E WD Lot 5, Re--Sub of Lot 8, * ~ WW, Heights Acres. & E. Gray and wife to F. J. Krei-- _ sel and --wife jt tens, WD Lots 5, 6 -- _ and 7, Sheridans Subdn. -- o ------< MAY 12 192%6 E. x. Moore and wife to Frances _ Erickson and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot Reiahaains t w i sow * to co ' 'Matthews and wf, jt tens. Pt sec-- 3 _'_lmtrtoHWDonand Foreman Tr and Savings bank to H A Backwell, gqed.. Lot 4, block 3, Ridgewood subdn. R W Buckley and wf to C L Odeil and wf.jt tens wd. Lot 2, block 82, Highland Park. ; 8 Forsman and wft to R Forsman und wf, ged. Pt lot 79, J L Shaw's flhil'uhh. K F Palm to C Johnson, wd. Lots 83 and 24, ) S Hoviand's 1st addn to Cecelia Moravek and wf to J B Furcht] and wf, jt tens. wa. Pt section 25, Vernon. 3 B Furchtl and wt to C Moravek and wf, jt tems, qed. Pt section 25. Vernon. F Fisher and wf to Freda Celeen, wd. Lot 34, 2nd Ravine Forest subn, Union aBnk*of Chicago to J R Mabee and wf, jt tens, deed. Lot 49, Alvin C Greene's reenwood Gar-- dens add to Highland Park. L J Kenevel to F H Bartlett, d. in tr. Pt section 38, Benton. A Barr and wf to H Pena, wd Lot 26, Phillips and Bart's subdn, ~ H L Brooks and wf to A Pick and fl.:b.wl. Pt section 34 and 27. Wauconda. HF Miller and wf to A L Wa«-- Tcudvf.jtm'd. Lot 16, 1, Walnut Grove subdn Cuba. DW Williams and wf to W Walk-- er. Jr.. wd. Lots in Fowler's Cedar Lake subdn. Kenevel, deed. Pt section 33, Ben-- -slnobdh. ' E Chamberlin and wf to H L u&..:d.-a. Lot 2, block 4, Deerfleld. R L Sonnenschein to E A Warren and wf, jt tens. wd, Lot 318, George ®¥ Nixon's Highland Park @ardens J E Nemry and wft to V Gunds-- geard and wf, jt tens, wd. Pt sec-- tion 17, Waukegan. W. T. Sullivan to Mina Anderson, WD Lot 78, J. L. Shaw's 3rd Addn, Lake. E&Wnflwflowkw. i a.u..?.?..l;"'"' S Al J. Jensen and wife to H. C. ichfield, WD.Pt Lot 10, Waukegan Subdn, Waukegan. . A. Wirtz et al to J. E. McCoy, w 14, Fremont. ;'"fl to Minnice E. Rising, Pt Section 14, Avon.> _ E. Rising to S. Sisco et al . Pt See 14, Avon. A G Schwerman and wf to W G Jahneke, wd. Lot 82, A G Schwer-- man's 1st Sylvan Lake subdn. . 8. Sizco et al to E. Janensch and wife, jt tens, WD, Pt See 14, Avon. E. P. Osterman and wife to E. P. Osterman and wife, jt tens, WD Lot 7. 56 57 57 60 63 64 65 ce 67 68 69 7 T7 and 78, E. POsterman's Subdn. Also Lots 21 22 23 24 25 and 26, Benefit assn, wd. Lots 2 and 3, Charles R Thorn'g addn, Antioch. H Bulkley and wf to F Calzavara and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 28, Col-- by's subdn, Libertyville. A Efinger and wf to C F Knowles and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 2, Fair-- vwiew subdn, Grant / wife, jt tens, WD, Pt Lots 25 and 2%6, Block 2, 1st Addn to Everbreeze l:!"'m i-lhzr.ln--.wn..fu.:, K. C. Decker and wife to A. J. Kaupel WD, Lot 113 Decker Gage __H C Litchgeldand wf to F S Kern and! wf, wd. Lot 72, Lorraine Ter-- race addn, Waukegan. --_ H Homuth and wf to Emma Rich-- ardson, wd. Pt lot 7. County Improvement assn subdn. T F Yore to Rose A Yore, wd. Pt sees 8 and 7, Deerfleld. Rose A Yore to Mary A Yore, wd. Pts sees 8 and 7, Deerfield. Mary Rose Yore to Kate Yore and Charles Redmond, wd. Pt sec 7. Deerfield. J Brozowski and wf to M Barano-- vie, wd. Lots 98 and 94, in Beach 4. 