MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW 2500 V CHAPEL HILL Rl). MrHENRY1 385-0333 HILL GOLF U MARJORIE L. BEAMAN FALL WEDDING PLANS - Mrs. Nadine Beaman of McHenry announces the engagement of her daughter, Marjorie, to Daniel K. O'Halleran, son of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth O'Halleran, also of McHenry. The young couple are both graduates of McHenry Community high school. Mr. O'Halleran is employed in Huntley. An October wedding is planned. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr and Mrs Thomas Velmont of McHenry are the parents of a son born March 7 A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Wagner of Spring Grove March 8 HOSPITAL NOTES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Minnie Schopp. Anthony Noonan. Rose Zelenka. Master Matt Adams, all of McHenry; Scott Burrows. Mrs. Lee Pickrum. and Martha Burch. all of Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Shirley Barber of McHenry was admitted as a patient to Harvard hospital. Deaths MICHAEL MORI ARTY Michael Moriarty. 69. of 1203 S Broadway, McHenry. died Tuesday. March 8, in Bethune Plaza. Chicago Mr Moriarty was born April 6. 1907. in Ireland He was a retired Chicago fireman His wife. Anne (Gibbons) preceded him in death in 1952 Survivors include a daughter. Kathleen Beslich of McHenry. and three grandchildren Private services were held at the George R Justen & Son funeral home. FREDRICK M. NEWMAN Mass was offered at 10 a m Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic church for Fredrick M. Newman. Mr. Newman died at McHenry hospital Monday. March 7. at the age of 75. Visiting hours were held at Halm's Wonder Lake funeral home Wednesday evening. Interment was in St. Mary's church cemetery. Glaze cooked vegetables by stirring in a spoonful of mar malade. If you have overgrown shrubbery, cut out all but 3 or 4 main stems and trim off side branches from these stems. Let it grow as a miniature tree but keep small branches trimmed from main stems. Don't throw away small kitchen utensils or dishes be fore you consider the possibil ity of using them for attractive containers for small plants. Cut down on eye strain when knitting by using light colored needles with dark yam and dark needles for light yarn. I American Legion Post 491 i - RINGWOOD ROAD, McHENRY - j FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY ! I (5:00-9:00 P.M.) j . PERCH-ALL YOU CAN EAT . OTHER MENU AVAILABLE . OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT IN THE LOUNGE SATURDAY NIGHT j "GREAT NORTHERN" j I COCKTAIL MOV--*EI>.--THIRS--FRIDAY HOI R lit h:IK) ( ut Prirm Full Agenda For I. M. W. Mission Team The U M W Mission team •executive committee) of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist church met Tuesday. March 1 at 9 a.m.. at the church There were many items on the agenda which were discussed in detail and the ladies were reminded of the World Day of Prayer service Friday. March 4 at 10 a m at St Paul's Episcopal church of McHenry It was unanimously agreed to have a collection of food for the "Fish project at the March. April and May general meetings. Reservations for the March 30 Spiritual Renewal service at the Arlington Heights Methodist church should be made promptly The subject of the program Everything Is Possible If You Have Faith"; should be a very interesting presentation, and ladies are urged to attend Volunteers are still needed to work one-half day a week during the months of April. May and June, in the church office preferably Saturday mornings from 9 am to 12 noon primarily answering the telephone Call the church office to volunteer services. The next meeting of the I' M W Mission team will be Tuesday. April 5. at 9 a.m. at the church DUKE NORTON-MARY VANDERWIEL PLAN FALL WEDDING--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michelsen, Sr. af 817 V Center street, McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. George Vanderwiel of Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Duke Norton,-the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Norton, Sr. of Wonder Lake. Miss Vanderwiel is a 1975 graduate of McHenry Community high school and is employed in Crystal Lake. Uer fiance is a i$71 graduate of Woodstock high schooi and works in Woodstock. A September