ivolved 1 2 0 / B o t t l e s Kentucky Straight Bourbon FREE CANFIELD'S SODA • 32 Oz. Bottle with aaeii purchase! Ginger Alt, Soda, Gin ft Tonic Mix, Tonic ft Asst'd. F 7 Year Old Sour Math Whiskey Brinickilrt •MfCikmit frmkMiiM ALL IMPERIAL WALLCOVERINGS 8 -16 Oz. Returnable Bottles Bottles ̂ 1.75 Litre 59.2 Oz. Bottle fqaalto S3.67 Fifth MAGNUM 51.2 Oz. Bottle' PAGE 21 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1977 * Wonder Lake iry jean Huff 728-0267 Fashion light For Scouts larvest of Fashion" is the given to a fashion show is being sponsored by the lina Neighborhood Girl t. This fuhd raising event the scouts will be held lursday, Nov. 17, at 8 p.m. at [Christ the King hall. Fashions will feature clothing for children, teenagers ladies. The modeling will "undone by the Scouts and their Two gift certificates be awarded during the jBXfifung- The Kachina Neighborhood Scouts include six Wonder troops, one Richmond and two Spring Grove with girls from first eighth grades being Judy Grauman serves as Kachina Neigh borhood chairman. Rose Perry and Lucy Coleman are co- ochairmen of the fashion show. For ticket information please contact Lucy any day after 4 p.m. CHURCH NEWS he newly organized an Church Men (LCM) Nativity Lutheran church M(V1 be presenting an old fashioned minstrel show Sunday, Nov. 20, at 7 p.m. The program will provide a delightful evening of en tertainment for the whole family and refreshments will be served during intermission. Tickets can be obtained following worship services at vNativity Sunday mornings or Axy contacting W.T. (Pete) dReterson, McHenry. a .The LCW (Lutheran Church WOmen) craft fair is scheduled !8aturday, Dec. 3, from 9 a.m. to &fip.m. There will be craft atoms, white elephant items, a :sOent auction, raffle and bake teale. Lunch, with hot dogs and sloppy , joes on the menu, will also be available. All proceeds from the event will go toward the church's parking lot fund. There are many study groups available to members and .friends of Nativity. There is an adult' Bible class Sunday gnornings at 9:15 a.m., in conjunction with the Sunday urch school. , On Tuesdays, Pastor Olson leads three Bible studies, one at i 9:30 a.m. at church; one at 1 ; p.m. at Lorraine Murphy's home and one for the Sunday school teachers at 7 p.m. at the church. A young adult study group led by Pastor Olson, meets the ' third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. at the church. A discussion group based on the book, "The Total Woman", is led by Diane Olson Wed nesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. During the month of Octoberv ! the following were baptized at i Nativity: James William - -- n Aberle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aberle; Holly Elizabeth Ropp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ropp; Jessica Lynne Golla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Golla; and Rufus Jerls by Adult Baptism. ' x! ' > . * GARDEN CLUB The Wonder Lake Garden club enjoyed its October meeting at the home of Mrs. June O'Donnell, our gracious hostess. Mrs. Alice Field provided a fascinating program with craft ideas and demonstrations, from macrame, crewel work, latch hook rugs or wall hangings to decoupage and sand painting and back again! With winter approaching we certainly got some great ideas for indoor handiwork made fun by Mrs. Field. Our "coffee" Oct. 17 at Mrs. Helen Gilliland's home was a huge success, because of the efforts of all members and guests alike, especially Mrs. Gilliland for having us! We are looking forward to our next meeting Thursday, Nov. 10, at 8 o'clock in the evening at the home of Mrs. Doris Lockerbie, 1012 N. Ridge road, McHenry. B. Alderson, publicity chairwoman ASSOCIATION MEETING There will be a meeting of the Master Property Owners association for the Wonder Lake area Sunday, Nov. 13. At this meeting there will be a report from Consoer and Townsent on the dam repair. YOUNG AT HEARTS Hie Young at Hearts held their first meeting of the month Wednesday, Nov. 2. Marie Robinson, president of the club, was welcomed back with much enthusiasm after being disabled with a broken hip for several months. Get well wishes were extended to Irene Solinski who is in a Marengo nursing home and to Stan Polcyn who is in the Woodstock Residence. A shopping trip to Milwaukee is being planned for November and members are looking forward to the annual Christmas party at the Wonder Lake Mill inn. The next meeting will be Nov. 16. INITIAL CASUALTIES When our local fire depart ment recently purchased two new rescue squad vehicles, little did they know that two of their own medical