Spring LET S GET TOGETHhR AND TALK ABOUT LOW COS T A U T O I N S U R A N C E . Tony Pick GIVE ME A CALL FOR THE FACTS ON LOW-COST H E A L T H I N S U R A N C E . Chuck Lewandowski I 'D L IKE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS ON L O W - C O S T H O M E - O W N E H S I N S U R A N C E . onyFick I 'D L IKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE FACTS ON LOW-COST L I F ^ I N S U R A N C E . Chuck Lewandowski Call us for Details 385- AMERICAW AMERICAN FAMILY MUTUAL INSIMUNCK' COMPANY* MADISOHL WIS. S3701 ""OUR NEW LOCATION--- Corner of Crystal Lake Blacktop & Rt. 120, McHenry, III. PAGE 14 - PLAINDFALER - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1«TT Ringwood News 385-8037 653-9262 728-0343 Holiday Brings Many Home For Family Visits Christmas is the one holiday everyone seems to make a special effort to return home to join loved ones in family gatherings and our community of Ringwood was no exception. On Christmas Eve, Gene and Betty (Sowers) Garrison of Hebron hosted a gathering of Byron and Lucille Sowers' family members including the Chuck Sowers family and Sherman (Mary Sowers) Spencer fmaily. Later that evening, Sherman and Mary, with daughter Cindy, returned home to welcome their children in cluding the Lenny Spencers, Alan Spencers and Donna and Dave Lundgren for a gift ex change and supper. Christmas day was spent with the Alan Spencers and Monday was at the Leonard Spencer's with Cheri's family also present. Mrs. Clara Cristy had her children and their families at her home Christmas Eve. Larry and Diane Cristy spent the holiday with his parents and sister, Sherri. Terri and Bill Anderson, with daughter Theresa, completed the family gathering. Art Jensen spent Christmas Eve with his daughter and family at Woodstock. Those enjoying Christmas dinner at the Brennan-Hepburn home were Mrs. Hepburn's sister and brother-in-law, the Russell Soddys of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brennan and Wayne and Wendy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Visconti with son Frankie, and Art Jensen. It was a very special Christmas for Art and Katy Christopher. In addition to their children, Dave, Patty and Rich Harrison, Diane and Gary Linstad, the Linstads had brought Art's parents with them from Marinette, Wis., and HELPING PAWS r ^ ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION F. O. Box 20$ • Cry«»l L»k«, ltlinoi» 60014 • (81 J) 459-2641 . by Estelle Atwell it was kept a secret from Art until they walked into the house Friday night. That was a real Christmas gift since the folks had not been down here for many years. After the family gift exchange, Patty and Rich left for Wisconsin to spend the holiday with his sister and her family. . CHRISTMAS HAPPENINGS Christmas at the Paul Walkingtons was celebrated Monday, Dec. 26 with Jay and Jan Walkington and daughters coming from Addison, 111., Tom and Maya Walkington coming from Oregon, 111., and Ida Mae and Clarence Adams and family from Wonder Lake. Christmas Eve at the Walt Lows was a full house with Linda and Bill and boys home from Dubuque; Pam and Dan down from Elkhorn; Sue and John and family from Heborn; Walt and Alice Mae Wilcox from Woodstock; Mabel Thomas, Bob and Sue Low and Bobby from McHenry, Pattie Miller and, of course, Ray and Tom Low. Different ones were in and out all Christmas day. BIRTHDAYS The New Year starts off wishing Bernice Pearson, and Jan Walkington a Happy Birth day. Jan. 2 is that special day for Joe Carr and Jan. 3 is the natal day for Dan Price, Christopher Petska and Shane Riening. Jan. 4 is that special day for Caroline Strom as Jan. 5 is for Edith J. Harrison, Elisabeth Pearson and Mae Wiedrich. Jan. 6 is the natal day for Monte Hosie and Robert Howe, Sr., will be another year older Jan. 7. We wish you all a very Happy Birthday and we hope you have many, many more of them. THINGS TO REMEMBER Every Sunday - Church Services -- 9:15 a.m. -- Ringwood church Every Sunday -- Church school - 9:45 a.m. - Ringwood church School resumes - Jan. 3 Remember folks - Do call your reporters with news, the money received for this column goes to the church, not us. We realized over $100 for this column for the year 1977. Let's do better in 1978. Call and give us a report of news and hap penings to help the church. Happy New Year from the Ringwood column gang. DIAL-A-PRAYER. 385-1234 The sure sign of a limited mind is a flow of positive statements. the pet roam, no one is in terested in fixing the blame; the primary concern is reuniting pet and owner. Sometimes an open door has resulted in the loss; sometimes the collar and tags come off. Many times the reasons for the loss are understandable. But the ultimate concern is that these pets be returned and thus removed from the center which must either adopt out if possible within a few days, or put the pets to sleep. And those who find animals should call both Animal Control and HP; otherwise it is almost impossible to make a match. They may be unwilling to call Animal Control because they know what happens. However, there is anothei' way to handle it. The center does not pick up the animal unless you request it. Simply give them the in formation so that it becomes a matter of record available if another call comes in reporting the lost animal. Since it is the me central agency for the entire county that can help locate owner and pet give them the support to do this. And as Helping Paws anl Animal Control work together, call both! Cats, well, that's a sad situation, comments Mary Nelson, HP office worker. Cats are almost hopelessly lost once they wander off and do not return if they are not wearing some identification. There isn't the space to keep strays and lost and found. It would seem a small price to pay to buy an ID tag for your cat weighed against the pleasure the cat gives you. Funds grow on our latest