wedding is planned1, Corned Beef and Cabbage DINNER FROM 5 P.M. LUNCH FROM 11 A.M. Green Carnations for the Ladies! Officer Election On Forester March Agenda The annual ejection of of ficers is on the agenda for the regular monthly rr.eeting of St .Agatha Court 777 National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday . March 13 at 8 p m in the community hall Mrs Leo Diednch is chairman of the committee Other committee members are Mrs Don Reinbolt. Miss Catherine Tony an Miss Donna Pnchard Miss Cathy La Bay Mrs Robert Freund and Mrs Francis Oeffling ' ^ The tvkenty-third annual conference of the N C S F Rockford Diocesan association will be held in Elgin. Sunday. April 17. with St Josephine Court 1«j6 as host Registration '•* ill be from 9 35 to 11 a m m St Joseph s estyetena Mass will be in St Jo^>h s church at 11 15 '*ith the Most Reverend Arthur J O'Neill as celebrant Dinner will be in the cafeteria after Mass followed by the conference meeting Honored guests at the conference will be Mrs Florence Welch national president and Mrs Deloros Rogers national secretary Mrs David Miiler of St Agatha Court is the association treasurer p.m. with tickets available at the door. From left are Martha Dignan. Lillian Rolger, Mary Kantorsld and Mary Jean Lahs. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Grandma Sez ... 4^ RESERVE NOW FOR CHOICE DATES! , „ ,, , ROUND TRIP r FLIGHTS FROM CHICAGO FRANKFURT from $319 LONDON from $289 AMSTERDAM from $289 HONOLULU from $319 LOS ANGELES from $159 SAN FRANCISCO from $159 LAS VEGAS 777777. from $159 ROME from $399 NO TOUR NEEDED TO QUALIFY (Flights operated under C.A.B. regulations) CHAIN-O-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 'DEPENDABLE TRAVEL SINCE 1961' 3405 W. ELM, McHEVRY 385-7500 CORN BEEF AND CABBAGE TIME-and the kitchen at St. Patrick's Catholic church is busy as members of the Ladies Guild prepare for the animal dinner that will be served Sunday. March 13. The family-style dinner will be served between the hours of 1 and 4 UNA L. MILLER KNGAGED-Mrs. Richard Blake and Roman Miller, both of McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter. Lina L. Miller, to John R. VanDuyn. son of Mr. and Mrs. John VanDuyn, McHenry. Both of the young couple are graduates of McHenry .( ommunitx high school, Lina in 1972 and John in #71. Both are »-mplo>ed locally. A wedding dale of Aug. 5, has been set. reason an' take care o em- selves Seems t' me. we may learn a lot from th animals. They hain t had influence from sources that steer em away from th ways o Mother Nature Ye c n bet yer hat. they'll survive man. on this earth, unless al! life is gone But they'll survive life as we know it. an' our society is on th way out. „fr th' reason that we've dissipated Mother Nature's gifts Th' mentality o' our young is th worst con tamination. resultin' from our lack o' th' courage t' stop it. Parents re so misled into think they're doin' a good job. f'r offspring, by pervidin'. not only necessities, but too much o' things we. in me own day. were taught t work f'r. T day. younguns think they re a bein' put upon, an abused, if they have t extend 'emselves. doin' ordinary chores at home. Walks go unshoveled. cause ye can't pay a boy t" do it. they jist don't want to work. It's a bad condition, an' th' worry is f'r younguns when they are on their owa. Grandma Radtke yr Roll a new package of bacon into a long tube. This helps to loosen the slices. Kishuaukee Trail Members Attend State Conference Five members 6f Kish- waukee Trail chapter Daughters of the American Revolution have returned from attending the state conference of the organization in Chicago Members attendmg were Mrs Edward P Nolan, regent: Mrs Lisle Bassett. McHenry . vice-regent. Mrs Maynard Howell, secretary: Miss Amy Brink. Americanism chairman and Mrs William Langdon. National Defense chairman. It does this o' granny's heart good, t' hear that, finally some folks re a wakin up t' the fact that our younguns receive a real edication on th' sordid things in life, by watchin 'em on the TV Me ol' rockin' chair is a gettm' th' creaks, wi' me a worryin about humanities, in th world o't day. an' it's a mite encouragin' t' feel that someone is out t' try an correct th' wrongs Ye can't grow a good garden, wi out proper care, an' ye can't do likewise wi' th social structure o' th' country, when so many wrong influences re allowed t flourish who also served on the Reservations committee The chapter was very happy for the first time in its history to receive an award for its press book which had been prepared bv Mrs Robert Bosman, pressbook chairman The chapter received a blue ribbon for its yearbook prepared by- Mrs Lisle Bassett, Mrs. Richard Gardner and Mrs. Nolan It was the recipient of a special certificate for con tribution to the president's general project These items will be on display at the March meeting, to be held at the home of Mrs Nolan. 