p\(.!' II PI.AINOEALER-FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11. 1977 M RENT m RENT foil RENT . . . i apartment in . Hciirx \\jiilablo March 1. .i.irpltMoly furnished including itilitics Adults No pets S275 Month Call :>K.i 6752 2-9-2-11 i RK lliil SK Located 3 Hocks !r«<m Kast Campus U.S. \vailablo March 1st $300 :nonth plus security deposit. Will consider sale Call 385-^217 2 9-2 18 Office space. 1.000 square foot building, central air con ditioned. ample parking located 2917 \V. Route 120. 385- 1344 2-9TK1-2 Waterfront deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, immediate oc cupancy Adults no pets. 385- >493 2-9TK1-2 Condominium at Waters kcige. McHenry. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, drapes, carpeting, air con ditioning. garage with auto: door, no pets. $320 per month, 1 year lease. $300. 2 year lease 385-7760 2-11TF1-2 REAL ESTATE 1 nrale from McHenry. Available February 1. Spacious 1 bedroom coachhouse apart ment in wooded country set ting All utilities furnished $261" month. 815-344-1120 1-26TF1-2 OPEN HOUSE To the Public Bring your Valentine to see this lovely Home on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13 (ttM 1:00 P.M. t# 4:00 P.M. 707 Crestyiew Drive Ingleside, III. HI NC. WOOD, new duplex 2 bedroom, wall to wall car peting. built-ins. $250 per month plus' utilities. Security required No pets. Available immediately 312-272 4941 2-9TF1-2 .i bedroom. rec room. l'.« baths, central air. stove and refrigerator, fully carpeted 312-587-8558 after 6 2-9-2-11 2 bedroom house Wonder Lake Occupancy March 1st. $275 month Newly decorated inside & out Security deposit & references required 312-367- 6087 2-9-2-11 T.P. MATHEWS, REALTOR ! ^ x Regional^ L ̂ .t^/^Representative Gallery of Homes is a national referral service having 15oo offices and 15.000 Sales Representatives for the convenience and benefit of both buyers and sellers r WONDER LAKE Stately colonial home set on four artistically landscaped lots lined with fruit trees and a garden. Paneled rec. room with bar, franklin stone fireplace, four bedrooms, two and a half baths plus two car garage. Looks out over rolling countryside. $64,900. Quality was the first consideration in the building of this new colonial ranch home. Nice level lot, quiet area, country kitchen with pantry and wood patio deck off dining area. Lake rights in cluded Call today $35,500. Old fashioned cape cod set back on two wooded lots. Three large bedrooms, two baths, modern kitchen, basement and garage Two blocks to private lake. Spacious family home only $39,900. T. P. MATHEWS, REALTORS 7314 Hancock Drive 815-653-2061 or Wonder Lake, III. 815-385-6341 ATTRACTIVE RATE March - April etc. 2 br. 2 bath CONDO in Boca Raton, Flo. Owner bought larger. Completely furnished. Close to all shopping, restaurants. No car needed. $500 month 2 people, $750 for 4 - 10% disc, second mo., 15% 3rd mo. etc. Call 312-662-6455 2-9-2-18 ON THE FOX RIVER IN MeHENRV 5 large rooms, full basement, with parking for 2 cars. Phone 385-2140 2-9-2-11 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER 3 br. Cedar & Brick Tri-level, 1 Vj car att. gar. cement drive, deck, 1 '/j baths, Ige. fin. family room, paneling, w/w carpeting, inter-com, Ige. lot, many extras. Owner moving out of state. Sacrifice at $48,500 Call after 6pm 815-459-4306 2-11 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE # USE OUR GUARANTEED SALE AND TRADE-A H0ME PLAN UNPARALLELED ARCHITECTURAL CREATIVITY is quickly evident in what was previously known as the St. John's Personality House. 