Legal Notice ttoH 11 • NOTICE is hereby given that on October 26th. A .D. 1977 AfSHPSPX® oas f'led »» the aettii ia transac Town as &WSS McHenry Data rvices' located at '•"f^est Route 120, McHenry. •J?ate1 #IS 261,1 of October, A.D. 1977. Hi i Vernon W.Kays Clerk n f r v V ' ' 9 < 1 6 ' 1 9 7 7 ) Legal Notice :8Se» NOTICE OF tei n-PUBLIC HEARING '"jTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Board of Education of >001 District Number 156, in f County of McHenry. State --llinois, that amended budget few4 said school district for tne fiscal year beginning July l, 7f,will be on file and con- [jehtly available to public ection at 3926 W. Main it, McHenry, Illinois in this school district from and after 8$0 o'clock a.m. on the 16th day of November 1977. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on the 20th day of December, 1972at 3926 W. faain St., in this Scnobl District Number 156. Dated this 15th day of November 1977. Board of EcfejtHnt) of School District Number 156, in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. By Edward J. Neumann, Jr. Secretary (Pub. Nov. 16,1977) Legal Notice INTHE MATTER OF ) THE APPLICATION OF ) FA. GILBERT. W.R. ) SEIBERTAND WILLIAM ) 0. BRACHMAN.AS ) TRUSTEES OF THE ) WONDER LAKE REALTY ) TRUST. AN ILLINOIS ) COMMON LAW TRUST, ) F-K-A THE WONDER LAKE SYNDICATE AND ) FIRST NATIONAL BANK ) OF CHICAGO AS ) EXECUTOR OF THE ) ESTATE OF ) MABEL M.JACOBSON ) AND MARGARET L. ) GILBERT FOR ENTRY ) INTO AN ANNEXATION ) AGREEMENT WITH THE ) VILLAGE OF SUNRISE ) RIDGE, McHENRY ) COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ) NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the President and Board of Trustees of the Village, of Sunrise Ridge on the ap plication of F A. GILBERT, and WILLIAM 0. BRACH- MAN, as Trustees of the Wonder Lake Realty Trust, an Illinois Common Law Trust, f- k-a1 The Wonder Lake Syndicate and the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO, as Executor of the Estate of Mabel M. Jacobson and MARGARET L. GILBERT requesting the execution of an Annexation Agreement in regard to certain real estate that is contiguous and adjacent to the municipal boundary of the Village «f Sunrise Ridge and is located at the corner of Wondermere Road and Thompson Road in Greenwood Township, McHenry County, Illinois andis more fully described hereinafter and also any ad jacent highways or roads as required by law: The West . Half of the Nor thwest Quarter of Section 13, which lies Southerly of the center line of a public highway running in a Northwesterly and a Southeasterly direction and commonly known as Wondermere Road, (except the South 20 acres thereon, also of all that part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, which lies East of the East line of the West 20 acres, thereof, (excepting therefrom that part thereof described as follows: Beginning on the North line of the East Half , of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 14 at a point 248.15 feet West of the Northeast Corner thence South at Tight to said Section line, a distance of 330.00 feet to a point: thence Weston a line parallel with the North line thereof for a distance of 448.0 feet to a point; thence North at right angles to the last described line, at the last described point, for a distance of 330.00 feet to an intersection with the North line of said Section; thence East 448.0 feet to the place -no I*' -m r li>v h. OJ C' sri? «fss»orffi6eDtotric,No ftttal District i >> Assessed Valuation Legal Notice McHENRY COUNTY COLLEGE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 38,1977 .528 $868,249,942 District „ „__Debt fc f a.™; /• s r!' REVENUE Counties McHenry, Boone Kane, Lake Tax Rates: Education Fund 12C Building & Maintenance FSmd 03C $ 2,740,000 Bond ft Interest Fund 044C STATEMENT OF REVENUE ft EXPENDITURES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 3d. 1977 EDUCATION BUILDING* Local Government bReal Estate Taxes je Back Revenue on College Territory Local Government Illinois State Other State Resources Total State Resources sral Government it Tuition ft Fees iterest on Investments ft Other FUND $ 804,532 55.127 $ 855.659 $ 792,111 Total Revenue EXPE _ NDITURES BY PROGRAM Instruction Academic Support aces tions intenance of Plant lion of Revenue Serv Service nt 20,935 700,905 10,448 $2,437,973 $1,234,520 193,724 184,593 55,474 31,820 283,275 MAINT. FUND $ 200,833 I 200,833 14,955 1.018 216,806 BOND & INTEREST FUND $ 294,030 I 204,030 $ 294,030 to ' >•' 90, ending rail, 1974 1977 NT DATA a, \m * $ 52,498 L2S2SL HTyg^niTNT 3)966 4,173 r 272,007',:'" rmm1 f $ 22,023 Mill Administrators Instructors ICES il Full Time 43 Time PROGRAM Part 178 294,551 $ 294,551 $(77,745) _ii51lL FULL-TIME 1,364 ACADEMIC SUPPORTING STAFF INCLUDING Time Time 9 12 1 PHILOSOPHY McHenry County College is a community Cc ier education. It subscribes to an open-door It who is capable of profiting from con (comprehensive and its objective is to provide a develoomental needs of all people in the communr ECTIVES an integral p of admitting any his or ner education, of quality of the Illinois system of school graduate or any Its approach is to meet the R H 1 Treasurer (Acting) (Pub. Nov. 18,1977) je of quality programs to meet the hese programs are designed at many in setting standards for courses and re completing the course or program. ALL ABOARD) II Chicago and North Western Passenger H-0 SCALE Train Sets SET IS COMPLETE (WITH: • CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN DIESEL ENGINE • t PASSENGER CARS • a PASSE • POWER PACK TRACK FOR A xSO INCH OVAL k LIST PRICE *63,47 K SPECIAL AT... / r tT' v Woodstock's HO SPECIALISTS who features convoniont off