Illinois News Index

Lake County Register (1922), 13 Feb 1926, p. 4

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E -- _ Stand at Bradford's Barber Shop sts." eviewing the collapse of public order * * which Tauie hogt the Reotegang and thma.pigging > 'ing in the sorrowful narrrative is so filled with poign-- ~~ **~-- ancy and condemnation as the sacrifice of youth on the * * ShtarF of ilicit greed. j PAGER POUR <«--~Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, at the post office at Libertyville, Hlinois, under Act of _« Youth is the of the bootleggers and of. the WmYm&.ahthcpnlmflutb "soft drink" stand is the ready conspirator in the pro-- March 3, 1879. lssued twice woeekly. _ What manner of men do these become, these , throw their energies into the scales of lawless ness? What is the atmosphere they create? What of the children they bring into the world? What of the future efect on this country's national life of a new spending a couple of days at the h-mcl:ndfllhhl'l-m Stadfield. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Baseley and daughter Leila left Tuesday morn-- ing for Antigo, Wis., in answer to a telegram they received from their daughter, Mrs. Jack Now, who was ill at her home. generation of. men and women, born and bred into a tradition of contempt for the law and tutored only in home last Saturday. h'cx is now at the 'badside of Mrs. ville after passing three weoeks at her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L.. K. Hughes of Crystal Lake were recent guests of had cared for Mrs. Jane Noeville the Kirk Werden spent last week at the home of his parents; Mr. and day. Mr. and Mrs. James Gainer enter-- tained Dr. Cowan of Chicago re-- and Mrs. Owen Paddock. Herman Hawk spent last Friday Lena Bonnin who has been em-- fiddfio'!.n.,m'--i-t meat market for the last two rhn'd"hmd the home of her parents on the Mr. C. P. Thomas, his son Charles owers v ait and wife were in -- Waukegan onmg?'l:kl;m:hoqu& business the fore part of last week. u,.,n.u,c.rywhhuhn Dr. L. E. Golding and wife-- of i1 at her home is slowly w&u'mhfl. M. F | last Wednesday afternoon. Kenneth Krueger and Domald ,.Mhdwdfi%mwtdwsm on friends here first of the week. | of days last week on account of ill-- --Melvin Stone returned to. Chicago where he is employed, Sunday after passing the week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vedar Miss Altha Goss who is employed at the~J. H. Patterson Coal ~and Lumber 'cffice is --gpending a two weeks vacation at her home. Mr-- and Mrs. Paul Hicks of Liber-- tyville were recent guests of Mr. Hicks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her-- man Hicks. © Mrs. Henry Schaefer and ~Mrs. John Knox of McHenry visited their sister; Mrs. Herman Maiman Mon-- day afternoon. °* Ted Morey who spent the last three months in Florida returned here Saturday night. He was ac-- companied by D. H. Murphy who stooud the trip by auto _very well. Mrs. Murphy, and daughter and son rrphyhnyand'hdlomm the --storm swept district where there has been serious damage to A number of teachers from here and surrounding schools attended the Teachers Institute at Lake For-- Mrs. George Hapke and Mrs. Henry Stadfield were Waukegan shoppers last Woednesday.-- s _ ... _ Mr. and Mrs.~Henry Stadtfield entertained relatives from Volo and Round Lake Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Clark of Roseville and Mrs. Mairette mc(fl-': were Sunday guests of Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs-- Frank Harrison of tleago were recent guests of Mr. ¥EYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. @uccoeding the Waukegan Weekly Gazettoe Mrs. E. A. Golbling of Norwodd irk was a week end guest at the WATUCONDA piY PHONE 31 NIGCHT PHONE 497 FRANK H. JUST, Editor Molidor of Volo is LAWLESSNESS home of her sister, Mrs. woure VZ _ NOR siguol, . akEae . ARNEGREREE Prouty and Mrs. Ella Powers . W. L. Daley and wife visited Sun-- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Plutie Houghton of Des Plaines. > Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jane Neville and Mra. Mhhfir&dhfifl Mr. and Mrs. P?. B. Johnson of Frank Carr. was a recent caller on old friends here. 