sixth week of Ravinia Opera and Concerts will begin the second half I favor the modification of the act. Every vote I pole at the November elections is a vote against Volstead-- sim as it now stands." While there are other important issues in the campaign, the Dem-- ceratie candidate' declared he would Gilda, a part which offers her every -- opportunity for coloratura singing, while ~Guiseppe Danise will have the title role in which bhe has scored such outstanding success as to win the highest lau-- dation of the professional critics. Others in the cast are Ada Paggi, Virgilio Lazzari, Louis D'Angelo, Paolo Ananian, Anne Coreenti, Francesco Curci, Philine Falco and Virgilia Crasgi. Mr. Papi will JOLIET, .. July 29. (United Press).--Revelations of the senate primary investigation in Chicago, interesting. as they may be, are of secondary importance to Illinois voters :t this time, and repeal, or modification of the Volstead law is the main issue, declared George E. Brc.nmn. Déemocratie candidate for '2"';': States senator, who spoke a gathe of steel workers at a picnic "Gnfi:flnflav- Sunday night, August 1, Yerdts am"hggyo," one of the best liked of the florid Italian operas will be given, with Giovanni Martinelli singing the role of the Duke for the first time in his long career. Mr. Martinelli has already dem-- onstrated that he is as capable of handling the lyric roles as he is those which are intensely dramatic and much interest centers in his lish, A splendid program has been prepared by the Chicago Sympho-- ny Orchestra. Mr. DeLaMarter will conduct. All seats are free for these concerts, the general admis-- sion at the gate «covering every-- thing. * "La Juive" which on the occa-- sion of its initial presentation this season aroused Ravinia patrons to an unusual pitch of enthusiasm, START premiere appearance --in this part. Miss Florence Macbeth, will be Thursday afternoon will, as usu-- al, be devoted to the weekly Chil-- dren's Concert and Entertainment. The first half of the program will of that great dramatic opera, "Fe-- dora" will bring the week to a close on Saturday night, August Popular request also brings an-- other performance of "Manon" by Massenet, which is scheduled for Wednesday night, August 4. Mme. Bori will be heard as the wilful runaway,; a part which she inter-- prets in an individual manner and which she makes entirely different from her delination of the title role in "Manon Lescaut." cago Symphony Orchestra. | Thursday night, August 5, -m' be a special occasion at Ravinia, the season's first performance ol'; "Lohengrin" having been scheduled 7. This Girodano masterpiece has in it every element that goes to make for tensity in emotional ex-- vinia Opera forces as soloist, will be presented. Mme. Elizabeth Reth-- berg, dramatic soprano is to : be the soloist. She will appear five times, two of her numbers being well known arias, one from "Der Freischutz" and the other from "Le Marriage de Figaro." In ad-- dition she will be heard in three song groups, the first consisting of three songs in French, the sec-- ond of four songs in German and the third of four songs in Eng-- "Don Pasquale" one of the most amusing as well as one of the most melodious of the lighter works will be given on Friday night, August>6. Mme. Bori will again be heard as Norina, a part which demands that lightness of touch and elfetness of acting in which this singer is expert. Mr. Chamlee has a splendid lyric role as Ernesto, which includes the beautiful serenade of the last act while Vittorio Trevisan in the retto will be used. It is gratifying that Mme. Elizabeth Rethberg will pression. "ihe one dominant eampaign is whether act shall be replaced Brennan said. "I have be heard as Lisa, as MmMme,. ReLND-- berg ranks as one of the world's greatest Wagnerian singers and has achieved brilliant success. On -- Monday night, August 2, the fourth of the series of con-- cert--recitals given by the Chicago Orchestra' in conjunction with one of the leading artists of the Ra-- vinia Opera forces as soloist, will will be given again on Tuesday night, August 3, in response to L1QUOR ISSUE DOMINANT ONE With a | repertoire --containing of a concert by the Chi-- HALF OF YEAR yesterday. issue in this the Volstead or modified." declared that Mario Bas-- singing as will be the conduct, performance CITY URBANA, I1., July 29 -- With about $222,619,605 invested in ma-- chinery on Illincis farms, heavy heavy losses frequently result from the improper care and use of diff-- erent implements and machines, R. I. Shawl, assistant chief in farm mechanics at the College of Agri-- culture, University of Illinois, points out in a new cireular, "Farm Ma-- chinery--Its Purchase( Care, Op-- eration and Adjustment". The ay-- erage farmer has about $939 invest-- changing implement prices were ed in machinery, according to Shawl. has a