PAGE S - PLUNI>RAI£R - WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER H, lf77 m ME. AND MRS. MARTIN R. APEL McHENRY NEWLYWED8-Newlyweds Martin R. and Cynthia L. (Mtwm) A pel are making their heme hi MeHenry following their marriage Saturday, Nov. 12. The Rev. Roger Schneider presided over the 3:38 p.m. ceremony at the altar of Shepherd of the Hills Latheraa chareh. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Mowrer of McHeary, and the groom'* parents are Mro. Joan Apei, also of McHeary, and the Into Roy M. ApeL Prior to local residency, the bridal coaple took an honeymoon trip to Florida. "Chalk Talk" Picture Given To Club Woman When the T.H.E.O.S. and Smiles met together at the First Baptist church of MeHenry for the November potluck dinner, there was a good attendance. A sing-along proved very entertaining and enjoyable and was followed by a wonderful "chalk talk". The finished "Chalk Talk picture" was beautiful and was presented to Mae Stinespring. After the delicious potluck a time of getting acquainted took place, and many found neigh bors they did not know were members. It was a lovely evening, and many new friendships" were formed. The next get-together of the two erouDS will he at the First United Methodist church sometime in the future. The next meeting of "To Help Each Other Smile" will be at the home of 4lae Stinespring and will be a Christmas party; each one to bring a wrapped "white elephant" The date is Dec. 27. the time, 5:30 p.m. and this will be a potluck. Editor's Quote Book There is a time for everything. Thomas A. Edison oca HALF PRICE SALE Presents Slate Of New Year Officers The Friendship club potluck dinner and meeting Saturday, Dec. 10 began with the singing of the doxology, by the forty- four in attendance. After the meeting was called to order by President Morris Crouch. Elmer Stange, nominating committee chairman, assisted by Leonard McCracken and Harry Lundy, presented the slate of nominees, which met with unanimous approval. The following officers were duly elected, President, Harold Wildhagen; Vice-President, Herbert Rose; and Secretary- Treasurer, Mrs. Lyda Radish. These officers will begin their term at the January meeting. Gertrude Anderson had very appropriate and interesting meditations after which the minutes and financial report were read and accepted. It was unanimously agreed to send a check to the MeHenry Area Rescue squad, and also to give a check to the church. Many beautifully wrapped birthday gifts were brought for distribution at Valley-Hi Nursing home with Morris Crouch volunteering to take the packages to Hartland. The program for the evening was a most interesting one. Morris Crouch demonstrated how to make Christmas decorations. He made swags for the sanctuary doors, a beautiful wreath for the new parlor, a cone wreath for Julius Grunefeld who will be celebrating his ninety-first birthday Dec. 19 and a lovely evergreen bough pine and cone wreath which was presented to secretary-treasurer Lyda Radisch, who was most delighted with the gift. Everyone enjoyed watching Morrie work, talk, and tell stories all at the same time. He is a gifted artist in making beautiful displays. Happy Birthday was sung to those celebrating in December and Happy Anniversary to the twp celebrating that occasion. Helen Creamer played the piano as members sang many of the favorite Christmas songs. The next meeting of the Friendship club will be Saturday, Jan. 14 at 6 p.m., when Ruth and John Godt- f red sen will have the program. Hosts and hostesses will include Mabel Thomas and Mary Butler, Dorothy Steinbiss and Elsie Reiker, Helen and Reno Eckardt, Daisy and Harold Wildhagen. The meat committee will consist of Lilah and Bill Jordan, Marie Mullere, Helen and Dan Creamer, Mildred Kennedy, Helen and Harry Lundy, Clara SchoU, Mae Stinespring, Helen and Ernest Beck, and Margaret Anderson. "Good Girls" Give Santa Christmas List The Lakeland Park Women's club held its annual Christmas dinner and party Thursday, Dec. 15, at 6:30 p.m. at a local r e s t a u r a n t . . . . V v r < After a delicious dinner they were honored with a visit from Santa Claus, who distributed the secret pal Christmas gifts. But, before the gifts were handed out the recipients had to sit on Santa's knee and tell hime what she wanted for Christmas, and whether or not she had been a "good girl" all year. Even a few kisses were exchanged! Each lady received a pretty corsage type pin made by Viola Kelly and her husband, which was an added surprise and much ap preciated. From the happy expressions and "ohs" and "ahs", it seemed as if each was especially happy with the gift from their secret pal whose identity will no{ be kpown until ftp officer's luncheon in springy, birthday gifts from pais". -- President Anne Moore reminded the ladies of the club's annual Christmas party for the children Friday, Dec. 16. Mention was made that the Craft club will be starting up shortly after the holidays Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the community house. The next meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's club will be Thursday,Jan. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the community house. Be sure to come out, this will be an important meeting! Marion Batka and Maria Sieracki will be the hostesses. JOIN us MME YOUR RESERVATIONS MM! FREE! Bottioof Champagne Par Couple Plus Party Favors I Chotc* of 3 KntTOM - BSQ lb», Bv«t Steak, «r Prim* Mb n OF CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS, CARDS, TREES, ORNAMENTS, ETC. (Limited Supply on all Christmas Items) lowerwoea the complete Christmas Shop Route 14 & 176, Crystal lake 815459-6200 Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9 9 Sat. 9-5 Closed January 1st and 2nd. AMD ACOtf! I PER COUPLE CALL NOW I (CASH BAR) INDIAN MANOR •SSTAURAMT t LOUNGi S. RTE.31 McHENRY II--i FOR '78! Does your doctor document that you suffer from chemical allergies? Does this condition make it necessary for you to buy uncon- taminated organic food? Here's the Good News! YOU CAN DEDUCT THE EXTRA COST OF THE HEALTH FOOD OVER CHEMICAL TREATED FOOD AS A MEDICAL EXPENSE. (Publ. Simon & Schuster: Randolph, 76T.C. No. 35 Dec. 16, 76) INGRID'S HEALTH MART 13 W.GRAND AVE. FOX LAKE 312/587-6266 Luncheon Tables Cany Out Yule Theme v • •' % ; ̂ fi£ £ When the ladies arrived at the First United Methodist church for the annual Marda Mary Ball circle Christmas luncheon and party, they found the tables beautifully decorated in the Christmas theme. Although the weather was quite bad, the attendance was / very good, and everyone seemed to be in a holiday mood. Cleda McCracken piesented very interesting and ap propriate meditations, which everyone enjoyed. No regular meeting or business was transacted as this was strictly "party day", and everyone enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. Marilyn Haines and Lyda Radisch were the hostesses and served a very delicious luncheon. The next meeting of the Marcia Mary Ball circle will be Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1978, when Gertrude Anderson and Ann Demke will be the hostesses at the usual time, 12:30 p.m. "Love-Honor"...69 Years Ago Community Calendar JANUARY 3 Free Blood Pressure Screening-McHenry First National Bank-*a.m. to 1 p.m- -Sponsors, MeHenry County Heart Association. U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive Committee) Meeting--8:45 a.m.-First United Methodist Church. Marcia Mary Ball Circle Meeting--12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church- Hostesses Gertrude Anderson and Aim Demke. Free Blood Pressure Screening-1 p.m.-First United Methodist Church, 3717 W. Main Street. Ruth Circle of the First United Methodist Church of McHenry-Meeting-12 Noon- At the Church-Hostess; Vivian Bassett. JANUARY 4 MeHenry Grandmothers Club-Luncheon, Dr. Jay's One Potato, Two Potato-11:30 a.m.- -Meeting, 1 p.m.-MeHenry City Hall-Bring White Elepttait- It was the sixty-ninth wedding anniversary for Arthar Walker (left) and fato wife (seated). And there was a Mg celebration, complete with tiered bridal cake and ginger ale ia champagne glasses, at the Barr pavilion of Dlineis Masonic Medical center In Chicago, where Mrs. Walker Iws keen n patient for more than n year. MeHenry waa well represented nmong the gaests, among them left to right, llemas A. Grove; Mrs. Edna Walker of W. Nortk Shore, a daughter of ths Wsfter's and Grove's mother-in-law; Dinna Walker Greve, a granddaughter, and Robert Wilson, also of McHeary, a family Meed. Thomas A. Greve, Jr., representing the fourth Walker generation. In the place of on kis great grandmother's hp. Sigma Phi-Regular Meeting- Hostess, Mrs. Lorene Fair. U.M.W. General Meeting- Potluck Luncheon-12 Noon- First United Methodist Church. JANUARY 23 MeHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting~7:30 p.m.-East Campus Cafeteria-Installation of Officers-Program: Slides ft Talk, "To Communicate is the Beginning" JANUARY 24 T.H.E.O.S. Dinner & Meeting--5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist Church. JANUARY 25 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. JANUARY 31 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Chapter An niversary. Brief Check JrtfdHns'Qn JANUARY 5 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-Regular Meeting- Mrs. Sandy Etten, Hostess. JANCARY 9 MeHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting--7:30-East Campus Cafeteria-Nomination and Election of Officers. JANUARY 11 Church Women United Medical Van-St. Patrick's Montini School-5 to 8 p.m. MeHenry Senior Citizens Club Loop Bus Trip-Bus Leaves MeHenry State Bank, 8:45 a.m. - JANUARY 12 Lakeland Parks Women's Club Meeting-7:30 p.m.-- Lakeland Park Community Cub. JANUARY 14 Friendship Club Potluck Dinna- and Meeting-6 p.m - First United Methodist Church- Program : Ruth and John Godtfredaen. JANUARY 15 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi--Cl»ampagne Brunch. Third Annual Rescue 50 Snowmobile Marathon- Information at 385-2085. JANUARY 18 MeHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus-Luncheon Tour To Clock Tower Museum ft Art Museum at Rockford-Bus Leaves MeHenry State Bank at 9:30 a.m. JANUARY 19 Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Blood Pressure The monthly free blood pressure screening at the First United Methodist church will be held Tuesday, Jan. 3, at 1 p.m. This is an on-going free service each month at the First United Methodist church in conjunction with the local hospital. It has been found that it is important to keep a monthly check on blood pressure, so it is .wise to do so each month. . The time alternates, in January it is at 1 p.m., and then in February it will be at 7 p.m. With these arrangements more people can take advantage of this free service as many are unable to come in the af ternoon. IT one hasn't had a recent Mood pressure check, they are welcome to take advantage of the service Jan. 3 at 1 p.m. only takes a very short time, but is time well scent. seu*8 Avoid the growling man He may lead a dog's life. <zMy (Dns fa\t dfia nee, ^ to jV;-- 5 ? ' j f t a n k ( T j o u f o x t y o u x n # kfii± .