workers would be among the first to be transported to the hospital. Tracy Stolle, who is president of the Firemen's auxiliary for Company 1, was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery Oct. 21. On Oct. 31, Lee DeWitt, fireman of the Company 2 squad, required the services of his fellow rescue squad members following an injury at work. _ . We offer our best get well wishes to Tracy and to Lee. ANNIVERSARY Happy thirty-first wedding anniversary to Tom and Dolores McMillan Nov. 9. FINALLY PINK It's a girl! Mr. and Mrs. James Marke of Wonder Lake welcome their first daughter, Kerrie Lynn. She arrived at Memorial hospital Tuesday, Nov. 1, tipping the scales at a dainty 7 lbs., 13 oz., and stretching the ruler to an even 20 inches. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc Millan of Wonder Lake, grandparents of six grandsons, are delighted with their new granddaughter. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marke of Wonder Lake. Chad, 3 years old, is Kerrie's big brother. The baby's mbther is the former Carol McMillan. BIRTHDAYS Happy twelfth birthday to Cheryl Biggers, daughter of Bob and Judy Biggers, Nov. 11. We welcome Mari Jacobson to the "wonderful world of teenagers" as she turns thir teen years old Nov. 11. Mari is the daughter of Charlie and Dottee Jacobson. And the following day, Nov. 12, George and Jean Hartmann will have another teenage son in the house as Bobby hits the thirteen year mark. David Lundborg, son of Dan and Marlene Lundborg, also celebrates his birthday Nov. 12. Birthday greetings to Beverly Jean Brod Nov. 13. Happy birthday to Tom Mrowka Nov. 14. Special birthday wishes to Mary Chambers, daughter of Russ and Sue Chambers, who will be four years old Nov. 14. Happy birthday to Joe Seaver Nov. 15. Happy days to all of you! HAPPINESS IS... Happiness is...answering the kids questions about what we did on Halloween in the "olden days". Happiness is...curling up in a comfy chair with a good book and a basket of juicy, red apples on a gloomy, rainy November day. Happiness is...reading and enjoying Jeff Bonato's story and Wayne Gay lord's pictures of Wonder Lake's own Marie Robinson. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Nov. 10 Wonder Lake Garden club, 8 p.m. Doris Lockerbie's home Parent conferences, Harrison, no school Nov. 11 Veterans day, no school, Harrison - Nov. 12 Second annual SAC dance, Christ the King church, 9 p.m. Nov. 13 Master Property Owners association Nov. 16 4 Young at Hearts meeting, Christ the King church Nov. 17 Harvest of Fashion, Christ the King hall, 8 p.m., sponsored by Kachina Neighborhood Girl Scouts r, Nov. 20 Minstrel show, Nativity Lutheran church, 7 p.m. Spaghetti dinner, Christ the King hall, 1 to 4 p.m. Nov. 30 Cub Scout Pack 145 meeting Organization explains much of out legislation. :e Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files' of November 10, 1927) Fox River's largest and finest bridge, which is located at McHenry is now completed after nearly a year of almost steady work upon the structure. This wonderful bridge was opened for traffic the first of this week after the gravel had been hauled and levelled to finish the approaches to the bridge for the winter. The » patience of the people of this vicinity has been rewarded and the bridge, which is the final connecting link in Route 20, has completed the state highway which extends from Waukegan to Woodstock, perfecting the route to Chicago and con necting up with other lines in all directions. About twenty members of the local Modern Woodmen camp attended the booster meeting of the Woodmen camps of McHenry county at the Odd Fellows temple in Woodstock on Wednesday evening of last week. It was one of the best meetings of the Woodmen order held in this county for many years past, about 300 of the members being present. A.P. Freund has leased the gravel pit just west of town on Sherman's hill from C.E. Sherman for a period of years, and is installing a gravel washer which will enable him to supply the best kind of gravel for all varieties of work. He has been assisted by Stephen H. Freund in the carpenter work for the washer. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of November 11, 1937) Amid a very colorful setting the solemn dedication of the new St. Mary's-St. Patrick's Catholic community school took place last Sunday af ternoon. The parishioners of St. Mary's and St. Patrick's, with friends and relatives from the surrounding towns, were present to greet His Ex cellency, Most Reverend Edward F. Hoban, D.D. the Catholic Bishop of Rockford, on this memorable occasion. Six Right Reverend and Very Reverend Monsignori and twenty-three priests from far and near graced the occasion with their presence. Father Conway, a member of the Mission band of Notre Dame, Ind., spent Monday with his father, M.A. Conway. He had finished a mission at Evansville, Ind„ recently, and left'on Tuesday morning for Chicago where he will conduct a two-weeks' mission at St. David's church. "Thoughts from S.I.H. column on Armistice Day bring joy to all American citizens today. The first Armistice Day saw anxious Americans unloose the most tumultuous display of happiness the world has ever known. Yes. We rode that spirited little pony, carrying a flag, to lead the parade. Emil Patzke wasn't far behind Paul Revere's ac complishments as he tore through town mounted on the Wattles cow pony. Leo "Pete" Rothermel urged a slow, fat pony (we think it was Stilling's pony) over the streets but that little steed would not be urged. Its own Armistice had been signed years before". TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of November 20, 1952) McHenry residents recalled the excitement of local bank robberies of the late twenties last week Thursday when two men were captured by the combined efforts of city, county and state law enforcement bodies. The dramatic scene of capture was on Rt. 31, just about one-quarter mile west of the railroad tracks in McHenry, after the robbers' car had streaked across town at a high speed in their endeavor to elude authorities. Captured were Herbert T. Morrison 41, and Arthur C. Eubanks, 32. In their car was a bag containing S6,660 which the two men had taken a short time earlier in a hold-up at the First National Bank of Antioch. Charles J. Hiller is among the 900 students at the College of St. Thomas at St. Paul, Minn., Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps. A freshman at the St. Paul school, Hiller is majoring in business. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hiller, Johnsburg. Completion of the four-year AFROTC course of instruction and graduation from the college will make Hiller eligible for a second lieutenant's com mission in the United States Air Force. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of November 17, 1967) A variety of important business came before the county board of supervisors in regular session Tuesday of this week. The long delayed decision on zoning at Berryland, near Wonder Lake, was forthcoming when the board approved one request of the owner, Peter Berry, and denied another because the vote lacked the necessary three-quarter approval. By a vote of 25 to 2, he was permitted a conditional use which would permit a camping ground.. However the 15 to 13 favorable vote on the petition to rezone a small, 15-foot square tract from'. "F" farming to "B"-2 business- was not sufficient to carry. B -2 business was not sufficient' to carry. In regular meeting last Thursday, the board of the- village of Lakemoor voted tou install new concrete street: signs throughout the village.; The cost was not revealed, pending further investigation by Trustee Alfred Dember, who is in charge of the project plans. The contract will be let at a later date. No time to lose, only 31 shopping days till Christmas Courage The bravest sight in '•* the world is to see a little Sj 5-year-old walk into a * covey of doctors and > nurses under his own >« steam. -Brewton Standard, Ala. ; mMIETTI 350 Virginia Street lo Cour -Route 14 (Virginia SO- SELF SERVICE SALE DATES: Wednesday, Nov. 9th Through Tuesday, Nov. 15th wwimnmrnii A fttfltH WVNVvNWtir CRYSTAL LAKE STORE ONLY! 3/4 LENGTH . and the Vorkt's Meadowdale Store of our Sale Items Available TUB CHEESE Crystal Lake a Year Old Mink Coat RETAIL VALUE $4,000.00 L < Supplied by THE MINK BARN" Union. IL Known for HIGH QUALITY OPE N LATE EVEHY NIGHT UWTIL 10 s SUNDAY 12 to 8 MASTER CHARGE CRE0IT CARDS ACCEPTED Cheddar & Port Wine, V. Mm ft Almond, and Sharp Cheddar Crystal Lake Stare Only! Ret S2.29 pound 24 12 0k. Cans / ^ REGISTER NOW! (NO PURCHASE NECESSARY) IMPORTED I.7S Litre 69.2 Oz. Bottle Equal to S3.4S Rfth 1.75 Litre 59.2 Oz. Bottle Equal to S3.71 Fifth GIVE SANTA A BREAK.. DECORATE YOUR WALLS NOW FOR THE HOLIDA Y I ON SALE NOV. 5-NOV. 20 TO HELP YOU SELECT THE RIGHT WALLCOVERING FOR YOUR ROOM DECOR. USE OUR EXCLUSIVE IMPERIAL E-Z VIEWER! [COAST TO COAST STOBISl total hardware 4400 W. RTE. 120. McHEMKY 1.75 Litre 59.2 Oz. Bottle Equal to S2.ll Fifth 1.75 Litre 59.2 Oz. Bottle Eqsalto S5.1I Fifth Philadelphia ~ 9 Year Old Whiskey 1.75 Litre 59.2 Oz. Bottle Equal to SS. IS Fifth QUART 3/110.50 ft 1.75 Litre 59.2 Oz. Bottle faTSmiTSMntSST"11 SSISSniSESTcS Copyright 1177 BMI