director of the state Enr v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n agency. Arthur F. Quern, a former Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs, was picked to direct the Illinois Department of Public Aid. The Department of Mental Health a n d D e v e l o p m e n t a l Disabilities' director designate is Dr. Robert A. deVito, presently superintendent of one of Illinois' twenty-six Mental Health zone centers. t

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