SUPPLEMENT TO McHENRY PLAINDEALER - PAGE 20 -WEDNESDAY. JULY 12.1978 THE WISE OLD OWL SAYS... The Savings Are Great During McHenry's DOLLAR DAYS Thursday-Friday-Saturday July 13 - 14 - 15 7he wide -awake bank FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY 3814 W. ELM ST., McHENRY, ILL 815-385-5400 <2 THE EIGHT-HUNDRED-DOLLAR-ROOM Mart* with Murdily traditional all-wood furniture from SK Products and finish?* with everything else from the dime store to make a room that is low on budget and long on imagination. Charming new decorating for the dime store budget The most attractive ways to decorate do not always depend on what you pay. To BnratlU $109" ALSO SPECIALS ON BEARCAT 210 and BEAtCAT POCKET SCANNER WITH All CRYSTALS WHIM NIKDCD DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL Bearcatting is listening to all the exciting broadcasts.-- police and fire calls, national weather service, civil defense, government agencies. and hundreds more --on a Bearcat scanning radio There are three members of the Bearcat family: The Bearcat IV for scanning four fre quency bands. The Bearcat III for any one or two of the four bands. And the Jolly Roger, a combination of AM radio and emergency scan ning radio! WITH THIS COL'PON am/us With Purchase ( ( ( < " ' • j V * ' > » > > > ) ) ) ) radicoms 2604 N Chapel HHI Rd . Mc Henry, III. 815-385-4224 Open Monday Thru Friday 8 • 6 Saturday 8 5, Closed Sunday prove that imagination is more important than money, designer Shirley Regendahl created a highly functional dining room filled with im mense amounts of comfort able. cheery furnishings-- and a bill that was less than $800! The sturdy, well-made wood furniture in the Coun try Pine finish was budget- priced for a start, and then everything else--from the fabric on the walls to the dishes in the buffet--were found in dime stores. It all began with SK Prod ucts' oval table that expands to 60 inches and costs only $105. Comfortable chairs were about $50 each and the commodious buffet hutch was $340. for a total of $645 for the furniture. With the $150 that was left, here's how the room was fur nished: Walls --10 yards of blue- and-white bandana fabric at $1.99 a yard, stapled to the wall. Windows -- II yards of white fabric at $1.09 a yard. edged with 10 yards of ball fringe at 30 cents a yard. Floor--a do-it-yourself stencil painted on a solid color border, either with a stencil kit or from a stencil you can cut yourself. Cover the paint with a protective coating. Lamp--a $ 10.98 shade was made into a hanging lamp with a socket and cord that runs through a large cup hook in the ceiling, and then down to the nearest electrical out let. Charming bird prints with gay red mats were found in the dime store. So were tradi tional china and flatware pat terns as well as the stemware and glass accessories. Hanging baskets and col orful fruit add the finishing "country" touches. The furniture's rich hand- r u b b e d f i n i s h a n d t h e deeply-carved details on the buffet and hutch helped add dignity as well as conve n i e n c e t o a d e c e p t i v e l y budget-conscious room. RECORD & TAPEhSALE Present This Ad and Get $100 OFF On Any Record or Top« In Our Store! (limit One Per Customer) Set our display of jewelry, incense, pipes, tapestry & polttry. WHAT'S UP OPfN DAILY 10 AM-9 PM SUN. NOON-4 PM 3421B Pearl St 344-2626