SECTION Z- PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY. MARCHM. 1177 Village of McHenry Shores Jude La Francis 385-5067 Thirteen Can Boast Adequate Drug Knowledge The regular monthly meeting of the Shoreline club was held Thursday. March 17. at the village hall annex. In keeping with the new policy of guest speakers, etc, Sgt Conley from the McHenry county Sheriff's office displayed various drugs and showed a film on drug abuse A question and answer period began and ended the meeting. Sgt. Conley discussed programs on information for parents and young people on narcotics and their damaging effects on the human body. This was a most informative and worthwhile meeting. We were alternately shocked, relieved and shocked again as the various questions were answered for us concerning drug abuse among young people. Those in attendance left with a new grasp of the problem of drug abuse. Sgt. Conley graciously gave his time to help parents and other interested people learn about narcotics and drug abuses. Many residents ex pressed interest on this sub ject; however, only thirteen people were present to hear Sgt. Conley. Where were all of you interested' people? It's difficult to arrange these worthwhile speakers; it's disheartening to provide good programs when the people do not support them. The next meeting of the Shoreline club is Thursday, April 21. Business meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. (not 7 p.m. as previously stated) and the make-up demonstration begins at 8 p.m. ROAD REPAIRS Road repairs on Beach and Broadway are about to begin. The village board gave the President, Rose Lillegard, full authority to spend the money to fix the road as soon as possible. This will be a permanent repair. Cost to the village will be around $6,000. As you can see, good roads are a most valuable luxury. All new stop signs and speed limit signs are here. These new signs are the reflector type, and they meet the state's standards for road signs. They will be installed when the weather improves. REFUSE IN RIGHT-OF-WAY Old rugs, chairs, and other extra garbage does not belong in the right-of-way. It is up to the homeowner to notify the refuse company the Friday before Monday mort ing pick up that extra garbage will be put out. If this extra garbage is not picked up by the refuse company Monday morning, please dear it away from the right-of-way. Refuse does not belong in the ditches or in the right-of-way. ICC HEARING UPDATE A continuance of the ICC hearing regarding the proposed water rate increase has been scheduled for 11 a.m., April 26, Tuesday, at 160 N. LaSalle street, on the nineteenth floor At the last ICC hearing, March 17, Mrs. Lillegard, village president, spoke on behalf of the village of McHenry Shores and asked that the rate in crease be in abeyance until the water company negotiates a franchise with the Village of McHenry Shores. It was brought out at the meeting that the water company had used the 1975 calendar year as a test year for figures to justify the rate increase. It has since been changed to reflect the 1976 calendar year for its figures. (1976 was a boom year for building in the Shores with forty new homes hooked on to the present water system.) The water company has also amended its tariff to reflect the new rate structure it submitted at the hearing. The new proposal calls for dropping the $4.50 service charge while maintaining the $5 per month minimum charge for water use. The proposed gallonage charge would also remain. Three women from the village accompanied President Lillegard to the hearing. Mrs. Aide, Mrs. Leurssen, and Mrs. Sanford testified as to the % FgOM THE Ffi/EfJPLY LOCAL ft £ TAIL COM* <ITT££ Of YdJf$ Ffi/£NPLY LOCAL M'HBMYAREA CHAMfef? cf COMMERCE. EASTER. BUHMY TH£ FASTER &UNMY WILL B^ATALLTWE WAIN FRieNPUf LOCAL. £4-k?PP|M<a- AKFA5 ONI SATURDAY APRIL 2 WITH CAMtTf -for KIDS Discouirr coupons CU^CU^&lTfc.THAR.^AWorWFTENCH THeSE COUPONS F f i O M 1 H 1 6 T C Y O U R P K / E N D L Y LOCAL FCR OKI THURS(%i), FR l(4/i) & SAT(44)oniy. EflEEHAMS K W H I L E 5 A V l t 4 < r A T Y O U R F K I E M D L ^ L C J C A L . MERCHANTS, TV WIN 04E Of- J BEAUTIFUL- SEVEN V&UN C> K R A K U 6 R 7 L 4 S W M A M £ C l N E . W ( ^ L P ^ NO PURCHASE NeCEZ&ARYfrYOU PON'TNEEP TO PE PRESENT ATTWe PRAWIN<*- ON MCWPAY A P R I L 4 in *TWE^a m b»^ OFFICE TO WIN. A T A M Y P A R T I C I P A T I M ^ - f*>U6\blBS5> OU THURS.