JJP ifiiiaa MARY CATHERINE MONTELEONE FLAN MAY WEDDING - May 28 is the date set for the wedding of Mary Catherine (Cathy) Monteleone and Roger J. Hansen. The bride-elect, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Monteleone of Wonder Lake, is a 1974 graduate of McHenry Community high sch«»ol. Mr. Hansen graduated from West campus in 1972 and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Marius Hansen of Wonder Lake. Both of the \oung people are employed locally. Following their wedding in Nativity Lutheran church of Wonder Lake, the newlyweds will make their home in the area. I ts YOUR Money BY DOKAT.n DALP-Y PRESIDENT NATIONAL BANK J % . ,w )• A NEST EGG FOR YOUR CHILDREN Wh*th«r it'i saving up for hit future, or o mottor of giving Junior hit shar* of th« family fortuno. thar* comti a timo wh«n if you con, you want to giv* your children soma assets to start thorn out in lifo. Of court*, you could just tat up a bank account and oar- mark it for a tpocial purpoto, but you'll do battor toxwito if tho ottott or* givon to tho child. Howovor, you do want to retain torn* control. Botidot monoy, which it tho mott common gift, you can givo ttockt or bondt, lifo in surance policies real ettate. art objecti, or tpocial collec tion!. even an interett in the family butinett. You are per mitted to give any one perton up to S3.000 a year tax-free; jointiy. husband «^jid wife can give $6,000 to each perton. Beyond that, there it a gift tax levied. The tax odvantage to giving the gift it that all profit! and dividend! are contidered part of the child't income and pretumably taxed at a lower rote. (A child with an incortie can ttill be contidered a dependent, at long at the other requirement! are met.) Many gift! are let up a! custodian account!. Thii pr- mrti an adult to monage the account until the child reache! maturity, but all profit! are taxable to the child. There i! a !tandard form in all !tate!. There are a few drawback! to thit setup if the donor- cuttodian diet, or if the money it uted for child tup- port; check with your lawyer or accountant Other giftt are given through a truit. In thit cate. the attett are given to the trutt which, in turn, distributes its gaint at you provide. There are certain tax advantages though the property® remain! part of the donor'! eitate. It is lomewhat more flexible than a cuitodian agreement. Again, check with your lawyer and accountant. Whether you are interested in saving money...or borrow ing, you'll find FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY most accommodating! You will also receive fast, personal service...with a smile! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Mrll/'.NH V, 3814 W. Elm St. Telephone 385-5400. Chicago Allergist To Speak To Lamaze Group MR. AND MRS. BRUCE HENDERLONG McHENRY NEWLYWEDS - Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Henderlong are making their home in Lakeland Park following a honeymoon trip to Florida. The young couple exchanged nuptial vows Saturday, Feb. 12 at Faith Presbvterian church. McHenrv. The bride's parents are Mr. 2nd Mr*. H?! Brw* nf MrHenrv and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Henderlong. also of McHenrv. GARROD CI STOM PHOTO The McHenry County Lamaze Parent's organization will hold their bi-monthly meeting. March 14. 8 pm at the Woodstock Opera House The featured speaker will be Dr Robert Boxer. \*ell known Chicago area allergist He will be speaking on " Nutrition and Allergies in the Preschool Child " " Today more and more parents are concerned with nutrition and the value of the food we feed our children Dr Boxer will provide guidelines on the foods that are the highest in nutritional value and the foods we should avoid Being an allergist, he is especially concerned with the connection of_ food to allergies and hyperactivity Dr Boxer will also cover the areas of nutrition for pregnant women and suggestions for keeping children healthy A question and answer period will follow the lecture Dr Boxer graduated from Northwestern university Medical school and obtained a special residency in allergy at the University of Illinois Col lege of Medicine He is a fellow of the .American academy of Allergy and the American