Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1977, p. 19

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Scout News • *":'x : : -vs . • : > • m I' - * .O*: DERBY WINNERS ~ Cub Scout Pack No. 162 of McHenry held its annual Pinewood derby recently. The proud winners were presented with trophys. Pictured, left to right, are, first place winner, Kent kraus ; second, D.J. Welch, and third, Mark Dunford. by JOSEPH COOLS s t u f f p s y c h o l o g i s t -- mm from the Family S«rvic« and Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County r SERVICE NEWS 1 (Editor's note: This is the fourteenth in a series of especially written articles for McHenry county readers. Joseph Cools is a psychologist on the Family Service ,and Mental Health Center ktaff. This article is "Coping - Post Partum Depression ") Childbirth is a traumatic process both physically and emotionally for most mothers. Besides the actual physical discomfort and pain associated with the birth process and the couple of weeks following birth, there is an immediate and rather drastic change in the mother's body chemistry, particularly the endocrine system. Hormones that had been produced in abundance during pregnancy are suddenly stopped, while hormones that had been supressed during pregnancy are re-activated. The drastic physiological change that occurs at this time can precipitate a feeling of depression that is clinically indistinguishable from a functional, or emotionally based depression. In most women, the feeling of depression does not start until at least two or three days after the birth of the child, and may not begin until two weeks following birth. Most women who report having gone through a post partum depression feel a loss of energy, uncontrolled crying, general feeling of sadness, irritability, and, at times, a feeling of anger or resentment directed to the child and husband. Feelings of wanting to commit suicide are frequently reported in post partum depression, although actual suicide attempts are rarely encountered. The symptom of depression may be short-lived, lasting only a week or two, but may be prolonged over a period of up to six months. In mild cases, no professional intervention is necessary if the family is supportive of the mother and able to talk to her and un­ derstand her feelings. In severe or prolonged periods of depression, professional counseling and-or medication to relieve the symptoms is warranted. Next: Coping with a newborn. Early Symposiums Originally, the word "sym­ posium" meant "drinking to­ gether." In ancient Greece, a symposium was a catered party at which from three to nine guests would eat and drink and be entertained by dancers, musicians, jugglers and cour­ tesans. CHORAL CONCERT The Elgin Choral union will present its second concert of the season Sunday afternoon, Feb. 27, at 3:30 p.m. in Hem- mens auditorium, Elgin Civic center, 150 Dexter court. The program will consist of the Requiem of Gabriel Faure and the Stabat Mater of Gioacchino Rossini. Thomas S. Wikman will be conducting. [habotkre STORES VYCITAL'S PRO HARDWARE 1228 N. Grasn St.,McHenry 385-0098 COUPONS GOOD THROUGH FEB. 28, 1977 Save 8.99 Stainless Bowl Set SAVE 5.11 p©Gn®0 of the [^©OOGCD ONLY Made by Vollrath. Consists of VA, I'/i, & 3 quart bowls. COUPON COUPON 3.79 Outdoor Thermometer SAVE 1.81 1.49 Metal Lap Trays SAVE 72C With bracket. Easy to read through the window Handsome lap trays for informal serving with coupori with coupon COUPON COUPON Ironing Board Pad & Cover SAVE I.H) 2.98 Westclox Timer SAVE 2JO 7.98 Long ringing depend able timer. Sets up to 60 minutes For standard size ironing boards. 