« * Provide Unique Care For 'Special' Persons Crop Highlights TIME TO EAT - Rick Connell, center, lines up with other members and families of Scout Troop 162 at their annual buffet luncheon-court of honor as Assistant District Commissioner Jim Kirk looks on. Troop 162 is sponsored by American Legion Post 491. (Photo by Art Tully) Hold Workshops For Election Authorities The State Board of Elections will sponsor a series of workshops for Illinois school board secretaries and school district officials, it was an nounced by Franklin J. Lun- ding, Jr., chairman of the Board. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF VERNIE H VEH- MEIER Deceased, FILE NO. 77-P-32 Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Section 194 of the robate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on Feb. 17, 1977, to McHenry State Bank. 3510 W. Elm St.," McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Harry C. Kinne, Jr. 3431 W. Elm Sj^, McHenry, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 6 months from the date of issuance of Letters and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NElL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Feb. 23, Mar. 2 & 9,1977) Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School Tistrict No. 156 will receive sealed bids on Win dows, Doors, trim and hard ware for the 1976-77 Building Trades House. Bids will be accepted until 10:00 a.m. Monday March 7, 1977. Specifications may be obtained at the office of the Principal, 4724 W. Crystal I -<ke Road, McHenry, IL. i^sday, March 23, 1977. Edward J. Neumann, Jr. Secretary, School Dist. No 156 (Pub. Feb. 23, 1977) BET PR0H88I0NA1 carpat darning rrailtsl (Htkit/mulf'friut) RENT OUR RINSE N VAC-tha naw portabla, aasy-to-uaa hat watar attraction carpat claming machina that fatly. ... rinaaa carpat fibars with hot watar and claaning solution looaana ami lifts all dirt, grima and raaiduaa to tha carpat surfaca whara thay ara immadiataly laavas your carpats CLEAN. FRESH and ODOR-FREE! "0 wmmt CUMf CMffll / J- CUMIN HIM TNIM CUMil tOBfilR (I2%HRS.. $5.00 MIN.) Rent tor only PER HOUR ONLY $12.00 FOR 24 HOURS. ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. Elm St. McHenry, III.• 3850722 The workshops will be held Tuesday, Mar. 1 through Tuesday, Mar. 8 in various parts of the state. Last month, The State Board of Elections, in cooperation with other agen cies, conducted workshops for municipal and township clerks. According to Lunding, the workshop-seminar plan is part o fthe board's continuing education program organized in conjunction with the board's rple of assisting local authorities in the conduct of Illinois elections. State Board of Elections staff members will lead the March "Respite Care" is a new service provided by the McHenry County Association for the Retarded, which aids the developmentally disabled and their families. Respite Care is designed to provide Short-term residential care to a developmentally disabled child or adult during a crisis, emergency, or during a family's absence from the home. The program will serve all children and adults in McHenry county who are develop- mentally disabled. This in cludes children enrolled in Special Education classes in the county, people in Pioneer Center programs, as well as individuals not enrolled in any program. Many families in the county are unable to get away due to an emergency for a vacation because someone close to them is developmentally disabled and requires special care. Respite Care is available to help meet the needs of these individuals. Pioneer center has con tracted with several different residential facilities to provide sheltered and skilled care, as needed. Respite Care also includes a foster parent program and a homemaker- sitter program. The foster parent program involves families opening their homes to care for developmentally disabled children or adults. The homemaker-sitter program involves an individual who would go into the home and stay there to care for the child or adult during the family's absence. People performing these services will be paid by the day for providing them. workshop in discussions of the duties and responsibilities involved in upcoming school board elections throughout the state. In this area, a workshop is scheduled