PAGE 17 - PLAINDFAI.FR - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. If77 Our thanks for your friendly favors and loyal trust, support. Chrtstmas. TORKELSON LINCOLN-MERCURY 4611W. Rte. 120" McHenry, III. Let us take the time to say Thank You to all our splendid customers. It has been a pleasure serving you. We hope our services have brought you and Yours pleasure. PETALS & STEMS 3301 W. Elm St. ... McHenry, III. 385-4747 •Ho&dajj (Wfings In this holy season, may your hearts bo filled with peace, love and understand- ing. We wish you a very {oyful holiday. LITTLE CHEF RESTAURANT 1332 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, III. 385-9752 _ A VERY MERRY . To faithful friends old and new, hearty thanks lor your good will and beat withes tor a wonderful holiday season. 6 RUCKS V&S HARDWARE 3902 W. Main St. McHenry, III. 385-0334 New Chiiha Filled with a happy holiday glow knowing we have so many good friendsl Thanks all! VARESE'S FAMILY RESTAURANT 1266 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 385-3120 Peace We meet together as brothers, with peace in our hearts, as we celebrate .Christmas. MCHENRY TIRE MART 3931W. Main St. McHenry, III. 385-0294 flt/titaWisk May the radiant star of that Holy Night shine forever in the heart of all mankind. CASUAL SH0PPE 1216 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 385-2713 i. »v Let the season's warm glow fill the air. It's Christmas ... a Hme of peace and -love . . . joy and contentment. Our special thanks. 1MIIS LAWN * UjHH 2103 Rt 120 McHtnry. III. 3854)434 We're sure that your Christmas celebration will be a-bloom with festive, happy Hmes. ST0FFEL I INSURANCE 3424 W. Elm St McHenry, III. 38S-0300 Merry Christmas one and all I We hope it's abundant with warmth and much happinessl LEE & MY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front St. McHenry, III. 385-0882 we're ringing in this holiday season with best wishes for you and yours. Have a joyous Christmas one and all! Peace We hope you and yours are blessed with the warmth and happiness that are so abundant throughout this holy season. Many thanks. RADICOM 2604 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry, III. 385-4224 ay ̂ KrletwvAs be radiant with the light of peace, joy and blessings for you and yours. McHENRY WELDING 2912 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 385-4929 f f - Let the |oy of the first Noel bring to you ... peace, content, ment and renewed spirit. Many thanks to all our friends. McGEE'S, INC. 1245 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 385-0047 As Christmas lights the world, we hope your holidays will be happy and filled with joy and contentment. Thanks to you aN. SPURGEON'S 4400 W Rt. 120 McHenry, III. HimfMtKIHK ' <•" '• !' , * * Jt rf: Crammed a stocking to overflowing with glow ing holiday wishes. May yours be the best ever! McHENRY FLORAL 508 S. Rt 31 McHenry, III. 385-0404 -------- Merru Cfirisimas Santa fust wouldn't be Christ, mas without all the traditional merri* ments ... carolling, good times, lots of t, Enjoy hotjcJOfcclW. E it to iln .Mfcul MITCHELL BUICIT & 0L0SM0BILE 903 N. Front St. McHenry, III. 385-7200 A diHstmas Wtsk We |oin those who sing out the many praises of this spo* cial season, and wish you and yours have a most memorable Xmas holiday I RIVERSIDE RETAIL 1402 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. 385-5900 * 0 Here's hoping this holiday is the start of a new joy-filled chapter In your life. Be happy always... and have a happyl CRESENT BAY LANDING & THE LAZY GOURMET 330911. ChapH Hill ltd. McHeniy, HI. 335-3303 K ! . r - . With warm appreciation to our friends and patrons. Our constant I 2 aim is to serve P you well. CAREY APPUANCE, IMC. ' MfljuMflngi |Ltf nun. ASM ^crvmp sne mtiieiii y for ©v®r 50 Yarn" 1241 N. Green St McHenry, III. 385-5500 May your Christmas be filled with joy. Best wishes to our friends. mm, FREUND, INC. 4102 W. Crystal Lke Rd. McHenry, III. 385-0420