Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jul 1977, p. 3

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SUSSMPTIONtATII •10.40 1 Year. Vinyl tablecloths ... flannel backed! Values from $3.49 to $5.99 y9 Your Choice mm Colorful cloths of wipe-clean vinyl with non-slip , polyester flannel backs. Florals, scrolls, pHnts and solids In 52x52", 52x70*. 52x90" or 6<T rounds. July 6 to July 30 There's An Answer (by Norman Vincent Peale and Ruth Stafford Peble) it _ . 7 Husband Drowns Grief In Drink u .0-' h*vea problem with my husbnad. We have been married for •uteen years. I belong to a church and try to do the right thing, but my husband doesn't seem to care. He drinks an awful lot and stays outall hours of the night He tells me he drinks so much because his father passed away. I get ai don't understand mis. Can you what to do? . A. Perhaps it would help if you were to get some information on the subject of obsessive drinking. Grief can lead some people to turn to alcohol for forgetfulness and relief. But such a course can result in trouble that is much greater than acute sorrow. Since you do not understand your husband's ctions, we suggest that you do more than simply be depressed I nervous. Take the effective course of getting scientific help for You might write to the Al-Anon Family Group headquarters, >.0. Box 182, Madison Square Station, New York, NY 10010, if you find no agency in your area. «*y-gelng Bess Fears Confrontation \ Q. I started to work when I was 18 years old and have progressed [from the bottom up to data center supervisor over computer erafions. I'm a 40-year-old man, aggressive and always like to do a good job. By nature I'm very easy-going, and I guess this * makes me very angry at times. I get the feeling that seven of the nine employees (females) whom I supervise take advantage of my \ good nature. They do this by excessive talking and turning a coffee tbreak into SO minutes instead of 15. The work always gets out oof time; my employees like me and respect me, especially for my ^kindness and understanding. But I find it hard to confront them, so * I keep it all inside of me and get depressed. I need help. Do you ptaeve any suggestions? A. Being ourselves particular about the efficiency of our office, re, too, are sometimes a bit disturbed by prolonged coffee breaks. However, if, as in your office, the work is accomplished efficiently, ' ips we should all conclude that the coffee break might be a rather than a deterrent. It is passible that you need to relax a bit in your attitude. One , way to do this might be to talk the situation over with your wife at home or another superviseg^n the job, rather than keep the problem bottledup. And if, indeed, the situation calls for it, you can , kindly but firmly ask your employees to exercise greater self- discipline. We are sure they respect you, and probably most of them have no desire to take advantage of your good nature. Lonely and Depressed Widow Q. It seems like I am so lonely and depressed nearly all the time since my husband died six years ago. It is taking a toll on my health as I suffer from arthritis of the spine and my blood pressure ^ is going up high. It seems I have lost all desire of keeping a home and before that it was all my pride and glory. Just the thought of cooking or cleaning for myself upsets me so I just get so uptight ! inside. I have to force myself to get it done. I keep myself busy in church and community work, but it seems like Ijust can't get over I this terrible fear something is going to happen to me. I really fed I need some help before it is too late. t A. That fear of something going to happen to you derives, no doubt, from your liusband'sdeath and your ill health. But after six * years the emotional trauma of losing your husband should have normalized. • t The fear you describe has apparently developed into a chronic i. A complex is a tangled thought pattern, but It can Flea Market- Barbecue Set July 16 and 17 < be unraveled like a ball of yarn. But to do that you will need to I your thoughts organised, and that is done by the practice of I * thinking. Ask yourself every time a thought comes, "Is this a normal, healthy thought?" If it isn't, men cancel it out by < substituting a positive, optimistic thought Hie more you do this, the less anxiety will haunt you. We have a booklet, Overcoming Anxiety and Fear, which has I helped others with questions such asyoursvanda oopy of it