-- Mr. A. 0. Gullidge left Monday k> morning for Montana whi E. hhlougn:;h'hom term of the State Normal College. €: Thomas .W. Eger made a business E: trip to Chicago on Friday. _ This meeting is held under the ?gi," auspices of the Farmer's Institute . _ and should be of interest to every E woman.. A good program is being _ ____ Miss Margaret E. Brooks --f _ Springfield will give a cooking dem-- _ _ onstration, "Salads and Sandwiches" _ and will also give a talk "Good . Reading and Music in ths Homs." _ Miss Mary Pohlmateer, Probation . «wfficer of the Lake County will talk o k m Wdfm. _ Several new cars are seen in the § .community the last week. Le Roy 2 ;Q;'.' is driving an Overland --Six EM ---- ~Lewis Mills spent last week in _ FTomah, Wisconsin where he pur-- _-- chased a car load of cattle. Mrs. Robert F. Rouse, Mrs. Har-- den, Mrs. Ralph Rouse and Mrs. Har-- den Rouse spent last Thursday after-- noon witl} Mrs. H. A. Mills-- The pupils of the Hawthorn school enjoyed their picnic last Wednesday in Kreuger's woods. f Household Science & Woman's Meet At Hawthorn Consolidated School festic Theatre, Waukegan, last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ost and daughter, Mrs. Car-- wline Mitchell are visiting the for-- mer's sister in Gresham, Nebraska. £ylh0!iftm§ll last week tonsilitis. She was unable to be with her class at the time of graduation at Hawthorn school. Mr. and Mrs. Park Allanson at-- tenmded the performance at the Ma-- and Mrs-- W. E. Volkman. An all day meeting for women will be held Wednésday, June 23 at the Hawthorn consolidated school be-- Eieming at 10 . m.. _ their home Saturday evening after spending several days with Mrs. Charles Lehmkuhl. of Highland Park attended the grad-- uation exercises of their cousin Caroline Kublank on Thursday eve-- ning, at Libertyville High school. Miss Ruth Sorenson spent the week end with friends in Evanston. Mrs. Edmond Lehmkuh! and little son of Highland Park returned to Mr.-- and Mrs. Edward Peterson and son of Chicago spent Sunday --Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rouse and friends from Chicago mtored to Del-- avan Lake, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Roder of Chi-- cago attended the graduation exerci-- ses at Libertyville High School in which their niece Miss Caroline Kub-- lank graduated on Thursday evening <f last week and remained for the remainder of the week. The Ladies Aid Society will be en-- tertained at the hom of Mrs. E. E. Wilcox with Mrs. F. C. Shaddle as-- sisting on Friday of this week. Miss Kennie Hibbard of: Druc: Lake spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Bauern-- Mrs. Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Wag-- ner and Mr. and Mrs-- Wm. Kramer Music and severalreadings will al-- so be part of the program. Come and bring a pienic dinner and w with your friends and . Children's Day will be observed next Sunday morning at Sunday tomobile. Mrs. Thomas Russell and children Helen and Ralph were Waukegan visitors on Saturday-- : Mrs. H. J. Swan and cailiren La-- Verne and Roger left Sun'ay for Monong, Wis. where they will spert the summer with Mrs. Swan's sister, Wfl Mrs-- Payfer left Thurs-- ty afternoon for 'St. Paul where they will visit their parents for a week.. They made the trip by au-- The Diamond Lake Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Will Stoerp ,Thursday, June 17. ~Mrs. Raymond Bristow. and son, Billy, returned to their home in Evanston on Sunday. They have been in quarantine for scarlet fever on their farm here for the past six Mrs. Glenn who has a sort at Lake Nancy. _ Mrs. E. Beauman of Round Lake spent Thursday and Friday~with her father, John H. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. George Ross and son Aynsley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Aynsley of HMighlani Miss Bess McBride was a Chaicago shopper on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ullrich and son *NMorman were Wancouda visit-- Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith has been ill for the past week. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ESchoffield of Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gullidge and daugho:r Mildred 'speni the wee'k with re'atives a° Bristol. Wis. While there they attorded a famiiv reunien of the C allidzge famii; wi» number-- ed severty in ali. