Tw the standings Wednesday night. The gang went over to Mundelein in spite of the 'condition of the yoads and the secomd series of matches was even more sucecssful than the first. Ives and Franzen--made up their losses of the previous week by taking three games each from Law-- rence and Tegtmeyer. Krumrey's team took two from Wright which brings three teams into a tie for brings three teams into first place. The scores: first place. The scores: No. 1. The competition continues keen in the club bowling tournament " Office 223 Washington St., ALL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER DR. B. T. LYCNCH 406 Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville sUCCESSOR TO THE LATE DR. HESLIN is fully equipped to take care of | Chronic Diseases No matter what they may be. By the use of Drugless Methods. Osteopathy, Chiropratic, Massage, Electrotheraphy and Pre-- _cision Instruments for Diagnosis and Treatment. ° CONSULTATION FREE Phone LIBERTYYVILLE CLUB James Anderson Company, Inc. 122 213 192 168 John P. O'Neil 207--495 233--614 157--504 Since 1893 Public Notice,is hereby given that on the 22d day of March, A. D. 1926, there was filed in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Lake and State of Illinois, a Petition signed by over one hundred (100) legal voters resident within the limits of the Park District pro-- posed to be organized, praying that the County Judge of Lake County, NOTICE OF PARK ELECTION PHONE 465 More than 11,000 employes manu-- facture yearly 20,000,000 pairs of shoes with a value of $45,000.000 in Illinois. There are 1,900 stores seli-- ing shoes in Chicago alone. opened at seven o'clock in the morn-- ing and closed at five o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Dated at Waukegan, lIllinois, this 23--8t sioners to serve in case rict is organized. riet and to elect five (5): commis-- 22d day of March, A. D. 1926. PERRY L. PERSONS, County Judge of Lake County The polls at such election will be for full details of our New Radio Recipe Contest. P hab Aiinod mtc .. ty Ad Listen in every Tuesday evening at 7:20, station enninsat 7:20, station WORD (wave length 275) PuBLIC SERVIcE COMPANY | e OF -- NORTHERN ILLINOIS® ®~ Underlying the streets in the cen-- tral business district of Chicago are 60 miles of tunnels connecting the freight terminals of the railroads with commercial houses. . Approximately 76 per cent of. Illi-- nois' territory is underlain with coal greatest gatewa {"Wutm. the Mississippi. --three rail-- ways meet at the bridge which spans the "Father of Waters." -- The Lake County Register--twice a week--only $2.00 per year. Tilinois has, at East St. Louis, the You cannot know how fragrant and full--flavored and> aHuring coffee can be until you've made it the modern electric percolator WaK . . . just a snap of the switch gfiat at the table. starts the per-- tor bubbling with good cheer for breakfast and for every othéer occasnonff.. o .aI;bdesme:s ma_kintg better coffee saving trips to the kitchen, the electric percolator enables you to serve each cup just as you 'need it and serve it THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1926. ind ut Priets o wl atary ;:f;; call in and see them. We have electric percolators therefore stable. If the farmers of America should become as efficient as the farmers of Illinois, 4,619,000 could be dis-- pensed with and the totar produc-- tion would not decrease, says Dr. Ethelbert Taylor of the United States department of labor. Illinois ranks second among the states in the number of customers z:d by electric central stations. than 1,487,67 customers, of which 124,874 were added duringz 1924, were receiving their per capita consumption of 2,959 kilowatt--hours of electricity on Jan. 1. Illinois industry is diversified and oi o 998 FOR SALE--Nearly new modern _ five--room bungalow on a paved street. A nice little home for a FOR SALE CHEAP--1924 Oldsmo-- bile 6 sport touring. Bargain at $825. Eddy's Barber Shop, Mun-- _delein. 17--+#4 FOR SALE--A number of excep-- tionally fine residence lots. Priced very reasonable, and on easy terms. 'See A. R. SCHNAEBELE -- Register Building, Libertyville. FOR SALE--Bull milking machine, double unit, in good working con-- dition. Phone 36. 16--tf FOR SALE--Grain drill, land roller, spring tooth harrow, fanning mill FOR SALE--Five--room bungalow on large lot.' Improvements in and paid for. Fruit and berries. $2000.00 cash will handle this. See A. R. SCHNAEBELE, Regis-- FOR SALE--New 5 room bungalow FOR SALE--Blue Ribbon seed wheat, Ilowa Gold Mine oats, bar-- ley and Plowman seed corn. A. M. Casey Libertyville, Ill. Phone FOR SALE--2 bull calves, 1 from FOR SALE--Ford Touring car in good condition. Clark Dunn, Mun-- delein, Phone G629W1. 26--tf bele, Register Building, Liberty-- wheat, barley, mixed hay, sun-- iry articles E. Wilcox, Munde-- lein, Ill. R©5--6t ean save you about one--third on any kind of electrical geods, in-- cluding lighting fixtures, radio re-- ceivers and supplies, electric wash-- ers, irons, heaters, cleaners, etc. D. H. Holmes, Phone Libertyville Choice location. Cash or terms. Call Lib. 628R1. 21--6t noom bungalow and garage on Prairie avenue, Mundelein. Ready to occupy March ist, W. A. Ray, a yearly record cow, 24,000 lbs., mflk.mdnelflymmc.,%:er. The other from a 22 Ib. or. Both from a 23 lb. Johanna Lad bull. Your choice for the enor-- mous price of $30.00. 