8, 53, 54*55, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60, F"' MAY 11, 1926. ;E:;.l%ot.l.bynn&n %o Lena E Melville, deed. Pt sec-- tion 8, eBnton. ----F G Smith and wf to H F Scovel, wd. Pt lot 20, Cory's addn. * View subdn, Benton. -- Theresa Minorini and hus to P W B Ingvoldstad and wf to G E H Rosmoe and wf to A F Beau ¥. C. Hultzen to A. E. Hultzen and Title and Lake County 220 Washington St., WAUKEGAN Real Estate Transfers Abstracts of Titles , Barrington. Lot 1. block 53, Park Mutual and H. Vonderheid and wife to A. Jen-- sen, WD, Lot 21, Block 5, Webb & Jensen's Side Addn, Waukegan. R. L. Meacham and wife to J. M. Philippi and wife, jt tens, WD, Lot 5, Block 3, Fowler Subdn Lake Villa. F. 1. Partlett, tr to M. Steimetz, Deed, Lot 1, Block 32, Bartlett's Nortlkk Shore Estate, Waukegan. narah Sherman and hus to C. Tracks, QCD, Pt Lots 8, 4 and 5, Block 4, Village of Hainesville. Lillie White and husband to Lil-- lie Wki'e and husband, jt tens, WD, Pt Section 17, Waukegan. T. Jensen and wife to W. H. Francke and wife, jt tens, WD, Lot 4, Jensen's Subdn, Waukegan. R. ... Thorsch and wife to G. M. Rogers and wife, jt tens, WD, Lot 47, Block 5, 1st addn to Ravinia E. M. Runyard and wife to F. L. Duncan, et al, WD, Lot 19, E. M. Runyards Subdn. s M. B. Noerenberg and husband to Udell Printing Co., WD, Pt Lot 2, Mmoeh 6, N. West Division, Highland Maud St. Jonshpin to C. Carani, WD Lot 23, Block 1, Ravinia High-- lands, Deerfield. MAY 13, 1926. Elizabeth Paul to L Ebel and wf, jt tns, wd. Lots 54 and 55, Phil-- lips and Barr's subdn. G C Hield and wf to W Goldman, mlmnmamum to Lake iBuff. J A Miller and wfi ,et al, to J Slo-- mer and wf, jt tens, wd. Pt of lot 8, S Trs subdn, See 16, Wkgn. and pain follows a magierellet cemen. " «30 Jacove Ou comes. T oo Too Pil rerget NheL poubever moment will | Te ewade hack Teclem A moyt ns or be stif or lame. Don't suffer! Get "'St. Juobt:uw" tron:, "'m m.dgathhlu&umrdkt.r Ah! Backache Gone Rub Lumbago Away Rub Pain from back with small trial bottle of® old #8t., Jacobs Ol!." RICHARD MANGOLD Auto Cabs and Truck 216 Lake Street WAUKEGAN TL Ah! Pain is gone! smoky, usually poorly ventilated room. More than that, you are 'under tremendous mental and flgnl strain all the time. ou must be on your toes every minute, in order to keep your players full of interest in g work. You must work ant would try it out. .(m) Hall thinks he has dis-- co why most successful mu-- sicians--come out of the West. &nvfr. Hall: "Only men who led vigorous outdoor lives are able to stand the strain of being orchestra leadéers. lI a good many people m eondnctinx an orches-- tra is a soft snap. All I wish is And ReasonIs, Only Hardy : Men Can Stand Strain , . Declares "Sleepy" Hall New York City.--John Nelson {Sleepy) Hall thinks he has dis-- Successful Musicians _ Come Out Of West GENERAL REPAIRING You like'em moon, pulile 'em trees, You like 'em sit on Chines kness, 50 dees your otd Mandarin. ("Sleepy" Hall) work. You must work out Made to Order feel have to in a songs"--snappy tunes ;i--fl':.?fi; that the -Eng fashion of the day ::Ell as "So Does Your Old Mandarin," his latest and most popular contribution to hitdom. At Castilian Gardens, Petham ienerary io pede Arome tion for { § tation of what {e calls "nut Mr. Hall is an ex--Annapolis Tho 'Deln Thein Pi_ Retray. e _ . He beiu his -t:ialwzxmeer