HELP WANTED FULL TIME Job Opening in Paste-Up Dept. McHenry Plain- dealer. We need a steady, reli able, ambitious person. Others need not apply. Experience helpful. Good typing a must. 8 to 5 p.m. Some Sat. work. Apply in person. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. McHenry Plaindealer 3812 West Elm Street, McHenry, n. No Phone Calls Please TF ATTENTION If you're willing to work when you find a job then call 459-6108 for an interview. Full time and part time work needed for Jonitoriql Service. 3-11 LOCKER ROOM ATTENDANT lAble man to work April thru |October. Will train. Excellent I opportunity for ambitious per- i son. Age no object. Must have ' character references. Salary plus assures excellent finan ces for 7 months work. Apply Manager McHenry Country Club 820 N. John St. <15»3<5-1072_ 3-11 TF 1 -2 AVON Need cash for Mother's Day, Father's Day, Esster and graduation? Make good ear nings on your own time selling quality products. Call Mrs. Bauer 815-385-5385 3-9-3-11 ENGINEERING DEPT. We are looking for an em ployee to work full time in our engineering dept. Knowledge of electrical and mechanical maintenance necessary. License preferred. Apply to personnel dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. WaukegenHd. •* McHenry. III. 815-385-2200 ext. 645 3-9-3-11 REAL ESTATE SALES We have several openings in our three offices for sales associates. We offer sales training, liberal commissions, super incentive program, modern marketing techniques. Members of two major referral systems. CALL Gary Rudsinski AT BYRNES BROS. INC. REALTORS 385-6900 3-4TF-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Ml REGISTERED NURSES Applications now being accepted for full time and part time positions. Apply to personnel dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, 111. 815-385-2200 ext. 645 2-25-3-25 BARTENDER COOK Apply Fr% ifitr 3ti0pm WAITRESSES HOSTESS Apply FrUty after 5pm CHAPEL HIU GOLF COURSE 2500 Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry 385-0333 Apply in Person 3-9-3-11 FULL AND PART TIME HELP WANTED Experienced counter person Apply in person Beef Villa 3709 W. Elm St. MHenry, III. 3-9TF1-2 PIZZA HUT Now hiring part and full time waitresses. Must be able to work on weekends. No one under 19 years need apply. 4301 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 3-11-3-16 BY OWNER I North Fox Condo, excellent 'condition, air conditioning, 2 ibedrooms, 1V4 baths, full ap- [pliances, also washer/dryer land compactor, other Jdecorating pluses, pool iprivileges. ° 385-8331 FOR SALE Large 3 to 4 bedroom house, Plus ii PART TIME McHENRY AREA Someone with medical background to work locally conducting Para-Med exams. Car necessary. Will train. Exceptional earnings. Call 312-696-3120 3-11-3-16 2-25TF-2 EARN EXTRA CASH Are you bored with your present routine? Would you! ilike to average $50.00 on! evening, showing QUEEN'S WAY TO FASHIONS on Home Party Plan. i For a personal interview Call 815-568-1211 or 8^5-385-8488 2-2-3-30 EARN EXTRA MONEY For Your Vacation Convenient working con ditions, Air conditioned of fices. 9:00am to 2:00pm or 5:00pm to 9:00pm. Monday thru Friday Pleas* call 385-0940 COCKTAIL WHITRCSS WANTED WEEKENDS ONLY Apply in person McHtmy Country Club 820N. John St. McHenry, II. 38S-1070 3-9-3-11 PART TIME ASSISTANT Needed for the Wauconda Of fice. Must be able to work Saturdays and one evening a week. 815-385-1360 or » 312-526-2831 '^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi 3-9-3-11 SNOWMOBILES 2- 73 Evinrude snowmobiles. 