3 bedrooms, living, formal dining,* family with fireplace, ̂ completely equipped kit chen, full basement, and central air, all standing on 1 acre with professionally landscaped yard. Burnes QPrTUPPQ /A BROTHERS. INC 1 # ) ryj\ AAA ABUNDANT SOCIABILITY 1$ POSSIBLE within this new English Tudor 4 bedroom home inhabiting 1 acre in executive neighborhood. Equipped kitchen overlooks panelled sunken family room with fireplace. There's also a sunken living room, formal dining, central air and vacuum system, choice of carpeting, and full basement. As perfect a floor plan as possible. $85,900. RECREATIONAL AMENITIE$ are abundant across from this attractive aluminum sided 3 bedroom raised ranch, with panelled family room, huge eat-in kitchen with appliances, and full basement. Professionally painted murals in several rooms and lake and park rights. $43,500. SECLUDED-YET CLOSE TO EVERYTHING. We have a 3 bedoom home in Fox River Grove, surrounded by. spruce trees, in a lovely and peaceful neighborhood, within walking distance to shopping, train and school. Living room, formal dining, rec room with bar, new roof, and new 2'/> car garage, ideal for workshop. Only 1 '/i blocks to the Fox River and park area. $39,000. IDEALLY SUITED FOR THE GENTLEMAN FARMER. This property is presently set up as a horse farm with barn appropriately equipped, outbuildings, paddock, and a three bedroom home with family room and formal dining. It inhabits 12 acres, 6 of which are tillable, all for $130,000. TODAY'S BARGAIN - TOMORROW'S $ECURITY We think you'll agree when you see this sturdy 3 bedroom easy care aluminum sided ranch, convenient to shopping and schools with special features like lovely parquet floors throughout, bonus laundry room, and a beautiful fenced-in yard. $35,900. FOR RENT STORAGE SPACE all sizes inside or out. Monthly rental. The Keep Mini-warehouse. 815-455-0095 . . 2-2TF1-2 V.F.W. Hall for rent. Seating capacity 400. Call 385-9860 after 2-2TF1-2 Warehouse or factory space, from 5,000 to 15.000 ft. 385-1079 2-2TF1-2 WEEKLY RATES available on small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms. 385-0266 days, 385-8905 evenings. 2-2TF1-2 2 bedroom apartment, range and refrigerator, lease and security deposit, adults only 385-8042 2-2TF1-2 SNOWMOBILES 1973 Rampage Johnson 30 horsepower, excellent con dition. looks and mechanically like new $550 firm 385-5839 after 5 2-9-2-11 1974 Skiroule RTX 340, s n o w m o b i l e . t a c h . speedometer, new track $500. Call 385-4620 2-9-2-11 Broiled Potato Cut one medium peeled cross wise in one-eighth inch thick slices Place slices on rack with beef patty; brush with one teaspoon butter; sprinkle with dill. Broil until tender and lightly browned -- about six minutes Makes one serving. . CONSUMER GUIDELINES Safety Tips Some electric baseboard heaters are hot enough to cause materials touching them to burn. --Keep drapes, bedding, shag rugs, toys and all com bustible objects away from these heaters. tuiimilllWWHUW -- Keep stray electric cords away. --Clean the heater fre quently to remove dust and debris which could ignite. --Don't let infants crawl near electric baseboard. --Teach children that the inside coil -- even the out side metal cover -- can be hot enough to burn. 1972 FOX TRAC, new electric start engine, excellent con dition $325, 1970 Snow Prince runs good $95 . 385-5803 2-11 1972 Snow Jet. 292 cc. cover, extra belt. $425. Call evenings 653-9643 2-11 CARD Of THANKS My most sincere thanks to my family, doctors, nurses. Father Baumhofer. Father Schwartz, neighbors, and friends for services and kindnesses ex tended, during my hospitalization and during the long recovery. I am so grateful to those who stood by and prayed during the long hours of surgery, and especially my thanks to Mrs. Jack (Linnea) Thennes. Mary Thennes 2-11 Thanks to the wonderful CB operator from McCullom Lake, who stopped last Thursday night to help our daughter when she slid on the ice into a ditch; Also to his wife who called to say she was uninjured. God bless both of you. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Schau 2-11 MOTORCYCLES CHOPPER HEADQUARTERS COMPIHI SOJVtCE SHOP STOCK MO CUSTOM PARTS /,' , i , HU.IJWC IKLMNG • IMCHME SHOP CUSTOM parting eipoit wswg SITUATION WANTED WILL DO HOUSECLEANING in McHenry Area References. Call after 5pm 385-6633 2-9-2-11 >•••• J RIDIN -\\u\crn aUattit/ MOTOR SPORT INC 478-0320 3-145 north pulaU road chKjjo Anon 12-24-3-18TF-2 RIDING LESSONS Expert instruction. Special introductory series 5 LESSONS $20.00 OUR FARM McHenry 815-3440951 2-4TF-2 REAL ESTATE A f E. I THREE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU ---hESI 6315 NORTHWEST HWY. PHONE 815 459 5400 llllll [HUiJIIII llll |III! mill IIHIIIIIIIIH [III lllllll-lj-l-l^^ IN WOODSTOCK across from HORNSBYS 345 EASTWOOD W m I P H O N E J j | | t j J 4 3 0 7 W E S T R O U T E 1 2 0 11111|[I Hi PHONE 815 385-6900 •NATION WIDE REFERRAL SERVICE •FINANCING •MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE • APPRAISAL • INSURANCE STOP WHY PAY RENT ! i ti iA S This very attractive 3 bedroom, 1'/, both, raised ranch with finished family room, can be yours for only $36,600, on your lot. This same raised ranch starts out with a very low price of $33,500. We have city sewer and water property available. VETS! NO MONEY DOWN Let our home counselor pre-qualify you with no obligation in our office or over the phone. OUR MODEL OPEN FROM 1-5 DAILY Directions: west rt. 120, to Meadow Lane, turn north on Meadow Lane to Model home. Many other homes to choose from MARCH BUILDERS, INC. 4719 W. Rte. 120 i McHenry, III. HvJj 385-8180 fcner-jy Coiu^ervoOor Firemen Honored y Henry Buch and George Rodenkirch, in middle of picture, receive gold badges commemorating their twenty-five years of service to Company I, McHenry Fire department, from George Schmitt, president of the McHenry township Fire Protection district board of trustees. At far left stands present fire chief, Glenn Peterson. George Rodenkirch and Henry Buch of the Company I fire department, were honored recently at a wives' ap preciation night for the two men's twenty-five years of Handyman. Electrical and Plumbing. 385-2793 2-9-2-18 Experienced secret ary- bookkeeper desires part time position. 9-1 Monday-Friday or 3 days per week. References furnished. 385-4769 2-11-2-16 CARAOE SALE House Sale, at Home of B. & W. Enterprises 2-11-12 and 13. 10:00am - 5:00pm. New luggage, new carpets, new housewares, radios, tape decks, tape player, car speaker, antique glassware, furniture. 3,000 Dollars worth of assorted tools, 2714 Rosemarie Drive, Wonder Lake. II. 120 to Widdoff to the lake, right on the corner. 2-9-2-11 PETS m SALE Rare red Alaskan Maiamute puppies. AKC registered, all shots. Champion bloodlines. S300. 815-943-7079 or 815-943-6692 2-2-2-11 1 year old AKC registered Samoyed, male needs fenced yard $175 . 385-7942 2-11-2-16 service. The men join Ted Miller. Ed Justen. and Marty Conway, as twenty-five year members of the local fire department. While in the department, Rodenkirch has served two years as an assistant fire chief, one year as captain, and two years as a lieutenant »ucn has also served as an assistant chief, four years as captain, and one year as a lieutenant The McHenry Township Fire Protection district is comprised of three stations located in McHenry. Johnsburg, and Lakemoor. Rodenkirch and Buch have served for twenty- five years at the McHenry station The fire district has no full time firemen, but rather pay the firemen by the call. In honor of their many years of service, gold badges were awarded to the two new twenty- five year firemen. The firemen have asked that anyone who sees a blue flashing light on the dash board of a car, please yield to that vehicle because it is a fireman on call. The flashing light is the only means of identification the firemen have in responding to a fire. Driverless Truck Takes Jaunty Ride Into Gas Pump KINGSBERRY HOMES A freakish accident last week caused $300 damage to a fuel pump at a gas station belonging to Edward Koepke, when an unmanned truck banged into the pump at the service station, 3817 W Elm street. McHenry. According to the truck driver, the vehicle was parked and running for 10-15 minutes, with both the air brakes for the