s PAGb -i -1*4.AiiNDLJAI.KH - WEDNESDAY. JUNE » Lakemoor-Lilymoor Margaret Karas 385-4934 Logo Chosen To Represent Lake v • Saving Efforts Logo contest winnter for a design for the Lily Lake Con servation club was Henry Garn, a former Lakemoorite now residing at Wonder Lake. Henry's design was an outline of Lily Lake, with the name of the club and the words "Beautify, Protect and Correct" on the overlay. The judges had a difficult decision, as most judges do, as the designs were very diversified and well done. The white elephant rummage sale held the seventeenth and eighteenth at the municipal building was successful. Many persons were involved in the effort, with Diane and George Kawell and Laurie Kent of the resource committee doing the coordinating. . Even the children helped. Cari Kawell, Michael Kent, Tracy and Ronnie Bonesz dressed up in costume clothes and did some advertising. Char Truesdell, Maggie Dunnagan, Chuck and Daisy Nettles, Eon Coffman, Louise Hipwell, Sue Brindise, Kathy Kelley, George_and Edna Garbacz, Billie and Mike Nejedly, Lisa Woods, and Kathy Stevens were among those who gave much time and effort. Added personnel on the clean-up committee were Norm and Pat Morrison, Toni Yerkes and little old me. money made from the p|us the donations and lemberships, supplies one- (fourth of t|ie moneys estimated start dredging the lake. With so many people giving so generously and often without personal recognition, we will save our Lily Lake. GIFT PAR EXCELLENCE Dorothy Mentzer gave her husband the best Father's day present ever, a beautiful, healthy 7 lb. 14 oz., 19V4" long baby girl. Heather Louise made her appearance June 18 at the McHenry hospital. Father Jim was present in his hospital "pajamas", for the natural birth, following the LaBoyier method. Jim was the first person to hold the baby. He had the medical duty of cutting the cord, and then placing little Heather in a very warm water bath. The LaBoyier method is called "birth without violen ce", and uses dim lighting, warm water, and lots of love and care. What a storv Jim can tell Heather when she's old enough to give hfm a Father's day present, j Also happy re two-year-old Joanna, who was waiting for her new baby sister at home. CONDOLENCES Our community was sad dened by two deaths these last weeks. Gisela Lippert died June 16, leaving her husband Leonard and three children, LeRoy, Christian and Stephanie. Gisela will be truly missed by many people. Paula Krumweide died June 19. Henry, her husband, and six children were her immediate family. Paula had been ailing for many months, so we pray she has found the peace^B the - valley we all shall seek some day. Our sympathy goes to both these families. L.L.L.L. The Ladies of the Lake had their social evening last Wednesday. Mildred Nejedly and Helen\ Netzel were the hostesses 1 providing the goodies. Several members were away, so it was a smaller- than-usual group playing Bunco. The prize winners were Connie O'Rourke, first; Jean Dembar, second; and Helen Netzel, third. Joan Delatorre took the booby prize. The ladies did not meet the first Wed nesday of June due to the in crement weather. LILYMOOR CLEAN-UP Tuesday,'June 20, was a good < day for twelve local youngsters, Donovan and Denise Brizzi. Danny Goesell, Robin Nelson, Scott, Chris and Steven Mum ma, Scott Meyer, Suzanne Rasmussen, Donald, David and Denny Weber. Ar med with garbage bags, they walked the streets of Lilymoor and picked up cans and bottles. The kids worked like eager beavers for over two hours, and collected six large bags of other people's garbage. The planned hot dog roast had to be postponed until Wednesday due to tne rain. But the children all enjoyed the hot dogs, chips and pop the next day. Donovan even had a toasted marshellow on his nose. Nofcto be outdone Denny W. put one* in his hair. , "What these, children did on Tuesday (s another example of what our great kids are doing to beautify our area. BIRTHDAYS Andre Yerkes will be 14 years old June 30. Diana Lin Pickett, library painter, will be 10 July 1. Other birthday celebrants on the same day are Sonny Withrow, Kathleen Kelley, LLCCI membership chair person, and Carolyn Rasmussen of the Lilymoor association Rasmussens. Shirley Hager and Violet Nixon share July 2. Carol Sch midt and Chad Hueckstaedt have their day July 3. We have no one listed as an In dependence baby. May the coming year be exciting and happy for all of you. COLLEGE NEWS Jeff Blake received scholastic recognition from the McHenry County college. He completed his second year with a high grade jwint average. He is now working at the Con tinental Bank, and will be*, returning to college this fall. Maribeth Karas, spending the summer quarter with the Wheaton College program in England, writes of seeing Westminster Abbey and St. Margaret's cathederal, with the graves of Shakespeare, Tennyson, Chaucer and other notables. The stained glass is magnificent. At Rochester, Maribeth went into a castle dating from 1087. She prayed in a cathederal built in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, where Saints and people have prayed for seven hundred years. What an awesome experience that was. The homes and countryside are very colorful with bright curtains, and huge gorgeous flowers. Maribeth saw the Elizabethan gardens at Pen- dhurst, an estate kept up in elegant and luxurious splendor. - And she actually found a little teahouse where English food was served that was delicious. Between all the sightseeing, with and without Chris, she did manage to attend classes. Next week, it's on to Saint Anne's college at Oxford. Ta, ta. COMMUNITY EVENTS July 1 - L.L.C.C.I. benefit. P M pub, 238 W. Rand road, Lakemoor. 