Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1977, p. 3

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O f f e r H o m e C r a f t e d I t e m s At May 15 "Fair Diddley Local Talent Part Of Cast In "The Hostage 99 HOSPITAL NOTES Julie Jessup, Leith Honning, and Carole Bracher, all from McHenry, admire needlework made especially for "Fair Diddley," the benefit to be held May 15 on Woodstock square, sponsored by the Mental Health Resource league. (A SALLY MILLER PHOTO) It is the Irish struggle against England that impels the actioti of "The Hostage," with the zaniest, bawdiest crew ever seen on any stage, to unfold this hilarious and heart-warming tale. It is a serious drama about a young British soldier who will be shot in retaliation if the British hang an Irish terrorist for killing a policeman. A tender romance develops between the soldier and a simple orphan girl who is the maid in the Dublin house where the soldier is being held cap­ tive. Interwoven throughout the play are jokes, songs, dancing and numerous pokes at all religious, political or moral hypocrites in the world. Arthur Thorsen will direct this Town Square Players production at the Woodstock Opera house. Those cast from McHenry are Yvonne Alton as Teresa, Allen Bagniewski as Mr. Mulleady, Kelly Kalk as a lady of the house, David Peterson as the volunteer and John Spanetz as Princess Grace. Other members of the cast include: Bob Carr as Pat, Gloria Carr as Meg, George Dyck as Monsewer, Bob Dapper as Leslie and Virginia Home crafted articles and do- it-yourself projects are en­ joying great popularity, and this year's "Fair Diddley", to be held May 15, from noon until dusk on the Woodstock square, will offer a variety of these items. Over 170 amateur and professional exhibitors will offer an intriguing array of artwork and craft items. There is expected to be special interest in leather crafts, metal sculpture, hand wrought jewelry, hand- weaving, paintings, candles, one-of-a-kind pottery pieces, and much more. Booth space is still available and individuals or groups in­ terested in renting space may call Mrs. Martin Perenchio in Harvard. Members of the Mental Health Resourch league, sponsor of the Fair, are busy preparing craft items for the league's craft booth at the fair. There promises to be an im­ pressive array of macrame, crochet and knitted novelties, crewel work, needlepoint, and other home crafted articles. Any one interested in donating their hobby products or special craft projects may call Mrs. Frank Altenbern, or Mrs. Marathon Dance Set Saturday The West campus is in the process of raising money for the members' trip to Kansas City in May to compete in a Festival of Choirs. Merchants and individuals are con­ tributing to the support of this trip. As a "fun project" for fund raising, the parents of the members of the chorus will dance to a local rock band for two hours to advertise the merchants who have donated to the cause. The dancers will be judged and prizes will be given to the best dancers. Spectators may come and watch the parents, and teen-agers may attend to participate in the dance. Separate admissions will be charged for spectators than participants. A special dance for junior high students will also be held prior to the Marathon, which begins at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 16, in the West campus gym. The junior dance is scheduled for 5:30. The public is invited. Kingsley Forbes, both of McHenry. In addition to the craft booth, the league provides refresh­ ments, sells used books and records, children's clothing and toys. Clowns will be selling balloons, and the children will delight in the games and prizes. There will be non-stop en­ tertainment throughout the square and the Opera House will offer a special children's program at 1:30 and a Music Hall program at 3 p.m. "Fair Diddley" is an annual fund raising event for the Mental Health Resource league. The Resource league is a non-profit organization that cooperates with, supports, and financially aids mental health services within McHenry county. They sponsor programs to educate the public in areas of mental health and have provided scholarships in mental health related fields to county residents. HARVARD HOSPITAL BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sena of McHenry are the parents of a son born April 12. SECOND DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Gary Anderson of Cincinnati, Ohio, announce the birth of their second child, a daughter, named Nicole Joy. The baby was born in a Cin­ cinnati hospital April 1 at 1:30 a.m. and weighed 6 lbs. 6 oz. She joins a sister, Danielle, 21 months. Grandparents include Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson of McHenry and Neal and Maizie Walker of