for the College of Lake County Blue Lecture hall, Wednesday, March 2, from 1 to 3 p.m. Those desiring to use Respite Care, or heeding further in formation, should contact Pamela Pekovitch, Respite Care coordinator, at 344-1230. . Although emergency service can be provided, advance notice is preferred to insure the most appropriate placement. Those interested in working as foster parents and homemaker- sitters are also encouraged to apply. Citrus production is now expected to total 15.2 million tons, off 12 percent from January 1 level, but 3 percent greater than the 1975-76 season. The reduction from last month was primarily due to the January freeze damage to Florida's crops. Orange output is now forecast at 248.6 million boxes, an 11 percent decline from month earlier levels, but still 3 percent larger than last season's total. Grapefruit production is now placed at 69.9 million boxes, down 11 percent from last month, but only slightly below the 1975-76 total. Lemon production is now estimated at 26.6 million boxes, unchanged from Jan. 1 prospects but 49 percent above the short crop last season. Potato production for the 1977 winter season if forecast at 2.4 million cwt. 17 percent below Jan. 1 and 21 percent below a year earlier. PAGE 17 - PLAFNDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1977 Five Family Features Are Offered For Public A new fashion in hair-dos has the hair in a scoop, cover ing the ears and forehead. If it is not becoming to your face, pass it up. The short waisted woman should stick to the half size dresses. If unable to get half size pant suits she should buy separates, as shoulders and hips are usually different sizes on the half size woman. Give Minerals' Technical Aspects At March Meeting The Hiawatha Gem and Mineral society will hold its next regular meeting Tuesday, March 1, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Patrick's church hall, McHenry. The first portion of Part 3 of the instructional series will be covered at the meeting Part 3 deals with the technical aspects of minerals, and includes historical geology of rocks, minerals and fossils. By the time this notice is printed, the club members will have made its first field trip of the year to the Lazardo museum, Elmhurst. Field trips to two gravel pits of the McHenry Sand and Gravel Co. are tentativejy scheduled for the second /and sixteenth of April. / , Anyone intertested in the hobby of rocks, minerals and fossils is invited to attend the meeting. • » • * The lucky man is the one who forgets his bad luck. The Alliance church. 3815 Bull Valley road. McHenry. (at Rt. 31) is presenting five programs of interest to the McHenry community in the next twelve days. Beginning Wedneday, Feb. 23, at 7:30 p.m., the South family will be bringing a time of Gospel o singing and testimonies. This fine family has a wonderful reputation for fine singing, and comes highly recommended. Thursday and Friday, Feb. 24 and_25, at 7:30 p.m. the Rev. Phan Van Nam, former pastor and director of the Christian and Missionary churches in Vietnam, and now pastor of the Vietnam church in Chicago, will bring messages in Viet namese. Mr. Nam has also ministered in T V. and radio in Vietnam. His messages will be interpreted by the Rev. Stanley Lemon of South Holland. Ill Saturday, Feb. 26, there will be a Youth rally at 2 p.m. and a Family night at 7:30 p.m., both meetings being led by the Rev. Frank Buckley, ventriloquist. His friend, "Daniel ", will also be featured. Mr. Buckley has a message for both youth and adults that is well worth hearing. Finally, on March 6, at 7 p.m., the church will be showing the film, "Creation vs. Evolution." This " film is promised as a challenge to all thinking people everywhere. Pastor Gerald Robertston would like to extend his own personal invitation to all of McHenry to come and fellowship with the church during these programs. Drafty Space If you keep your mind sufficiently open-people will throw a lot of rubbish into it. -Record, Columbia, S.C. Overdoing Most people who hand out small talk seem to think it must be done in large quantities. -Eagle, Dothan, Ala. M O f V T C K Y ihVL\ y Automotive values. Wards finest glass- belted bias-ply tire. 16to'29 2nd Road Guard when you buy 1st tire at reg. low price plus f.e.t. each