well--built, well--planned home, with commodious and well--planned interior, with radio and automobile, and is in constant contact with the State university. He is placed well forward in the -- category of those who have made the United States an outstanding nation. Sound economists and statesmen sée a peril to the nation in the per-- sistent drift of country folk to the city. Agriculture is the basic in-- A really brilliant factor in pointing the right way is the Na-- tional Farm School, at Doylestown, Pa. This school takes city boys and intends to take city girls, who have only a grammar school edu-- eation at their command, and says to them in effect: If you want to exchange the uncertainties of city life for the profession of farming "An an evidence of my friendship for unions I will say that I am ac-- cused of controlling Chicago's South Park board, Be that as it may, when my friends came into Control of the park board, there was not a union man in its employ. At the present time there is no man employed in the South parks who is not a mem-- ber of a recognized union, "Brennam asserted. dustry of this country, and a high proportion of men and women can-- not be. removed from the farms without endangering the stability of not allow. theny to obscure the do-- minant one. He said he does not in-- tend to "pussyfoct" any of them and -- will frankly state where he stands on other matters in due time. The speaker also pointed out to his record as a friend to union labor. MACHINE CARE IS IMPORTANT By ARTHUR CAPPER in o xt of about 9 per cent in the number |of telephones in use in Great Bri-- tain, the total having risen to about |1,857,500. Of these about one--third telephones the the whole of Great Britian. The total gain in Great' Britian for the year was 114M| which just about corresponds to the' net increase in New York state the j first nine months of.the year. The| net increase for the entire year in | New York state was 155,000 and in New York City was 118,000, while | thonetincmseforl.ondonvuonlyl about 37,600. are located in London. charge, for three years. After that you will have an expert know!-- edge of scientific agriculture and will be 'able 'to supervise farms in whatever branch of agriculture you the The nuniber of telephones adgded was not as great as in New York state last year, despite the fact that New York already possessed more The farm needs you and you need the farm. This school will inculcate in you independence, initiative, love of the soil. ' The school has functioned since 1896, and successfully. It has graduated men who have risen in their © profession. Hundreds of graduates have left endowed with a noble idealism for the soil and a determination to make it their life-- BRITISH TELEPHONES NOW NUMBER 1,357,900 sirable when the purchase is to be a hign priced machine or some min-- or piece of equipment which has a limit «@4 use on any one farm. A silo filler, corn picker or threshing ma-- chine may be bought by several farm*r. in an immediate neighbor-- bood. This plan enables the farmer to have the use of a machine which he counld not afford to buy independ-- ently. The greater the variety or amount of work that a machine can handle the betier the investment." wark. Besides the agricult subjects such as farm managen stock judging, field crops, fee« landscape . gardening, floricul: butter--making --and the care furm machinery, chemistry, bo and engineering are taught i wark. Besides the agricultural subjects such as farm management, stock judging, field crops, feeding, landscape . gardening, floriculture, butter--making and the care ~of furm machinery, chemistry, botany and engineering are taught from During 1925 there was an incréase agricultural point of view. ATOR By LORD ROTHERMERE, British Newspaper Proprietor. in an Editorial in London Daily Mail. In the present disturbed state of European currencies and trade it may be necessary»to explain to the United States government that while our payment of interest on our debt to the United States and the instal-- ments on the principal is a gesture of good will, it cannot be maintained i# Great Britain is to receive noth-- ing from her debtors. The people of this country cannot possgibly con-- tinue for 'two generations to pay what will inevitably be regarded by the mas tribute without receiving anything of what they are owed. The burden will be one far be-- yond their capacity to bear; indeed, no example of a nation in ancient or modern times paying such an amount to a foreign country. If there is only the extremely remote chance of France and Italy being able to pay us any fraction of what they owe us, then our heavy pay-- ments to the United States must completely crush our industries, . It would be a great mistake 'to suppose that in such an event as the genuine inability to pay debts owed to foreign governments, the