association of Clinical Im munology and Allergy He has been in the private practice of allergy in Skokie for the past 144 years and a consultant in allergy for Lutheran General. Skokie Valley, and Northwest Community hospitals He is also a diplomate of the American Board of .Allergy and Immunology The public is invited to at tend A small donation will be requested at the door At 6:45. prior to the meeting, there will be Lamaze class reunions for the October class of Lila Keller and the November classes of Marie Walters and Carol Steele The Lamaze mothers are sponsoring a housewares party March 31 at Linda Gough's home in Woodstock. 357 S. Tryon It will be a come and go party for Lamaze mothers and anyone else who is interested is welcome Entertainment Scheduled For 4Irish' l\ight A night of Irish revelry is planned for Saturday evening. March 19. at the Woodstock Opera house The entertainment for the evening includes the Moran family, the Irish band, the Susan McNamara Irish dan cers. Darlene and Jennifer Fiske. folk singers, and guitarist Dan Taylor. Local radio personality Mel Bella irs will be the emcee for the evening The production is the fifth in the Woodstock Fine Arts association Creative Living series Audience participation in a spirited songfest ensures everyone of being at least an '"honorary Irishman" for the occasion. Tickets will be available at the door with special rates for senior citizens and students. For show time, and further information, call Darlene Fiske at 338-0592. Membership Interest Active In Local Club Fourteen new members were welcomed into the organization when the McHenry Senior Citizens club met Monday. Feb. 28 at East Campus cafeteria. Interest has accelerated as a considerable number of members are introduced at each meeting There are still a few reser vations available for the bus- tour-luncheon trip to the Police communications center and Fire academy in Chicago, with luncheon at Chinatown served family style. The date is Wednesday. April 20 with the bus leaving McHenry State bank parking lot at 9 a.m. Contact Mrs Louise Giel at once if interested in going on this trip Mrs Clara Knetzer, loop bus chairlady. reports several vacancies on the loop trip for March 9 and reservations are being taken for the trip Wed nesday. April 13. The bus leaves the McHenry State bank parking lot at 8:45 a m The five-day trip to Mackinac Island June 13 is filling fact if icd in Pi'iinP Kvm>. arc contact Mrs. Giei ai once for reservations Deposit to be paid by May 1 and the balance by June 1 Tickets for the annual spring smorgasbord are on sale, and are being sold on a first-come first-served basis because of the limited seating Date of this event is Monday. Sept 25 with dinner served at 6:30 p.m. Members not coming to the dinner can come for the program at 7:45 p.m. Due to health problems. Mrs. Eleanor Schuberth, secretary, submitted a letter of resignation, as she is unable to continue to serve in this capacity. Her resignation was accepted with regret and Mrs. Rose Lingl was unanimously approved as the new secretary President Lockerbie reported he has appointed William Wilson to head a committee to review the club constitution and by-laws and recommend changes and additions to up date them. Mrs. Sylvia Grayson spoke regarding the proposed Walk- In center for McHenry for Senior Citizens Further in formation will be available as soon as final arrangements are completed Kenneth Bowsher hs» scheduled another Rules of the Road- Refresher coursestarting Thursday, April 14 and con tinuing April 21 and 28 The sessions start at 10 a m., to 12 noon, at the McHenry city hall, council chambers. All senior citizens who have to renew Appearing Saturday March 12 & 19 Turlington ^Bavarians • BANQUETS WEDDING RECEPTIONS • PARTIES SPECIAL OCCASIONS For a very memorable experience. Excellent foods at reasonable prices prepared with loving care & served with pride! Mr. & Mrs. Frank Mass will be pleased to assist you with your plans. 338-3500 Rt. 47 at Bypass 14 Woodstock v Plan Benefit For Mike Tripp A benefit dinner-dance for 16- year-old Mike Tripp is planned Saturday. May 7. at the American Legion home, starting with dinner at 7 p.m Dancing begins at 9 o'clock Preceding the evening events, a bake and craft sale will be held between hoon and 4 p m. A greenhouse specialist will be present from 1 to 4 o'clock For information, tickets or cash donations, contact Betty O'Donnell. 