and trade-ins. TWO WEEKS ONLY! LIMITED 30.000-MILE WARRANTY SALE PRICE 2ND TIRE TUBELESS BLACKWALL SIZE REGULAR PRICE EACH PLUS K.E.T KACH A78-13 C78-14 BEAUTIFUL MADE-TO-MEASURE BEDSPREADS BY E78-14 1^78 G78-14 H78-14 G78-15 H78-15 $56 $25 2.87 'WITH TRADE-IN WHITEWALLS $4 MORE EACH J78-15, L78-15 WHITEWALLS AVAILABLE AT SIMILAR SAVINGS Road Guard sale priced thru Feb. 22 Quality retreads. Any 13" Any 14" Any 15 tire in stock tire in stock tire in stock *13 *14 *15 Plus .28-.58 f.e.t. ea. tbls. blk. and recappable tire. Whitewalls 1.50 more ea. Treads may differ Fits many US cars. Installed free. 4 shocks, installed. FEATURING ROC-LON "QUILT-EZE Moat US car Nize*. LININGS ncji. •> I.% Includes 4 heavy-duty 17> piston shook* and ms|;i tion. Helps give you sure steering and smooth rid* BEDSPREAD LINING LIMITED WARRANTY Steel-belted radial whitewalls. • 1 steel, 4 rugged rayon belts • Responsive radial polyester plies LIMITED 40,000-MILE WARRANTY~ Montgomery Word warrant* each of its passenger car tires (or o specified number of miles when used on passenger cars or station wagons (except toms) If your tire does not give you this mileoge becouse of (1) failure due to defects in material or workmanship, or (2) premature tread wearout (2/32 inches or leu remaining), unless due to misalignment. Montgomery Word will reploc* the tire for a pro rota charge based on mileoge used Montgomery Word also worronts its passenger car tires when so used ogainst failure due to normal road hazards during the first 50°o of the specified mileage During this period Words will 'eploce the tire for a pro rata chorge based on the mileage used All pro rata charges based on specified worranty mileage for tire and selling price in effect at the time of return of the tire at the branch to which returned, including federal excise ta* Passenger tires used on taxis or vehicle* other than passenger cars or station wogons ore warranted on the some basis ogainst defects m materials and workmanship only For worronty service return tire with booklet issued ot time of sale of t>re to ony Montgomery Word bronch Free TUBELESS REGULAR WHITEHALL ALSO PRICE SIZE KITS EACH- SALE PRICE EACH PLUS K.E.T. EACH BR70-13t $52 $36 2.26 ER70-14 205/70R-14 $65 $45 2.74 FR70-14 215/70R-14 $69 $48 2.93 (JR70-14 225/70R-14 $74 $51 3.08 HR70-14 235/70R-14 $80 $56 3.33 GR70-15 225/70R-15 $79 $55 3.13 HR70-15 235/70R-15 $86 $60 3.35 JR70-15 245/70R-15 $90 $63 3.54 LR70-15 $96 $67 3.63 RAISED WHITE LETTERS (NOT ILLUSTRATED) BR70-13+ $53 $36 2.26 ER70-14 205/70R-14 $65 $45 2.74 FR70-14 215/70R-14 $69 $48 2.93 GR70-14 225/70R-14 $74 $51 3.08 GR70-15 225/70R-15 $79 $55 3.13 •WITH TKADK IN »SINGLE KAIJIAL PLY 5.07 off. Battery shot? Buy our popular Get Away 36. Practically any of the many hundreds of famous Waverly patterns, arid tex tures can be made to your exact specifications in the bedspread size1 and style of your choice. They're qual ity crafted to keep their beauty longer. Roc-Ion "Quilt-Eze" linings retain their.snow-white look and assure a fluffy high-puff. Waverly matching made-to-measure draperies too! T| nY CARPETS 11UI & RUGS 200 Washington u«.nc Rt. i2o&Bu» Rt i4) Woodstock, III. (815)338 1000 Mon., Thurj., Fri. 8 to 9 Tues., Wed., Sat. 8 to 5 Sun. 12 to 5 Regularly 31.95 Packs up to 300 cold cranking amps for fast starts in engines to 300 cu.in. Rugged polypropylene casing. Other batteries low as 19.98 exch. Save 2.07 Do it yourself with Wards garage creeper, 36"L hardwood frame, plywood ^*88 body, vinyl-cov- ered head rest. Road Tamer Radial sale priced thru March 1. Heavy-duty muffler. InHtalled prire. h ith many US car*. 1 5 r r o f f a l l o t he r muf f l e r i i n s t ock . Muffler shot? Replace it now and save. Wards Supreme muf fler's steel construction and spec ial tuning chamber assure years of silent operation. Save 33% Our air filter helps vour car run clean. Helps improve He*.2.66 m i l e a g e . F i t s most I S cars, | 77 Breather filler 1.19 FOR ALL YOUR AUTO NEEDS, WARDS CHARG-ALL CREDIT IS THL CONVENIENT WAY TO SHOP I Need an expert? See us. [uvlulij FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THE AUTO SERVICE IS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 8:30-5, Sun. 12Noon-5 10."» NorthneMt Highwu> Route 1 1 Phone l.)9-f»l.)0 FREE PARKING