Cincinnati, Ohio. THEATRE TRIP The Woodstock Fine Arts association is sponsoring a bus trip to Arie Crown theatre, Saturday, April 16 to see the Alice-ln-Wonderland ballet. Make reservations to see the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts by calling, 338-6517. The bus leaves at 12:15 p.m. from the Ace Hardware parking lot on Rte. 47 to attend the 2 p.m. performance. Anyone who wishes may bring a sack lunch to eat on the bus. PHONE (815) 675-2302 FOR TICKET INFORMATION LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE PRESENTS . . . AN ENTIRE EVENING OF DINING, DANCING AND ENTERTAINMENT AT THE FINEST SCENIC NIGHTCLUB IN McHENRY COUNTY APRIL 22ND AND 23RD STAN KENTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA BUICK SKYLARK "S" 146 BUICKS IN STOCK a|C FOR ONLY $3997 - INCLUDING DCM.ER PREP AND DELIVERY - YOU GET: •IANDAU VINYL TOP •AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION • POWER STEERING • WHITE WALL TIRES -FULL WHEEL COVERS ALL COLORS, STYLES AND MODELS, READY FOR SAME DAY DELIVERY. DOUBLE USED CARS 76 CONTINENTAL MARK IV Baby blue with white custom vinyl top blue leather interior. 12 000 original certified miles. Loaded with all luxury extras This car can't be told from new1 SAVE '75 RIVIERA White with burgundy interior, only 19.800 original certified miles Loaded with many- extras Executive driven car has had nothing but the best care. *5490 75 LEMANS SPORT COUPE 10,000 original certifies miles. Blue finish with a blue custom interior This car is loaded with equipment and is in excellent condition >3490 '74 LESABRE SPORT COUPE Light green finish with matching inter tor. Fully equipped, *2490 71 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE Leather interior, loaded with extras 1 owner car *2390 71PLYM0UTH DUSTER CPE. factory art conditioning power steering power brakes, very good second car for the family. *1390 BaberBulcK 91 S. RT. 12, FOX LAKE 312 7587-2555 HOURS: M0N..THUR., FRI, 9 AM TO 9 PM SAT. 9 AM TO 5 PM SUN. 11 AM TO 5 PM Leasing Now Available Zymonas as Miss Gilchrist. Also featured in the cast are Barbara Oehmke, Jimmie Lucas, Don Mast, Mary Ckay, Stella Dyck, Robert Mathews, Mary Wahler, Amy Piatt, Kelly Hogan Fallers. "The Hostage" will open April 29 and run April 30, May 1, 6, 7 and 8. For ticket in­ formation, contact Mrs. Howard (Yvonne) Alton or the Woodstock Opera house. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Patients admitted to Memorial Hospital, Woodstock, recently included Lauretta Frye and Elaine Frantz, both of McHenry; Phyllis Bobillo, Joan Carmody, Master Jose Romero and Edward O'Brien, all of Wonder Lake. Courthouse Squares PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. APRIL 15. 1977 LAST DANCE St. Peter's Social club will have its "Last Hurrah" dance at the club Saturday, April 23, 9:30 p.m The band will play for the last time at this address. After eight years, members have to move because the building is coming down. As of May 1, the new address will be 316 So. Wabash. The club is open to single Catholics over 26 and under 55. Guests welcome. HOW DO THOSE VITAMINS MAKE ME STRONG ? STRUGGLING TO GET THE CAP OFF/ FIFTH GENERATION Little Benjamin Douglas Belohlavy has been welcomed by four generations of his family since his birth Monday, April 4 at McHenry hospital. The first child of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Belohlavy was born at 3:45 p.m. and weighed 4 lbs. 13 oz. Delighted grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Jaenicke, Jr. of Harvard and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Belohlavy of McHenry. Great grandparents include Mr. and Mrs. William Jaenicke, Sr., also of Harvard, Jlalph Waldo of Genoa City. Wis. and Mrs. B.C. Timm of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. His great- great grandmother is Mrs. P.O. Gladhill of Franklin Park. THE SUCCESSFUL MAN NEEDS A SECRETARY TO TAKE EVERYTHING DOWN, A WIFE ID PICK EVERYTHING MARINE FESTIVAL QUEEN CONTEST Nuiih' Address Phone Parents* Names Birth Dale Hobbies Seliool Activities Parents' Signature . Include two pictures Return to Plaindealer office. 