5912 Fox Lake road. McHenry Mike, victim of a chronic kidney disease, has been seriously ill for the past seven years and now awaits his ^twenty-fourth operation f oter League To S h a r e P i z z a W i t h Youth Senice Board The Woodstock-McHenry league of Women Voters is planning a visit to the McHenry County Youth Services bureau. 840 Seminary avenue. Wood stock. on the evening of Mon day, March 14 There will be a pizza dinner and an informal meeting with the Youth Services Bureau board members beginning at 6:30 p.m. This will be followed by the regularly scheduled YSB board meeting which LWY members and guests willQat- tend The public is welcome Reservations must be made, along with a deposit by- Thursday. March 10. Contact Pat Timm at 338-6977 Clinic Plans All 6Sewed' Up Plans are being made for the "Sew It All Up" sewing clinic. The date is slated for April 23. Diane Broman is chairperson of the event The clinic is open to the public and sponsored by the McHenry County Cooperative Extension service There will be demonstrations and handout materials on sewing subjects such as fabric care, plaids, interfacing and fusibles. how to sew nap and fur fabrics, and knits. Stations will also be set up showing the methods of con struction for pockets, but tonholes. zippers, collars, sleeves and hems. There will be ample opportunities for questions at "Sew It All Up." April 23. Fashion Show Date Set For Tuesday, March 15 Members of St. Patrick's C.C.D. Parents assocation are planning a delightful fashion show featuring spring and summer ensembles for ladies and children A correction on a previously published date in dicates that the affair will be held Tuesday. March 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall Tickets for the evening will be available at the door and through families in the program. A dessert bar will be available their drivers licenses in the near future should take ad vantage of these helpful sessions, as one does not have to belong to the club to be able to attend. -"UUnnis- Sings" a film f- " 1. il( I'l""1 company, which was very interesting Refreshments were served by the social committee and a social hour was enjoyed by the members The next meeting of the club will be Monday, March 14, when the program will be a book review by Martha Hopkins. The executive commitee will meet Monday, March 7. at 3:30 p.m., at Landmark school. Vitamin Loss Nutrients such as the vitamin C and the B vitamins are water soluable This means these nu trients may get washed out when boiled in water. Thus, the longer you cook them, the greater the chance of vitamin loss HURRICANE HAPPENING KICKOFF - Marian Central's first Hurricane Happening presentation has been scheduled' at Marian Central Catholic high school, 1001 McHenry avenue. Woodstock, on the weekends of April 15-16 and 22-23 commencing at 7:30 p.m. Herb Brin, ticket chairman, is shown presenting tickets to Mrs. Richard (Carol) Garlinski of Wonder Lake, who is a member of the Ticket committee. Call Mrs. Garlinski to purchaiK and make reservations early. FASHION SHOW MODELS - Heralding the arrival of spring, models for the Auxiliary to McHenry hospital Fashion show prepare for the March 21 attraction. From left, front: Bernice Spruth, Diane Berg. Janice Ruun. Back: Sally Miller and Elda Ecklund. The "La Fashion Affaire" will be presented at the Branded Steak house. Crystal Lake, to raise funds for patient care at McHenry hospital. • 1 ; : -- 7 ---- „ (DON PEASLEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY KAAREN DODGE) I Community Calendar MARCH 9 Pistakee Highlands Women's Club - Luncheon and Card Party - 12 Noon -- Pistakee Highlands Community Center McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Loop Bus Trip - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a m MARCH 10 Lakeland Park Women's Club - Set-Up for Flea Market Sale - 8 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House Knights of Columbus - Regular Business Meeting - 8 p.m. - K of C Hall. McHenry Woman's Club -- Social Hour -- 12 Noon - Meeting -- 1 p.m. - YFW Hall. Jobs Daughters - Regular Meeting - Acacia Hall - 7 p.m MARCH 11 50's Dance - Johnsburg Community Center - 9 p.m. to 1 a m -- Tickets at Door - Reduction in Price for Costumes - Sponsored by MCC MARCH 11 & 12 "Flea Market" -- 9 a.m. to 5 p m - Lakeland Park Com munity House - Lakeland Park Women's Club. Sponsors. A R T S - "Ready When You Are C B." - McHenry Country Club - Show. 8 pm. -- Dinner. 