trailer and for the tractor on. Apparently, the air in the lines caused the unmanned vehicle to slide and strike the fuel pump. There was no ticket issued. A car belonging to Elizabeth A. Wanta, 4306 Sioux lane, McIIenry, sustained more than $200 worth of damage Saturday night, when it was struck by an unknown vehicle while parked in the McHenry Market place parking lot. Ms. Wanta staged she parked her auto in the lot to do some shopping, and when she returned, at 7:30, she found damage to the front end. No other information is available at this time. Steven C Bockman, 5118 W. Home. McHenry, was ticketed for an improper right turn, following a three-car collision last week at the intersection of Rt. 120 and Beach drive. Neither Bockman, nor the drivers of the other two vehicles, Ruthelaine T. Fick, 5015 Shore drive, McHenry, and Richard W. Lossmann, 2102 N. Richmond road, McHenry, was injured in the crash which caused more than $150 damage to each car. Bockman stated he was westbound on Rt. 120 in the inside lane and knew that the Lossmann car was in the outside lane. He then tried to make a right hand turn in front of Lossmann. Bockman added that he didn't think Lossmann was going asktest. as he was. Bockmati's tcft , after being struck by Lossmann, bounced into a vehicle driven by Ms. Fick, which was parked at the stoD sign on Beach drive. Lossmann stated Bockman was in the inside westbound lane when the driver made a turn right in front of him. Lossmann added that he ap plied his brakes, but couldn't avoid the impact. Fidel Benitez, Waukegan, was ticketed for following too closely, following a two-car accident last week on Rt. 120 in McHenry. Neither Benitez, nor the driver of the other vehicle, Victoria Stokes, 411 Mineral Springs, McHenry, was injured in the crash, which caused $150 damage to Stokes' car and $100 damage to the Benitez vehicle. Benitez stated , he was westbound on Rt. 120 in the outside lane, when he observed the Stokes car apply her brakes. He added that he couldn't stop in time. Ms. Stokes stated she was westbuund on Rt. 120, and yielded to another vehicle in front making a right turn. She added that she applied her brakes, and then next thing she knew, someone hit her. Charles T. Kozelsky, 923 N. River road,( McHenry, was injured last week in a two-car collision on Rt. 120.' The driver of the other car, Dominic Visconti, 5012 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, was ticketed for improper backing in the ac cident, which caused more than $100 damage to each vehicle. Visconti stated he started backing out of his driveway to the highway when the accident occurred. Kozelky, who was taken to McHenry hospital for treat ment of his injuries, stated he was westbound on Rt. 120 when the Visconti vehicle "just came out of nowhere," backing. Kozelky added that he tried to avoid the impact, but could not. Gerald L. Mayfield, 2914 N. Ringwood road, McHenry, was ticketed for failure to give aid or information at a property damage accident, following a two-car collision last week on Rt. 120. Mayfield's car sustained less than $150 damage, as did the second car involved in the crash, driven by Michael F. Brady, Woodstock. Neither driver was injured. Brady stated that he was westbound on Rt. 120 in the left lane when Mayfield cut him off. ^Brady further stated that Mayfield then drove further ahead, and supposedly stopped and got out of his car. According, to Brady, Mayfield then Ricked the Brady vehicle as it passed him by, and then got back into his car, and drove it into the right rear of Brady's vehicle. Mayfield then left the scene, not giving his name or any information. Brady supplied police with the license number, and Mayfield was ap prehended. In his statement to Police, Mayfield denied everything except the fact that he was westbound on Rt. 120 at the time of the accident. Dale L. Snell, 9107 Oriole Trail, Wonder Lake, escaped injury Tuesday when his car left