o SKrrio\ ' IVXt.l J I'l.AINPK VI.KR-WKDNESDAY, MARCH9,1J&7 MCC Takes 'Dim' View Of Lighting Situation McHenry County college officials are turning off some of the outside lights at the college's campus on Rt 14 as an enerev saving measure. Parking lot lights at the campus are being controlled manually instead of letting a timer system turn on all the lights when they might not all be needed In addition, outside lights on the second floor of the MCC Main hall are not turned on at all except for the lights on the front of the building. The college will continue to light the first floor of the building's perimeter at night, however, for security reasons. 'The lights are a deterrent. Turning all the lights out would be an invitation to trouble," explains Vincent Genovese, MCC chief of security. "The mercury vapor lighting outside the building is less expensive to operate than other outsit aght systems.'4 The college has received some complaints about the outside lighting from citizens concerned with wasted energy and the cost of running the lights, according to Dr. James R« Davis, MCC president. Davis said that the lights on the perimeter of the building were required by the State Capitol Development board as a condition for state funding to help build the MCC campus. Davis noted that while neigh boring Harper college is not lighted at night, that college relies on a full-time security police force to protect its campus. At MCC, the lights enable one security guard to adequately protect the campus with the help of patrols by the county sheriff's department. One reason the MCC lights seem bright is that the campus is located in an isolated area away from city street lights or shopping areas. "If we were next to a shopping center no one would notice our lights," said Davis. Genovese said the outdoor lights, while important, are only part of the security system at the new MCC campus. "The college buildings are locked at 10.30 each night, and are locked on weekends except when classes are in sessionl Only eight keys to the buildings have been' issued to key personnel. Other faculty or students who need to get into the buildings when they are locked must make an appointment with the security guard to be let in," he said. "The college also has a vandal alarm system which is activated by noise. The alarm is in operation whenever the security guard leaves one of the buildings on the campus. The alarm is a silent one which telephones two MCC officials Enprau Certificate Fiums C Walnut woodgralnad finish. Full strength glass. Choosa from sizas •" x 10",i%"x 11". 11" * 14": (Mckptlit 30 x 30 FUtr Pillow KH Kit contains 5 hoio interlock 100% cotton canvas oxtra bulky oggsholl ocryllc yarn, noodle and illustrated instructions. HORNSBTS ^ fami ly centers ^ 4400 W. RTE. 120, McHtNRY, ILLINOIS RT. 47 ft COUNTRY CLUB RD. WOODSTOCK. ILL. HOURS: DAILY 9 TIL 9. SUNDAY 10 TIL 6 PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 THRU FRIDAY, MARCH 11 Prices effective while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quontitlas. !«* V Wl ACOL OR » KXKOOIDH IVOUkCCXO* 7 Palorsld Polacolor N Film 8 true to Ufa color pictures for land pock cameras. Single pack 108. I s Polaroid Sapor Skotftr Plus Outfit Mfgr. List $38 Outfit includes the most versatile instant picture camera made and carrying case. Color plcturas In 60 sees. 81k. and whlto in 15 sacs. PLENTY O' SAYINGS FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY A|ax A|ax tho color safa laundry detergent that's stronger than.dirt to get your clothes their whitest. 49 oz. EapLM HaaOa ^PoOOn IPwinPy aWle A beautiful Felt hat that comes in kelly green. Looks and feels like an old fashioned derby. Cke|||||A With Net sr Pip* YOUR CHOICE Excellent for use as a button hola pin. Show your Irish this St. Patrick's Day. PoarsM's Irish Mint Pattlss Delicious green foil wrapped mints. A great treat for the whole family. 12 ox. bag. Tampax Tampans REG. 1.51 Tampax Regulars or Supers in economy packogo of 40. Croat iva Excalionca is an Amaricar Tradition . . da\ partywarej *ti 8 Craabv* Exca*i«nca >• an Amancs* TraOtion H0RNSBYS -- f a m i l y t e r n i i % - Boy's ft Youth's Boat Cat Flares •YIEE BOY'S SIZES 4 to 12 REG. 8.16 2 7 YOUTH SIZES 25-30 Waist REG. 10.86 ^7 Authentic Western Pants For The Young Set. Easy care polyester & cotton. Choice of bold checks in blue & white or brown & white. Reg. 3.96 Mfgr. List S6 to S9 g Special purchaso on 1st quality man's bolts in grain cowhide leather. No seconds. All sizes. •nd bay* hooded jockot mad* of hylon talfata and flannal Itnad In baavttful color*. Slxo* 2-4. Blue Jeans Cologne Mist Mfgr. List 3.75 Sirls' loans Boxor wall* btwo |aan« mod* of pro-woshod navy danim. Slia 2. 