27 HP Norsman and 30 HP Bobcat SS, plus trailers and covers. Best offer 385-1003 3-11-3-16 ! EXPERIENCED ! DINNER WAITRESS Indian Manor Rastaurant 217 N. Front St. McHenry Apply In person after 9:00 3-11-3-16 NEWSPAPER SOLICITORS I want 2 top flight professional door to door solicitors, for this area, and I'll pay the price. Only top pros need apply. You'll need a strong track record. Call Mr. Thompson 312-674-8299 3-2-3-11 HAW 4th BIRTHDAY STEVE Grandma & Grandpa 3-11 WANTED SECOND COOK with some experience, prefer someone with broiler ex perience. Coll Bernie at 459-1237 i o i aopoimmeni CRYSTAL LAKE COUNTRY CLUB 3-9-3-11 HAPPY 40th SHIRLEY KLAPPERICH 3-11 SALESMEN EXPERIENCED For McHenry Area ARLINGTON SOFT WATER CO. 216 E. Northwest Highway Arlington Heights ask for Bob Walsh 312-259-9458 3-9-3-11 WAITRESSES Day and Night Shifts Experience preferred, over 21 PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. Boy Rood McHenry 385-9854 HAPPY 40th Birthda 3-9TF1-2 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll CLASSIFIED AOS WORK! READ & USE THEM iiuiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiii ENJOY YOURSELF, It's Later Than You Think! fm NEW 3 bedoom, 8 room raised ran ch, 1 '/j baths, den or office space, 2 car garage, family room area and large patio deck. Total area 2,268 sq. ft. City water. Water, pier and beach rights on Fox River. $44,760 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 815-344-0748 MAIN HOUSE has basement, 2 car attached garage. Ig. living room, study, Ig. dining rm, plus kitchen. Cent, air, gas heat. RENTAL HOUSE 3 rooms plus bath w/appl. incl., gas heat. Rent brings in $125 month. 1 BOTH HOMES vinyl sided, on Ig. 150 x 150 lot. Mature trees plus storage shed. GOOD INVESTMENT 11 or low cost living. QUICK SALE PRICE $43,500 815-385-2129 3-11 3-4TF-2 ATTENTION MUST SELL 3 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME ON ONE WOODED ACRE WITH PIER RIGHTS. OVER 1900SQ. FT. OF LIVING SPACE AND FULL BASEMENT. $68,500. 497-3259 3-11 & 3-18 V2 MILE TO Downtown McHenry 8 Rooms, 1900 S.F., New 18x18 Family Room with fireplace, 3 Bedrooms (one is 13x18, another 10x18) plus Den. New: Carpet, watM heater, well, septic, lOxfo utility shed. $38,900. JUST LISTED 3'/i year old Cedar Sided "Ranch" on 100x120 ft. lot. 3 Bedrooms. Combined Family. Room, dining. 2 Baths, fult basement. 2 car garage. Cen tral air. Kent Acres. WINN PHILLIPS, REALTOR 4406 N. Riverdale McHenry, JJI. Phone 815-385-3395 A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE M>n IK' / J stall - / jU associates, inc. REALTY WORLD 4723 W Rte. 120. McHenry. III. 60050 815-385-8060 - BUDGET PLEASER TH- FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED 2 bedroom Cape Cod with full basement and 2 car garage. All appliances included. Situated on double lot. Close to Junior high school. $23,900. MODEST PRICE ESTATE Private and overlooks park area. 2-3 bedroom ranch home which offers a new country kitchen, gorgeous sunken living room, study which can be used as a 3rd bedroom, central air conditioning, garage and completely cycloned fenced area with plenty of extra parking space. $45,900. ATTENTION BUILDERS 2 wooded lots 60 x 150' each. Village of Lakewood High rolling - 100' x 140'. Prestigeous area. Wooded corner site. 2 blocks from Fox River. Approx. Vi acre. INQUIRE ABOUT OUR 4 EASY STEPS TO A GUARANTEED SALE . ALSO SERVING YOU FROM LOCATIONS IN Crystal Lake -815-459-3145 394-Virginia St. Cary -312-639-5527 19 Spring St. REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY EUIE PARTENHEIMER # USE OUR GUARANTEED SALE AND TRADE-A HOME PLAN Burnes BROTHERS. INC COUNTRYSIDE HOME OF INTRINSIC QUALITY Stone and frame 4 bedroom ranch is set on a heavily wooded acre overlooking open country, but only minutes from town. It features a living room, dining, family and rec rooms with many added features - central air, panelling, cedar closets, swimming pool and redwood deck. 3 v n GRACIOUS SETTING FOR SPARKLING HOME 2 bedroom completely carpeted ran ch in an area of beautiful homes with living room, formal dining room, as well as pleasant dining area in fully- equipped kitchen with pantry. Aluminum-sided with all brick front, 1 Vi car garage, utility room behind garage, and central air. $50,000 IT'S LUXURIES ADDED TO THE BASICS that make this ranch home disarmingly different. Set in a choice wooded area, it contains a living room, formal