PAGE 24-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JULY 22.1177 FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 21, 1927) Residents of McHenry and along the river and lakes are urged to attend a mass meeting at the McHenry high school auditorium Saturday, July 23, at 8 o'clock to discuss the matter of the construction of a* new dam in Fox river at a point on or near Nippersink Lake. M's This is a proposition of great importance to every owner of property in or adjacent to McHenry. Another meeting on the Fox river dam proposition was held at the city hall in McHenry Tuesday evening and according to the report of the committee working on the matter, the head of the state waterways department, Mulvahill, insists that the new dam will be bujilt and no money will be spent on the present dam below McHenry, at this time, even though the state legislature at its last session appropriated $10,000 f6r repairs on same. The dam up the river is un necessary because there is already one located but a few miles below the proposed one, which if the state would properly repair it, would provide all the water necessary for the whole region. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 22, 1937) Those who "tuned in" on radio station WCFL Monday evening heard Supt. C.H. Duker of McHenry and nine of his colleagues in a panel discussion on the topic, "What is a good school?" Others heard on the program were principals and s u p e r i n t e n d e n t s f r o m Barring ton, Evanston, Berwyn, Little Rock, la., Westmont, DesPlaines and Whitewater, Wis. Editor and Mrs. A.H. Mosher are attending the annual convention of the National Editorial association at Detroit this week. In company with Editor and Mrs. Chas. Renich of Woodstock Sentinel, they ieit Sunday for Detroit, where the first three days of the week were devoted to convention sessions. The Fox river near Burton's Bridge was the scene of another tragic death Sunday afternoon when John Schuermann, II, of Chicago was drowned. It is believed that he suffered a cramp while in swimming at Bay View beach, just below the bridge. A warning that small grain harvest brings a new grasshopper threat in its wake was issued by Chief En tomologist W.P. Flint of the University of Dlinois college of agriculture. "With binders and combines removing the wheat and oat crops, the insects are migrating from the stubble fields," he said. TWENTY-flVE YEARS AGO (Taken-from the files of July 31, 1952) Formal installation of of ficers of the McHnery county 8 and 40 salon and McHenry county Voiture 40 et 8 was held Saturday evening, July 26 ih McHenry's Legion home. Taking highest offices lit the two organizations Were McHenry residents, Christine Krinn and Harold Vycital. v George Collette, who,,has conducted an owner-optopted Gamble Authorized Dealer store in McHenry since .1945, will in the future operate an independently ownedi business known as the M<$|mry Department store. This new arrangement will enable Mr. Collette to feature a larger selection of natiQ^Uyv ad vertised and other well known products which he expects to offer the buying public of this Rsg. 2.32 I Stronger I against stains. Faster acting. Deodorizes, color- timed. ft? j <• < ! • Ustermlnt Mouth wash V Reg. 1.77 For clean breath and a minty fresh taste. HORNSBYS f a m i l y c e n t e r s -- AVI FRIDAY, JULY 12 THRU SUNDAY, JULY M Prices affective while quantities last. Wa reserve the right to limit quantities. ihA j *%•'.: / W&sm N Cost service A quality 0{fd up to tremendous value If IV.R1LIM, •vi 47A • Discount prices plus amy. at. ml. Polaroid SX70 Film 2-p.k 087 Mfgr. 4D 13.25 Dn|„, n«.i MLk 1 AO •-- » 1QMBWNi WQe IVO rim 24tak 076 Mfgr. mm*** 12.95 SHOP HORNSBY'S FIRST FOR I FASHION AT LOW PRICES! Reg. 93* 50 spoons and 50 forks of lightweight disposable Polaroid No. SS FHm 2-Palc Mfgr. X 9.95 Take clear bright color pic tures and save with the economical 2-pek. 12 Insect RspsHm Reg. 1.42 Protect yourself from insect bites with 6-12. , Schapor m%4 Blk* Flag Reg. 93< Be seen and >safe with this 7 4 " b r i g h t i>Bike Flag. SAVE NOW ON MEN'S & BOYS UMMER WEAR. Choose from Shorts, Slocks, Shirts and much, much mora. Buy now while selection lasts. SAVE NOW 30%-50% OFF ORMMAL PRICE, '"Tie Skat" M9 Practice balls, repossess*! and washed, blue stripe, name brands with minor cuts or dub marks. One dozen per / Am &%££, l ( ^ i tm Cake Mix Moist and delicious. For stock ing or special occasion. Shakospoaro Splncaso Outfit Reg. 29.87 Complete, quality spincast outfit from Shakespeare. Mom's Loo Overalls Iannis Clothing 0MCMAL PRICE All men's tennis clothing, shorts and shirts now at great savings. Several styles ft colors to choose from. Reg. 17.86 Overalls for the working man in 100% cotton denim. hakaspaara king The "Wonderod" Presidential 6' rod. No. PB508M. A great rod for any fisherman. "W,>" ' •* V / J .,V t nVfc'1 • I J 4 J il ^ 4 lii:< 4"'.