PAGE 14 - PLAINDEAI.ER - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1 077 Sylvania Flash Bars Provides th« right light for your Holiday Party. Limit 2 Kodak Camera Film 1" ••a. 1.59 SALE HORNSBYf family centers ^ PRICES EFFECTIVE WEB., •EC. 28 IMM SAT., DEC. 31s«. OPEN DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 10-6 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices effective while quantities last. 44MW. RTt. 120 Choose from C126-20 or C110-20. Mix or match i Limit 2. NEW YEARS EVE M NEW YEARS MY-CLOSED MOMMY, IAN. 2 9 5 RT. 47ft COUNTRY ClUO RO. WOODSTOCK 139 1.62 Quick, fast acting 100 tablot siza. BE y+ IS MM •%-m 'mmm ^yjp Styrofoam Cups SPOONS 8.F0RKS t ; 3 • vs/• sfovv; 42' 50 insulated 9 oz. cups. Reusable or disposable. 100 Paper Plates R 8 100 9-inch plates. Won't soak through. , Paper Napkins 250 paper napkins. Just right for your party 1 100 Spoons and Forks S3 50 spoons and 50 forks. Lightweight and disposable. Hefty Tumblers Choose from 10 oz. or 12 oz. size. 47C to 63< 3 pack Party Lels 3 bright plastic leis. Colorful Party Hats 56* 67e Celebrate the New Year with bright, shiny hats. Serpentine Streamers It's no party without them I * Holiday Neisemakers nVc Reg. ?' eio '• :'"//////// Bring in the flew Year with a shout and horn I Yick's Formula 44 97c Helps coughs from winter colds fast. 3 oz. peanuts START THE YEAR OFF RIGHT SHOP HORNSBY'S FIRST! HORNSBY'S MEASURES UP GREAT END-0F THE-YEAR VALUES! Rog.1.37 to 1.S3 A flno soloction of bar tools to assist you at your Holiday Party. Sovoral Hams to chooso from. Ice Buckets R09.S.27 19.97 % Lovoly ico buckots for any bar. Kaap lea cubo* roady to uso. 13.87 bo-ordinatod tots, propackod. Chooso from bamboo or goomotrlc dosigns. long ITMIII IFF RE PUKE y OFF RES, A groat soloction of lovoly ovoning waar to doll up your Holiday. Many ityios to chooso from. Img Shirts 1 / OFF RES. /2 PRICE Many stylos In solid and plaid colors. A | fact way to dross up for tho Holidays. Fancy Bleuses 300 Rag. 7.93 to 10.94 OFF A porfoct topping tor your Holiday skirts. Many stylos and colors for your soloction. IT'S CLEAR AS GLASS HORNSBY'S HAS THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN! Fashion Mass 7 ox. Old U mi Rag.27< Shimmoring crystal with o touch V ® of gracoful curvos by Anchor • m".' Hocking. No. 3107. Rag. 3l< 1 ox. Shot Olass Sy Anchor Hocking. No. 344S. 4 pack 6'/2 ox. Wlao Olassos Now Royal Rogoncy lino from An- 027 chor Hocking. No. 2934C/77S7. Mt Rag. 3.94 4 pack 514 ox. Champagno Olassos Soautiful Royal Rogoncy dosign am • from Anchor Hocking. No. 290SC/7757. Jm . $ Rag. 3.94 10 ox. Boor Olass Attractivo stommod boor glass JBtF< from Anchor Hocking. No. 33S4. ^ Rag.S4C 26 pc. Ranch Bowl Sol 3** Sot indudos bowl, ladlo. cups and plastic hangars. No. 300/271B. Rag. 9.47