'Mrs. Derry was Kate England and was born raised here and spent the part of her life here. >' K Mrs. M. W. Baseley and Mrs., L. H. Cypher spent Tuesday afternpon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. How-- ard Anderson who reside in the old L-i-!lltu-h-q-_gd,% said farm now 'beligs to Mr. M-m.tfidrhmlb day night in honor of Mr. Grant-- ham's birthday. A delicious lunch was served after card playing. : All vaien? Ino say > ?m:imm-{.": : by the ladies -- of fiflx day 'évening, February 15. ©An in-- vitation is.extended to all who en-- Kenneth Krueger and Donmald Brown were out of school a couple of days last week on account of ill-- ness but are both back at their places in the school room this week. Several cases of German measles give the last of the series on Mon-- W. R. C. held their regular meet-- ing Wednesday night, February 3 Plans were made for the supper and programe 'to be held at the Com-- munity House this week, Saturday nigsht. Feb. 13. This will be for Mr. amd Mrs, Ollie Grantham To church organizations. and gocieties. 'Let us show you how OAK TERRACE LAUNDR Y OAK TERRACE |-- LAUNDRY t Prairie Ave., Highwood, IIL PAPA'S PLEASED WITH Charles Derry of Waukegan NOTICE ! Thursday -- night ~was or PHONE 27 TY A Y the desperate conditions of the new underworld? depths of his heart forthe solution.:= and several others are now considering the pas :::ofhwuh'hwym--qfuadmu to stand an examination before being permitted to op dmflmv&h-fin.u'dwmwpd' ing prosecution on a Reckless dtivmhothenu-ltdmwuth':t-n Re ports show that the state had 208 fewer deaths from motor accidents in the first 11 months of last year than in the same period in 1924, notwithstanding an increase of 12 percent in the number of machines reg-- ~-- _ In New York state last year 11,000 motorists had their license revoked or suspended. More than 2000 to an autoist.. He may not mind the fine--he can go out and get more money. But if his license is taken myfmflnndkwflwmp ingwpu-ead&afit&;u'nufir. tak ing chances. Careful, sensible drivers do not object to nchahv.uflthtfiwhyi'u.fcmflrdh_dm many other states will follow New York's example istered in 1925. _ . 4 'The New York auto law has teeth, and they are used. Anylgzvflhdmu" will tell you that fear dwtl!: andhf:facadcohvehb';r stand in mwwld more to 4 hdnmthg_d&chahtmfimc and pass laws to that effect. $100 to Mfio':rWarvmm one come and help a good cause. '*Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cooke --wh> have spent the last week visiting relatives and friends at Bassett and Wilmot, Wis., and at>: Woodstock re-- Louise Baseley, youngest --daugh: ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert--Buseley entertained about twenty -- of her school mates Monday evening in honor of her birthday. The tables and rooms were 'prettily decorated Valentine day, many . pretty --and useful gifts were received by Miss bit of interest to all. .QZM"-AMM- tor first of the week. Wm. Harris and wife of Lake Bluft were visiting relatives here wished her many ha returns of the day. Afhr'nmddd{d- part of last week. ¥. _ * 3 Mrs. Stadfield and sons of Volo were called here Wednesday on ac-- eount of the serious illness of Hen-- ry Stadtfiekd who was taken sudden-- ly ill at his home Tuesday night. New Figured Crepes Satin Foulards We are just receiving our spring line of Silk Dress Goods-- all new» est patterns and shades. Fine line just from New York. Scarfs, Buffet Sets, Fancy Work Linens, Silk Mixtures, Luncheon Sets, Pillow Georgette Crepes Canton Crepes Flannels, Etc. Prints, Percales DRY GOODS-- -- ~GENERAL MERCHANDISE y9r w4 Bubject: -- "Things to -- Pray for." This service will<be an introduction to the Lenten season. < We give a condial invitation to all>~ members and friends 'df the church to °: be present. hundred of -flmumntfiht::'mm- bers and friends of the church. the subject for Sunday evening. 