Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 20 Jan 1926, p. 3

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| DEERFIELD Miss Fannie Unger, who lived in Deerfield until last June and now a resident of Chicago was heard in joint recital with Charlotte Erpeld-- ing, planist at the Columbia School of Music, Chicago, January 14. MWiss Unger, soprano has been doing -- considerable pM. this season and sings with the T eonren ns to & ,mu&m{l . and Mrs. C. T. Burns of Or-- Lane were hosts at the Tues-- evening bridge club last week. Deertield Boys' Club will give a Valentine party in the Ma-- sonic m Saturday evening, 'mmuflrvum to La Petite Societie, Monday even-- ing at her home on Waukegan Rd. 14, of which they are members. Miss Marian Kehler of Highland xnfiofl.dma | Mona Desmond. Virginia Dietrick of Glencoe was A group of friends of Mr. Ralph Horenberger gave him a surprise party in celebration of his birthday anniversary --Wednesiay evening. There were four tables of bridge and Miss Sally McKellar and Mr. Alex Willman making high score were awarded the prizes. Mr. Ed. Beckman is serving on the jury in Waukegan this week. ..a.-""l,'é.'"""'"m...-...z"' g* 21-&-«&.&1,&- for the card party to be held in the Masonic Temple Saturday after-- noon, January 23rd. Mr. Almon Frost departed for Decatur, Ilincis, Saturday where he will spend several months with Deertield Grammar School P. T. A A program of varied appeal and interest marked the January meet-- of th@ «Deerfield Grammar Parent--Teacher Association was held in the seventh grade room of the school Friday after-- q.uetq.mmtyfln pupils of "th and 8th grades. The characters represented th: coauntries of South America, Cuba and the Phillippines, carrying on cammerce with the United States anmd were clad in the costumes of E mnntrems--wonntricmomet sY Cheaity hm from a Camp Fire Girls'® point of The Boy Scout movement with its physical, moral and mental develop-- "Obedience a requisite for good citisenship' was the title of the in-- teresting and instructive paper read by Mrs. William Galloway. "What is good citizenship and what is this school doing to promote it" was the subject of Mrs. Otto's splendid talk. During the course of his discussion, the civies course to be taught this x':;h-spoddfimmh- s« discussed by John Ott. . *"Uncle Sams Country Store," a of her sgister, The January message from the vice president of the llinois State Council of P. T. A. Henrietts Stark was read by the secretary, Mrs. Chester Wessling and announc-- ed the January radio program from station W. M. A. Q. the Chicago Daily News, the subject of which is "The pre--school child," which will be given on Monday, January 25th dollar mark before the ond of the at A40'clock. duced directly from the originals, have been loaned to the school for an art exhibition to raise funds to buy pictures for the m-: reoms. An attractive lecture will given in connection with this exhi-- bition. An interpretation will . be made of all the more important pic-- tures, the stories or myths sug-- .-c-muuu.u.-m.' of %munw:t'm It be interesting as as educa-- fiomln-lyuvll"!pmt% a new conception the value art in 'both the school and home. This lecture and exhibition will be worth while. | Mr. Otto announced that the week lost on account of the fire would be reom, to be opened oh Monday. It is an ungraded room for the first, second"and third grades where Miss Schell will help backward children and those who have lost school on account of iliness to catch up with their classes. The prize picture was awarded t Miss Yahn's room for having the most number of parents present. . made up and for this week school will be from 8:30 until 3:50. He turnal from Exceisior Spring, M but has greatly improved and ex-- pects to come home shortly. A Mrs. Fred Beckman will enter-- tain the Progressive club at heér home Wednesday afternoon, Jana-- Mrs. Philip Scully Sr., has re-- turnead from Excelsior Spring, Mo., her iMiss Dorothy Eads who has spent the holidiy season at the home of last week to the Loretta Academy at Saulte St. Marie, Michigan. _ The Frolic Dance given by the Melody Boys in the Masonic Temple Saturday . evening. was different from those innumerable ones that have been given in the past anid ly enjoyed the party. | & I-.J.:'.nluny.vhoiub:; spending holiday season her daughter in New York, is ex« fome with her daughter, Mrs. Wi , Mrs. h'-tdm | Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr., attended & _at the new First Con-- Emumyd Miss Alice Mansfield of Elgin mate at Williston Hall, Northern TIllinois State Teachers College, D¢é-- Kalb. Miss R and 1 Reichelt were dafig party to sée Student Prince" at the Great Northern Theatre Sat-- urday afternoon. They also attend-- ed the Melody Boys Dance. lr.ndln.WM&( Wanukegan were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bleimehl Sator-- day. Mrs. Harry Muhike substituted in the Wilmot school last week for Miss Knappe, who is suffering with tives in Libertyville Satunday. _ . | Shaies of Miss Isabell Briederstadt,of High-- | " land Park and Mrs. J. H. Gibbs and | Y**¢ P"¢ son Jack of Ravinia spent Thurs-- *' > day at the Fred Biederstadt home , if you are afraid to do anything ied people might talk about on Central Ave. ~ The Half Day giris' basket ball team cpracticed last Monday even-- ing in Herschberger's hall at Prai-- The Prairie View boy's bazket ball team traveled to Glenview last Tuesday evening. a part of the Mrs, Maude Knoll house here in town, are the happy parents of a baby girl born on Jan-- uary 12. Mr. Griffeth is a lin--o-- type operator at the Register office and is <~receiving congratulations trom his friends. _ Miss' Anna Lindstrom, writes, she is again busy with her studies at Beloit College, Wisconsin. (Mr. and Mrs. Griffeth who occupy ~ Miss Anna Gerbert motored to Libertyville last Tuesday . evening with her sisters Myra and Nellie in her Ford Coupe. said a lady to the little daughter. "Yes," said the little girl, "mama There was a large attendance at the Firemen's card party last Friday evening. Mrs. George Rife towel for the first ladies prite in 500 and Mrs. Irving Hook two em-- broidered scarts <for prizes in weeks vacation spent at the home of her parents at Fond du Lac, Wis. L. J. Lobell was a busingss visi-- tor in Wiaukegan on Monday. =-- these and all donations. -- ~ Miss Elsie Plonski returned last Monday from his home in Ontarie, Canada where he had gone, owing has many frienmds here and at Volo as she has worked for the last two years during the summer in both M. E. Sunday Schools, who extend their heartfelt sympathy to her in this sad bereavement. party on last Saturday afternoon in homor of her daughter Edith's sixth to the grave illness of his father, who died Jan. 8, 1926. . The Triopolitan school of Re-- evening, Jan. 21. . \ Rev. H.. B. Gwyn returned on last ligious poned owing to the death of the mother of the Primary instructor, Belioeve me, you won't get very 'Mrs. H Geary will entertain nhdiu..z!ddnbunuuhy Mrs, Sarah Longabaugh is slowly JE Ne S¥ ime ol on in § P HAL} DAY looks very pretty, on she got for er home at Mundelein Sunday. _ _ Mr. Alex Hapke spent Sunday were entertained at the H.--C. Mey-- Ridge spent Sunday at her home Mr. and Mrs, Harry Smales of Chicago visited at the F. L. Schu-- Accustomed as residents of the Hollywood section of Los Angeles are to strange sights and sounds on their stregts, they were starfled out of their customary indifference to these when sixteen motorcycle po-- licemen raced down one of the lead-- ing thoroughfares of the -- section with shrieking sirens and shrill po-- liee whistles blowing frantically for right--of--way while in pursuit of a Recent bank and pay--roll holdups by auto bandits have put the city on odg,c.nd.fiaom-md:pe-h- tion and 'anxious telephoning until it was learned that the "oops" were blonde in the car was Dorothy Sea-- strom and the occasion was the filming of one of> the scenes . in Lloyd Hamilton's new comedy, The comedy, which stars Lloyd Hamilton, will be shown in addition to the feature, at the Auditorium Theatre Tuesiay and Wednesday, Jan. 19--20, "Toan Jones." DoON'T GET UP NIGHTS ays: "Come to 7 Carrie St., and I ;ill"obow mfl,luucil'mwl sub.' (xau'g:'--).'n.d 'ol get up 16 times at night for two years acids. These are the causos of un-- natural 'action of the bladder at night. _ Lithiated -- Buchu (Keiler Formula) is not a cheap medicin«. The tablets cost 2 cents each. Soto at leading Whose Eyes The Lake County Regisier--twice ' -- CUICNRYV 8 A&8HOYrINnF S0 a week--only $2.00 per year. . _ "North Milwaukes Avenue . CV Site e o e h on e OO L0 . P en ELA C c Riy c § Te Application for 1926 leense are| -- _ _ TA IL 0 &1 N@ u'- + "_ pt: * + A. R. SCHNARBELE --is our specialty. We have a largs gister Office Libertyvi]}, | aesortment of materia!l tor you to Te *s" % select from. Come in and seo us I will sell at Public Auction on the premises located one mile west of Gurnee on Murrie Road, on . $ s1 Black Team, 3200 Ibs. Oil Tanks -- Brown, Team, 2400 lbe. 