credit of the nation which is unable to pay would be affected. These war debts to governments differ totally from obligations of state to private indi-- viduals. Their settlement has noth-- ing whatever to do with : currency stabilization and does not secure sta-- bility, as international financiers a few years ago professed they would. T A I LO RING -- --is our specialty, We have a lnrge assertment of matarial for you to acleet from. Come in and see us, Cichy's Tailoring Shop F. A. Hutchinson PAY HER DEBTS Marth Milwaukee Avenue SATISFACTION GIVEE 601 West Park Avenue FLOOR SURTACING -- CA yet her lira is falling vidlently and This difference of war debts from other debts was perfectly explained by Lord Balfour in his famous note. The allies, as he wrote, were part-- ners in the greatest international effort ever© made in the: cause of freedom, and they still are partners in dealing with some of its results. Their debts were :ncurred and loans were made for the great purpose common to them all.-- * Juvenile courts are full of sons whose fathers didn't want them to have to work like they used to. * Waukegan National Bank Building 4 South Genesee 8t. '%U(EA:...-.. Phone: Waukegan 2081 ou.-.hlp.-.hhuo'-.blp.-. waARTIWEEAT <IDE ITVMBER CO. « -- -- + »------ MAIL THIS COUPON -------- ---- NORTHWEST SIDE LUMBER CO,, 4 So. Genesce St, Waukegar Without couga..0n, Show mt how $14 uow... will give me a best suilt Income Producing Permanent Garage O GARAGE O BUNGALOW O PORCH ENCLOSURE e e e e n e n e e a4 e 00 na e e n ne n an e 6h e . ho enb ne ns 08 sA na 4008 ao ane ba sb s 4 a 860# % «e wa h a m a es a 0 eb aan ce #6 s aabas an ons ae 60 ea0B 66000608 se ae ns es 49e e e# 6 Will Erect You A House or any kind of building;furnish-- ing all labor and material by contract, so you may know just what entire cost will be before CONFRACTOR & BUILDER LAbertyville 145--R R. L. Gensalves s OAKWOOD TERRACE We offer two well located building lots in Oakwood Terrace for $1800.00. Only $800.00 cash. All improvements in, ready to build FOR SALE--Two lots 50x152. Only $800.00 each. These lots are well FOR SALE--Beautiful modern fur-- niture less than two months old. Spc. silk Mohair Parlor Suite, re-- versible cushions, carved frame $135 worth $875. Two 9x12 Wil-- FOR SALE--Summer bungalow in Mundelein. 4 rooms and two big porches. Light and water inside. Wonderful scenery, best location in Mundelein Will sell lJow be-- cause of business. Inquire of B. Veseley, Mundelein, Ill. Phone FOR SALE--Four roonf _bungalow with good basement, on lot 100-- x150 on paved road. Priced for quick sale at only $3,500. See A. A. Schnaebele, Libertyville. 57--6t. Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake « in so short a time and at so reasonable a cest as you can if you your wants known here. A trial will convince you. located, just a few blocks from business district. This is a bar-- gain but I am hard pressed for cash. Address owner, P. O. Box ton rugs $385 each worth $75. Seven piece two tone walnut dining room suite $65 worth $165. 4pc. French walnut bed-- room suite complete with spring and mattress $135 worth $375-- Two lamps, oil paintings, Poly-- chrome mirror, silverware, dishes. If you take it all will sell for $450 and pay for hauling to your home. If you want to buy anything, or if you have & to rert or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through Caflat}ME.SlstSt. ist Apt. Chicago 1% Blks west of Cottage Grove Ave. Phone-- ~Kenwood 18978. 57--2t--pd. SELLERS & PETERSEN 551 Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville, TIllincis Telephone 451 SELLERS & PETERSEN 81-- Waukegan National Scientific Examination of the DR..OTTO K. DR. 0. F. B Harrison 2815 Assistant Suum Telephone 66 s Office in First National Hours: 1 to 8:80 and T to Residence, Broadway, Luce Blidg. FOR RENT ~-- Farnished WANTED--to do TEAMS FOR HIRE--Cor day work. Basements a S. J. Groves & Sons Co., ville, Ill. Phone 659J2. w.«mn-mmo;as Modern conveniences M . WANTED--a Ford car cheap. $41--J. LO S T -- Pocketbook money and valuable WANTED clean cotton Rags Register office. Phone 90. WANTED--Work mowing law other outside work around tyville homes. Phone 297--J. WANTED--Roomers -- wanted N. Milwaukee Avenue. 57 WANTED--Work by the day. Phones: Office 163 Res. Meets First Tuesday--Gridley EYES TESTED FOR Auctioneer -- Real C BAS. N. S1HFERNE, LYELL H. MC ATTORNEY and CO DWIGHT EDRUS Libertyville Post No. AMERICAN LECH Phone 398--R. my home in Diamond Lake, Box 831, Libertyville, Ill. 5 papers Wednesday night on Finder please return to office. PHYSICILAN AND 8U good cook. Highest Phone 621--W--2 after 8 p. dry or cleaning. St. Phone 297--J. ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Build enhone 57 LIBERTY DR. J. L TA TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R -- . 589 Milwaukee Avenme B. H. MILLER t3