MP */»" Ml Variable speed drill or screwdriver. Good for drilling ceramics or metal. No. 7104. gj mmm •lack * DMktr 3/*' DHH Kit Variable speed drill, chuck key, custom-fitted plastic " di carrying case, 3 drill bits, 5 sanding discs, backing pad, wheel arbor, cotton buff, cushioned-action abrasive polishing wheel. No. 7181. Black A Decker Saw L IVs HP. Double insulated. No. 7308. •r Jig Saw Makes straight, curved and scroll cuts in wood, metal, plastics and other materials. No. 7504. Black A Dcckcr Work Mat* A foldaway all-purpose work center vise and sawhorse all-in-one. Battery Taster Reg. 1.97 Reg.83C Make sure your car is charged for the winter ahead Reg. 2.26 Round Head Lamp Rog. 2.37 Rectangular Head Lamp Reg. 4.87 Clean your terminal posts for a clean stort. Tests hot or cold radiator. Recharges average 6 or 12 volt battery in 3 to 7 hours. <1 Hunting coats sizes Sm., Med.. Lge. and X- Lqe. Pants sizes 32-44. Brown canvas vest w/moisture-proof game bag. Sizes Med., Lge. and X-Lge. Kit Keep your guns in top shape. 12, 16, 20 and 410 gauge. Dvck t PIinmmI Shtlg-- SMb ,12, 16, and 23 gauge. Limit 6 boxes. YOUR CHOICE COM! TO OUR COMPLITI H MCBNS8S AND HJJNOIS WATIR FOWL STAMPS WfT i 5 * ft |«r 'AUJI VALUES to 3.97 Only trop of its kind with eosy cocking "Lay On" loading. No. 73. Packed 135 ins carton. Reg. 4.47 .97 ea. I if [ • -• THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY R t . 3 4 4 47 f o r k v i i l e , I I I . 11 0 Waverly Morris. ill. R o u t e 1 3 6 H a v a n a , I I I . 66 & 1 16 P o n t i a c , I I I . U S 6 4 » • 2 6 P r i n c e t o n f U M a r k e t C t r . McHi?n>y ||j. R o u t e 4 7 W o o d s t o c k j 4 S 9 K e n n e d y D r . R r a d l e v I I ! 1 •f , w;' V- ..