3 and 4. Sova now. ,,ry- mihf >mnl Reg. 1.23 Arrld Intro Dry u**d dally . . . ho4p» (top portplratlan wratnan and odor. 1.5 ot. ilia. Rag. 1.12 Rl«a Hoavy, tho unanimous wlnnar In tha tost markat tho oxtra rich lathor 11 ox. Silly Putty SAVE A BIT OF THE GREEN 2 Way Wall Snogglors Hours of fun for any ago. Roll it into a ball or flatton It on a picture and it will pick up tho print. KEEP YOUR SCENE GREEN WITH SC0TTS Scotts Turf Buildsr' 10,000 «q. ft. R.g. M.87 Enjoy a better lawn and ganarous savings with America's favorite lawn fartlllzar. Flowor and Vogotablo Soods Choosa from a largo saloctlon of hardy annual flowors and popular vogetobles. Turf Builder Man sized recliners that lot you stretch out just one inch from the wall and savos space Style 1380 U">nfc lnrdr*Hnpin|: Hi-tps paw multit Scotts Halts Halts Plus 110.43 rsUhtfshnl Washable vinyl upholstarad recliner that's supar tough and comfortable. Choose from black, brown, graen or gold. Width • 32", depth - 36", height 41" and seat 21" x 20 REG. t.74 10% LBS Halts full fertilizes your lawn and at the same tima knocks off crabgrass as it sprouts Vegetable Garden Fertilizer 18 24 6 Style 1402 Scotts Vogotablo Carrion Fertilizer Sockor Boppors by Contsablo Scottsj Rag. 1.37 R«g. 120.54 Plush upholstered recliner with 3 lb. bog of mixed lawn Reed for a fast ger minatlng lown. Rich green color gress guar on teed to grow side magazine pocket in gold or brown. Width - 33'/j", depth Contains nutriants to give plants a strong start and can be used at planting time. For use on a veaetables So'a durablo inflatablo boxing toy built to withstand all your child's rough play • 37", height • 41" and seat 22" U x 22'/," GAADCJIHOUffE GRASS SEED _ Mixod Lawn Sood and the county sheriff's office if it is activated," Genovese said. There has been little van dalism at the college, and according to Genovese, the outside lighting system is probably responsible. While there was some vandalism to cars parked at the MCC lot last fall, increased security patrols of the parking lot by MCC personnel and by the sheriff's department have ended that problem. • W0RKWISE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS . 1.1 am 20 years old and work at a filling station. My younger brother, age 14, wants to work and I thought I might get him a job pumping gas at the establishment where I am employed. I've heard that he might be too young to work there. Is he? According to the Child Labor law, minors under the age of 16 may not work in certain establishments that are con sidered hazardous. Filling stations are considered hazardous, and therefore, he cannot legally be employed there. 2. I worked as a typist for a certain company during the past year. About two weeks ago, I cut my hand at home and could not return to work. As a result, I lost my job and I'm not able to work. Can I collect unemployment insurance? In order to collect Unem ployment Insurance benefits, you must meet certain requirements established under the Uemployment In surance Act. These requirements include being available and able to work. Since you state that you aren't able to work, this will effect your chances of being eligible for these benefits. Questions may be submitted to WORKWISE, 910 South Michigan Avenue, Room 1830. Chicago, Illinois 60605. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS L.F. Armstrong To Be Honored At University Five leaders in engineering and industry, including one from McHenry, will be honored April 15 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The university's department of mechanical and industrial engineering will present a Distinguished Alumnus awards to Lennox F. Armstrong, 203 S. Emerald drive, McHenry, president emeritus, Armstrong Brothers Tool Co., Armstrong- Bray Co., Armstrong-Blum Manufacturing Co. and Sheldon Machine Co., Chicago. Armstrong, on graduation from the university in 1915, joined his father's firm, the Armtrong Brothers Tool Co., nd later established the other firms. He retired in 1973. Working Women A woman heads about one of every eight families in the U.S. Four out of every 10 female workers in this country are alone and supporting themselves. Last year, the median income of working women was 57 per cent of the median wage for men, ac cording io US. Late ment statistics. BETPROfHttONM mpinliiiHiiidUl (bttfrjumfttriut) RENT OUR RMS€ N VAC-ths mm attraction cerpot doaaiag atodiina that fwrt) ... Hweewpet fibers wh watsr sad ciooning sohrtio* / loooono sad lifts all dirt. grins mi rssidaos to tho catpot serfoco whors CLEAN. FRESH and 000R-FREE! (tl'/iHIK, 1 PER $5.00 MiN.) | HOUR OVERNIGHT SPECIAL! 8:00 P.M.-9:00 AJM $10.00 4400 W. ROUTE 120 McHEHBY. ILL