3812 W. Elm St. 5798 TRADE OR CASH Of $1000 DOWN fOR 48 MONTHS, APR 12 68% PIUS SALES TAX PER M0 ONE-STOP.....Ira,ei se"ice MIMIII AIRLINE and AMTRAK TICKETS WkiU Tn Wait Amtrak Chain-O-Lakes TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm St. McH*nry, Illinois 60050 Plonning a Caribbean crui*«f A trip to Europ«...M«xico ...Hawaii? You con comporo thorn oil undor ono roof ot our oHico I Wo aro agontf for steamships airlinot, hotoli, sighttooing componiot throughout tho world. Dependable Travel Since 1961 385-7500 Area Code 815 SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ALL DRINKS 50 MON. thru THUR 7 PM to 1 1 PM LOUNGE ONLY EXCEPT CREAM DRINKS AND CORDIALS FRI. & SAT. . SPECIAL 6 to 7 PM LOUNGE ONLY 7, PRICE! XKQXAN MAMA* LOUNGE RT. 31, % Ml. SO. OF RT. 120, McHENRY JAZZ0RGANS X McHenry State Bank Founded in 1906 - McHenry County's Largest Financial Institution Statement Of Conditions CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION of McHenry State Bank of McHenry, Il l inois 60050 And Foreign and Domestic Subsidiaries, at the close of business March 31,1977, a state banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of the State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in accordance with a call made by the State Banking Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS Cash and due from banks , 7,384,000.00 U.S. Treasury securities 12,865,000.00 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 1,459,000.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 15,594,000.00 Federal Reserve stock and corporate stock 153,000.00 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in domestic offices 2,000,000.00 a. Loans, Total (excluding unearned income) 55,080,000.00 b. Less: Reserve for possible loan losses 565,000.00 c. Loans, net 54,515,000.00 Bank promises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 848,000.00 Other assets 762,000.00 TOTAL ASSETS (sum of items 1 thru 15) 95,580,000.00 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 16,589,000.00 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 66,334,000.00 Deposits of United States Government 272,000.00 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 1,980,000.00 Certified and officers' checks 841,000.00 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES 86,016,000.00 a. Total demand deposits 18,256,000.00 b. Total time and savings deposits 67,760,000.00 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase in domestic offices 1,913,000.00 Otherjiabilities 1,212,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures). . . . 89,141,000.00 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock....a. No. shares authorized 160,000 b. No. shares outstanding 160,000 (par value) 1,600,000.00 t Surplus 3,000,000.00 Undivided profits 1,639,000.00 Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 200,000.00 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 32 thru 36) 6,439,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 30, 31 , and 37) 95,580,000.00 MEMORANDA ' Average for 15 or 30 calendar days ending with report date: a. Cash and due from banks (corresponds to item 1 above) 6,808,000.00 b. Federul funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell (corresponds to item 8 above) . 733,000.00 c. Total loans (corresponds to iiem 9a above) " 55,846,000.00 d. Time deposits of $100,000 or more in domestic offices (corresponds to Memoranda items 3a plus 3b below) 2,200,000.00 e. Total deposits in domestic and foreign offices..... (corresponds to item 24 above) 85,693,000.00 f. Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase (corresponds to item 25 above) 2,229,000.00 Standby letters of credit outstanding as of report date 614,000.00 Time deposits of $100,000 or more in domestic offices outstanding as of report date: a. Time rertificates of deposit in denominations of^100,000 or more ... 1 ,000,000.00 b. Other time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more 1,404,000.00 I, Edwin J. Becker Jr. Vice Pres. & Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Edwin J. Becker Jr. * We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct Esther Carey John L. Cowlin, Thomas F. Bolger, Directors State of Illinois County of McHenry ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of April, 1977 Merily Fail Notary Public Official Publication DIRECTORS ESTHER CAREY WILLIAM A. NYE, M.D. ROBERT L. WEBER THOMAS F. BOLGER ELMER P. ADAMS JOHN L. COWLIN LENORA E. FRISBY ORMEL J. PRUST FRANCIS M. SCHMITT WILLIAM COWLIN OFFICERS WILLIAM A. NYE. M.D., Chairman of the Board ESTHER CAREY. Vice Chairman ROBERT L. WEBER. ^Chairman of Executive Committee THOMAS F. BOLGER, President ORMEL J. PRUST, Executive Vice-President LENORA E. FRISBY, Vice-President and Trust Officer ROBERT B. SCHNEIDER, Vice-President and Trust Officer EDWIN J. BECKER, JR., Vice President and Cashier JAMES E. LARKIN, Vice-President RONALD J. VACULA, Vice-President RICHARD A. LANE, Vice-President ROBERT POWERS, Assistant Vice-President DONALD H. MEYER, Assistant Vice-President JOHN MURPHY, Assistant Vice-President LILLIAN CAIRNS, Assistant Cashier DONALD H. WATTLES, Assistant Cashier ALBERT G. VALES, Assistant Cashier FRED KUPSTIS, Assistant Cashier PETER J. KELLER, Auditor CAROL SCHOLLE, Assistant Auditor YVONNE RYDEN, Credit Officer PHILIP OEFFLING, Assistant Loan Officer

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