Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Sep 1977, p. 11

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HOT WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED U6HT FACTORY No experience necettory. We will train. Duo to (org* expansion program, our immadlato naad it for approximately SO now fall time employ eat. ®W*r »cheduled interview! for rait at, fraa employee hospitalization, 8 paid holidays, conganial atmosphara. Oor hours ara from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Why not stop in for an interview COLUMN OEM, INC. |7SWV«GINjARg^OmTa ALLAKE.IL. 8-31-9-2 PART TIME JOB OPENING IN Pasto-Up Dept. McHENRY PLAIN DEALER Wa naad a steady, raliabla, ambitious parson. Others naad not apply. Experience halpful. Good typing a must. 8 to 5 P.M., Monday I Tuesday. Soma Saturday work. Apply in parson 8am to 5pm. No phona calls plaasa. McHENRY PIAINDEALER 3812 W. ELM ST., McHENRY. IL I I WANTED EXPERIENCED 1 I I BROILER MAN I IHospitalization, insuranca, I bonusas and paid vacations. • Phona ' 1815-459-1237 ! ASK FOR BERNIE NIGHTTIME I LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE 385-9869 9-2 PUNCH PRESS FOREMAN Responsibilities inciuda soma sat-up and full suparvtsion of 4 fully automatic Punch Presses, 3 tecondery presses, savaral prass brakas. Mutt ba axpariancad in Punch Pratt tat-up and operation. Jotviv Ste\fĉ Co\|K ôK<m $t8rlii«] HAnowAna9J 11600 Starling Parkway Richmond, III. 60071 815-678^2031 Follow U.S. Rt.. 12, North of Richmond. into witconsin, to Hwy H. Taka first left off H onto Starling Parkway. of fine baiMers hardware. 9.2-9-7 AUTO DEMIIER We ara looking to hire a man that can handle our new and utad car datail department. Mutt hava experience. Excellent oppor­ tunity. Free Hotpitalizafion. * -V® ? >$ • . 'gy , CALL GEORGE 8RASCH BABER BUICK FOX LAKE v 312-587-2555 FACTORY HELP Due to an incraate in butinatt, we have immediate openings in teveral production araat. We offer an opportunity to aarn excellent wagot. In oddition to thit, our benefit packoge it among the bett there it. Interetted individualt should apply in person. Our pwrsonnwl off lew it opan Monday through Friday 9:00AM to 4:90PM and Saturday* 9:00AM to Noon. MODINE MANUFACTURE COMPANY 4 miles north of McHenry on Ringwood Kd. RING WOOD, ILLINOIS An Equal Opportunity Employer 9.2 ?quo ff rlJ'.w Iwod MAINTENANCE AND JANITORIAL WORK Applications will bo takon from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM Monday thru Friday. MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT 4411W. Route 120 McHemy 8-31/9-2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER The Daily Sentinel in Woodstock is looking lor someone to replace our retiring classified advertising manager. We need a strong/ sales oriented professional to work with new and established accounts. Salary, commission, profit sharing and full com­ pany benefits. Excellent growth potential. \ , i' . 4 * • %'• > v-.: Send resume and income requirements to STEVE HUNTER, DAILY SENTINEL P.O. BOX 709 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS 60098 MECHANIC I 6.M. EXPERIENCE ONLY Mutt ba axpariancad in automatic trantmittion and roar axla Apply in person to PETER H0LLECH, Service Manager BUSSE CHEVROLET, INC. 319 Nippersink Road, At Routo 134 ROUNDLAKE.IL. 8-31-9-2 PERAT0R Full time Night Shift Keypunch or key-to-tape experience required. Apply Personnel Department McHENRY HOSPITAL 3516 W. Waukegan Rd McHenry, III. 60050 815-385-2200 