Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jun 1977, p. 8

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PAC»F K • PLAINDEAI.ER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 22. 197? Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 VFW, Auxiliary Plan To Attend Convention Anticipate Village Road Work To Begin The Lilymoor association will be having work done on the roads shortly, if by this prin­ ting. it hasn't been started already Phyllis L&ske has been ap­ pointed as head of the Welfare committee Cleanup of the subdivision will be postponed until fall, due to the heavy growth of grass and weeds. It will be held in conjunction with Halloween. If you have any questions or suggestions pertaining to Lilymoor. why not come out to the meetings. They are held on the second Tuesday of every month in the home of Secretary Caroline Rasmussen at 214 Ridgeway avenue at 8 p.m. All members are welcome to attend. LADIES LEAGUE ' Members met June 14 for their social evening. Prize winners were, first, Lu Gravenstuk; second. Betty Kmetz; third, Connie O'Rourke; fourth, Helen Netzel. and the booby prize was won by Sophie Paterson. Hostesses were Helen Netzel and Connie O'Rourke. BIRTHDAYS Laura Kasper will add one more candle to her cake June 23. Barbara Para June 24. Emma Kunz will add one June 27, and Pamela Anderson June 28 Kean Ryan will have one more candle on his cake June 29. Andre Yerke begins his teen years June 30 and Mary Anna Tully will be two years into her teens on that same date. Here's hoping eaoh of you have a very happy day. SEND CARDS Rose Zalenka is a patient at the Crystal Pines Nursing home, 335 N. Illinois street, Crystal Lake, 60014. Friends and neighbors may send cards to her and I'm sure she will be happy to hear from you. ANNIVERSARIES Many happy returns of the day to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dember June 22, and to Mr. and Mrs. Williard Pierce June 27. A very happy anniversary to both couples. TIL NEXT TIME The Department of Illinois, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Ladies auxiliary annual convention will be held at Rosemont, June 23 to 26. Thursday evening at the Sheraton O'Hare a memorial service will be held in memory of all the departed members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Ladies auxilairy in the state. Patricia Essington of Bradley, 111., who is president of the Department of Illinois, Ladies auxilairy to Veterans of Foreign Wars, will preside over the meetings which will open Friday afternoon and continue through Sunday. Chairman of all programs will make their final reports and present awards. Friday evening there will be a parade on Lee street in Des Plaines. The commander and the president of the state of Illinois will be the honored guests at a dinner in the Ramada O'Hare Inn on Saturday evening. Election of officers for the 1977-78 year will take place on Sunday, with installation of officers dosing the convention. Delegates who will be at­ tending the convention to represent the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 will be Violet Abbink, president-elect; Lucille Garifi, Renee Jende and Mary Kuemmel, trustees; Ila Hogan, treasurer and Gerry Kuck. secretary. Delegates representing the post will be Bob Roberts, Commander-elect; Bill Abbink, Wallv Kuck and Ray Kuemmel. PfT'yfcj.fyp GROUP. INC. . P.O. BOX 143 McHCNRY. lU MOM 815/385-1771 SIGHT AIDERS...New Eyes for The Needy, non­ profit. non-sectarian agency in Short HiUs; N.J. converts used eyeglasses into thou­ sands of dollars for new pre­ scription glasses for impov­ erished. poor-of-sight chil­ dren and adults. Agency so­ licits no funds, relies o" donation of used glasses. Chris Bennett New Chief Of Fire Company Chris Bennett has been named captain of Company 1. McHenry Township Fire Protection district. Others elected to serve with him in the year ahead were Wayne Amore. lieutenant, and Bill Sheehan, secretary and treasurer. The firemen are elated over the success of their recent dance, which was attended by many business people and other individuals in the com­ munity. In turn, the firemen promise to continue to provide fire protection to the best of their ability. The May dance is the only fund raising event of the year for Company 1 firemen. RESCUE VOLUNTEERS Announcement was made this past week that openings are available for the day crew of Lakes Region Rescue squad. Training will be given for this volunteer squad. Interested persons may write to P.O. Box 168, Island Lake, 60042, or call Roger Thietje, 385-6483 after 5 p.m. • • * • Not what you read but how you read is the key to knowledge. Collie mix, spayed female, 2 years, house broken, all shots. She is very affectionate and excellent with children. Plus Fed b. Tax. Typt & Description We're Overstocked . . .200 tires must go--Blems, Change- overs, Ones-Of-A-Kind, Odds & Ends, Discontinued Tread Designs and Used Tires' Custom Tread Sted Belted Radial Black wall Custom SteeJprd Radial White Stripe American Eagle Radial Whitewall (1 Blem) Cushion Belt Poi*|lass JR78115 HR70115 FR7S114 G78115 F7S114 G7S x 15 Odds 'N Ends 4 Days Only! Sale Ends Sat. Night! Cushion Belt Polyftass Whitewall Tracker LT Load Ran|e C Blackwall 1st Line I Blems- CATS i DOGS HALF PRICE •OR LESS! AND OLD TIRE CUSTOM POLY STEEL RADIAL (CUSTOM POWER | CUSHION POLYGLASS •BELTED! POWERGUIDE 4 PLY POLYESTER Size 10 x 15 tubeless raised outlined white let ter plus $4.18 Fed. Ex. Tax and old tire. Size G78 x 14 tubeless whitewall plus $2.53 Fed. Ex. Tax and old tire. Size DR78 x 14 tubeless whitewall plus $2.38 Fed. Ex. Tax and old tire. Size H78 x 15 tubeless whitewall plus $2.88 Fed. Ex. Tax and old tire CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE BANKAMEHICAM ' Spaniel mix, male, 9 months, medium size, house broken. He is a very nice dog. Good with children, but he does not like chickens. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Poodle-Terrier, male, 7 weeks, beige, will be small. Cocker-Poodle, female,- 8 weeks, chocolate brown, will be s^mall. V*- "V Collie pups, male and female, 5 weeks, will be large. . Olde English Sheepdog, female, 3 years, gray-white, large, housebroken. Whippet mix, male and female, 6 months, all shots, good with children, housebroken. Shepherd mix, female, 1 year, black-white, all shots, housebroken. Shepherd mix, female, 2 years, tan-white, large, all shots, housebroken. Sheltie mix, pups, male and female, 8 weeks, will be medium, puppy shots. Shepherd-Collie, male, 9 weeks, buff with black marking, will be large. Olde English-Collie, spayed female, gray-white, medium coat, housebroken, all shots. Spaniel mix, male, 9 months, black, medium size, housebroken, good with children. Collie mix, spayed female, housebroken, all shots, great with children, tan-medium size. Cocker-Beagle mix, male and female, 1 year, small, black- white. Terrier mix, spayed female, multi color, medium size, all shots, housebroken, obedience Shepherd-Collie pup, male, 9 weeks, buff, will be large. He has excellent temperament and is very affectionate. Already smart enough to strike a cute pose for the camera. trained. She is conscientious in her job of protecting her home. CATS FOR ADOPTION Short hair, nSSfeYed YiriaTe, 9 months, solid black, all shots, litter trained, excellent pet. * Medium hair kittens, male and female, 9 weeks. Russian blue, female, 6 months, gray with green eyes, litter trained. Short hair, female, 9 months, black, litter trained. Gray tiger, short hair, male, 1 year, litter trained. Medium hair, male and female, 6 weeks old, gray- white, black-white, litter trained. Short hair kittens, black- white, brown-white, female, 7 weeks, litter trained. Gray tabby, male, 9 months, shots, litter trained. Park Programs Twenty-five Illinois State parks will offer special educational programs this summer according to the Illinois Department of Con­ servation. Summer in­ terpretive programs will open in parks throughout the state. More information on the programs and on participating state parks is available at most state parks or from the Con­ servation Information office, 602 State Office building, Springfield 62706. I ' Diminished Water Supplies Assisted Richard O. Klemm, chair­ man of the McHenry County toard, has received notification from Congressman Robert McClory that McHenry county qualifies for Farmers Home administration loans and grant assistance to assist com­ munities with water supplies diminished by drought. Klemm said, "This could be of vital importance to our various municipalities who are faced with water supply shortage caused by the dry conditions encountered by McHenry county in the last few years. I suggest that all cities who feel they can take ad­ vantage of this grant contact Congressman McClory's Office or contact the county Board office who will try to provide necessary assistance in preparing the grant ap­ plications." The deadline for applications and certificatioo'of eligibility is Sept. 30. Assistance may be provided for the construction, enlargement, extension or improvement of water facilities to improve drought caused problems. This assistance may include, but not be limited to, deepening existing wells, frilling rtpw wells, developing a new water source or extending watei^ supply lines to other water sources. Sunnyside Area Betty Messer 344-2494 Celebration Of 25 Years For The Dodges June 5, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dodge of 3412 Oakdale, Dut- chcreek Woodlands, celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary. The silver anniversary celebration was held at the Johnsburg Community center. Their friends and relatives gathered to extend best wishes for many more happy years together. PICNIC The village of Sunnyside picnic plans are well under way. But chairman Bill Mit­ chell and»his assistant need more volunteers. If you would like to help, people are needed for the games and the food booth. You canjpbntact either Bill Mitchell or Lowell Halcom. Mark Aug. 13 on your calender and give Bill or Lowell a call to offer your services. ( HELP Ray Hirsch, chairman of E.S.D.A. (Emergency Service Defense Agency), still needs many more volunteers. If you have some free time and would like to help your community you can do so by calling Ray. BIRTHDAYS Randy Sundell celebrated his eighth birthday June 17. Several of Randy's friends came to help celebrate his day. There was a hot dog lunch, games and the special cake baked by Mom was a rocket ship. Happy Birthday, Randy. Another birthday greeting goes to A1 Schuberth. His day is June 21. A1 was treated to a combined father's day and birthday dinner Sunday at a special restaurant in Wheeling. Happy birthday, Al, and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES Anniversary greetings go to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heim, whose special day is June 24. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Ken- nebeck celebrate their special day June 25. Best wishes to you all for many more happy years together. YOUTH ON Successful Fun Fair The Hebron Helping Hands 4- H club will be representing McHenry county at the state fair Share-the-Fun contest. In conjunction, with this, they sponsored a Fun day Saturday, June 18 in downtown Hebron. There were games, balloons, a rummage sale, flea market, dance contests, body painting, an auction, and lots of good things to eat, including strawberry shortcake. All proceeds from the Fun day went to pay the expenses for the club to present their act at the state fair. Federation News The meetin^of the McHenry County Federation was held June 20 at the McHenry county fairgrounds. The meeting began at 6:30 p.m. It was the annual federation barbeque. Upcoming activities: A younger member day camp is being planned for July 6. It will be held at the Woodstock City park. More information will be available to 4-Hers in the next 4-H newsletter. The McHenry County Food Demonstration contest was held June 16 at 9 a.m. at the Farm bureau auditorium on McDonnell road. A variety of Ltssmaitn's Meats, fish & Deli r See The Guys Ml In The Winners Caps GOOOfYEAR 5000 W. ROUTE 120, McHENRY, ILL ,385*3401 We Accept Food Stamps WHERE THE GREAT STEAKS ARE! JGr Conditioner Tune-Up $13® 8 1. In«pecl nyntrm for Irak* |h <>«»**. coupling. \al»e*| 2. Tighten romprrmior mourn* 3. AdjuMt drive bell ten«ion 4. Tiglilen <-ondenner and evaporator moun- i. S 4rM im in 1 lb. Freon. Foreign Car Special Our Mechanics Are Foreign Car Experts! Tired of paying premium prices for *ervioe on your foreign car? Then you owe it to yourself to give us a try. Our highly skilled mechanics are trained in servicing most foreign cars. And you'll find our prices surprisingly low. For example.... Engine Tuiw-Up FOR 240 Z OR 260 Z INCLUDES SPARK PLUGS. POINTS. CONDENSER. EX­ PERT ADJUSTMENT OF THE TWIN CARBS AND ELEC­ TRICAL SYSTEM. $ 39 88 w GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER OWNED AND OPERATED BY: McHENRY CHECKPOINT, INC. 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILL PHONE 385-7300 HOURS: DAILY 8 to 6 SAT. 8 to 4 IN OUR DELI SAVE 20% ON OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS A L L B E E F C Q t BOLOGNA 09 vi LB. SWISS QQt CHEESE ^(RAKUS-IMPORTED POLISH CHOPPED HAM.I CARAND0 M0RTADELLA Vi# %LB. OVER 60 VARIETIES Of MEATS & CHEESE SALADS, TOO! GROUND BEEF PATTIES Avg. 4-5-6 to a Lb. 50 6 LB. BOX Mon thru Sat 9:00 to 6:30 Fri. 9:00 to 8:00 Sun 9 00 to 5 30 STEAK of th« WEEK PRIME T-B0NE STEAK PORK LINKS 3 LB. BOX409LB. THE SEA COVE FLOUNDERS $185 FRESH FROZEN FROG LEGS... ROCK Taste SHRIMP L £ L . . . FRESH IAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISH... WHOLE LAKE PERCH.. FROZEN CALIFORNIA SAND DABS... J And Many More EA. *290LB $2"L. 'PL. $149 89 LB foods were demonstrated the 4-Hers. The McHenry County 4-H Federation is planning a trip to Great America Aug. 27. A square dance is also being planned for sometime in September. 4-H Conference Dr. Herb True of South Bend, Ind. was scheduled to give the keynote address for the 1977 Illinois State 4-H conference to be held June 21-24 at the University of Illinois in Champaign. Dr. True is a noted research psychologist who makes "learning fun, ideas come alive, and people laugh." Entertainment for the opening ceremonies of this year's conference was scheduled to be provided by the Rutherford county 4-H Square dancers from Murfreesboro, Tenn. This group of dancing 4- Hers has performed both in­ ternationally and nationally in such productions as the Dinah Shore show, Opryland USA, and the Grand Ole Opry. Other scheduled activities were a tour of the University of Illinois, a porkchop barbeque featuring the U.S. Air Force Jazz band, and a rock dance with the Freewheelin' group. These were only a few of the many activities planned for this year's Illinois State 4-H con­ ference. Those 4-Hers that were scheduled to attend the con­ ference from McHenry county were Diane Kuhlman, James Drendel, Joyce Orr, Debbie Martin, Julie Haldeman, Katharine Suffield, Barry Cash, and Brian Linhard. Schedule New Meeting For Overeaters The Overeaters Anonymous Group will meet at the First United Methodist church, 3717 W. Main street, McHenry, Saturday, June 25 at 3:30 p.m. Some of the topics discussed are: Are you addicted to food? Do you eat when you're not hungry? Do you go on eating binges for no apparent reason? Is your weight affecting the way you live your life? This new meeting place is in addition to the two meetings held in Crystal Lake at the First United Methodist church, located on Crystal Lake avenue and Dole street at 7:30 p.m. Monday night is a regular meeting, but sometimes a special tape is played or a speaker is scheduled. Thursday night is a step-study round- table discussion type meeting. For further information, if necessary, contact 653-6106 after 5:30 p.m.

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