the Yale Banjo Club. In fact, he paid his way througrh Yale by fanje ph T y ing Union Bank of Chgo to E Hansen, deed. -- Lot 150, Oak Terrace subdn. . _"Do you wonder that it takes a Westerner to stand it? Icome from Montana myself and even I oftc:igct groggy from the pace we t# B I Budd, et al, to L Gold wi, jt tens, deed. Lot 23, wood Heights. t a system--or as near such a tem as possible--for pleu:i,:g ;voerybgdy.f You must m';l for urs in a hardly bigger Ai+ space ' z dflufl?. you must lose hours of eep. O Sandstrom to O Soderquist, wd. t 5 and pt of lot 6, Schwartz . way through Yale by M C Decker and wf to C A Haus-- ner, wd. Lot 114, Deckers' Gages Lake subdn. -- Simonn, wd. Pt of sec 5, Wkgn. W H Holdridge to R R Simon, wd. Pt of see 32, Benton. : = D S Collins, et al, to Anna OIl-- son, deed.> Lot 14, Barron and Von-- achens Grayslake subdn. c W C Franck and wf to J Amann and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 29, Round R C Canterbury and wf to F H Harrison and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 10, Canterbury's Green Bay rd subdn W--H Bofinger and wf to E E Rickert, wd. Pt of lots 5 and 6, blk 71, Org! Plat of Highland Park. A B Flagg et al to E E Rickert, wd. Pt of lots 5 and 6, blk 71, High-- land Park. $' % ' R Vacek and wf to M Jorejs and wf, it tens, wd. Lots 39 and 40. Vacek Bros Diamond Lake subdn. Cora Griggs and hus to Louise C Wilson, wd. Lots 15 and 16, bik 1, Dymond and Austin's First Addn to Libertyvillt. Fannie 21. Ve Mary E Lape and hus to A Cur-- ran and wf, jt tens, wd. Lot 5, In-- glecrest Second subdn. & er's subdn. A Iwaskiewicz and hus to J Iwas-- kiewicz, wd. ~Lots 24 and 25, blk 15. Dryer's subdn. ged. Pt of lots 7 and 8, bik 10, Org! Town of Lt Fort. €" J Iwaskiewicz and wf-- to A Iwas-- kiewicz, wd. Lot 22, blk 11. Drevy-- and wf, Lake Vi M H Detrick and wf to R Prior, wd. : Lots 121 and 122, Tower Lake Park. J A Simon to N Schroeder and wf, jt tens, wd. Lots 223 and 224, blk 8, Simons Klondyke subdn. T McCann and wf to T McCann J A Simon to N Schroeder and wf, jt tens, wd. Lots 7 and 8, blk 1 and lots 38 and 39, bik 9, see $4, An-- er'sa subdn. Annie Y Macfarlane and hus «to G L Peulausk, et al, wd. Pt of lot 6, blk 1, Maple Grove subdn. G Smigiel to W Blaszczyski and , jt tens, qed. Pt of lot 13, see A E Reeves and wf to G Ander-- son, wd. Pt of see 8, Newport. > F Hodnik and wf to J A Simmons, wd. Lot 19, re--sub of bik 8, Drey-- F. H. Bartlett to B A Crans, deed. Pt of lot 11, bik--101, Bartlett's North Shore Estates, + A Dertz and wf to B R Seyfarth and wi, jt tens, Wd. Pt of lots 1 and 2. blk 3, plat of re--subdn of blks 3 and 4, Shady Nook subdn. strom, wd; Pt of lot 21, Sunderlin's subdn. O Soderquist and wf to O Sand-- strom, wd. Lots 12 and 11, Colville subdn. -- -->> * smm HeleneWW.c_hciinc:ndhut'o MAY 14, 1926. wd. wd. Pt of see io done ioh 26 Chairt Tniliaine s Shop. Prompt service. J. CICHY, Proprietor J.--S. Matthews and wife to Pis-- taqua Heights Country Club, WD Pt of Sec 21, Grant. Dora Morar to J. C. Gerbin and wife jt tens, WD, Lots 39 and 40, Dora Moran's Suhdn. _ J. Griffith and wife to D. H. Fed-- er, WD, Pt fo Sees 26 and 28, Ver-- D. H. Feder and wite to Marie Christen:en, WD, Pt.of Lots 1 and 2, Tripps Subdn, on Milwaukee Rd. Pis-- . 