X PAGE 5 - PLA1NPEALER-FR1DAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1977 DO-- SAVE HORNSBYS family cenrers^: HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER 4400 W. RT. 120. McHENRY RT. 47 8 CNTRY. CLB. RD.. WOODSTOCK OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 6 Prices effective while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities Armstrong tJSSi* IV •>,t adhesive PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB.18 THRU FEB. 20 -- •Of IQfl mmmmm iiimwiiiiii r*» 10.7/5 *48" COr>diti PAINTED GUnERING --Easy To Install-- GEORGIA-PACIFIC Vinyl Shield Paneling 587 You'll never worry about walls again...vinyl shieldtm paneling can take rough treatment. Easy installation & maintenance. Assorted colors to choose from. 5" Gutter 10' Lengths, reg. 6.17 4 i87 3" Drop End For 5" Gutter, leg. 2.21 1 37 Mitres For 5" Gutter res. 2.46 76 3" Gutter Elbow REG. 1.28 96* 3" Conductor Pipe reg. 6.83 4 [87 4'x8' reg. T & 8" Prevent leokaQe & wet walls with HWI painted guttering. Lifetime wear...no special tools needed! Pre-FinishecM Vinyl Mouldings T Casing ™* 1.58 1.17 10'Casing r.g. 2.21 1-76 8' Base reg.2.21 8' Crown reg. i.46 .1*17 8' Inside corner r.fl. tr... 67* 8' Outside corner r.g. .. 76* T Stop reg. 1.13 8 T 8' Cap reg. 1 .08 87 Notched Shelves fit together perfectly for mult iple units Unfinished Louvered Shutters Assorted sizes to decorate any window in your room. reg. 1.76 to 6.64 20% OFF t INSULATION AND WE'LL LEND YOU THE BLOWER!! REDUCE HEATING & COOLING BILLS DRAMATICALLY! It is so easy ONLY to do-it-yourself! • 30 lb. Sag covers about 30 sq. ft., 6" deep -/V few minutes, f a few turns got it made! - beautifully aTul economically, "easy-turn ' our Choice? ^7C M Chrome Standards: 24" Standards - 93* 36" Standards ] 32 48" Standards I76 72" Standards 246 _£hrome Bracfcf f« B" Brackets 73* 10" Brackets _ 83c 12" Brackets 0 0 Your 8" Spindles 10" Spindles • 12" Spindles ^ No Glue ... No Mess 3 AUTHENTIC STYLES 97 Gerber (14 x 36") Spindle Shelves 46 Easy-Shelves From I f MADD UACT 9 Easiest way to install shelving, wall standard and brackets. Easy shelves that match up with spindles tor beautiful furniture. Qenova «5YS™5 RIGID VINYL SPANISH EARLY MEDITERRANEAN AMFRICAK Shelf Sizes; 8 x 24" 2*6 8 x 36" 337 A w 4A" 457 -- ID x j.* AO 1 1 10 x 36" CO > 0 a * 1 0 x 4 8 " 5'7 12 x 24" - 376 12 x 36" 456 1 2 x 4 8 " 596 ALEXANDER GIVES YOU EVERYTHING TO INSTALL GREAT LOOKING SUSPENDED CEILINGS IN YOUR FAVORITE ROOMS! $ 12' White Main Runner 'eg. 2.26 4' Cross Tee reg. 73' 2' Cross Tee reg. 37* 1«7 24"x48" ceiling Panels reg. 1.67 12"xl2" Assorted White Ceiling Tile r«g. 21**027' 128 20% OFF GEN0VA QUALITY PIUMBIN6 SYSTEMS t£X• » foot sections. WiW reg. 2.42 3/4"*l0' reg. 4-64 \y2"xl0' reg. 3-97 3"xl0' reg- t®-7* l87 357- 2" 876