7 *i m »/ . .-u/susv;-XXJJ - s/f M PAGE U - PLAINDEALER - WEHNE8DAY. AUGUST it* 1*77 P A R K I N C Reg. 89c pair Boys' Underwear SPECIAL 3i„r2.99 Regularly 1.35 each briefs and T-shirts. Bryson brand 100% cot ton; white in sizes 8 to 18. Briefs have heat resistant waistband. T- shirts hold shape, have good neckline. Tube & Crew Sock Tube socks are white with color stripe on top. Crew socks are solid, assorted colors. Sizes 9- 11. BOYS', ELGIN ACRYSTAL LAKE I Joys - Girls! \ \ in A Bike! C o m e i n a n d r e g i s t e r a t S p i e s s i n E l g i n a n d C r y s t a l L a k e W i n a H u f f y b o y ' s o r g i r l s 1 0 s p e e d b i k e w i t h d u a l c a l i p e r h a n d b r a k e s a n d e a s y r e a c h l e v e r s B o y ' s f r a m e s i z e 2 2 " G i r l ' s f r a m e s i z e 1 9 " . N o t h i n g t o b u y Y o u n e e d n o t b e p r e s e n t t o w i n O n e e n t r y p e r p e r s o n . Boys' Knit Sport Shirts TEEN-SIZE CLASSIC BLOUSE FOB SCHOOL Reg. 8.00 size 9-14 Classic broadcloth blouse is machine washable and dryable. White, navy, berry, brown. Also sizes 7-14, reg. 7.00, now 4.99. THE DEPOT, ELGIN AND CRYSTAL LAKE Long sleeves, 100% cotton, with fashion collars, crew and turtleheck styles. All machine wash/dry. Assorted stripes, 8-18. Reg. 6.50-9.00 Casual Jeans, Fants 5.99 ,2.'!1 i-uub •tetlw Exceptional values by Tri-Blends; in polyester and cotton for school. Double needle fashion with yoke pocket and zip per. Navy, blue, brown, green, burgundy. Machine washable and dryable. 8 to 18. Reg. 8.50 Boys' Cord Jeans Western style, 50% polyester, 50% cotton, rugged 14-wale corduroy that'll take long wear. Machine washable and dryable in navy, brown, blue, rust, green or taupe. Sizes 8-18. j Reg. 9.00 BOYS', ELGIN AND CRYSTAL LAKE ,unin>vi To wear with skirts, slacks. - Assorted styles, newest tall colors. S,M,L. THE DiPOTT JUNIORS ELGIN CRYSTAL LAKE TEEN SWEATERS Reg. -v 8.00 9.00 Jft V« flOUtit! Ideal fashion sweaters An,, turtleneck, cowl neck, crew neck styles. Machine washable. S,M,L in new fall colors. TEEN SLACKS O o o 12.00 0 Great value in Hillbilly brand slacks to wear with favorite sweaters. Washable; assorted styles, colors. 614. THE DEPOT, ELGIN AND CRYSTAL LAKE GIRLS' SWEATERS Reg. 7.50 and 8.00 Pullovers, turtlenecks, c o w l s , , a l l m a c h i n e washable. Assorted fall col ors, S,M,L. JUNIOR SWEATERS FROM THE DEPOT Reg. 11.00 to 16.00 SPECIAL SALE TIGHTS FOR SCHOOL Reg. 2.50 to 2.7? For fashion and warmth, special savings on tight: in assorted solid colors for fall and school. Gp several pairs at this special low price. GIRL'S UNDERWEAR, ELGIN AND CRYSTAL LAKE ' 1 GIRLS' SLACKS . \ -5; Reg. 12.06 7** .'<•«> V * * ly- •'> -• % " * .A * > Plaide, solids In popular fall shades. Easy-care. Sizes 7-14. t: GIRLS'CORNER, ELGIN AND CRYSTAL LAKE Y S T A L L A K E FREE P A R K I N G HrH 2 hours, upper dtck Bqln Flo Parking. Ofrect sntry krto Sptess ftru enclosed ramp. • Convenient fret partdng for 2300 cars at Crystal Point IM. • far Boin store, tt*hir«tW .̂ For