dining, natural fireplace in carpeted family room, 2 bedrooms, central air, all appliances, and a bonus carpeted all year round Florida room. $64,900 LIFELONG HABIT OF BEAUTY will be yours when you see this immaculate 3 bedroom ranch offering end of the road privacy in the very midst of a peaceful forest setting. Panelled family room, workshop, and porch on '/J acre fenced-in wooded lot adjoining 60 acres of woods. Full basement, Johnsburg school district. $39,900. PROVIDE$ FOR A MULTITUDE OF ACTIVITIES This frame ranch has 3 roomy bedrooms, living room basement, large patio, and next to the kitchen, a huge family room offering a welcome retreat with carpeting, panelling, and woodburning fireplace. Garage. Good fishing nearby. $46,900. COMMANDING VIEW OF BULL VALLEY is included in this brick and frame ranch on a lovely wooded lot. It contains living room and dining L with beamed ceiling, 2 bedrooms with 3rd presently used as family room, large rec room, centrol air, and 2 car garage. $58,500. JM» THREE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU full service REALTORS Bal iImI 6315 NORTHWEST HWY. PHONE 815 459 5400 H M -- f t f U r M , N WOODSTOCK across t rom HORNSBVS 345 M # J/ A PHONE IN MCHENRY across f rom HORNSBYS 4307 WEST ROUTE 120 PHONE 815 385-6900 (NATION WIDE REFERRAL SERVICE •F INANCING •MULTIPLE L IST ING SERVICE • APPRAISAL • INSURANCt PACE II - PLAINDEALEK-FRIDAV. MARCH II. 197? REAL ESTATE , 815-385-4810 3932 WEST WAUKEGAN ROAD, McHENRY rat »t'On" IMS. ASSOCIATES REALTORS DELIGHTFULLY DIFFERENT I and just 3 years old. 3 bedroom ran ch home with separate dining room, sunken living room, full basement and garage. Lots of quality and class for just $47,900. BRAND NEW AND CAREFREE I Aluminum sided raised ranch on large lot. 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, carpeted living room and separate dining room with sliding doors to lovely deck. Big family room, 2 car garage with electric openers, built-in range and dishwasher. And lots more! $48,900. A HOME FOR LIVING I 4 bedroom brick and 1rome ranch. 2 ceramic tile baths, country kitchen, loving huge family room with fireplace. Beautifully landscaped yard. Many extras. $59,000. NEW RANCH HOME I 3 bedroom, 2 baths, partial basement, 2V> car garage. Many possibilities for expansion. Quality construc- tion. $47.000. WE'RE SOLD OUT WE NEED REALTOR* LISTINGS! MILLSTREAM BEAUTY k Here is a Real Cream Puff that has just been reduced in price. Four bedrooms, two baths, large carpeted living room, dining room & family room. This ten year old brick & frame raised ranch is located in the Heart of McHenry in the Millstream Subdivision. Within two blocks to shopping, schools, and churches. PRICE REDUCED $59,900. WONDER LAKE SPECIAL Come in and look at this fine three bedroom ranch home with basement. It has an extra sharp kitchen with loads of cabinets, carpeted living room. All three bedrooms are very tastefully decorated. Stove, washer & dryer stay for the new owner. This one is in GREAT CONDITION $31,900. LET S TALK OJil//, Check out this three bedroom ranch. Carpeted living room is accented by the built-in book case. Large kitchen with tile floor, family room for the kids toys, storage area, fenced yard, sidewalks around the entire home. OWNER ANXIOUS $36,900. •A'̂ ODED LOT Cute two bedroom ranch with two car detached garage. This home is in Tip-Top condition and the owner is leaving many ex tras. New roof, new bath, built-in appliances. Water rights to the Fox River with pier. EASY PRICE $26,900. BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPE This maintenance free aluminum sided ranch has three bedrooms each with double closets, extro large living room kit chen with built-in oven/range, plus appliances. 140' x 140 lot blacktop drive to two car attached garage with loft for extra storage space. House and one lot $38,000 two lots $43,500. w. IESER MORE AND ASSOC. INC 1208 N. Green St. REAL ESTATE and AUCTIONEERS 815-385-4880 McHenry, Illinois