6 p.m. -- Reservations at 815-385- 1072. MARCH 12 Friendship Club --. Potluck Dinner and Meeting -- 6 p.m -- First United Methodist Church McCullom Lake Beach Gals - Plant and Bake Sale -- 10 a.m. to 2 p m -- McCullom Lake Beach House. MARCH 13 Knights of Columbus -- Singles Bowling Tournament - 1 p.m - McHenry Recreation - Refreshments follow at the K of C Hall Legion Birthday Party - Legion Home St Patrick V € on d Cabkage Dinner -- 1 to 4 p.m. -- St Patrick's Church Hall -- Ladies Guild. Sponsors. MARCH 14 American Legion Post 491 -- Meeting -- 8 p.m -- Legion Home McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- Meeting - 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria MARCH 15 St Patrick's C.C.D. Parents Association - Fashion Show -- Church Hall -- 7:3C p.m. -- Tickets at Door MARCH 16 Luncheon and Card Party -- 11:30 a.m. -- St. Peter's Parish Hall. Spring Grove - Sponsored by Christian Mothers Societv 1211 N. RIVER RD. McHENRY, ILL. 385-2014 LUNCH DAILY FEATURING SPENGEL MEATS CHARCOAL BROILED TO PERFECTION CARRY OUTS OPEN DAILy 11 to 1 A.M. WEEKENDS TO 2 A.M. ENTERTAINMENT EVERY WEEKEND 9-1:30 AM MARCH 11 & 12 - "FUSSI0N" MARCH 18 & 19 - "KINGDOM" Whispering Oaks Woman's Club -- Hors d'oeuvres Demonstration - 1 p.m MARCH 17 United Methodist Women -- Potluck Luncheon -- 12 Noon -- Lenten Program - Ruth Circle. Hostesses. - First United Methodist Church Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi -- Model Meeting -• Officer Election -- Ritual of Jewels - Home of Mrs Fawn Vail Meeting - C D of A\ Joyce Kilmer court 573 - K.C. Hall - 8 p.m. MARCH 18 Northland Area Art League - Panel Discussion - McHenrv City Hall , St Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meeting -- St Mary's Oak hooni ' MAhe ii iB V'i Rummage Saie - Ringwood Methodist Church -- Friday. 9 a m to 5 p.m -- Saturday, 9 a m. 12 Noon. A R T S. -- "Ready When You Are C.B." - McHenry Country- Club - Show 8 p.m. -- Dinner. 6 p.m - Reservations at 815-385- 1072. MARCH 19 "Springtime Polka" Dance - YFW Hall - 9 p.m. to ? - Savings on Advance Ticket Purchase From Members or at Post Home. Woodstock Opera House - Songfest -- "Irish Night" -- 338- 0592 For Information. MARCH 20 St. Patrick's C C D Parents Association -- Open House - 9:30to 10:30a.m. - Church Ha'! Parents and Guests Welcome MARCH 21 Free Blood Pressure Readings -- Lakemoor Municipal Building - 7 to 9 p m -- Public Invited Business & Professional Women's Club -- Dinner Meeting - Top Deck - 7 p.m MARCH 22 T H E.O S - Meeting and Supper ~ 5:30 p.m - First United Methodist Church MARCH 24 Knights of Columbus -- Social Night - 8 p.m. K.C. Hall. McHenry Woman's Club -- Dessert Luncheon - Card Party -- Benefit Library - V.F.W. Hall -- 1:30 p.m. -- Public In vited Jobs Daughters -- Regular Meeting - Acacia Hall -- 7 p.m McHenry Garden Club -- Meeting - Heidi Heller of Brazil, Speaker -- Home of Mildred Snively. Girt Scout Neighborhood -- »::jo a.m. - Aii Troops Must Have Representative MARCH 25 & 26 A R T S. -- "Ready When You Are C.B." -- McHenry Country Club -- Show. 8 p.m. -- Dinner, 6 p.m. -- Reservations at 815-385- 1072. MARCH 26 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM -St. Mary's Oak Room -- Cards - 7:30 p.m Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi - Scottish Double Bowling Night - Tomasello's. Spaghetti Supper --f Jobs Daughters -- Acacia Hall -- 5 to 7 p.m "Spring Fling" Dance - Johnsburg Community Center - - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- Sponsored by St John's Home and School Association. MARCH 27 Annual General Meeting - L P.P.O.A. - 2 p.m. - Elections - Community House TUES. NIGHT 7:30-9:30 25' BEERS HAPPY HOUR M0N.-FRI. GAME ROOM! mmmmwmm.m m 1 1 mm I J*' Ppp ' f A*'