Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1977, p. 2

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We're the relaxing little beauty salon; Exclusive but not Expensive; Friendly, efficient Beauty Service. Just For You! 1212 N. GREEN ST. (OFC. 8) McHENRY Phone 3441019 Strawberry Festival i Scheduled In June At the April 19 meeting of the Pioneer club which was at­ tended by fifty-one members, a definite date was set for the club's annual Strawberry festival It is slated for Saturday. June 18. with a rain date of June 19 Plans for the festival were begun and Mrs Lillian Schubert will be general chairman. All members were urged to offer their help or to be a chairman for a committee. Preceding the meeting, a prayer was said by Rev Glenn Mensing and lunch was served Newly elected President Verona Neiss conducted the meeting and opened with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and everyone sang "America". Ardella Anderson was ac- companiest Humorous news items of club activities in 1970 and 1971 were read by the president Thirty free tickets are available for a benefit concert at Orchestra hall. Chicago, by the Community Renewal society. Saturday. May 14, 8 p.m For reservations call 815- 338-6075. The Woodstock Performing Arts company is offering tickets for programs at half price for Senior Citizens The Sunshine chairman reported sending get well cards to Jeanette A • p. Charles Nickels and Eugene Grochocki Elizabeth Wittmayer. when able to travel, will go to live with her daughter President Neiss suggested that the club help all elderly people, whether they be members or not. A visit, a phone call, or assisting in transportation is always appreciated Vera Frey offered to be chaplain and Mr and Mrs Oscar Johnson of Spring Grove were welcomed as new members Vice president and program chairman. Robert Leonhardt presented a list of entertaining events to be considered throughout the coming year, such as tours and visits to the Space center. Greater America. Board of Trade. Phil Donohue show. Ice show, race track. Historical museum. Food festival. Holy Hill and plays at Shady Lane and the Woodstock Opera house. Plans will be made as requested by majority of members. Forty people are needed to fill a bus The next meeting is Tuesday. May 3. The committee consists of Josephine LaVertu. Verona Huff. Mame Tinney. Ruth Sch­ midt. Mae Weber Finney Kjeller and Bea Meier. Early Registration For Senior Hobby Fair Registrations are already being received for the third annual Senior Citizen Hobby fair, scheduled for June 18. The event is sponsored by the Woodstock Kiwanis club and is for any resident over fifty years of age in McHenry county. For application forms, write to the club, care of 315 Forrest avenue, Woodstock 600%. The collections and creations of over 150 senior citizen hobbyists were seen by crowds of viewers at the fair last year. The fair is held in the Woodstock city square. Sorority Considers Parade Float Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held its meeting Thursday, April 21, with ten members in attendance at the home of Mrs. Sandy Etten. Vice president Mrs. Sandy Etten opened the meeting and the officers and committee chairmen gave their prospective reports A suggestion was made to enter a float in the Marine day parade and discussed. A table is reserved for Pi Alpha chapter at the Area convention in Palatine. The convention will be held at the Howard Johnson motor hotel June 5. President Mrs. Karen Colomer read about Founder's day to prepare the group for the forty-sixth anniversary of the sorority. Mrs. Stacia Russell and Mrs. Aleta Gemmell presented the cultural program on economy. Refreshments were served and ejoyed by all. If you want to be high­ ly recommended let some­ one else say the word. SPECMLS! FRIDAY FISH FRY... INCLUDES SALAD BAR SATURDAY PRIME RIB . BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIAL! 11 A.M. TO 2 P.M. ALL COCKTAILS 50* (EXCEPT BLENDED. CREAM & IMP DRINKS) INDIAN MANOR RESTAURANT & LOUNGE RTE. 31, % Ml. S. OF 120, McHENRY McHenry East campus was the place to be April 16,as the Checkerboard Squares held their annual sing-a-long and Nite Owl Square dance. For the seven hours of dancing, there were three rooms open, a beginners' hall for the novice dancer: and advanced hall: and a round dance room. the Nite Owl, many guest callers came from the local clubs, and as far away as Wisconsin. Denver, and In­ diana Refreshments