(%i), FRIMor&TflfeWv. N0V0TNY SALES & SERVICE „ 5515 N WtlMOTRD IQHNS8URG 497 3103 10% OFF ALL MERCHANDISE (o uSc tfNLEAPFP CAKKcTTfi OHI.V THE FASHION SH0PPE 1 1007 N FRONT ST iRT 31) McHENRY 385 7747 . 10% OFF THE PRICE OF ALL REGULAR MERCHANDISE PHOTOGRAPHY BY NIES 3814 WEST MAIN ST McHENRY 3850093 PORTRAIT SITTING 10% OFF IF BOOKCD APRIL 31, MAY 1« 2,1977 THE TODDLER SHOP 3430 WEST ELM ST McHENRY 385 0746 WITH THIS COUPON 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE BOYS SIZE 8-12 ARIZONA SUN 3321 * EtMST McHENRY 385-1833 10% OFF THE PRICE OF ALL BOOTS CASUAL SH0PPE 1216 N GREEN ST McHENRY 385 2713 STREET LENGTH DRESSES 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE McHENRY I HOME FURNISHINGS I 4618* RT 120 McHENRY t 385 8200 • 10% OFF THE COST OF I ANYTHING IN THE STORE I I McGEE'S 1245 N GREEN ST McHENRY 385 0047 LEISURE SUITS BOYS iSlZES 10 20) 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE $35 50 AN0 UP MEN'S 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE J45 00 AND UP RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET 1402 N RIVERSIDE OR McHENRY 385 5900 10% OFF PRICE OF ALL [ REGULAR MERCHANDISE I I I (SALE ITEMS EXCLUDED) VYCITAL'S 1228 N GREEN ST McHENRY 385 0098 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE OF ALL POTTERY AND WOOD PLANTERS I SPURGEON'S 4400 W RT 120 McHENRY 385-4100 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE OFCATALINA, ECOBAY, . RUSSTOGS SPORTSWEAR • I ACE HARDWARE 3729 WEST ELM ST McHENRY 385-0722 10% OFF THE PRICE OF ALL PAINTS HORf SBY'S FAMILY CENTER 4400 rt RT 120 McHENRY 385-3870 I I I 10% OFF THE PRICE OF | LITTLE BOYS & BIG BOYS | 3 PC. SUITS | _7 McHENRY OFFICE SUPPLY I 1260 N GREEN ST McHENRY 385 5890 WITH THIS COUPON I I 10% OFF I PAPERMATE PENS » REFILLS, I PENTEL ROLLING WRITERS . BEARD & STOVALL 1214 N GREEN ST McHENRY 385 0019 ST0REWIDE CLEARANCE 10% OFF TONES MUSIC 3719-23 WEST ELM McHENRY 385-4646 ALL RECORDS & TAPES ALL RED TAG ITEMS 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE THE BOOKMARK 3438 W ELM ST McHENRY 385-8444 f I ( CHILDREN'S BOOKS I AND RELIGIOUS BOOKS ! 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE I I TOY AND JUVENILE SHOP 3706 H ELM ST McHENRY 385 2535 ALL MERCHANDISE 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE COAST TO COAST 4400 a RT 120 McHENRY 385-6655 FERTILIZER 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE BROUHAHA 1220 N GREEN ST McHENRY 385 0150 GLADSTONE'S 1219 N GREEN ST McHENRY 385-0182 TAMI'S JUVENILE FURNITURE 4605 W RT 120. McHENRY 385 9292 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE ALL MERCHANDISE THE LIQUOR MART 2314 W RT 120 McHENRY 385 6730 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE ALL IMPORTED WINES (MiWfOn HIPS SAr APRIL 2 AT ALL MA/aS , $tfOPP/VG- 4 #£A3 .'/ 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE I ENTIRE SELECTION | OF SPRING, AND SUMMER SUN DRESSES CHILDREN'S HEALTHTEX & CARTERS SPORTSWEAR 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE LOSSMANN'S MEATS, FISH & DELI 5000 W R T 120 M c H f N R Y 385 3401 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE I LUNCHMEAT & CHEESES I I ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. 909 N FRONT ST McHENRY 385 1424 ANDERSEN WINDOWS, PANELING, INSULATION, OTHER ITEMS 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE LETTY'S LAMPS 3318 W ELM ST V. H E N R Y 385 2824 I I LAMPS, SHADES, LAMP PARTS, I REWIRING & REPAIRING | 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE I I PETALS & STEMS 3301 WEST ELM ST . McHENRY 385 4747 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE FOLIAGE GREEN PLANTS McHENRY CHECKPOINT 4400 A RI 120 McHENRY 385 7300 I I 10% OFF REGULAR COST ! ALL MERCHANDISE, | INCLUDING SERVICE | -I I TRANSFORMATION MODELING SCHOOL AND BOUTIQUE 2906 W RIv120 McHENRY 344 1767 WIGS AND JEWELRY 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE quality of their water. Anyone interested in voicing his or her feelings on water quality, etc. should try to attend the hearing April 26. % REMINDERS A newsletter from the village