Lakeland Park & lakeland Shores Sharon Gacek 385-3777 Anne Moore 385-6448 All Species Represented At Halloween Gala Ghosts, goblins, superman and wonder woman, ballerinas, clowns and Star War's characters enjoyed the Halloween party that was sponsored by the Lakeland Park Women's club. There were many exciting gamg* to be played and everyone did their best at pin the tail on the black cat, beans in the bottle, balloon relay race and a race on an inchworm and all the children tried to guess how many pieces of candy were in the jar. A ghost pinata and a witch pinata kept the children busy as they tried getting at the delicious candies that were hidden inside. The pinatas were very well made because they took quite a beating before they spilled their harvest, and the children tried grabbing the candy before it hit the floor. Judging the costumes was extremely hard as there were so many good costumes. Scariest costume award was won by a ghost, most original was a skunk, funniest was a flower and prettiest was a tiny witch while the best pairs award went to sunbonnet babies. Children from the area who enjoyed the festive spooky event were: Kevin, Brian and Suzi Moore; Jay, Toni and Bobby Gacek; Joel, Julie and Emily Warren; Tina Pautz; Georgie, Bethie, Kristie and Carie Heuer; Eric and Timothy Nylander; Debbie Rathmann; Jennifer and Zachery Thennes; Artie Schooley; Christopher and Andy Voight; James Ressinger; David and Brandon Levesque. Also Johnny and Russell Seracki; Michele and Brian Platow; Andy Braun; Susan, Elizabeth and Julia Beck; School and Scott Aldrich; Joy Hatzidahis; Tracey and Heidi Poll; Stephanie and Jennifer Worth; Michael Bunting; Walter Prien; Jennifer and Howard Beam; Jeffrey Bobbins; Ann Stout; David Gende; Linda Fiedler; Ryan pl€ en and Shawn Cogdiil and the Justen children. All of the children brought lenty of goodies home and joyed the fi;esh goblin doughnuts and orange witches brew. It was a fun day for the children in our area who came to the party planned just for them! SURPRISE Early Sunday morning Sue Warren was awakened by Otto and Elma Pyritz. Otto played his accordion and they sang Happy birthday to their neigh bor. Sue should have known it was to be a very special day. Immediately after the children's Halloween party, another party was begun and what a surprise it was for Sue! Anne Moore and Sharon Gacek asked all the helpers from the early party to forget the clean up and told them of their surprise for Sue. She planned to drive to Burlington to visit her parents and her husband's parents in celebration of her birthday which was Oct. 30. So the gals who planned their surprise had to keep her at the community house and wait for Bruce and the guests. Everything was all cleaned up and the workers were in the kitchen having the last of the coffee. Steve Moore waited outside till all the guests arrived then brought them into the community house. Anne told Sue the work was done and she should head for Wisconsin. Imagine Sue's surprise when whe walked out of the kitchen and saw the "crowd" of well wishers. She cried, we all cried, and after all the greetings we settled down to a potluck dinner. Guests included Sue's parents, Bill and Lorraine Weidert, her sisters, Ellen, Mary and Karen Weidert and Cathy Louden; her brothers, Chris and Jim and brother-in- law John Louden; Bruce's parents, Julian and Dottie Warren, and their daughter. Betsy, and their son, Dan, and his wife, Joyce, and their daughters, Chelley and Corie. And of course, her husband Bruce came home from his hunting trip to help celebrate her special day. Other guests were Ed and Dorothy Fundahn and their children Troy, Brian and Jenny; David, Charlene, Jeffrey, Christopher, Julie, Eric and Timothy Nylander ; John, Mary and Tina Pautz; Steve and Anne Moore and