t 0 ^ For Savings At 75* HORNSBYS f a m i l y centers WMtcIN STONIWJMM CAMIITM MTS I* Ci^1>rpMV3 SLACKS \ ûr-1 . V r P iV COFFEE JJUCA*. TEA ^Bristol Crseksry JOTS Old fashioned crockory jar assortment, hand stamped with 6 dHforont decorations. , Rag. 4.44 Stoaswars CIMM* Cwck YOUR CHOICE (Choose from colonial stone- ' wars choosa crocks in aithor 12 or 20 ox. Volvos to 1.1 StMMwar* CMMS tars YOURCHOICE I Delightful cookio jars in assort- JM g A 'ad unique stylos and hand- painted dosigns. > v ' Rag. 6.97 M Caalstors com( Sat includos 8 lb. flour, 5 lb. sugar, 44 ox. coffoa, ' and 24 ox. too. Pyrex® Brand Casserole Set % r 0}> re A Reg. 23.87 YOUR CHOICE X COQXl*5 MMM *r Bristol CMII YOUR CHOICE Natural stoflfwaff pottery. Each sal in-^T^^H dudes 5 lb. flour, 4 lb. • M sugar, 3 lb. coffee and |'.J| 1.5 lb. tea canisters. r^.IB.74 Mfgr. List 11.95 What saves you time and money and looks good doing it? Pyrex® 3-piece, heat-resistant glass casserole sets! Butterfly Gold, Old Or chard, Homestead, and Spring Blossom Green. : V. > • Libbcy irrir̂ r̂ l Libbey's 4-Pack Glassware YOUR • 97 1 CHOICE • Reg. 3.74 Libbey makes it easy to coordinate tabletops with its lovely glassware. Choose from Stoneware, Bennington Blue, or Wickerweave. All 16 oz. coolers. bidudM » ntcM-plated duconrt. Inj tubes, coupler. 12" nail and spatula. ll!CLU,lM. professional nickel-pJatas decorating tubes 2 decorating bags, 2 spatulas, couplar, 5 paste food colors and flowar nail. Cakt Beautiful cakes start with this 10 square cake pan. Full 2" deep. ••oily Hobble™ Cake Pan Every little girl's favorite I Com- M O O plate with baking and O" decorating instructions. m Reg. 5.99 •tack-O-LaiitM"" MwM-Pon S*t 99 Reg. 5.99 Complete set to make a wonder- ful Jack-O-Lantern for a special Halloween treat. Moke a jocko-lantern cake with - ,H -- Reg. 2.99 WHTON® WAY! ' ' **• • • . - . VV • Kft m 10 <*vu* _ SQUARE CAKE PH*} -jM THESE HORNSBYS FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt. 34 & 47 Yorkv i l le , I I I . 1 1 0 Waver ly Morr is . I I I . Route 1 36 Havana, I I I . Rt 66 & 1 16 Pont iac I I I . U S 6H« 26 Pr ince ton HI Market Ctr McHenry, I I I Rout - 17 I 459 Kennedy Or . Woodstock I I I I Bradley I I I . I