the roadway, became stuck in sjiow, and struck a roadway sign on Rt 14 near Rt 120 at 8:10 p.m. Snell was not ticketed in the crash, which caused more than $100 damage to his car, and an unknown amount of damage to the highway sign. Snell stated he was traveling north on Rt. 120, and upon rounding a curve, observed a car in the ditch. He then slowed, and as he drove onto the shoulder, he became stuck in snow, causing the vehicle to slide into a roadway sign and into a ditch. A car belonging to Edward J. Bendig, 7607 Pheasant road, Wonder Lake, sustained $175 worth of damage Tuesday, when an unidentified driver ran into it while it was parked on E. Sunset drive. Bendig stated his vehicle was parked at 7702 E. Sunset drive, Aand he was visiting a friend there. He further stated that at 9 a.m. he left, but his car remained. Upon returning at approximately 10:20 a.m., he observed that his vehicle was struck in the left rear. No other vehicle was seen in the area, but there were some snowmobile tracks near his car. Terry T. Wall, 6308 Giant Oaks, Wonder Lake, was neither ticketed nor injured in a one-car accident Tuesday at 10: 45 a.m. on Raycraft road in Greenwood township. However, he did $250 damage to his car, and also damaged a wooden fence post belonging to Joseph Miller, Chicago. Wall stated he was south bound on Raycraft road at approximately 30 mph when he observed another vehicle northbound on Raycraft road, but in the southbound lane. He added that he slowed and tried to get off the roadway onto the shoulder, which was snow covered. He further stated that his car slid into a ditch, striking the fence. Wall described the car which ran him off the road as a black or dark blue, '75 or '76 four- door vehicle. Cyrus R. Broman, 315 Draper road, McHenry, was injured last week in a one-vehicle mishap on Draper road. Broman refused treatment for his injuries. The accident caused more than $100 damage to his car He was not ticketed. Broman stated he was nor thbound on Draper road at approximately 20-30 mph. He added that his windows were fogged and he couldn't see well. Donna M. Valentine, 9117 Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, was not injured when a car she was a passenger in, was in volved in a two-car crash last week at the intersection of Rt. 120 and Court street. Gayle H. Gondeck, Wood stock, was ticketed for an improper left turn after causing the collision with Donald J. Kaminski, Palatine, in whose car Ms. Valentine was riding. Ms. Gondeck stated she had made a left turn from west bound Elm onto Court, and didn't see the Kaminski car because there was a truck in the eastbound lane stopped to make a left turn onto Court. Kaminski stated he was eastbound on Rt. 120 and saw the Gondeck vehicle turn onto Court from Elm street. He f»dded that he applied his ** brakes, but couldn't avoid the crash. Norman E. Dresser, Sharon, Wis., was not injured last week when the car he was driving ran into an Illinois Bell Telephone line, breaking the wires on John street. Dresser stated he was making a delivery, when he accidentally caught the telephone line with his trailer, breaking the lines. There was no ticket issued. Two men from out of the area, Edward Goetzelmann III, Barrington, and Wayne Leiske] Greendale, Wis., were taken to McHenry hospital for treat ment of injuries sustained Saturday night when the car they were in ran into an electric pole on Draper road. Goetzelmann stated he was northbound on Draper road at approximately 45 mph when he hit an icy spot, lost control, ran into a ditch, and struck the electric pole. There was no ticket issued Christopher E. Barney, Crystal Lake, was not injured Friday night when the car he was driving in struck an electric pole on Draper road. Barney's car sustained more than $100 damage and there was no ticket issued. The'driver stated that he was northbound on Draper road when his car slid off the road into a ditch, hitting the electric pole.