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. July 4- Independence day. Have a quiet day! Thank you, Lord for making our country. GOD BLESS To r: 2 3 4 5 WOMEN'S SPORTSWEAR ENTIRE SELECTION BLOUSES - KNIT TOPS - SLACKS - SHORTS CO-ORDINATES - SWIMWEAR FAMOUS NAME BRANDS - SHIP & SHORE, DEVON, CATALINA, JOYCE MEN'S V* OFF DRESS SLACKS LARGE SELECT GROUP HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM--SIZES 28-42 MEN'S KNIT, WOVEN & DRESS SHIRTS LARGE SELECTION • SIZES S-M-L-XL 14'? to 17 j2" / 3 OFF OFF MEN'S & WOMEN'S SHOES LARGE SELECTION CHILDREN'S SPORTSWEAR LARGE SELECT GROUP SHIRES TOPS PANTS COORDINATES DRESSES, SIZES 2 ALL SALES F INAL f 3 OFF % OFF HOURS: MON.-THURS. 9-6 SAT. 9-5:30 FRI. 9-9 SUN. 9-1 (GLADSTONE CHARGE (rlildstlMIC'S 1219N.GREEN ST McHENRY PHONE 815 385 0182 Sunnyside Area Betty Messer 344-2494 Help Wanted: Volunteers For Children's Park Chairman of the Sunnyside park, Lillian Pomonis, was at the June 20 meeting to show what has been done on the park grounds to date. Lillian, as a committee of one, has really done quite a Job. She put together thejjroposed layout of the parF area with playground, ball field, shelter and picnic tables. We do not have au this equipment as yet. But with Lillian out there you can bet we - will before long. Right now she is working on getting what playground equipment we do have installed so the children of the area can use it this summer. So far Lillian is still working alone. We asked for volunteers a couple of weeks ago to help Lillian get the equipment in stalled. To date she has not had one call! How about some of you people out there giving Lillian a call and offering to help get this equipment up? Your children will use the park, too. Call Lillian at 385-7012 and offer your services. WELCOME We welcome to the village of Sunnyside the Pete Barruso family. The Barruso family recently moved into the village from Buffalo Grove and have three children. We hope you'll enjoy your new home and living in Sunnyside. Welcome to our community, Sunnyside, the Friendship village. AUXILIARY DISBANDS A couple of months ago President Kate Eichhorn of the Sunnyside Women's auxiliary asked Vice President Joann Britt, who is the program chairman, to do something to stimulate interest in the clubs' waning membership. At this point Mrs. Britt began making arrangements for Sutliss Nesbitt, warden of the Dwight women's prison to appear as guest speaker at a luncheon. Ms. Nesbitt, a very busy woman with a very hectic schedule, was generous enough to work this luncheon into her schedule. A dumber of. prominent people from 4n aqd around the McHenry area had .planned to attend, among them Sheriff Tyrrell, Mr. Nipsy of the Illinois Planning commission and a number of women from the Business and Professional Women's league in McHenry. The luncheon was to be held at Crescent Bay Landing, Johnsburg. After two months of preparing for this guest speaker and making arrangements for the luncheon President Kate Eichhorn asked that the luncheon be called off, stating that she and some of the members did not approve of the subject or the location of the luncheon; and the club would not sponsor this affair. Those who had already ma'de reservations were, contacted by Mrs. Britt informing them that the luncheon was called off at the request of President Kate Eichhorn. As of Friday, June 16, the Sunnyside Women's auxiliary will disband. Most of the membership are resigning because of a conflict of interest between members and the president. ^ . mf WOMEN'S CLUB TO FORM . Plans are in the making for the formation of a Federated Womens' club in the area. For those of you who would like to belong to a Womens' club, watch for further information in this column. This will be a dub framed under the rules of the Illinois Federation of Womens' dubs, A-l HEARING AID REPAIR SERVICE Fret Loonore-Comploto Service on all Maka* Custom Eormokk-30 Day Trial on Hew Aw HOMISMVICll • EOaSHUT-Httl TRY BEFORE YOU BUYI Mako-Oticon-Radio Ear Qualitana Audiotono Talax-SonoTona Custom Moda All in tha EarMocMl SERVICE CENTER " NED'S 1:00 to 5:00 OTHER HOURS BY APPT, BATTERY SAKE 40% DISCOUNT ALL SIZES! R0BT. STENSLAND I ASSOCIATES 3937 W. HAIR ST. MERRY, ILL 385-7661 AIMMT. PROSPECT lgySSBLB^SSL which is also a nationwide organization. The purpose of Womens' club is to create and stimulate public interest in the comi unity. With the help of the district leader it is hoped the club will get under way in the next month or so. CHRISTENING On Sunday, June 18, Chad Michael Rosinski was christened by Father Canfield iii St. Albert's Catholic church in Land O Lakes, Wis. Chad is the baby son of Julie and Ralph Rosinski of Conover, Wis. His godparents are Ann and Leo Rosinski of Villa Maria, Land O Lakes, Wis. Also attending the christening were the maternal grandparents Betty and Rich Messer of 1405 Bayview lane, Sunnyside; Sandy and Bob Messer, Chad's aunt and uncle; and Gert and George Rosinski of Oak Lawn, II., the baby's paternal grandparents. 