square parkinf and shopping At Frank Buck's 4 * m x *1/ * V 789 Mc Henry Ave. «i Rt. 120 East side of Woodstock \ OPEN: Dolly 0-f, Friday to 9, f fpal Meridian, in McHenry County, Illinois. ALSO: All that part of the Nor theast Quarter of the North- PAGE 9 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER If, 1977 Children's Book Week 1 Set At Nunda Library Meridian, which lies Easterly of the center line of Thompson Road, (except any part thereof falling in Sunrise Ridge Unit 1 and Unit 5 according to the Plat of said Units being recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois as Document No. 316163. Document No. 515135 and Document No. 531853) ALSO: Ail that part of the southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, which lies Easterly of the center line of Thompson Road and West of the Westerly line of the Nippersink Creek, (excepting therefrom that part thereof described in certain deeds recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois in Book 262 of Deeds, page 492 and Book 264 of Deeds, page 166), in McHenry County, Illinois. A form of Annexation Agreement is on file in the Office of the Village Clerk. Such proposed Annexation Agreement may be changed, modified, altered, amended or redrafted in its entirety. A public hearing will be held pursuant to tne provisions of Section U-15.M. et. seq. of the Illinois Municipal Code. (Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1975). A public hearing will be held in at 8506 Dorr Road, Village of Sunrise Ridge, Wonder Lake, Illinois on December 1, 1977 at 8:00p.m. AT WHICH TIME AND PLACE, any person desiring to be heard may be present. DATED: This 14th day of November, 1977. VfLLAGEOF SUNRISE RIDGE BY: -s- ELISABETH KELLY Village Clark JOSLYN ft GREEN PROFESSIONAL COR PORATION ^ Attorneys for Petitioner 116 No. Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Telephone: 815-338-1135 (Pub. Nov. 16.1977) Legal Notice Public Notice is hereby given that the Board of Trustees of Student VA Check List at tne hour of 7:00 p.m. to Children's Book week, Nov. 14-19, will culminate in an "un- birthday" party for the younger set Saturday, the nineteenth, at the McHenry Nunda library on Lily Lake road. All children coming in to the library any time from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. will be given treats and surprises. Those who haven't visited the library, are especially urged to bring their offspring in during Children^ Book week and let them experience the exciting world of books, which take them everywhere and show how to do everything. Know sTNg » » Offer Veteran School discuss the allocation of the Ninth Entitlement Period of Revenue Sharing Funds in the amount of $3,682.00. Any concerned citizen should ap proach the Board of Trustees at this time. The meeting will take place at the Village Annex, 3211 W. Beach Drive, Mcrfenry Shores. v Linda Luerssen Village Clerk McHenry Shores (Pub. Nov. 16,1977) ELECTION BOARD MEETS The regular monthly meeting of the state board of elections will held Thursday, Nov. 17, at 11 a.m., in the board's con ference room, 1020 South Spring street, Springfield. A timely and useful check list for thousands of veterans going to school or planning to enroll soon under the GI Bill wiH help keep Veterans administration checks coming regularly, VA counselors advise. These suggestions for veterans are offered by VA campus counselors: File for benefits at least two months prior to the beginning of the quarter; register early; avoid dropping classes after registration; double check on choice of courses to be sure they fulfill requirements for your major; if an interruption in education is necessary, notify the VA and give expected date of return to school; if you change addresses, promptly notify the post office, VA and the school: submit transcripts to the college admissions and records office immediately after application is made. This will speed up certification to the Veterans administration. VA advises students retur ning to school after a break to consult VA campus counselors about the effect of new legislation on dropping courses and on payment procedures Which? Customer-Remember thst can of sardines you sold me yesterday? Grocer-Yes, madam. Customer--Did you say they were "imported" or "deported" from Norway? What do people mean when they say things smell differently before a rain? Is this statement true? As mentioned in an earlier weather article, various smells become stronger and more noticeable before a rain. This would be especially true in low or swampy areas. The explanation is that ap proaching rain usually means lowering barometric pressure. Lower pressure tends to allow smells and air to rise and circulate. Another factor, pre- * viously unmentioned, is thst moist air accentuates odors. Thus, moisture, lower pressure, and often wind (prior to a rain) all tend to make odors stronger and more noticeable. The saying, then, is true. BUMPER STICKERS Ths futurs is fine -- os for as it goes. Dl iDlQ] OF ALAN MROWKA .̂ UllLAOt SALE DAm^THUW ™ r̂o 2 " UURRY S • i n - f T ' o i i f i i r t r ^ idi v -u * >40 ^|| OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY! 2% MILK S L " KAPPUS BREAD 19' 1 LB. LOAF 'DELI DEPT" DUBUQUE BEEF BOLOGNA COUNTRY STYLE C • 19 RIBS ISr $|09 PORK CHOPS |LARGE| CHEESE ft SAUSAGE TOMBSTONE PIZZA $ LOIN END ROAST COUNTRY MAID ̂SP IBACON R9 BAR-O-BRAND CHIP DIPS toz I IB. PACK •OA POTATO CHIPS toz.aox WHOLE CHICKENS LIQUOR DEPT. SCHLITZ 15 SODA M«oz.aamis c COLD DUCK $179 SASHA • > t-M , x 1 1 «il." u * 1 i BARCLAY'S BOURBON 4*12 OZ pflBWMM < " I va RED ft WHITE POTATOES 1 Sam? issitan if la Hill Illl iBll Illl 1113 illl ONIONS >IM. V >