'Grind Stone 1 Set Team Harness 2 Set Farm Harness 1 Gravel Wagon 1 Narrow Tire W ayg TERMS: All sums of $25 and under, cash. On sums over Mm.Md-&"-fihMQQ'dmm able notes bearing 6 per cent)' 'srest. No goods to be removed until settled for. 1 Wagon and Ha 2 Set Sleigh 1 Deering Binder FRED GRABBE, Auctioneer E. L. W 50 Chickens . * -- Furniture and many other Farm Implements _ ,, )§§°C..., 2 Set Farm Harness 1 Tank Heatee" > 16 Cows. milkers and 1 Hay Loader 1 Seeder 1 Springtooth, 2 sec. 3 Section Drag 1 Corn Planter -- 1 Gang Plow 1 Disc 2 Mowers * 1 Hay Rake lmm ) MeCormick Corn Binder . Hay Nmd mme. Public Auction' 15 YrEans or SuccrEss Every Best Built Garage is con-- structed to maintain that standard of perfection of which we are justly proud. 15 years of success is behind us. Some Best Built Features Slate coated shingle roof, guaran-- teed 15 years, cement floor, paint-- many other conveniences. IGNATZ LUDAS, ANNOUNCEMENT !! Waukegan National Bank Building 4 S. Genessee St. _ Phone W and Hay iday, January 29th The extension of our garage building service to Waukegan and vicinity will be of distinct advantage to the hundreds of home owners here who are planning to build garages. You can now have a Best Built Garage of the same specifications--the same quality--and the same liberal terms as the thousands of owners whom we number as our satisfhied customers. The carpenters, roofers, plumbers, cement layers, electricians and all other trades-- men employed to erect Best Built Garages are men who live in this city. | BEST Buicl GARAGE -- 8 Tons H: 1 Stack Timody, 1 Stack Timothy, : Some Baled Hay 150 Bushels Oats 75 Bushels Barley 50 Shocks 1 Ford Truck, A1 condition Cichy's Tailoring Shop Garage Office ns in Waukegan m.ém , 2 tons and Grain ASHBURN, Clerk ----fur January only. fibre wall board lining. This wonderful offer will make your Best Built Garage warm and pro-- tect your car in winter weather, Remember--this is a Free Offer InTRoODUctTtoRY OFFER For January, we will furnish absolutely free with every Best Phone Waukegan 3031 didn't know she was pretty. There never was a pretty girl who would not be twice as pretty if she Having sold my farm, I will sell at Public Auction on my pre-- mises 3 miles north of Wauconda, 1 mile north of Ernest Meyers Creamery, 3 miles east of Volo and 1\/, miles west of Fremont, one-- half mile from the Gould School, on PUBLIC AUCTION 8 Heifers coming 2 Muflhmdlm 1 Brood Sow, purebred Hamp-- Chanploprtram Sis Grain Binder McCormick Hay Rake Eradiey it mch Gan Plow o uike Plhe TERMS: All sums of $20 and under, cash,. On sums over that amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7% interest. No property to be removed until settled for. AUG. FROELICH, Auct. CHAS. BRAINERD, Clerk William Lohman, Prop. Tuesday, Jan. 26th 22 Head of Cattle A GARAGE LIKE "CKGETHIS FOR Here is a two--car Best Built Garage. $10 down starts one on your property. Pay the balance in small monthly pay-- ments. Take as long as 2 years to pay. Here is your opportunity to have free shelter for your own car and an income that will pay all expenses. Convert your vacant space into an income. Mail the coupon for full particulars. Commencing at 12:30 P. M. NORTHWEST SIDE LUMBER co. Waukegan National Bank Building 4 S. Genessee Street Without obligation, show me how $10 down will give me a Best Built Permantént Garage, free garage rent for my own car, and an income that pays all expenses. --Also give me details of your FIBRE WALL BOARD FREE OFFER. a a w e % 0 0 0 6 6 a 4 b e o 6 abe a e e 6 +6 . a ©8 06 00 6 0 6 6 n s« e a ht sls e e n a n n hoe aoma ob e 6 0 an a t e nhe e 6 a o m where the consumer always gets i 5 when there is a coul strike. Hog Crate 100 Fence Posts Hay Fork, 170 ft. o oe drave? Planks Ford Touring Car 9 Milk Cans Chicken Hflwm Heater -- " 75 Chickens § A quantity of household furn-- iture and other articles too numerous to mention. 8 Tons of Millet in stack Corn Stack Stack Shredded Fodder 8 Tons of Mixed Hay in stack 660 Bushels Ear Corn 20 Bushels Seed Corn 200 Bushels Oats 12 Foot Silage COUPON Hay and Grain EEETEECI

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