CUDDLE BEAR A safe toy that gives kids lots of love! 298-950 (2604/22) THUNDERBOLT TOBOGGAN Strong support with anchored handles. 218-222 (1986) Gives the thinking player a challenge! 311-357 (E-950) YAHTZEE fjA. . ogefber Non-toxic Aoas mr* t? -<*» 308-4K 3 "«• &AMES%. CHILDREN'S ̂ SNOW SHOVEL Fire engine red shovel goes like blazes to help Dad! 782-151 06-441) «. WALL CHALKBOARD THESE CREDIT CAROS WELCOMED AT PARTICIPATING STORES OMLY LOOK FOR CREDIT CARD SIGN? Colorful, comfortable - great for slumber parties. 384-719 (841R326) Multi-colored Rghts glow brightly against the tree. 463-620 (UL2-35)