appeal. Figures as of Dec. 22, $1,389,00 DOGS FOR ADOPTION Airedale mix 6 month old f e m a l e , b l a c k - b r o w n , housebroken, good with children. Please call Animal Control for this emergency placement, 338-7040. Mixed English Setter, black- white medium long haired, l1^ year old spayed female, good with children and pets, housebroken, 459-9109. Standard Poodle, black, 2 years old, housebroken, good with children and pets, all shots, 344-2640. Sheltie Setter mix, 1 '2 year old male, housebroken, all shots, good with children and pets, 344-2540. Doberman mix spayed 10 month old female, housebroken, all shots, good with children and pets, 338-4481. Cocker, Terrier mix 7 week old male pup, good with children and pets, blonde medium long hair with white paws, 312-639-2213 after 1. Three Great Danes, 2 males, brindle colored l'a years and 3 years old; 1 female fawn color, 3 years. 459-2641 between 10-2 days or 459-8326 evenings. Two white Maltese females, 5 pounds each, all shots, to be spayed Jan. 5, good with children and pets, housebroken, 312-658-7221 or 8389. Two Dachshund, male and female young adults, housebroken, good with children, 312-639-4232. CATS FOR ADOPTION Two black-white kittens, all shots, litter trained, 3 months, 3124>39-5142. Four black kittens with green eyes, medium long hair, 9 weeks old, 923-4389. Five month old male orange and white short haired cat, 459- 1343 after 4. LOST AND FOUND Lost: Shaggy grey dog, 2 year old male, Pistakee area, 385-3185. Lost: Large female Labrador, with long nose like a Pointer, McHenry, call 312-356- 3350. Found: All black, declawed front and back male adult cat, Lakeland Park, call 385-9354 evenings or 312-381-0370 days. The list this week is a long one and even this has been shortened. What may seem to be a match of lost and found to the reader, has already been checked out. Matching lost and found pets can be a most disheartening job* for Helping PawS volunteers. Please hold on to your pets.. .don't add them to our list. Start your New Year right with a resolution to make it a good one for yourselves and for your pets. Happy Holidays to all of our friends from all of yours at Helping Paws. ILLINOIS PAGEANT The board of directors of the Miss Illinois Pageant, Inc., have announced that the 1978 Miss Illinois pageant will be held in the Paramount Arts centre in Aurora July 20, 21 and 22. The board also stated it was their hope the Paramount will become the permanent home for the pageant. • • • • Selfish people never made a nation great, re gardless of the fortune they manage to acquire. In keeping with the spirit of giving, we're happy to announce that during the year of 1977 we paid out over $5,675,000.00 in interest to our savers. If you're thinking that's a lot of money... you're right. And the reason we can deliver such a healthy return is that we pay our depositors the highest interest rates a savings and loan is allowed to pay by law. Another reason is that we're a Mutual Association which means there are no stockholders to pay. Our net income dur ing each year is distributed to our savers in the form of in terest, which all adds up to more money for you. The funds remaining after operating expenses and savers have been paid goes into building up our already strong re serves, which helps us to serve you better. In addition, every dollar you deposit with us is protected up to $40,000 by^an agency of the federal government. Best of all this money is distributed to residents of the McHenry county area, which in turn helps us keep a sturdy economic flow of money within our own community. So if you've been looking for a good place to invest your money, save where your friends do, save with us. We're the place where many happy returns happen all year round. Quick and decisive action in lost and found cases is vital. Do absolutely everything in the realm of possibility to locate your lost pet or report a found animal; do it immediately ; and keep on doing it. Don't drop the matter after a phone call or two. At this time of year it is agonizing to lose a pet as in addition to the usual hazards there is another - the weather. Some of the urgent steps to take are: -Call your local police department to report, and ask if anyone has called. -Call the Animal Control center in Woodstock; make the report, 338-7040. -Call WIVS radio for air time allotted to lost pets, 495-7000. -Call Helping Paws, 459-2641. -Show a photo of the animal to the children in your neigh borhood at recess time. -Go door to door and ask people to be on the lookout. -Post notices in your neigh boring shopping centers. It won't help to sit back and MARENGO: 200 E. Grant Highway • 815/568-7258 McHENRY: 4400 W. Route 120 • 815/344-1900 WOODSTOCK: 118 Cass Street • 815/338-2900 Memlx-r Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation wait for a call from these agencies. Unless yours is a very definable breed, unique in appearance, it can be overlooked because there are so many like him-her. Take no chances. Go to the Animal Control center, Rte. 120 to Raffle road, north on Raffle to Banford road, east on Banford to the center. Many dogs are not claimed and have to be destroyed due to the inability to match a dog to the description. When you go to the center, naturally you will recognize your own dog. And if the dog isn't there, go again as it may be brought in later. Helping Paws has a new program with the crater and has so far reunited many an owner with a pet who was soon to be put to sleep. This was accomplished when owners and finders call both the center and Helping Paws. While the loss of a pet may occur because an owner is remiss about buying an iden tification tag, or lax in letting Humidify with an. HUMTDIFIER ca": Carl Woerner HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1W1 351 IS. Wright ltd. McHENRY, ILL. 312-524-42S4 FINANCING AVAILABLE and loan association