Kevin, Brian and Suzi and John, Sharon, Jay, Toni and Bdbby Gacek. Bonnie Gaza, who also celebrated her birthday the same day, came over to the Warren's home after the dinner at the community house. Everyone had a terrific time and the birthday gal was indeed surprised and pleased. She received many lovely gifts, a bouquet of flowers, and ap preciated the picture poster that showed her from age 3 months and up. But, she was especially thrilled that John and Cathy Louden came from Columbus, Ohio, for the party. The food was delicious, the birthday cake beautiful (pretty roses Marilyn Miller) and we all enjoyed sharing this special lady's very special day.! WOMEN'S CLUB NEWS Thursday evening, Nov. 10 at 7:30 p.m., members . of Lakeland Park Women's club will meet at the community house, 1717 N. Sunset for their regular monthly meeting. Any woman residing in Lakeland Park or Lakeland Shores is invited to attend. Hostesses for the meeting are Anne Moore and Sharon Gacek and they have a special treat in store. New members will take the oath of service to the club and various upcoming projects will be discussed. Do plan to come and join us! BIG DAY James Reafinger celebrated his fourth birthday Sunday, Oct. 29. Birthday games of musical chairs and clothespins in the bottle were played by Craig and Cheryl Conrad, Laurie Panning, Nichole Boelter, Greg Doyen, Steven Doyen, Brad Moon, Eddie and Brenna Lintner, Jeff and Carolyn Chancellor, Jason Zirretta, and Jeff Welch. Mom, Joanne, baked a delicious cake and dad, John, transformed it with his decorating talents • into Big Bird. The birthday song was sung to James and he blew all four of his candles out with one breath. Grandmother Lillian Moon was there to enjoy the festivities and watch James open his many wonderful gifts. Happy fourth birthday James! TROOP 320 NEWS Sue Meineke, leader of Girl GM "KEEP THAT GREAT GM FEEUMQ WITH GENUINE GM PARTS" WINTERIZING CHECK BELTS ft HOSES, ADD UP TO 1 GALLON ANTI FREEZE, CHECK INCLUDES: ^MAJOR GM TUNE-UP 8- $199* LABOR PARTS KITAPPROX. $17.86 PLUS TAX CYL 1495 I LAI LABOR PARTS KIT APPROX. $12.10 PLUS TAX CYL 11 95 LABOR PARTS KITAPPROX. $9.18 PLUS TAX TUNE-UP INCLUDES: REPLACE SPARK PLUGS, REPLACE POINTS AND CONDENSER, SET IG NITION TIMING, ADJUST ENGINE IDLE, SCOPE- CHECK LUBE & OIL $ A50 CHANGE H MCLU0CS: 4QTS- NENRZOIl, CHECK AIL FLUID LEVELS, OCCI HMHFS, HrlTT. CHECK RADIATOR MOSES. PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU NOV. 30,1977 SERVICE PRICES QUOTED FOR GM VEHICLES ONLY, INCLUDES LIGHT TRUCKS. OTHER! VANS SLIGHTLY I Scout Troop 320, has a lot of news to report about the gals in our area. Barb Williams is co-leader this year and their committee has been formed. The lucky girls are chairperson, Patty Johnson; treasurer, Karen Thompson; and scribe, Aleen Tiffany. The four patrol leaders are Jana Williams, Krista Taylor, Kim Thompson and Robin Irwin. The troop meets at the community house Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Last Tuesday evening eight girls from our area became "fly-ups". This is because they gave finished the Brownie program and are Junior Girl Scouts. A ceremony was held and parents were present to see their daughters receive their pins and wings. The new "fly-ups" are Robin Irwin, Kim Reining, Debbie Stephens, Kathy Koontz, Jean Boydston, Dawn Able, Beth Koswalec and Janice Kowalec. Cake and punch was served to all the gals and their proud parents. Many activities are being planned for the girls to enjoy. They just had a terrific Halloween party with each patrol being responsible for one task in the planning of the party. Everyone had a fun time and were looking- forward to a hayride and bonfire. Sottida, like another fun year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday to a dear freind, Anne. Sue and