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eggers of Liber'y-- ville were Sunday visitors at the Will Knigge home in Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fenner and daughter Evelyn motored :o Rock-- MUNDELEIN DIAMOND LAKE Phone 28"--] musk of of Mrs. Fras! and family summer re-- Libertyville The following program was ren-- dered at the Commencement Exer-- cises, Tuesday, June 8, at the Haw-- thorn Consolidated School. There were Program Musical selection--Misses Hapke. Introduction--J. C. Reuse. Class Poem--Annie Wlezen. Class History--Thelma Clift. _ Introducticn of speaker -- T. A. Simpson-- s Address--Rev. Ganster. Class Prophecy--Wilfred Wrench, Class Will--Dorothy Reuse, Presentation of Diplomas. William Campbell and Ernest Verne motored to their homes in Southern TIllinois last week, the for-- mer to Pickneyville, and the latter to Mt. Vernon. Phyllis Clift, Wilfred Wrench, An-- nie Wlezen and Dorothy Reuse. Fifty people attended the Com-- club picnic last Thursday at ' No. 2 on River M', - and Mrs. Paul Allanson spent Sunday in Waukegan. An all day woman's meeting will be held Wednesday June 23 at the Hawthorne Consolidated school. Miss Brooks will demonstrate, "Sand-- wiches and Salads." Everyone wel-- come. +points out. (Actors Of Today I fEducational Standards of --_This is th':.m of Ch& house at one of Broadway's suc-- cesses, "The Great Gatsby," W"Wifilhflfld&' Last Waltz With You." hg?ongh:i-laflm'arg: play is a singing on pgflouhfinflnd&d "Iwenty--live years not one acteg of actress vot of Aity Aad & CONCERTS Secular Concert Saturday Evening Sacred Concert Sunday Evening Come and enjoy the entertainment of these Wonderful Singers _ _ Heeeee . 08B C uP e Nn PAE _ oA +A a--'fi*_" When 3 drtam of he lastwalizwith you--<~ .. I'm blut------ 50 blus, _«' WALTHER MALE QUARTETTE Under the Auspices of the YounéhPeople's Society of Fairfield Lutheran Church Saturday and Sunday JUNE 19 -- 20 At Fairfield Auditorium Admission 50c¢ and 25¢ y mlm a"t' OF FORT WAYNE} INDIANA Collese Diplomas Given by the | Rev. Bizer, Lena, IIl., Rev Siberman _of Homewood and the Ladies Aid | will serve dinner and supper in the | church parlors. hostess to the members of the Bun-- co club Tuesday in honor of her turned Monday from an auto trip through Indiana. St. Peters Evangelical church will celebrate the 25 anniversary of fcunding the church June 13. Several of the former ministers will sbeak. cago Wednesday on business. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Loomis has been quite ill at their * "Now will find, if fate the matier deopty caou dtg:utimwhdoen't. in Aimtamankis TinkamaakL "It is in in to follow &whmw dudardsfortbolhfi As a matter of fact, almost all *profes-- Hr.Ed.Whndndlan,N.D. visited his sisters Mrs. Kohl and Mrs. Hillman last week. cago Thursday shopping. 3 Mrs. Weaver and daughter visited the former's sister Mrs. Browne in Waukegan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Payton were in Chi-- aration from those who aration from those who in them, hhuw-dc.-a opportunities fo: rebsoling the rerdigt in likely to uo o e Otte Lo imnduate of Irion was in Chi-- 48 eighth to cop the clash. The hitting of Joe Dowe, third sacker for Libertyville, was one of the high spots of the game. Joe had his eye on the pill and rattled off four hits in five times at bat. Snyder of Libertyville and Docis of the K. of L. each poled out three hits., In the seventhwith rain falling Libertyville scored three more runs on hits by Dorfler. Snyder, Dowe and Hapke and:--grabbed a four run the fourth when it scored on a wild heave to third. Snyder crossing the pan. In the next inning, Macklin lost his control temporarily and was hit quite hard, with the result that nett then fanned Macklin, W. Kaires and Masoh in' succession, but Docis stole home during the process. ~ Mr. Henry Branding is having his house painted a cream color. _ Miss Justine Spunner has returned Mr. and Mrs. J. Howe entertained relatives of Mr. Howe's from High-- land Park. yo--* The Knights of Lithuania made a strong comeback Sunday at the Eighth street diamond to win over Libertyville in a North Shore Base-- ball league game, 9 to 8. At one time the Fair City--team was in the lead, 8 to 4, but the Knights came Bennett had a wild streak in the sixth. Rules opened with a single and walked to home on passes to from North Western University, . children enjoyed a drive down the The Lake Zurich base ball team will play Elgin East end team at give a music recital on Thursday cvening June 17th. Commencing at 7:80 o'clock Standard Time at the Long Grove Evangelical church. Everybody welcome. -- Some of the town folks attended commencement and graduation exer-- cises at the Libertyville Township high school on (Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Mr. Victor Sauer attended bank meeting at Lake Zurich, Thursday Mr. Henry Wehrenberg, Mrs. Charles Fisher and daughter of Lib-- ertyville called on ~relatives here Thursday. . * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gosswiller entertained comp@ny from Palatine Wednesday evening. > Rev. and Mrs. Carl Stadler and daughter were callers at the