Were served all evening, with a continental breakfast served at 2 a m Special skits were done by Lyle Stalker and the Kammerers at break time. Many of the shops in McHenry had displays set up for participants to browse through A good time was had by all and everyone is looking for­ ward to next year's big event with the Checkerboards. Community Calendar APRIL 27 Lakeland Park Women's Club-Annual Spring Luncheon- Card Party-St. Patrick's Church Hall-ll:30 a.m. APRIL 28 Craft Club-Lakeland Park Community House-9:30 a m McHenry Senior Citizens- Driver Refresher Course - Third Session-10 a.m. to Noon- City Hall Council Chambers St. Clara Court-Officer In­ stallation. Girl Scout Leaders Neigh­ borhood Meeting-St. Patrick s Church Hall-9:30 a.m. Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi- Founders Day- Shady Lane-Dinner-Theatre. McHenry Garden Club- Meeting-Home of lone Bartz-1 p.m. St. Clara Court-Officer In­ stallation-Dinner. 6 p.m., Top Deck-Reservations. Mrs. Leonard Freund. APRIL 29 & 30 ARTS Presents "Four On a Garden "-McHenry Country Club-Friday, 9 p.m.-Saturday, 8 p.m .--Dinner-Theatre Reservations. 385-1072. APRIL 30 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Cards-St. Mary s Oak Roon&~7:30 p.m. Spring Fling II-McCullom Lake Beach House-8:30 p.m. to ?~Tickets at Door-Beach Gals, Sponsors. Johnsburg School PTO Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Johnsburg School- Public Welcome Valley View PTO Fun Fair - 11 a m to 3:30 p.m.-Valley View School. MAY 1 McHenry Snoballers-Dinner- Dance-American Legion Hall- Cocktails, 5 p.m.-Dinner, 6 p.m -Dance, 7 to 11 p.m. - Reservations, 385-5534 or 385- 7835. CD.of A--Communion Siinday Mass-9 a.m.-St. John the Baptist Church, Johnsburg- -Breakfast Follows. MAY 2 Mothers Day Banquet- C.D.of A -Social Hour, 6:30- Dinner, 7 p.m.--St, Patrick's Hall-Reservations by April 25 at 385-0119 or 385-4730. Ruth Circle Meeting-Home of Mrs. John Trendler, McHenry. McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Executive Committee Meeting-3:30 p.m -Landmark School. PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY APRIL 27. 1977 Lively Evening With Local Square Dancers "Bee" In Fashion OCTOBER VOWS-An exchange of vows will take place in St. Patrick's Catholic church in October between Lynda Cairns, daughter of Mrs. Lillian Cairns, 1510 N. Green street. McHenry, and Gary Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Becker, 193 S. Wolf road. Wheeling. MARRIAGE LICENSES Applications recently made for marriage licenses at the McHenry County Clerk's office include: Gary S Boehm and Janice K. Davidson, both of McHenry; Charles R Ward. New Berlin. and Sandra A. Rekar. Ingelside; Robert C. Sallaz. McHenry, and Nancy K. Nelson. Hoffman Estates. Charles J Marke and Christine A. Bohac, both of Wonder Lake; Thomas E. O'Halleran. Woodstock, and Marcia L. Westgard. McHenry. 5" The Wonder Lake Women's club luncheon-fashion show will be held at Honey Bear farm in Powers Lake. Wis., Saturday. April 30. Fashion show chairman, Louanna Paradowski, and her committee members, Anita Barrett, Chairlene Crosby, Pat Fitzgerald, Clara Kruger and Rose Merkel have worked hard to make this a "honey of a show", and an invitation is extended to join them at 11:30 a.m. for cocktails and a lun­ cheon that includes honey glazed chicken and the latest fashions. Tickets are available from any club member. For more information call Mrs. Matthew Paradowski, of Wonder Lake Partial proceeds from the fashion show go toward the presentation of two $375 scholarships to Wonder Lake high school students. MAY 3 Blood Pressure Reading - McHenry First National Bank- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. U.M.W. Mission Team Meeting-9 a.m.-First United Methodist Church. Koinonia Group Meeting-10 a.m.-First United Methodist Church. Marcia Mary Ball Circle M e , e t i n g - F i r s t U n i t e d Methodist Church-12:30 p.m.~ Hostesses Alvina McKaige and Helen Walters. MAY 4 McHenry Police Drug Abuse Program-Edgebrook PTO- 7:30~Gym. » MAY 5 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Meeting-Officer Installation-Home of Mrs. Linda Thietje. Public Card Party-C.D.of A - -8 p m.-KC Hall. Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting-9:30 a.m.- Community House-Officer Installation. Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Meeting-Home of Linda Thietje-Officer In­ stallation. Spring Salad Luncheon- Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church-12 Noon- Covenant Women, Sponsors. MAY 6 Sing-a-Long-St. Patrick's Church Hall-7:30 p.m.