BANKAMEI Buy 2 big Economicol Puffs Rog.72« Groat savings on tha "qulcksr - pickor - Charm in 4 Pak Ironstono 7'/«" Vegetable •r Salad Bowl Rag. ] . } 7 Ironstone t'/«" Vegetable Bawl Ironstone Coffoo Mag 84c Ovan and Dishwashar proof. Ironstonawara from Sambu Inter national. Bright dasign is ovan and dishwashar proof I Chip 'n Dip SOI Attractive 3 pc. Chip 'n Dip Sat by Anchor Hocking. r 24't Kaaps baby ovan driar than Rogular Pampars. Extra Absorbent Innkoopor 40 Rag. 13.87 6 Sot 94 40 pc. Crystal Hostass Sat by Anchor Hocking. 7 pc. Rakrflower Rofroslaaoat Sat From Anchor Hocking; con* tains 6-12 oz. tumblars and 1 -64 oz. pitchar. Rag. 5.67 Spacially mada for night tima usa.