J. T. Hans home Thursday evening. evening. I/ KNIGHTS TRIM . LIBERTYVILLE The pupils of Miss Weidner will . In the same frame, a triple LONG GROVE ' «43 _ i| 7" «ol NA |m Henry Branding is having his| by Dac painted a cream color. _ ° | singles WW made t North Western p In t and Mrs. Walt Prehm ~and | Mgeklit n enjoyed a drive down the |joss, a} Lets go. Root for the home . Straw Hats . $3.50 and $4.50 $2.65 6 the. eighth Conrad relieved play by Anderson with two on and nobody out saved his hide. * Win Game. o W. Kaires opened the K. of L. at-- tack in the eighth with a single. T. Kuzmickus, batting for Mason, sac-- rificed.. B. Kaires and Davk came through with singles to knot the score, and Docig rapped across the winning run with a single. works company in Winthrop Har-- Saturday night, some' $300 worth of fireworks being stolen, accord-- . Grippe, Fhu, Den . gue, S&- Fever and Malaria. It kills the germs. : FIREWORKS ARE ----is our specialty. We have a large assortment of material for you to select from. Come in and see us,. T. Kuzmickus, as Summ«ry: Two base hits--Docis, Dowe. Three base hit--Dack. Struck out--By Macklin, 2; by Conrad, 2: North Milwaukee Avenue Phone 551 666 T A IL OR INX G Libertyville (8) MEN! COME! SAVE! HEAD AND SHOULDERS ABOVE ANYTHING EVER ATTEMPTED. made to Sheriff (9) Included in the loot taken was the following: --G reported at 9:45 o'clock Saturday night. f Sheriff Ahistrom investigated and says that the robbers: apparently used skeleton keys in solmiag an entrance to the building. Some sky-- rockets were dropped just outside the plant by the robbers and this led to discovery of the robbery the same night. U?*" > ons 7 a D o; '; 6 ;_:TMT~ ' 7 «& [ , [(Gp=2rp#et ,. tELNTAYTE § d :'Q\ % THER:-- Fletcher's of " ia is especially pre-- ' pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Eogstipation, I."latulency, Wind Four boxes regular display fire-- Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of CAAcAPXZY /42eicArAr" Absolutely Harmiless =No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it Chilé_rfn Cty for State Bank of Mundelein Invest your money now in con-- servative stocks, bonds, or first mortgages, and in the future you will enjoy a steady income that will make you independent. Our Bond Department can help you. We only sponsor investments that we have investigated and be-- lieve in. -- / And we have trained men to help you select the investment best suited to your needs. Invest Now! Enjoy Later'! So Come In And Let Us Help You MEN'S $5.00 SHOES, $3.95 . MEN'S $6.00 SHOES Prosperous times are those in which it seems all right to call a pasture suburban lots. Any man will agree that the best cxample of universal chaos is home during the house cleaning epidemic. Corner Genesee and Washington Streets, WAUKEGAN. ILL. United Cigar Store, Tlp Metropolitan doesn't gossip as ; sky rockets, the boxes being d "Gordon Fire works," tor-- as the villager. He does; enough people well enough. EVENINGS $4.95 Top Coats Go At-- Go At-- Top Coats $19.75 $13.75 Most every girl has two fellows-- mmmm the one who amounts to % E Honesty is the best policy. Tell the lawyer how much you got and he won't charge you over half. Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION Commander, C. C. Hoskins -- 345. Meets First Tuesday--Gridley Hall Harrison 2815 Libertyville 236--W ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 _ LIBERTYVILLE DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON Assistant State Veterinarian Office in First National Bank Bldg. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Hours: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite par! Scientific Examination of the Eyes . GLASSES FITTED K Waukegan Natigqnal Phone 998 Luce Bldg. Hours: 9--12, 2--5 and 7--9 -- EYES TESTED FOR GLASSES DWIGHT EDRUS COOK ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR Teleyhone 18 _ CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. JARRETT BROS. Mundelein, IlII.. Phone 248--J Let us bid on your next We are now engaged in the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Jochheim's Bakery Libertyville Battery & ~ITIZENS BANK BUILDING WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 1i! kind« of Auto Repair Work Plain and Ornamental Cement Work Professional Services GEORGE A. JONES Robert R. Dawson LYELL H. MORRIS Complete Battery Service Competent Mechaniecs Welding Day and N Service 6 Phoni.'?l'l THE STAR Garage Harry Pfannenstill, Prop. MUNDELEIN, ILL DR. J. L. TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R 539 Milwaukee Avenue ric Wiring & Contracting Fixtures and Supplies PHONE 400 9:00 -- 12:00 A. 1:00 -- 600 P.: B. H. MILLER Mundelein, IIL Fhone 368--R Phone 287--W cement -- contracting and are in shape to TAYLOR