188 with coupon with coupo COUPON \ma*tertu*t 4-PC. NYLON PAINT BRUSHES PKG. % of 4 • with coupon Contains 4 brushes ..1 each of | 1/2 inch, 1 inch, 1-1/2 inch and i inch sizes. (51) COUPON 1.19 Wooden Spoon Set SAVE 42« Four spoons from 9" to 14" long. 77$ High Blood Pressure: A Need For Awareness SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 23, l»7t Communication Course Chosen By John Vesely Marine Private John R. Vesely, son of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Vesely of 1904 Parker avenue, McHenry, has completed the Marine Corps' Communication Center course. During the 10-week course at the Marine Corps Com- munication-Electronics school, Twentynine Palms, Calif, students received instruction on the installation and operation of the com­ munication center equipment used by the Marine Corps. They studied touch typing and the procedures for preparation, transmission, receipt and delivery of messages. They additionally learned to operate manual teletypewriters and the equipment associated with the automatic digital network (AUTODIN) message system. He joined the Marine Corps in May, 1976. Almost everyone knows someone who has high blood pressure, but few are aware of its significance. To doctors, hypertension, the medical term for high blood pressure, is a silent "killer. Since it has no usual symptoms, most of its victims don't know they have it. If left untreated, hypertension can take years off a person's life and can cause heart attack and stroke. High blood pressure still remains a medical mystery to researchers; in 90 percent of all cases, doctors can't pinpoint the cause. The - American Heart association estimates that 23 million Americans have this silent and mysterious disease. Of that number, only half of all the hypertension victims know they have it. Surveys have indicated that only 10 to 20 percent of the population with high blood pressure receives adequate treatment. This disease is a contributor to two major killers in this country - heart attack and stroke -- which together claim nearly 900,000 lives each year. In spite of these grim facts, there's a bright side to the outlook on high blood pressure. It can be easily detected by a simple, harmless and inex­ pensive test. Once found, it usually can be controlled with drug and diet therapy. Black Americans, in par­ ticular, should be aware of the dangers of high blood pressure. Hypertension, gs an underlying factor in heart attack and stroke, takes on special significance here, since blacks suffer more strokes at an earlier age, and with more severe results. Hopefully, ongoing research will provide medical science with more knowledge about the causes and prevention of high blood pressure. Research, along with in­ tensive community education and hypertension screening programs, are top priorities of the American Heart association. All of this is necessary to assure the heart- health quality of this nation. The Heart association suggests the public should give generously when a Heart Fund volunteer calls in the month of February. m WHAT'S NEW NO NEEP FOR A SPARE iVffH SlB^J IN6ERT CFGLt£6 Fi&ER. IT R75 AK0UNP kvWEEL iNSlPB0F- T\R£, k/HEN T\<& LOC&> AIR. ihlB TREP eevru^ covn ONI INZBRT, 6UFW?7)N£' "THE CAR. ANP PE#?Mf75 PR WING UNTIL- T\Re CANl BE REPAIRED. -- CONFER DURING DEADLOCK - Governor Thompson and Senator Schaffer discuss the Senate leadership deadlock djuring the final hours of the five-week fight which saw Senate Democrats bitterly divided until the 186th roll call. Senator Schaffer indicated that the only good that had come out of the marathon Democrat squabble was that he had an ample opportunity t6 discuss the problems of the 33rd district with Governor Thompson. Who's On First? A musician was on his way home from a job late at night when he caught a burglar breaking into a home. Putting his trumpet to his lips, the musician blew a resounding blast to alert the homeowner. The resident woke up. grabbed the burglar and said: "Have you seen a crazy trumpeter anywhere around here?" Instant Replay PUNCH LINE : M *0014 & 1 m E COME ON OUT SO / CAN SEE WHO YOU ARE, OR I'LL COME /N AND SEE WHO YOU WERE. DUE TO SEVERE WINTER WEATHER AND OVERBUYING OF MERCHANDISE, WE MUST MAKE ROOM FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD AT SACRIFICE PRICES Yes. . . i t 's t rue! Thursday, Fr iday and Saturday, p lus a l l next week we wi l l o f fer legi t imate d iscounts of 10°o 20% - 30% - 40%and 50%off re ta i l pr ices on qual i ty famous name nat ional ly advert ised brands of furn i ture , bedding and appl iances. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS -- UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY OR USE MASTER CHARGE OR BANK AMERICARD I f , for seme reason, voi - ' have wai ted to purchase a s ingle p iece, roomful or houseful of famous name furni ture , qual i ty brand bedding or nat ional ly advert ised appl iances, then wai t no more! This week, and next week only , we wi l l o f fer the buying publ ic the most sensat ional of a l l sa les that we know wi l l be the ta lk of the furni ture and appl iance industry for years to come. But . . .p lease. . .no dealers wi l l be a l lowed to p».«chase. Necessi ty forces us to se l l a t sacr i f ice pr ices. The bad weather , specia l purchases and our usual in ­ coming stock f rom al l over the country have crowded our warehouse and our in the store inventory . We have 41 ,000 square feet of furn i ture on display crowded f rom wal l to wal l that must be removed because of the delayed del ivery of furn i ture . We are forced into a solut ion. E i ther rent another budget warehouse, which would cause us to t ruck a l l furn i ture and appl iances to and f rom one locat ion to another or s imply chop a l l pr ices to rock bot tom, cut em to the bone, forget a l l possib le markups and prof i t - and le t the publ ic have a buying hol iday - wi th t rue, uncontested savings that have never , never never been seen in th is type of re ta i l t rading. Because of the volume of i tems especia l ly for th is sa le , we couldn' t possib ly l is t them al l , or even a representat ive port ion, because of s ty les , colors , fabr ics , models , e tc . , each of which is pr iced at near cost and below. We only ask that you bel ieve us when we say never before in the furni ture , bedding and appl iance industry 's h istory has there ever been a sale l ike th is . Sofas, s leepers , chairs of a l l k inds, carpet ing, l iv ing room sui tes , tables , china cabinets , buf fets , d in ing room sui tes , beds, dressers , chests , mirrors , mat t resses, box spr ings, bunk beds, bedroom sui tes , k i tchen sets , re f r igerators , washers , dryers , f reezers , wal l decorat ions, knick knacks, te lev is ions, radios, and stereo hi - f i 's too. . . l i tera l ly hundreds and hundreds of indiv idual p ieces of furn i ture , bedding, appl ian­ ces wi th reta i l pr ices you know to be t rue. . .but specia l sa le pr ices that wi l l seem impossib le to bel ieve. . . impossib le to rea l ize . . .but never the less t rue. . .because i t is a case of d i re necessi ty to se l l , se l l , se l l to the bare wal ls i f we possib ly can. And wi th the savings of fered, the response of the buying publ ic wi l l be fantast ic . We expect i t to be , because fo lks just l ike yoursel f know a sale when they see one, and cer ta in ly , th is is the b iggest sa le of i ts k ind ever held anywhere. . .anyt ime. . .anyplace! No other dealer could ever compete wi th these va lues! SPECIAL ATTENTION, ALSO, TO MAPLE AND COLONIAL BUYERS... Also on display wi l l be a fabulous array of maple furni ture for every room in your home. . . l iv ing room, d in ing room, bedroom plus wal l decorat ions and knick-knacks. . .each and every i tem tru ly a col lec­ tor 's i tem. . .a l l , o f which, wi l l be of fered to you, th is week, a t t ru ly generous discounts of f regular re ta i l pr ices. Yes, i f your home is a l ready furnished in colonia l decor , or i f you have ser iously contem­ plated a furni ture change toward the Ear ly Amer ican t radi t ion, then we cer ta in ly urge you to v is i t us th is week. YOU HAVE THE FACTS! NOW...HERE IS WHERE THE SALE WILL BE HELD... This sa le-of -a l l -sa les , a ten day event , wi l l be held in the hear t of McHenry County , rea l ly only a few minutes dr ive f rom your own home. The sa le wi l l take p lace at MARTIN'S HI -WAY FURNITURE, where you' l l f ind 41 ,000 square feet of home furnishings ond appl iances to choose f rom. We're convenient ly located on c i ty routes 14 and 47, in Woodstock, I l l inois . | Cer tatn ly , we d be happy to answer your te lephone inquir ies . S imply ca l l 338-0404. Our specia l s tore hours are Monday, Tuesday and Fr iday unt i l 9 p .m. , other evenings unt i l 5 :30 p .m. and i f necessary , we ' l l even stay open any evening you wish to make an appointment . Yes, we take proper care of our customers f rom the moment they walk in . 'MARTIN'S HI-WAY FURNITURE 4 CITY ROUTES 14 & 47, WOODSTOCK, ILL. \\

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