March H, 1977 Older home know-how §More people today are looking for an older home when they buy a house. Not only have building costs soared but older homes often have more charm, are better built, and are in established neighborhoods with serv ices and facilities. However, buying an old er home can be risky if you don't know what you're doing. ; There is a book called Finding and Fixing the Older Home which can help you avoid the pitfalls in buying an older home. It describes how to Judge house values, appraise house construction, and spot trouble areas that might need expensive re pairs -- it even tells you how to deal with financing. There are complete de tails on repairs and re modeling once the pur chase is made. A1J instruc tions are so basic and specific that you can tell whether you can tackle the job personally or will need a contractor. All areas of the home are covered with particu lar attention to remodel ing kitchens and bath rooms and Installing appliances. Recommenda tions on the best materials for each job are given and there is a list of manufac turers to help locate what is needed. Finding and Fixing the Older Home could save a lot of time, money, and headaches if you're In the market for an older house. The bcck can be ordered PAGE 35 " from Structures Publish ing Company, Box 423, Parmington, MI 48024, if it's not at your local book-* store. It costs $4.95 paper, $12.00 cloth bound and is thoroughly illustrated. People who do a lot of talking about religion rarely do more than talk. • • * • If you want to be high ly recommended let some one else say the word. -TPRinG UVIN'CflRMN Time Big Little Bison By Satoh % Throttle Control Key lectrrc^ Start Row R Dove# C nf a«ement Reinforced 2 ' , 8u*h*i Bag nlii Folding Handle Htgh Torqu*,m 4 cycle Easy to Clean Rear Safety Shield Auto Mafic Top Mounted Oil Breatt»ei 'mdTunned Cast _ kim.num Houting Meat Treated Cartoon Steei Blade --" Anti Scalp One Below Dec* Muffler Big in the way it handles work, little in the way it maneuvers and saves money, that's the Satoh Bison. With a 27 hp gasoline engine tor auick, easy starts So you can tackle practically any chore: mow. tow, plow, dig, till, doze, rake, load, etc. It gives you 6 torward and 2 reverse speeds. Category I -3-point hitch plus attached drawPar, 540 end 1000 rpm PTO, live hy draulics, differential lock, sealed brakes, adjustable wheel spacing, hour meter, tull lighting, choice of tire tread, downswept muffler and a host of other features - plus over 30 custom-designed implements and attachments. See yours today. Come in for a demonstration STOP IN AND SEE OUR COM PLETE LINE OF LAWN ft GARDEN EQUIPMENT-- WE CAN PUT YOU IN CHARGE OF ANY SIZE YARDI Quality. fr- Another good reason to buy a CubCadef "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Geo. P. Freund, Inc 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry 385-0420 The Grassmaster Mower from Toro- the ultimate lawn machine. Choose from two power drive models now specially art priced til May 1st. 0*1 Fill Dip Stick SAVE $40°° RED TAG SMI *30995 LIST *34995 J - 1 V This year cut your lawn care chores down to size, and have fun doing it with a Case Compact Trac tor. There are ten fast mowin', hard tillin' models to choose from and they are available with a variety Of power-attachments for all seasons. And if you buy now during our special Spring Sale you will receive: 4% « 10% DISCOUNT <«• Now on all Tractors and Attachments! And remember, Case Compacts feature the Case exclusive hydraulic drive for single lever control of speed and direction. Come on in! Take a test drive. And you'd better hurry. When it comes to performance - Case sets the pace. mi iiSi? 1.' t;