iaon its way 4»jwu» Anyone needing this column who wishes a free copy t may write for one. Address your request to Dr. and Mi*. Peak, Box 900, Pawling, NX 18564. . ; V S (Perhaps you would like to find an answer for yourself to a r problem that you can share with others in There's An Answer! If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale to » discuss in this column, write to them in care of Box 500, Pawling, , N.Y. 12564). igwood United Methodist chufrch will be holding its annual chicken barbecue on the church lawn Sunday, July 16. There will be the usual menu of chicken, baked beans, baked potato, cole slaw and homemade desserts. Tickets are evailable and may be obtained from one of the following: In McHenry, Mary Butler and Alice Peet ; Bingwood area, Althea Walkington, Doris Low, Katy Christopher; Woodstock, Mrs. Walt Wilcox; Wonder Lake, Jim Strom and Andy Penrod. Andy Penrod, ticket chairman, advises everyone to get their „ tickets in advance Sb as not to be disappointed. However, there will be a few tickets available at the door. Saturday, July 16, there will be a flea market under the big> tent. The hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone interested in space reservation should contact Art KreuUer in McHenry or Mrs. J.L. (Pat) Strom of Wonder Lake. There will be old items that are collectibles and new items to please those looking for something different. There will also be food on the grounds to please the palate including roasted corn, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. VFW Auxiliary- Members Attend State Installation Eileen (Mrs. Dwight) Tan­ ner, a member of the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9750 of Loves Park, 111., was installed as president of the Department, of Illinois at the annual con­ vention of the Ladies auxiliary which was held at Roeemont. The mistress of ceremonies for this impressive occasion was Alice Lynch of Dupo, 111. Mrs. Tanner chose as her installing officer Francos Roche of Chicago. The in­ stalling officer and the mistress of ceremonies are both past presidents of the Department of Illinois of the Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars. Other department officers installed to serve f6r the 1977-78 year are Lorraine Johnson, senior vice-president; Doris LangenbihlSjO jfeniov) iMt- president; Lillian Buczynski, Carolyn Gorin, ' chaplain; > Doris Homann, condue4t«ss; Charlotte Rainey, guard and Mildred Leff, National Council member. Lmgal Notice i , NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given . that on June 21st, A.D. 1977, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Cleric of McHenrv County; Illinois, setting forth the names and •post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting >and transacting the business known as ADAMS REPAIR W SHOP, located at 1910 W. Bay Road, McHenry, Illinois 60060. Dated this 21st day of June, A.D. 1977 Vernon W.Kays County Clerk (Pub. July 6,18,20,1977) e.eee - In case you haven't realized it, 1977 is moving along. Grandma Sez • • • "America", how much that word has meant, o'r the ye*j», to us, and nations abroad. Our beautiful flag, of stars and stripes, representing the land of freedoh for people who were down-trodden, the United States of America, was a respected symbol all o'r the globe. What a pity things ha' changed. It seems, somehow we've been b'trayed by those, into whose trust we've given th' honor o' preservin' th' prin­ ciples which our forefat stood for, and built foundations on wggjetr they founded a great n i We celetftrata? our 200th anniversary, last year, with all the flourishes fnd fanfare o' a proud citizenry. This, first year of our third century, finds us nearer to cataclysmic con­ ditions, as times passes, with no solution in sight. How did we get into tiiis perdicament? From where this ol' lady stands, after a watchin' it all come about, o'er these more'n sixty years, since I b'gan t' take notice o' things a happenin' in th' world, when I was a gal, in school, there's many things t' take into account. Seems t' be a great greed f'r money, jfthcng folks who come into power, in any country. What a wonde'ful change could take place, all o'er til' world, if as much effort was giv'n t' eliminatin all th' things, detrimental t' th' bet­ terment o' mankind. Greed, lack o' proper discipline in gover'mental capacities; dishonesty in gover'ment, business, an' wi' fellow men; permissiveness, not only