£a\t T/eat & eRtmlnding t *Tjou thai 9 tan • * offzts: -Jomaxxovj i »• <^fai\ <£tyCc *Do<LajL\" ^ HI OPEN CURL 344-1019 Seniors Enjoy Audience Participation Program Y The MeHenry Senior Citizens club annual Christmas dinner party was held recently at West campus cafeteria, with 223 in attendance. Ruth and John Godtfredsen, members of the club, were the "local talent" for the program, which everyone enjoyed. Ruth had all those celebrating birthdays come up in front and then sang "Happy Birthday" to them and presented them with a candy cane. She did the same with those celebrating . an niversaries. Ruth and John had the audience participate in the program by singing aongs, and playing games, awarding prizes to the winners in the men's rooster game, and the ladies hula dancing contest. She also presented an "en durance , prize" . to Lyda Radisch. - . .^i - «..; . - A most -delicious holiday turkey dinner was enjoyed after Rev. William A. Baumann had said Grace. The social committee had the tables beautifully decorated, and each guest had a very pretty Christmas ornament to take home. President Lockerbie called the meeting to order by reading a very pretty poem, and in troducing the guests of honor who included Mayor Joseph Stanek and Mrs. Stanek; Mrs. Roger W. Schneider (Pastor Schneider was unable to attend as he was ill); Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boeldt; and Greg Johnson. The secretary's minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer's report were read in brief. John Doerr reminded the members of the Jan. 18 bus- luncheon-trip to the Clock Tower museum, and Berkely Art museum at Rockford. Th£. bus will leave the MeHenry State bank parking lot at 9:30 a.m. Reservations are to be made with Mrs. Giel promptly. Mr. Doerr requested members to make reservations promptly with Mrs. Giel for the Feb. 15 trip to Long Grove and the Lambs farm at Libertyville as well as the Shrine circus at Medina temple in Chicago March 16. Mrs. Clara Knetzer urged members to make reservations with her immediately for the loop bus trip Wednesday, Jan. 11. The bus leaves the MeHenry State bank parking lot at 8:45 a.m. Mrs. Wilke, Sewing Group chairlady, made a request for backing materials fior lap robes.hias tape, yarn, towels to make bibs and good used towels will also be acceptable. Mrs. Wilke would like>4o have* such material brought to her at the meeting Monday, Jan. 9. President Lockerbie called on the guests for a few words and there was quite a bit of competition, as each of the gentlemen tried to top the previous one; however, it seemed that Mr. Lockerbie out did them all with his final poem! It was an enjoyable evening with everyone having a good time. The next meeting of the club will be Monday, Jan. 9, when there will be nomination and election of officers. The meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. at East campus cafeteria. There will be no executive committee meeting in January due to the holiday. Pioneer Center Accepts Holiday Gift Donations In response to a request for Christmas gifts for the mildly retarded served by Pioneer center, the United Methodist Women Mission team and Circle members arranged for the required number of gifts for ladies and men to be brought to the general meeting Dec. 15. At the December Mission Team meeting the proposed budget was presented, and met with the approval of the committee. It will now be presented for approval at the January general meeting Hiursday, Jan. 19. A discussion regarding or dering some items from the Red Bird Methodist mission in Kentucky with expectations of selling them at the bazaar met with the approval of the committee, and a request will be made for catalog and prices. A Hospitality or' Visitation committee has been suggested to visit the shut-ins. Gertrude Anderson and Ann Demke will be on the committee with others welcome to help serve on this worthwhile project. A list will be compiled and kept up-to- date to enable the committee to make the proper calls. The United Methodist Women Mission Team (executive committee) of the United Methodist Women, will meet at the First United Methodist church at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 3 at 8:45 a.m. . Net Related? \ If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not related to the boss. HELP WANTED By Members of the MeHenry High School Class of 1968 to plan the 10 Year Class Reunion. Contact: Laurie Sanford Dotal? 385-7433 or Margie Otorn Smith 344-1187 3317 Wf. Main, Mdtoao,