'All fathers andmothers will be: inter-- ested in this serivce, and all teach-- FIRS * METHODIST EPISCOPAL people themselves will be curious to know what will be said. The W. H. M. S. will meet Thurs-- dlay afternoon, Feb. 18, at the home have interest in a discussion of the game in the gymnasium this week Mwfigd?:&,mflfim games y evening at 7:15. of Mrs, Ash Wednesday. The services on that day are: Holy Communion, 7:80 a. in. On -- Thursday, February 18th there will be a special service for chikiren at 4:15 p. m. 8T. LaWRENCE EPIZXCOPAL Rev. H. B. Gwyn, pastor The services on Sunday February 14th (Quinquagesima Sunday) are: Holy Communion, 8 a. m. f Morning Prayer and sermon, 11 Bunday school, 9:45 A M. . Services: Sunday, 1045 A. M. Sunday 'morning worship at 11. Service, 7:80. m €6:80. Epworth League, 6:30, You are cordially invited to these We have opened a Millinery Depart-- ment and.every day are receiving new models in felts, silks, and silk and straw combinations. We will welcome your inspection of this new line. Prices | $1 .95 *A > $Q'§§ ' Grape Juice 7 actful Our Basement ____ is full of: ___ HOUSE FURNISHINGS -- AT RIGHT PRICES Libertyville, Illinois Millinery -- to 17th, *p »£f maru next DuUn-- | ~The special 'fi.;:mg:;,w, ky 4 nhe NA *./« > > -- * f elu', m A some _ _English service at 10:30. -- Holy | passion music at ~St; Lawrence's mwfl be celebrated at MM;mewae "fl&«by at 7:80 P.|this choir last year, by Mr: M.--the enten service will be| H. H. Hyde, choirmaster, organist in English These services will | and president--of the_Chicago Civic ontinue during the Wednesdays of | Music Association, will recall the Lent and will _ alternate --between : remarkable program that they gave. h and German. | The public is cordially!invited again "f'_? _class on Thursday evening this year. ~ _ * e es .ml' 'm"' ext Mrs. Myrtle Wehrenberg visited day afvernoon at 200. --_ * *"'**~/this week with her sister Mrs. Wal-- Morning worship at 11:00. <'The sermon topic "lessons from the life subject "the Christians Resources." Let us find devetion by worship, PRESBYTERILAN (PJIUBCH td KE Smock, Pastor Sunday school at 9:45, Mr. W. G. Wells, superintendent. joy by service. After a girl has been married six months she uses fewer adjectives. I'm"";.lut?rqldu'urvi'ce-t?.qy ® _ Libertyville patrons at any time in my new "m'lm on 1:5 s <_ > .« <--MRB HARRIET MATTBEWS-- | Young peoples meeting at 6.30. Due to the shortage of stores and flats ~--_ in Libertyville, Mrs. Harriet Matthews, of the Harriet Beauty Shoppe, is moving Feb. 8, 1926, to Chicago and has purchased the Estelle Beauty Shoppe located at 5153 N. Clark St., corner Foster Ave. C Preserving Ket-- tles, Etc. = Tinware-- Cake Pans, .Pie Tins, Milk Pans, Bread Pans, Etc. Granite Ware Stew Pans, and Suit or Overcoat Finest Goods Tailored to your Measili'e. POts' . 2 . W. H. SHUGART NOTICE! hy's it 6 faction, --try <our;;$1.50 service chiffon hoge. Silk-- Hosiery and, Un-- derwear. For a hose to give service and gatis-- Newest models in flares, godeéts, long sleeves and newnilihryneck..j & Prices--$10.95 to $50.00 (Only one of a kind) Georgette Crepes Mrs. Myrtle Wehrenberg visited this week with her sister Mrs. Wal-- ter Jelley at Oak Park. Crepe Romanes Canton Crepes .. ~ Dresses A wonderful line. | 1' 4 :7 Casey's Inn Where? Ved Favors and '~-- ILLINOIS fi's:qu Pridayn:r'i::n!'n. Ed-- gar Jenkins and family at Highland Miss Anna Kunda of Winnetka visited with friends here on Thurs-- day evening. a«aking fortunes over nig With a love story tied up in it that will mearch your and" thrill 'you as never before. AUD "Feb. 13 Bert Lytell, P. Sunday, February 14th Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 16 -- 17th Also Lioyd Hamilton in a clever and unique comedy of New Yorks' famous subways, "*CRUSHED" a laughing treat you'll Edward Earle > Painting and Decorating *~"Comedy, "A SPEEDY MARRIACE" Also Century Comedy and Kinogram News "Sporting Life" "He's a Prince" The great Drury Lane Melodrama *With Mary Brian The season's cleanest comedy RAYMOND GRIFFITH, in supported by _A --son was born to Mr. and Mrs. who migrates there without plenty + Florida > be ~the playground of w«-u:.' it ien't for the bird avenue on Friday,

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