"A" SAVMCS1 YOU'll GO TO THI TOT Of TOUR CLASS BY SHOPPING HOKNSm fWST! Crayola Crayons Khaki Knapsack Handiome sturdy linen with vinyl backing. 13" * i r * 4 . Planning and filing not*' book for home or office. Buy on* . . get two PREE! Put it in writing with Em pire Pencils! 10 different brilliant colors. Non-toxic. YOUR CHOICE Choose from 1 */• oz. sizes of either Elmer's Glue or Ross's Glue. Both are safe, non toxic. "Cigar-typo" school box - great for pens pencils etc. By Denntson. Sticky on paper but not on your hands. Quality erasers -- pen pencil and erasers. Ike System YOUR CHOICE Prom Mead. The binder the* organizes your home or office. Pour dividers gi< room for 4 subjects. Perfect for books and bind ers for class. Choose from asst. 52 sheets per book Great for school Asst. designs.