1 / *. BIRTHDAYS This , week's birthday/ greetings go toEl Schubert who has his day June 21. Roch Kennebeck has her day June 27. June 28 is Uie day Mary Kay Fredricks, Arleen Kris', Carrie Colomer and Kellie Fleming do their celebrating. June 30 is the day for Carrie Fleming and Julie Perschke has her day July 1. Best wishes to you all for a happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES This week's anniversary couples are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heim whose spe^UQ day is June 24. Mr. and Mrs.Bernie Kennebeck have their day June 25. June 30 is the special day for Mr. and Mrs. Ed LehmWr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kriz have their special day July 1. And Mr. and Mrs. Leo Backs do their celebrating July 2. Best wishes to you aU for a happy day and many more happy years together. • * • All of you readers have a safe and sound Fourth of July and come back to read our column next week. Don't be a holiday statistic.. Village of McHenry Shores iude La Francis 385-5067 Cookie Sales Profit Earns Girls'Night Out The Girl Scouts of Junior Troop 417 really outdid themselves this year in cookie sales. They were so far over their quota for each girl th^t they were able to participate in several special events such as roller skating, bowling, and attending a play. Those girls who attended the play, "Goodbye Ghost", at the Shady Lane theatre were Karen Gath, Debbi Gorniak, Kathy Novotny, Cindy True, Cheryl Wimmer, Diana Sass, Kari Anderson, Chris Bassi, Vicki Grant, Charlene Ein- weck, Patty Kapp, Debbie McFaul, Sue O'Halleran, Bobbi Orin, and Tracy Nugent. The girls were accompanied by Rosemary Orin, Pat Ein- week, Karen Novotny, Terry Gorniak, and Charlene Fischer. All of the girls enjoyed them selves and, it, w^a jwat _Jor ev< " fe r . . , of the Girl Scouts of Troop 417 and of their continued efforts to excel in their annual cookie drive. Moreover, we are proud of their continued drive to be young ladies who are definitely a credit to their community and their families. GOLF OUTING Just a reminder to sign up for the golf outing to be held, Saturday, July 15, at the Pistakee Country dub. Tee off time is 1 p.m. We will play nine holes. This is for all of the residents of the Shores and their guests. Couples and singles are cordially invited to attend this annual outing. The deadline for signing up is July 3, so please call the village hall and reserve your place for July 15. POLICE NEWS The following persons were ticketed during the end of the month of June: Gordon Brewer, 1413 Cherokee, Round Lake, 111., failure to stop; Jim Bowles, 606 Broadway, McHenry Shores, dog running at large. SAD PASSING LeRoy Varble passed away in his sleep June 20. Mr. Varble, te resident of the Shores for 1 year, resided at 1209 Capri Terrace. We offer our con dolences to his wife Mary and to the rest of his family. WATCHFUL NEIGHBORS Thanks to the watchful eyes of his neighbors, William Tennert is recuperating nicely today. On June 21 the McHenry Shores police were notified that Mr. Tennert. an octogenarian, had not been seen for six days. His mail and newspapers had accumulated and his neighbors were worried about him. Upon authorization from Mr. Tennert's daughter, the police broke into his home and found him lying on the floor probably as a result of a possible stroke. Mr. Tennert is now In the McHenry hospital where he is recovering nicely. We wish him a speedy Jftturn to his home and we're sure that he's grateful for the concern of his great neighbors. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to you...Michael Roberts who has . a birthday July 3. We wish you many more terrific years in which to check off birthday celebrations. Life is a fantastic melange of fruitful pastimes, futile arguments, final statements, and faithful friends. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl POETS CORNER X LOVE MUSIC %RM fjuaii Mottle and Music k Love. Hie beautiful Voice sings of sadness and pain and the eyes, they repeat it all over again, all the sa&etts and pain. I fed it too. I know why I'm unhappy but why are you? Ingeborg Aide MUSIC AND POETRY Music and Poetry loverlike entwined in perfect union in one voice reaching to the stars and beyond to the depths of the earth and my heart. Ingeborg Aide \ Modern ize-Professioaallze The Illinois Department of Registration and Education revealed that it is moving immediately into full-scale review of recommendations to modernize and professionalize the department's systems for its licensees. Department Director Joan G. Anderson announced the move in the wake of the presentation to her of a set of formal recommendations from a special blue-ribbon team of expert consultants. Members of over thirty trades and professions in Illinois are licensed and regulated by the Department of Registration and Education. spurgeons 4400 W. RTE 120 McHENRY MARKET PI ACE Hurry! ANNUAL Blanket Sale Ends Sunday July 2 Pu t Tha t Spec ia l G i f t On Lay a way Today & Save