8. Maithews and wife to ta;ua'fldghu Country Club, WD Pt of See 21, Grant. | _ Florence E D Martin to Jose-- ! phine K:Lafiin, wd. Pt of lots 199, 200, 206, 207, 208 and 209, Lake 'Forect. s WG Walker and wf to H Cusack, qed. Pt of lots 18 'and 14, sec 28, Deerfield. * _ V Haugebrach and wf to W J Mc-- ILeod, ged. Lot 105, E A Cummings and Co's North Ave addn. Ceselia Cusack to Bertha Brown, QCD 1Lots 11 and 12, Blk 9, Wedge-- wood subdn. Mazy M. Parker to J. Cimbalo, WD, Lo: 6, Blk 1, First Addrt to Ravinia Highlands, N. 8. Bhimberg and wife to H. Porett, WD, Lot 13, Blk 8, Blum-- bergs Subdn. > y L. C. Johnson and wife to L. L. gohmom QCD. Lot 27, Belmont Ad-- ition. Union Bank of Chgo to H. J. Hahn and wife,. jt tens, Deed. Lot 117, Oak Terrace Subdn. Helma Gallagher to H Park Ice Co, wd. Pt of lots 15 and 16, bik 16, Highland Park. MAY 15, 1926 M. C Decker and wife to L. E. Swank and wife, jt tens, WD Lot 122, Deckers Gages Lake Subdu. F. H. Bartlett to L. J. Olson, deed, Lot 6, Blk 2, Bartletts North View F Kiene and wfi to W-- Knigge, wd. ' Pt of sec 36, Fremont. E C Coolidge and wf to G H Koon, wd. Lot 6, Coolidges subdn. SA Wynkoop, wd. °Pt of see 82, Vills... Plastering and NORMAN L. MADOLE Libertyville, Hlinois Telephone 48 Anywhere on the North Shore raukee A 8 Phone 551 se * O. H. Cronacher to F. L. May and wife, jt tens, WD, Lots 42 and 69, Grand Ave Highlands. Milwaukee, Wisconsin NEWS NOTES WHY not spend a pleasant day in Chi-- cago at the Field Museum of Natural History and the Chicago Art Institute? The LELLICU Dy a seTvice annuity pian, by insurance andAbLthcir own mutual bm association. . percentage own their homes in North 'S'i\eore towns. &cep LNCIf minds whole--hneartediy on their work. North ShoreLine employi are pro-- tected by a service annuity plan, by group Ee recred Ananially apeiget dineap on tec ia i ess or ability, North Shore Line employees can keep their minds whole--heartedly on their FROM one--third to one--half of all patrons on North Shore Line dining cars order the special steaks for which this service is famous. DOyouknowthat the best way to reach Lake Geneva, Antioch and many other mlar- resort centers is via North Shore e mimandNorthShaeL&i:c'm motor coach routes opera directly to these places? For particulars ask any North Shore Line agent. Every man and woman of the 2000 employed on the North Shore Line > is striving constantly to merit your friendship and good will. cAbout the North Shore Line Published by Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. _W. i. Faulkner and wife to F. H. Faulkner, QCD, Pt of See 2, New-- port. «)JORTH SHORE > ... mkezl'llmnm:e;;a'o tions you on any railroad going out of tions within easy access; direct connections are made with some. Our road connections in Chicago are most con-- veniently made via the North Shore Line. Operating over the lines of the Chic:go Rapid T ransitCo.("L"), the North Shore Line Going East? West?! Souds_ Remember, rail-- {;::g ':atifilnsl. It tells you what's worth see-- 'athletics, exhibits, lectures and other varied attractions the and other vatied attrections along North Shore Line takes you close to both places. Ask any agent or conductor where to leave the train. Dora Moran to R. Rs Moses and wife, jt tens, WD, Lot 14, Dora= Moran's Subdn. § 4. 1 ¢ l L). Takes you direct to wn som where you r a ase it