Sharon are glad to see you did so well. Many wishes to you in this coming year. NINE CANDLES Pretty Debbie Stephens celebrated her ninth birthday recently and had a slumber party with two friends, Gret- chen and Kim. Mom and dad, Sherry and Lester, and her brothers, Scott and Timothy, enjoyed singing happy birthday to Debbie and everyone agreed the cake and goodies were delicious. The young girls enjoyed listening to records, watching TV and giggling and, of course, no one is quite sure how many hours they slept. Debbie will agree it was a fun way to celebrate a ninth bir thday! EQUAL TIML Cat owners, we are receiving complaints that your cats are ripping open the garbage bags.t Some of this garbage could be harmful to your cat. Please try to keep your cat out of trouble Wednesday nights and Thur sday. CANDLE OCCASIONS Nov. 10 is a day of celebration for Sandy Etten and Otto Biring, Sr. Nov. 11 Ray Roach, Terese (Sissy) Koch and Anne Moore will celebrate their birthdays. Ray will be 15 years old and Sissy will have four candles on her cake. Michael Toussaint will have nine candles on his birthday cake Nov. 13. Andy Braun will be six years old Nov. 14. Joey Paul will also hear the birthday song that day. Nov. 15 is a special for Mark Koch and Julie Etten. Julie will turn 4 years old. Happy birthday wishes to you all! | SERVICE NEWS Air Force Promotion For Local Airman An official at Lakenheath RAF station, England, has announced the promotion of Christian J. Goetschel to air man first class in the U.S. Air Force. Airman Goetschel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Goetschel of 3714 N. Spring Grove road, McHenry, is an integrated avionics component specialist < with a unit of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe. The airman is a 1970 graduate of McHenry Com munity high school. PAGE 5_- PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER I, 1*77 Ready Sore you sure you know the way out They were going to visit a there?" friend who had moved out into know it as well as your the country. hand does the way to my "John" said the wife, "are pocket," he growled. msmmm vxmmmmt The McHenry Plaindealer 3912 Wost Elm Stroot Established 1R75 McHenry, Illinois M050 Phon* 3S5-017t Publlshod Evary Wodnosday ft Friday at AAcHonry, Illinois Sacond Class Faitsgs Paid at MeHanry, Illinois By AAcHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY McHwwy HiliidiluT/ISMW. MSSS. AMmSm •» illmiJkUim through rtw Pfrt Offlf D<^in»lin<nt Larry E. Lund-- Publisher Graduate Fellowship The Illinois State Historical society is seeking applicants for its eleventh annual $2,000 graduate fellowship in Illinois history. Potential applicants can write the society at the Old State Capitol, Springfield, 111. 62706, for details. NATIONAL NEWSPAPER wi'ALUi: SUSSRIPTION RATES 1 Year ...115.00 Outsldo AAcHonry and 1 Year. ..... 910.50 In AAcHonry and LaCo County Sale Beer Not Iced 4> 4i ******** We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities On Sale Items No Sales To Minors NES AND LIQUORS: NOV. 9 TO NOV. 15 4610 W. RTE. 120, McHENRY, ILLINOIS' WALKERS IYODKAI •99| ll. 75 LITER McHENRY'S LOWEST EVERYDAY POP PRICES, INCLUDING; 80 PROOF 39m B.75UTER FIFTH -LIMIT TWO PER CUSTOMER DuBOUCHETT IMPORTED! ICASTILLO 1.75 LITER PEPSI, MET PEPSI! PEPSI U6HT, DAD'S SWEET OR DRY IMPORTED CUTTY SARK SCOTCH WHISKY FULL HALF GALLON HPOQi BTTLS. W M •PLUS DEP.! FROM McHENRY COUNTY S LARGEST WINE SELECTION IMPORTED GERMAN-1975 SCHWARZLAY KABINETT • 2 49 FIFTH 3 4 WINE OF THE WEEK! IMPORTED FRENCH BLANC I FIFTH SOLD 12 PK.-12PZ.CANS. 99 Z MUANnK 6PK.-120Z. NO RETURN BOTTLES 24 -12 OZ. CANS ' PARTY PACK IMPORTED-ITAUAN SPARKLING ff a 24 -12 01 BOTTLES '(•91 5i I • ~ " V"J» a. PLUS DEPOSIT VISIT OIIK <:III;»;SI; SHOI> H. I oA\ . Kir. I 20 rii. i ~> iU"> :i2on