HAS REDUCED THE PRICE TO REDUCE THE INVENTORY! THESE PRICES GOOD THRU AUG 77 ONi,Y WATCH FOR OUR SEPTEMBER "NEW" CAR DISCOUNTS! ON ALL REMAINING 77 'S PAGE 19 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1977 Overheard "The only thing he can lick is a postage stamp- and then only when its back is turned." -Tribune, Chicago. STRAWBERRIES FOR A CLASSIC MOLD Definition Executive: A man who < can make a decision and • stick to it--no matter how •* wrong he is. •Bulldozer, San Bruno. 1. How often does Old Faithful erupt? 2. What is paraffin? 3. Name the Cornhusker State. 4. Where is the aft of a ship? 5. With what does Pale ontology deal? 6. What is the smallest known' bird? 7. Who invented the add ing machine? B. Who first explored Greenland? 9. When was the Salva tion Army founded? 10.What was Buchen- wald? Answers To Who Knows 1. About every 66 min. 2. A by-product of petro leum. 3. Nebraska. 4. The stern or back end. 5. The study of fossils. 6. The Hummingbird. 7. William S. Burroughs. 8. Robert Perry. 9. July 23, 1865. 10.German concentration camp. Extra Nourishment Need a quick energy boost? Try one-half cup of prune juice (85 calories); three sugar wafers (45 calories); half of a grapefruit (50 calories); or. chicken with rice soup, seven ounces (43 calories). by UL Public Information Millions of American fami- Is are enjoying the luxury of Backyard swimming pool for m fun, healthful exercise and Igethemess it brings. Owner- Hp of a pool also brings with | the responsibility for the nety of your family and kighbors. Make sure your pool i safe, and that you set up »d enforce safe practices in Id around that pool. ,A piece cf poolside electrical kuipment can become an in- Erument of death if damaged t handled in a maimer that jmses electric current to leak ito people. Poolside leakage Inger is intensified, due to ike likelihood of a person's (in being wet. Moist skin jniiflcantly raises the vulner- Mlity to electric shock. Un- srwriters Laboratories Inc. PL), an independent, not- jr-profit organization testing ff public safety, urges you to ted the following electrical Ifety tips when near a swim- king pool. Electrical current diverted bm its intended path to the round, is known as a "ground lult." Even a small amount f current leakage causing a round fault can be critically Ingerous. A healthy adult |n be killed through a ground iult delivering current equlv- lent to that needed to operate watt Christmas tree bulb. A fuse or circuit breaker will •ually cut off the supply of nrrent when there is a angerously high fault current, lowever, the magnitude of a round fault may not be high aough to blow fuses (or trip ircuit breakers. A different fpe of protection must be Bed to cut off these smaller round fault circuits. This de- ice is called a "ground fault Ircuit interrupter" (OPCI). A IFCI will respond to a fault Ircuit as low as 5/1000 of an Anxious to moke the right orronge- ments for your wedding? The details foil into ploce after o WELCOME WAGON Engoged Girl coll. As your Hostess, I hove some lovely gifts, useful suggestions, ond lots of helpful information for you from a wide range of wedding professionals. And I'm as close as your telephone. Plan to coll soon. near ft which causes a ting ling sensation. Disconnect the equipment and have ' it re paired. • If you feel a tingling sensation in the water or ap proaching the pool, tell some one outside the pool to turn off all electrical power feeding the pool area. Leave the pool quickly without touching met al objects. Have a qualified electrician check for the cur rent leakage before anyone re enters the pool or pool area. • Service the pool only when unoccupied. Use only pool maintenance equipment de signed for that purpose, plugged into a OPCI protected receptacle. Before servicing pool equipment, shut off all power supply. • Lobk for the UL Listing Mark On your electrical equip ment. It means that the design of the equipment has been tested in accordance with nationally