626 Blakely street, Woodstock. Monday. March 28. at 11 am Mrs. Vales Honored On 89th Birthday In honor of her eighty-ninth birthday. Mrs Albert Vales was honored by family and friends last Sunday * They gathered at her River road home for dinner and a social afternoon Present were three of her four living children. Albert Vales and Dolores Glosson of McHenry and Mane Kempfer of Tucson. Ariz A son. Bill Vales, of Omaha was unable to be present Attending along with the Vales children were four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. as well as close family friends. In all. the celebrant has eight grand children and seven great grandchildren Mrs Vales is a long time resident of the McHenry community, where she has many friends. Spring Jonquils Set Motif For Circle Members Hostesses Geda McCracken and Helen Lundy had the tables decorated in the spring motif for the Marcia Mary Ball circle meeting Tuesday, March 1, with a large bouquet of jonquils as the centerpiece It gave a very happy atmosphere, and the thought that good weather surely must be on the way. Geda McCracken gave the meditations, which were very- inspiring and thought- provoking. The fall bazaar was the item most discussed Many new ideas are being considered and there will be one work day a month, the last Tuesday of each month, at 11 a.m. at the church The next Circle meeting will be Tuesday, April 5, at 12:30 p.m.. with Lonah Wendlandt as the hostess Spring Events Topic Of Local Sororietv Group Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held the March 3 meeting at the home of Mrs. Fawn Vale The business meeting consisted of reports from the officers and com mittee chairmen. The social committee reported on the Scottish Double bowling night March 26 at Tomasello's Also in the planning stages is the Foun der s Day dinner set for April 28 to be held at Shady Lane theatre Frank Colomer was ap pointed chairman to handle a social planned by the husbands of the members of this chapter The service committee suggested a few ideas to con centrate on for the new project this year A white elephant auction followed along with refresh ments MARRIAGE LICENSES Clifford A. Clark. Wonder Lake, and Barbara J Flynn, 7708 Oakwood drive. Wonder Lake Ronald L Peterson, McHenry. and Vicki D Milraney. 3016 Memory trail, McHenry. John M Olson. Woodstock, and Janice M Novak, 1404 Sunset. Wonder Lake Stephen W Christensen. 1410 Wauconda. McHenry . and Rita L Retzlaff. Cary. Steven D Flick 1308 S. Lily Lake road. McHenry. and Sally J Stack well. McHenry. PTO BAKE SALE The Edgebrook PTO will sponsor a bake sale March 19 from 9 to noon at two locations, Hornsby's and the First National Bank of McHenry. Parents interested in volun teering to donate baked goods are asked to call Kathy Cichonski at 385-9284 or Mrs. Bruce 'Betty* Smith, McHenry 'For That Special Occasion at Home or in Town! •PARTY MENUS •COMPLETE LINE TO ORDER OF FOOD Professional Catering for AH Functions! « • WEDDINGS • GRADUATIONS • BOWLING PARTIES, ETC. BANQUET HALL AVAILABLE PARKING. CALL 815/385-3120 Parents, who care, find it almost impossible t' control things, these days, when the turn o a switch puts so much of things that re far too potent f 'r a young mind t' handle, in proximity t' th development o' a child's mind Young folks can't handle these things Seems like so much emphasis is placed on violence, sex, crime. aiV all th unhappy things a body may name. an: th' young think it's th way adults conduct emselves, an' try t' imitate We all know that youngsters re impatient t' grow up. an' th' old. proven ways, were t' pertect em, let em be childem, until they're able t' T H E BUTLER'S ANTRY (caterers)