2 regis-- tered cows coming fresh in May. Phone 659W1. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cest as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. . f °If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results. Minimum charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 * Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. FOR SALE , Libertyville: 20--6t modern 5 for WANTED--The best modern home in Libertyville that $5000 or $6000 will buy on reasonable terms. Ad-- FOR RENT--1 Light housekeeping room. Inquire rear North Shore Station, Libertyville up stairs. FOR RENT--Light Housekeeping FOR RENT--Rooms with or with-- out --board. Apply 1106 N. Mil-- waukee ave., Libertyville. 23--tf FOR SALE--Dining table and 5 clu.irssmfio New vacuum clean-- er $40.00. One hundred foot hose and reel $10.00. Call Liber-- tyville 475. 25--2t FOR SALE--Purebred turkey hens and gobblers. Also spring lambs, 30 to 60 lIbs. and some heavy hens. Bergeron Stock Farm, Lake St., 2 miles west Libertyville: 24--tf FOR SALE--The only real low priced lots in Libertyville--Munde-- lein district Fifty foot lots in Indian Heights at Diamond Lake, FOR SALE--Steel Safe 24 x 24 x 36 high. Heavy construction, fire and burglar proof. Apply at Reg-- FOR SALE--13 acres of land in a good location ripe for subdividing. FOR RENT--6 room lower flat. house, on concrete street, $5500. FOR SALE--5 room house, $4000. FOR SALE--New 6 room house, all modern improvements. Choice lo-- cation.: Large lot. FOR SALE--Business lot on north Milwaukee Avenue with 116 ft. FOR SALE--Many choice lots and FOR SALE--Bungalow, seven rooms and bath, hard wood finish, mod-- FOR seed. Price $2.00 per bushel. Wisconsin pedigree barley $1 per bu. Medium red clover seed 35e per lb. Timothy seed 9 1--2¢ per Ib. All seeds are thoroughly reclean-- ed and free from foul seeds and oth-- er grains. Lewis Mills, Munde-- FOR SALE--Marquis seed wheat, grown from Wisconsin certified FOR ~SALE--Semi bungalow in Mundelein. 4 rooms and 2 big porches. Light and water inside. Wonderful scenery.; Best loca-- tion in Mundelein. Will sell low because of business. Inquire of B. Vesely. Phone 600J1. 24--3t BEAUTIFUL--8 room home hot water heat, on large lot, wonder-- ful location. 7 room home, 2 car garage on cement street at very attractive price. 7 room home on large lot 100 by 200 feet deep, plenty of shade trees, this home is all modern. 5 room home on cement street, about one acre of ground, wonderful location, plenty of shade trees.° We have some fine lots in all parts of Liberty-- ville with improvements in, these lots can be purchased reasonable. Kennedy Brothers, 230 Milwaukee Ave.,> Phone 280. 24--tf FOR SALE--Corn in shock and sev-- eral hives of bees, Phone 620J2. 23--6t with-- all village improvEments | .. "wihout feeling sudden pains, .mum,mwmuum&,m.fl""m; Now tnent at once. An--exceptional oppor--| That's jlumbago, sciatica or maybe tunity for the small investor. fiun%fllm&u'gufio Gordon Ray, Mundelein, Ill. Tel.| moment you your sooth-- ks _ _ * _4 25.61|ing . penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" frontage. with many shade and fruit trees. Two car garage. Good:location for gas station. $5500. digger. Also team black horses, Roc.khatchingegp.'meenhper setting or $4.50 per hundred. Phone S$29M1. ern in every way. For informa-- tion address S. B. Care Register. lein, IIl., Phone 259--R--1 22--6t MISCELLANEOUS AUSTIN & SCHWERM REALTY COMPANY 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. REALTY COMPANY 410 N. Milwaukee Ave. avenue, Chicago, Il. SALE--New Idea Manure 10--u bago, backache, sprains. 19--12t ness and swelling. Don't suffer! Re-- Mlflhifi'.*St.Jthfl'h relieved millions bf rheumatism suffter ers in the last half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lum» DKR. J. L TAYLOR ! Office in First National Bank Bldg. f Hours: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p.m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park ® f DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD-- ' VETERINARY SURGEBON : Assistant State Veterinarian Telephone 66 DE. OTTO R. THOMPSON . Scientific Examination of the Eye GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 998 ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 LIBERTYVIL Harrison 2815 Libertyville 236--W Ouch! Rub Backache, Stiffness, Lumbago Rub Rheumatism or Sore, Aching Joints Rub Pain right out with email trial bottle of old ; "B8t. Jacobs Ol1." Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION Commander, C. C. Hoskins ---- $45--J Meets First Tuesday--Griddey Halh Rub Pain from back with asmail trial bottle of old "Bt. Jacobs Oll." ATTORNEY and COUNSEKLOR Phones: Office 163 WANTED--Acré in or near Liberty-- ville or Mundelein. Phone 680WZ. WANTED--To rent modern house, will take possession any time be-- tween now and May ist. Phone FRED GRABBE Auctioneer -- Real Estate DWIGHT EDRUS COOK ric" & Elect Whh:" Contracting CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. Libertyville Battery & PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Jochheim's Bakery Hours: 9--12, 2--6 and 7--9 day work. Basements a specialty. 8. J. Groves & Sons Co., Liberty-- ville, Ill. Phone 659J2. _ 19 LYELL H. MORRIS Professional Services TRACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R 539 Milwaukee Avenue B. H. MILLER PHONE 400 Telephone 46 PAGE SEVEN