recognised safety standards. WAteNING! UL reminds, electricity and water dont mix! TO avoid a shocking ex perience or death, observe the above nrAnaution* ampere, shutting off electric power in l/40th of a second. Around swimming pools there are many possibilities for current leakage. Faulty pool equipment, i.e. filter pump motors, electric panelboards, or underwater lights, are prime causes of disaster. Ap pliances used around the pool, i.e. radio and television sets, phonographs and cassette players, electric grills or elec tric hand tools, are all poten tially dangerous. Have a quali fied electrician install OFCI's in every power circuit in and around the pool. GPCI's are the answer to one facet of swimming; pool safety. UL also recommends following these other pool safety rules: • Never have cord-connected radios, TV's, phonographs, electric grills, or other electri cal appliances near the pool, or damp areas around the pool. • Never rim extension cords to the pool. • Never rim overhead wires within 10 feet of the pool. • Immediately let go of any electric equipment or metal Hostess: Carolyn Farrington 385-7980 McHenry LINCOLN-MERCURY What To Cover In Car Tune-up Mbst motorists know that they should take their ears in to a mechanic for a "tune-up" at least once a year--or even oftener if they drive more than 1,000 miles • month. But an awfcl lot of driv en do not really know what that anneal checkup should include, and the rundown may vary from garage to garage. Here's the run down that is recommended by one oil company and is a food standard: FAMILY BUSINESS...The Maurice Layton family tends a flock of 15,Mt broilers in one of their pouitry houses at Magee, near Jackson, Mississippi. 2 OOOt, 6 CYL, AUTO., P.S., Mt # VI* AUTO, P.S.. VI. 2 DOOR, I CYL, f 4s 17,ON MILES, AUTO. I P' ^ 2 DOOM CYL, AUTO., n, AIR the element, 2. Dissolve gum in the car buretor and loosen carbon depos its by running a solvent through the ckrburetor, into the engine, and dut the exhaust. 8. Perform a cranking test, which gets a fix not only on the cranking speed of the starting motor but also on the condition of battery, generator, starter, igni tion twitch and wiring. 4. Do a timing light chock. 5.!Replace spark plugs and distributor points. 6. Clean and regrease battery terminals. 7. Install a new Aael filter. 8. Clean PVC valve In anti pollution mechanism. PREPARATION...What looks Uke a torpedo is redly part of a musical instrument. Workers at Casavant Freres, Quebec, weld seam on a pipe destined for the Basilica organ in Mexico City. 2 DOOM CYL, AUTO., P.S., MR FOUND i, male miniature gray poodle near Chapel Hill Rd. Wearing collar. 385-7378 4 2 DOOR, i CYL, AUTO, lost 4 month Blade pup, blue collar, dragging chain. "T.J. Ity Pistakee hay area. Reward. 385-5065 or 385-0019 wn and white beagle type dog, chain collar on. Answers to [or. Millstream area. 385-3943 WE SERVICE ALL AAAKES OF COLOR t.V.'St STEREOS COAAMJTI * commute ' - j * *.< LINE Of / AMUHHA WRVKl HMi FACTORY AUTHORIZED P SERVICE CENTER FOR Mm Mm. Mm ZENITH--RCA --PANASONIC PRODUCTS GIVEAWAY & CUDDLY puppies 6 weeks old. 38541444 Mother and puppies Collie- Husky- Malumute. Call 675-2208 tap«,vMin&,r.s. 6 month old Bassett and Lab. 385-6829 WONDER LAKE McHENRY 653-7111 3S5-0979 7224 BARNARD AMLL ROAD, WONDER LAKE FRIENDS...A small visitor makes friends with a yootag camel aft The Dark Continent, Bosch Gardens in Tartlpa Florida itered Collie, female, 3 years old, to good home, only, without 1 children. 344-2449 Top»Line Products * Tops in Service SUBSCRIBE To The McHenry Plaindealer SERVICE MON.THMtm.ITOS SATURDAY • T012 tlOHPtWHPAYt And Save $ 10.30 Over Newstand Price NO installation chirp INEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions FILL OUT AND MAIL OR BRING TO: McHENRY PLAINDEALER * 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry,III. 60050, with chock or money order lor *10.5# for on* yoor - subscription within McHenry County. PHONE 312-259-3393 ADDRESS