Extension 645 8-31-9-2 EXPERIENCED TYPIST For order, entry and billing on computar terminal. No com­ puter experience required but helpful. We will train you. £moll progressiva manufac­ turing company with all fringe benefitt. Opportunity to od- vanca. CONTINENTAL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO. Lakomoor Naar Routes 12 .A 120 815-38S43I0 8-31/9-2 HELP WANTED MARRIOTT FOOD SERVICE Route 120* Wilson Road WEEKEND CAFETERIA ATTENDANT 10:00 P.M. to 10:00 A.M. An equal opportunity employer M/F 8-31-9-2 APPRENTICE MECHANIC Young man with automotive knowladga, with detird to become journeyman machonic. Excellant opportunity. Many company banafitt, including fraa hotpltalteation. CAUOROROERRASCH BABER BUICK FOXLAKi / - 312-587-2555 - 9-2 Pizza Huts in this oroa now hiri«( Full Tim and Part Tina •COOKS •WAITRESSES • MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Apply at tha McHENRY PIZZA HUT 4301 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY. IL. 'boofafrwBftO'JC â*>g*>iffl*>aoooooooo*00<,*P IMMEDIATE OPENINGS UTKNANII BMMEPOKTNULLOPERATORS Must bo able to work independently from Blueprin­ ts. Top woges for qualified applicants. Major medical insurance, paid holidays and vacations. Pleasant working conditions. ASTRO-CRAFT, MC. U.S. 12 6 Spring Grove Rd. Spring Grove, II. 815475-2344 WATCHMAN S day waak. Midnight to 8:00am and waakandt. Ploatanf working conditions. Full fringa benefit program. Plaata phona for intarviaw 815-330-1800 •HNtam to 4:30pm MONDAY THRU nUOAV MORTON NORWICH PRODUCTS INC. RESEARCH CENTER . 1275 Laka Ave. Woodttock, II. ^^^anequal̂ opportu^ ̂ 8-31-9-2 SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS FOR FALL SESSION 2-WAY RADIO EQUIPPED BUSSES Need Your Talents I Mothers - Supplement your household income- Babysitting available at nominal fee. TRY IT, YOU'LL LIKE mil Call Dick Glawe at 385-7210 Miff ASSEMBLERS Ufht Woifc- Suitable for female workers 2nd Shift 4:00 P.M.-12:30 A.M. Opening® for ottombiort and machine operatort, no experience raquirad. Good starting pay plus incentive bonut. Call or apply / ĵlTERMATIC, INC. Intermstic PIrxr Rto. 12 & Winn Rd. Spring Grove. MinoU 815475-2321 Ah equsl opportunity employer 9-2-9-7 PART TIME Wa ara looking for 2 young man with automotive interest, bacoma more acquainted in the automotive Hdd. Excellent op­ portunity for tha right man. Will contidar High School applicant* with drivert Ikente and a school work program. CAUGRORORBKASCH BABER BUICK raxuun < 312-587-2555 9-2 i- T-ru'u'i.n. ------------ PAGE II - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBERAJGZL HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FULL& PART TIME HELP WANTED Apply bt Poraon BEEF VILLA 3709 Elm St. McHanry 9-2TF SCH001 STUDENT ToWorfcln Deli Apply in parton LOSSMANN'S MEATS 5000W.RTI. 120 9-2 SCH001 SECRETARY Excellent opportunity available for Secretary in attendance office. Good typing skills, 10 month position. If interested, contact MR. PETTIT McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL WEST CAMPUS. 8-31-9-2 IBAITER'S S I HELPER I I" Must be 18 years ! or older RIVERSIDE BAKERY | M5-385-0044J 9-2-9-9 IS YOUR MONTH RUNNING OUT OF sss? Mothers, if you con tpare 3-4 hours away from home 2-3 times a waak, Quaan Way Fathiont will help you earn $50 to $175 waakly. No investment, collacting or dalivory. Call today 385-84M and 8-26/10-7 DRIVERS ' Male or Female For early morning newspaper route in McHenry & Cary area. 312-639-7742 8-31-9-2 TRAINEE on immadlato oponing for a conscientious individual willing to,, loam production buffing and polishing of quality awards. Wa want on individual who it willing to work hard and who tokos pride in hit work. Union Shop. Call MR. BLAKE for Intarviaw DONE TROPHIES ft AWARDS Rto*. 