< t •1 • • , «/ ' 'l* ' V' ' , '4* • '•* W' \lfjt lit' 4 JiU\\ J u I Draperies SAVE NOW 20% OFF Our entire stock of drapes for any room in your home at low prices. Styles, colors ft sizes too numerous to mention. Carpet Runner l74 Reg. 2.47 yd. • yd. Perfect for stairs, entrances, hallways and for protection over your carpeting. For outdoor- indoor use. Several colors tq choose from. Bellat Hosiery All New Panty hose.1 Sandalfoot in several shades. Reg. 1.07- Sheer Panty hose |n several shades. Reg. 87* 41* Panty hose ft panty In one sandalfoot in 3 pan ty shades. Reg. 1.17. 87* ion-Ioct" Bran Clopay isKro Fall Covering 371 8eg. * cr yd. I Attractive wall I covering that's an addition to any room. Easy to kieen. Easy tav*' [install with its self [adhesive backing. Canturion Firs 4 Smoko Dotoctor 2S*7 39.17 Pat acts the beginning steges el e Are. Alerm sounds even H heuse HAMAf !• 4^88 A laaSallASlAM pvWUF I e was o eVmpIv IIHT1IIIhiIvii. PW* •ery p> arod. . P-Z-L MOTOR OH *T XFLtt<n>lCVf Motor Oil 10W50 ft^C Especially made for long dlstonca driving. New from Pennzoil. Community at money saving values. Everything is now in readiness for McHenry's colorful annual summer water festival, which will entertain thousands of visitors to the city, as well as local residents, on Sunday, Ahg. 3. George and Vernon Kramer came home from Aqua Cen tennial day at Minneapolis, Minn., last weekend with $150 in cash awards as the result of having won three blue ribbons and one red ribbon. Vernon was driver of the Comet II. The event took place on Lake Calhoun. The Shamrocks played Crystal Lake at the V.F.W. park and gave the Lakers a real beating. The Shamrocks gathered 18 hits. Some of the heavy hitters were Paul Jud- son, Sonny Miller, Stein- sdoerfer and Guv Bolger. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of July 27, 1967) Following an appraisal meeting held this week, a decision is expected soon on the future of Landmark school on Waukegan road. Even before the turn of the century, and until the "twenties" it served as both grade and high school. After erection of the present hign school, it housed only grade school pupils until very recent years, when a rapidly growing school enrollment made it possible to hold only fifth grade public school pupils. Dr. Peter Griesbach of the McHenry board of health reported this week that tests of the water at the city beach reveal no evidence of sewage pollution and no disease producing bacteria was found. The material seen floating on the surface, he added, is the familiar algae. Opening day of the McHenry County Fair is Thursday, Aug. 3, which is observed as 4-H day. Judging of beef, swine and sheep begins at 9 o'clock, as does the national baton twirling contest in front of the grand stand. Girl Scout judging will be held at 10:30. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson was guest of honor at a surprise family gathering at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Nick Adams, the occasion being her seventy-ninth birthday an niversary. 7>1 NEWS . . LINCOLN CLOVERLEAFS The July 12 meeting of the Lincoln Clovertpafs yas to order after * game. Jodi Beutel led the American pledge and Wendy Adams, the 4-H pledge. The treasurer's report was read. Under old . business we discussed the project tour and family potluck. It will be July 30 at 3 p.m. Everyone will meet at Staveteigs. Then we will go to some member's houses to look at their projects. We'll end up at Besserud's house for a family potluck and also to see everybody's projects. Under new business we Voted for the 4-H King and Queen and filled out entry forms for the fair. Refreshments were served. A talk was given by Carina Egle who is from Sweden. She told us about her country. Carina was staying with Wendy Adams and her family. Wendy Adams, reporter BIBLE VERSE "Therefore speak I to' thee in parables; because they seeing see not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they under stand." 1. Who spake these words? 2. Where are they record ed? 3. What is a parable? 4. Who was the author of this book in the Bible? Arsvots To Billo Verse 1. Jesus. 2. Matthews 13:13. 3. A discourse or saying conveying meaning by comparison. 4. Matthew, the apostle, generally identified as Levi, the son of Alphaeus. * * * * The citizen who helps build his community is leaving something worth while to his children. Mnij--'s NAIRSTYLINO •Men •Women «12°° FOIK DETAILS CALL: 395-7771 * W«. Toeyen BMg. Seeth oe Root* 31 ROOM 202