- Everyone Welcome-No Ad­ mission Charge. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Fish Dinner-American Legion Hall~5:30 p.m. MAY 9 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Meeting-7:30 p.m.-East Campus Cafeteria MAY 10 Town and Country Newcomers Club-Potluck Dinner-Crazy Bridge-St. Paul's Church-7:30 p.m. MAY 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club-Bus Trip To Chicago Loop-Leaving McHenry State Bank-8:45 am. MAY 13, 14 & 15 Rummage Sale-Christ the "SPRING FLING II"-The Beach Gals of McCullom Lake dance committee are busy working on their annual "Spring Fling II" to be held Saturday, April 30, beginning at 8:30 p.m. There will be refreshments and a dance band. Tickets will be available at the door or from members. King Church Basement-Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m- Sunday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.- Ladies Sodality, Sponsors. MAY 14 Volleyball Marathon II--9 a.m. to 7 p.m.-Information at J.C. Bush School-Benefit Johnsburg Tennis Courts. Friendship Club Potluck Dinner-Meeting-6 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. MAY 15 McHenry American Legion Auxiliary-Semi-Annual Chicken Dinner-Legion Home- Noon to 4 p.m. "Fair Diddley "-Woodstock City Square-Noon to 6 p.m.- Mental Health Resource League. Sponsors. MAY 16 Potluck Dinner-Honoring Gold Star Members-Legion Post Home-6:30 p.m.- American Legion Auxiliary. Lakemoor-Lilymoor Blood Pre s s u r e S c r e e n i n g - 7 t o 9 p . m - -Municipal Building. MAY 17 U.M.W Bazaar Work Day- First United Methodist Church- -11:30 a.m. MAY 18 Edgebrook PTO Ice Cream Social-Film Festival-School Gym-6:30 p.m. Salad Bar Luncheon-Fashion Show-Noon-Zion Lutheran Church. MAY 19 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Meeting-Home of Mrs. Karen Colomer. Joyce Kilmer Court-C.D.of A. Meeting-Officer Election-8 p.m.-KC Hall. Spring Tea-First United Methodist Church-1 p.m. Missionary- League Plans Spring Rally The Lutheran Women's Missionary league, Circuit No. 10, will hold its spring rally, Thursday evening, April 28, at Zion Lutheran church in McHenry. Registration will begin at 6 p.m. The registration fee is minimal and includes a light supper to be served at 6; 30 p.m. This year's theme is "Women for Christ" and the guest speaker is Miss Phyllis Ker- sten, communications director, / Wheat Ridge foundation. Ahy ( interested persons areji)vited to attend this meeting of fellowship with God. INSTALLATION St.Clara Court No. 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters, will hold installation o(| officers April 28. I^naer will be at the Top Deck in McHenry at 6 p.m. For reservations, contact Mrs. Leonard Freund. MR. AND MRS. JAMES WE I LAND VEGAS WEDDING - Mrs. Helen B. Justen of McHenry announces the marriage of her daughter. Carol, to James Weiland. son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Weiland of Spring Grove. The couple were married by the Rev. Paul Kapp, pastor of the Little Church of the West, in Las Vegas. New, at 2 p.m. Wednesday. April 13. Mr. and Mrs. David Mehner of McHenry were best man and matron of honor for the occasion. The wedding dinner was held in the Aku Aku room of the Stardust hotel. The new bride is employed locally and the groom owns a business in Round Lake. Wonder Lake Women's club show chairman Louanna Paradowski extends an invitation to "bee" in fashion and see the latest fashions at the luncheon-fashion show at Honey Bear Farm April 39. New Born l*» Registry THE GUIDE THAT TAKES THE GUESSWORK OUT OF GIFT GIVING Exclusively ot If you're expecting, Register today! $5 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO EACH REGISTRANT • IImkAwiiicmi ton Spring now in progress! Come in Soon for Best Selection SELECT GROUP OF: •SLACKS •BLAZERS •BLOUSES •VESTS and more! reduced 30% The Fashion Shoppe 1007 IN. FRONT ST. (S. RTE. 311, McHENRY 385-7747 DAILY 9-5=30. FRI. 9-9 MISSES AND HALF SIZES McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB 820 JOHN ST., McHENRY RESERVATIONS CALL 385-1072 MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH SERVED 9:00 A.M. TO 1:00 •3.50 ADULTS $2.75 CHILDREN UNDER 10 MOTHER'S DAY BUFFET SERVED 2:00 P.M. TO 6:00 * •PRIME RIB & CHICKEN •SALAD BAR 'DESSERT TABLE «4>.95 ADULTS. 94.50CHILDREN UNDER IO

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