wi' our younguns, but %i' adults, as well; lack o' regard f'r human life; profiteerin'; lack o' respect f'r law 'n order, an' our courts [failure t' utilize laws t' control :rime, an' lawlessness; th' lost sincerity o' patriotic love o' our country ; most o' all, lack o' proper guidance an' control o' th' younguns in th' home, where we, long ago, learned how t' b'have an' be r'spected, t' love th" land where we abide, an' know that it is part o' th' great gift o' life, bestowed upon us by th' Great Creator, these many things, along wi' many others, are responsible f'r our deteriorated society. Can we, Americans, hold up our heads, in pride, b'fore other nations? Can we not create an example o' true brotherhood, an' climb back on th' pedestal where we once stood, in th' eyes o' the' world? Is it too late, p'haps? Grandma Radtke Area Walk-In Center Observes Second Birthday The McHenry area Senior Citizens have just had their second birthday party, and it was a tremendous success. There were seventy-seven present at the potluuc lun­ cheon, lifter which Sheriff Tyrrell gave a very enlightening talk. He urged all to write to local represen­ tatives, senators, etc., to demand stricter enforcement of laws. Crime is becoming so rampant in the area, something must be done about it, and perhape the best way to ac­ complish this, is to write. Following the talk Mr. apd Mrs. Godtfredsen entertained with singing, group siMtng, ^HtiMnUg, aeeordton playing «r4> a ^ame or two. It1 HOSPITAL NOTES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Recent admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, include Master Randall Dobbs and Joseph Schaefer, both of McHenry; and Adeline Veiger of Wonder Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL ~ Mrs. Robert Kennedy of Wonder Lake was recently admitted as a patient to Har­ vard hospital. Couple Begin Life Together Friday\ June 24 Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Creamer of McHenry have just returned from St. Paul, Minn, where they attended the wedding of their daughter-in- law, Sharon Creamer, to Richard Kessler, at 10 a.m. Friday, June 24, in the Rose garden of the University of Minnesota Arboretum. The bride wore a long antique white eyelet embroidered dress with long puffed sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. Her sister, Mrs. Richard Phillips, was matron of honor and wore a green summer print gown with a short cape. ' The bride's' mother, Mrs. Dagny Petersen, was attiredjin a long pink nylon print dress. She made an exact duplicate for the bride's daughter, Allison, 6, who was junior bridesmaid. The groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Kessler of Long Beach, Calif., attended the wedding with Mrs. Kessler wearing a long summer print dress of blue and white. The groom's best man was Craig Sanders of Minneapolis. The bride and groom com­ posed most of their wedding ritual and Pastor William Bruehl officiated. The groom's son, Noah, 8, was the ring bearer and the bride's son, Jason, 7, carried the sterling sliver engraved chalice from which the bridal couple drank a toast at the end of the ceremony. The guitar and recorder music was supplied by Karen Will and Carol Grindland. A reception and brunch were held at Chanhassen Garden court immediately after the ceremony. A large PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER ̂ WEDNESDAY, JULY 6i 1977 •••••••••••nr Christian wake service at 8 p.m. Mass was offered at St. Mary's Catholic church Tuesday at 10 a.m. with burial in the church cemetery. Deaths ANTHONY JOHN KNOR A former McHenry resident, Anthony John Knor, died at his home in Delavan, Wis. Friday, July 1, at the age of 41. Mr. Knor was born in Chicago Aug. 3,1935, the son of Anthony J. Knor, Sr. and Mildred (Weiss). He had been employed as a metal fabricator for an oven manufacturer in Crystal Lake. He was a member of the McHenry Moose Lodge and past president of the Montini School assocoation. The deceased is survived by two sons, Steve and William of McHenry; three sisters, Mrs. Robert (Marlene) Klein of Matteson, 111.; Mrs. Robert (Marilyn) Floral of Palos Park, 111. and Mrs. George (Karen) Robinson, Chicago; four- brothers, Ronald of Chicago, Kenneth of Forks, Wash., and Leroy and Philip, both of Hometown, 111.; and his parents of Chicago. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Cathy L. who died March 4, 1974. The George R. Justen & Son funeral home held visitation Monday from 2 to 9 p.m. with a About Your Wedding... In order to serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements have .been announced and carry a definite date. We ask that these completed forms be returned three days prior to the wedding. Complete (fetalis will appear only during the week following the wed­ ding except in the case of out-of-state weddings, where an additional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the weeding information if trrey accompany the story. If your engagement announcement has not published, or if the date of the wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. evening reception for 150 guests Hyland Hills Ski chalet in Bloomffigton where was held at the Hyl Lorraine Johnson, who is serving the department as membership chairman this year, presented the seventeen district presidents who in turn preeented transmittals with over 1,300 paid up members to the new department preeident. Fox River Ladies auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars of McHenry was represented by Vi Abbink, Lu Garifi, Ua Hogan, Renee Jende, Mary Kuemmel and Gerry Kuck. lots of laughter and good fellowship. For thoM who have not joined yet, this is hot a club, there are no dues, just senior citizens who wish to get together and have a pleasant time together. The macrame group meets Thursday morning at 10 a.m. Wfdle the instructor, Wendy is recovering from having a baby, Joe Krenek will be the teacher. Wendy will be back in late July. There have been very good programs lately and there are always cards to play and companionship for anyone intereeted in joining the group. Hazardous Traffic Attorney General William J. Scott recently took action against a trucking company and a chemical firm involved with an accident which spilled flaming chemicals onto a major Chicago expressway. Scott asked for officially im­ posed safety restrictions on the two companies and fines of up to $10,000. The attorney general also asked the General Assembly to act to restrict transportation of hazardous materials in Illinois. both are members. After a honeymoon trip the couple and their three children will reside in their new home on Lincoln avenue, one block from Macalaster college in St. Paul. The bride is a counselor in the schools and the groom is a meteorologist with the U.S. Weather Bureau stationed at International airport. Jason and Allison are the children of the late John L. Creamer who passed away Jan. 7, 1971. A good product, a fair price, and advertising, add up to profits despite notions or , doubts to the contrary. The McHenry Plaindealer jS Established 1S7S g: JS12 West Kim Street Phone 3S5-0170 McHenry. Illinois 40050 Published ivory Wednesday 6 Friday ot McHenry, Illinois Second Cless Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois / By McHINRY PUBLISHING COMPANY McfWy . Mil W. Sim H.. MctWy. M. MSSO. A Mwcttwi •< MM* In* 9§I0 eRplvtHoil ef ® 1wW VflCdle wtfceve 61 cflWl^e 0§ M^dlfeae I9 tfcravfb ihe f̂ oet * :$! y | Larry 8. Lund--Publisher * Adele Proebllch--Kdltor One Week Only! spurgeons Fran's Hidden Curl 3rd t»«IUf30 PROTEIN PERM SPECIAL! Reg. '17,50...Now *12.50 Reg. '20.00...Now *15.00 Reg. ,25.00s..Now '20.00 Shaping and Styling Included ALL WIGS IN STOCK EUlMCAPUSSt SKIS TOP CLAIR0L BUTTERMILK R«».25 JULY 6 to JULYSN, SHAMPOO & SET ~*3.50 * HAIR SHAPING MAA < Rtf̂ NOW'2.00 Men's & Women's HAIR SHAPING W/fhsmpoo t Mew dij styling R#t.50 NOW 5.00 ' .• . ' , , • C'Bonte or Pantene CONDITIONER r«I 1.00 NOW 50* Savel Lady Pepperell sheets of no-Iron polyester/cotton r*o. O Twin flat or fined AL for w or ea. Rag, $5.49-19.99 full flat or fitted 2 for $19 or §.19 eeefi' Reg. $9.99 queen flat or fitted 2 for $19 or 9.19 eeeli Rag. $3.59*3.99 pkg. of 2 pillowcases .. • 2 pkg. $9 or 3.19 pkg. Save now on our entire stock of Lady Pep­ pered fashion sheets including "Stitch- ery", the lovely needlepoint look in a de­ lightful floral on ivory or white, ̂ lus, you'll ' find many more prints and solids . . . all in perma-press Dacron® polyester/cotton. Stock up! rmmm ea* »e»e •. u ISiSal Special Purchase! Bath towels i If perfect f > f $3 and $4 each . HKTSSddkfctk" - Slight irregs. of thirsty cotton terry towels in assorted patterns -- jacquards. prints and solids. Colors to brighten the bath. While they lasthurry! * . 120 McHENNY HOURS: DAILY »-». SAT. »-«, SUN. !•-» : •,' p ||i

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