14131 Crystal Laka, II. 815-459-7010 8-31-9-2 CLttlC/U. POSITION Challenging diversified position ovailabia to person who has ex­ cellent typing tkillt, and an optitudo for figura work. Dutfas will include typing (both letter format and statittical). switchboard swVMPv| OvKI OTnwT yvnvrQI OfTIC# OUiVvl. < / Excellent fringe benefits Induding free employee group In­ surance and ponsion plan. 815-678-2211 Claud S. Gordon Company On Rt 173, Just West of Rt 12 Richmond, Illinois Gordon 9-2 JANITOR FiITHN ' 2 yeort or mora axparianco preferred. 4:00pm to midnight shift. Full fringa benefit program. Phono for intarviaw 815-338-1800 MONDAY THRU PHDAY MORTON-NORWICH PRODUCTS INC. & SSISIil II I Mil-- 1275 Lake Ave., Woodstock, N. An ayol opportunityomptoyar 8-31-9-2 REGISTERED NURSES FuH fitM-Pirl Tim P.M'tMd Nights New revised solary scole and shift cliff oren tial. Apply Personnel Dept. MCHENRY HOSPITAL 33I4W. Wauk*9» Hood McHanry, If. 815-385-2200 CMAAMALALL A. A Ml BmvwVIWWI 8-17-9-9 BODY SHOP MAN Small local Chavrolot daoiarshlp that Is starting to grow. Wools on axpariancad man to grow with us. Apply In parson to Between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. BUSSE CHEVROLET, INC. 319 NIPPSKStNK HOAD, AT ROUTS 134 FIMAU MUSMttM > Munson Marina's ski dopar- tmant, has on oponing for a mature responsible woman, to work sailing winter sports apporsl, and equipment, during tha wlntar and wo tar ski aquipmant during tha -- * -- . Tk# fottowlnp ̂ftwWfcofHmt ry. Must ba naat, and portonablo. o background In tha I -> tissORRt ̂ 5 days a waak. Fold :• Mature woman to sit in my home with a 5 year old and a baby. Starting in January. 344- 1725. il »i -- i -- i -- iim e--< EXPERIENCED COOK EXPERIENCED GRILL COOK BUS BOY INDIAN MANOR RESTAURANT 217 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, IL. 9r2TF '"Food Servers *Bus Girls "Dishwashers FULL AND PART TIME Apply in person FARMER'S ALMANAC 3710 ROUTE 31 McHENRY, IL. 0-31-9-2 Male or Female CROSSING GUARD Wanted For appointment Contact McHENRY CHIEF OF POLICE No Phono Calls 8-31-9-2 WANTED Clean Up Boy for Saturdays BOBBIN COIL SPECIALIST 385-6205 •0-31-9-2 ONE POTATO TWO POTATO 4512 htE. 120 " McHENRY NIW RSSTAURANT NEEDS 'Experienced Waitresses & Waiters * Bus Boys 385-2667 9.2 R.N. $ or .N.'S AMI P -i NEEDED IN McHENRY AREA TO DO INSURANCE PHYSICALS, PART TIME, NEED CAR. 312-455-4600 9-2-9-7 PARTY MAN DIAURS R--U Tiros of paying for tola aides? For information on Play House fabulous plan. Call. MARY L#U RSMOND 414-279-3419 CMMAJKXUMMOM - 414-279-5489 Also booking parties 0-31-9-20 MAINTENANCE Need telf starting individual. Will porform variety of main- tanonca and soma production dutias. Solid entry laval op­ portunity for onorgotic par­ son. Ask for Naol, f PREM ENTERPRISES 3519 N.Chopal Hill Rd. Johnsburg 0-31-9 2 SERVICE WRITER Provious Volkswagan-Toyota axparlanca prof or rod but will train- man with good fl̂ schsflicol knowledge. Good cm torn or rotations a must. Salary dopandt on axpadon-- ca. Company banafitt. VILLAGE MOTORS 211 So. AAHwaukaa Ave. iwti iy •hi# . 312-362-0320 Coolact JOHN MMLBI 0-31-9-2 j - il mm . - . mm

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