president will be forthcoming. The election is April 19. Don't forget to cast your vote. There are three vacancies on the village board and there are three residents who have filed petitions for these positions. Nevertheless, please get out and vote; show these can didates your support and give them a vote of confidence. A child is a beacon to the future; keep the beacon "turned on" with love, not drugs. Renters' Dreams May Go Up In Smoke It may be cheaper for singles and young families to rent a house or an apartment instead of trying to buy a place of their own. But, the Insurance In formation institute says, the advantages of renting over buying could literally go up in smoke if a rented dwelling isn't protected by property and liability insurance. It's important for those who rent homes or apartments to understand their loss ex posures. For example, even though a landlord may have insurance to cover the building or complex, that insurance would not usually provide either property or liability protection for tenants. Nor would it provide for defense or settlement costs or pay medical expenses if someone were injured in an accident in a rented home. An example of the confusion surrounding a tenant's liability for damage and-or injuries arising out of an incident in a rented dwelling is illustrated in one case of a kitchen grease fire. The tenant was heating grease in a fry pan when the grease ignited. The resulting fire demolished the apartment kitchen. Repair costs exceeded $700. The landlord had in surance to protect himself from fire loss, and the careless chef thought he, too, would be covered under the owner's insurance policy. Instead, a court held the tenant liable to the landlord for the repair costs. Why? Because the tenant's careless cooking started the fire. His negligence could as easily have destroyed more than just the kitchen of a single apartment, and the careless chef could have been liable for thousands of dollars in repairs to the building as well as for fire losses suffered by neigh bors in the apartment complex. Renters also need bodily injury liability protection. If a guest trips and breaks a leg or if a visiting child crashes through a glass door, a lawsuit could result. A television repairman bitten by the family pet, or a delivery boy who slips on the welcome mat could endanger a young family's financial security for years into the future. Tenant-homeowner in surance plans are available to protect renters from the oon sequences of accidents in their homes and to provide protection against fire or theft of their personal property. Liability insurance included in the tenant-homeowner package obligates an insurer to defend the policyholder in a court suit filed as a result of an accident in the home and to pay any damages awarded up to the policy limit. In many cases, accidents occuring away from the home or apartment also are covered if the tenant, a member of his or her family or a family pet is held to be responsible. ~ The Insurance Information institute emphasizes that property and liability in surance for even a modest household could save a young family from financial loss that could burden them for years to come. SEEKSDROUGHTAID Gov. James R. Thompson recently met with federal of ficials and members of the I l l i n o i s C o n g r e s s i o n a l delegation in Washington in an effort to obtain disaster relief funds to aid drought-stricken areas of..Illinois. CENTURY III • Gov. Thompson told a gathering of state agriculture leaders and legislators recently that research aimed at in creasing per acre production was an important part of his a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s f a r m program. Listing the a g r i c u l t u r a l p r o g r a m s proposed in his fiscal 1978 budget Gov. Thompson said that the "Food for Century III" research project would expand a g r i c u l t u r a l r e s e a r c h programs and facilities at Southern Illinois university and the University of Illinois. Right now is the right time for the right price on ̂ - Farm Center Buildings ! Jt nii j, h •Full or partial slat •Farrow or Finish •Equipment matched to your needs •Engineering Expertise McHenry FS Marengo McHenry Elkhorn, Wise. Woodstock Zenda * Huntley Chemung