Islan j years ago when Frank L. Smith as state chairman, managed the Harding--McKinley--Small campaign and which in an elaborated form was employed so successfully by Chairma« Smith in the Coolidge-- Deneen--Small campaign two years ago. Six years ago the trip was made by special train. Two years ago, however, automobiless were used, and that will be the method of travel this year, the completion of so. many hundreds of miles of hard roads making it not only pos-- sible, tut easy to reach every part of the state by motor vehicles. . To Be Intensive This year's trip. will be much more extensive than the trin of six years ago, or the one two years ago. The schedule requires the "Caravan" to use the popular desig-- nation given the Coolidge--Deneen-- Tuesday, and Parig; rencezille. T.!'sday, Oct. 7. and 'Mer; night' Alton, Edwardsvillie Gog. Len Small, Senator Charles Deneen and other members of the state mepublican caravan which will make a fast ten days trip through Illinois will be in Waukegan on Thursday night, Oct. 14, it was an-- nounced Monday. The trip will be one of intensive campaigning for the Republican state--wide candidates by the Republican State Central Com-- mittee. G. 0. P. GROUP S ON TOUR In srranging the campaign the State Central Committee has follow-- ed th» plan first put in practice six t : radio. It has made her m in millions of homes, not |only in this country but in Japan, §§hlll and h:ea. She was 'the first woman to sing regularl ( n mnn iare "hosichen new C evi 'thousands of letters from men, {women and children of all classos \to whom her songs have brough* | ~Miss Dé Leath has reason to So Says Vaughn D Radio Is Contribution § ----_ To Human Happiness ind Monmouth; night, Rock and Moline whot a man whoto man' 5 old my breath wher he holds my hand., Hot'n da--do--da--daddy what a man. Made Famous ----Charles W. Vailk << .: ;s --__-- _ For Trustees of the University of Matthews Grigsby. ble. °y For Superintendent of Public In-- struction--Francis G. Blair. The "Caravan" will also be the largest political--or perhaps any other--party which has e;=r tra-- versed the state, and> will consist of score: of automobiles, because a great many prominent Republi-- cans Fave expressed a desire to ac-- company the candiaates in addition to the "official" members of the party. The "official" party will con-- sist of all the state--wide candidates and a'! state officers, as follows: & Candidates For United States Senator L. Smith. + Illineis -- Thursday, Oct. 14--N Elgin; night, Waukegan. f on s Weinesday, Oct. 13--Noon, Free-- port; night, Rockford. cpera still likes Jazz. He can n'end Marion and then tl.E 'What a Man,' the latest jazz with equsl satisfaction. He has becoms a musical cosmopolitan." _ _"Nor is that all. Grand opers used to be a name--a highbrow gnmattht.fl'.Wh.m.poh it, you scared citizen almost to death. He thought it was something he could never un-- derstand and he was certain bhe wuldwnlik.hi't. ""Nowadays, can describe many operas and from his far-- away orchestra seat, he has be-- come an arn fan. He hears Marion Talley, the little Kansas City Metropolitan star, and he understands perfectly the mes-- _ "Today music has become brvag on Riremig f:nmnufl.' fls and es esns housewife on the farm. State Treasurer--Garret D. of the Supreme Court Bilious Fever 23' Mnlan:.' lhowsnut'% m atiu.noth'i'ng'huevetbeenfmdm ukethephoeofthismlphrp.nm hbegms.,l:he OnlyflE::fl'h':ehd i?':&T&flyc&ifl troubles> can know the Even fiery, itching eczema is dried m&':m' _ Get a small jar of Rowles Mentho-- Sulphur from any good druggist As a general thing when a man hurries all day it's hard for him to blotches on face, neck, arms or body, you do not have to wait for relief. from Throughout the trip of the "Cara-- van" two years ago Frank L. Smith as state chairmar. presided at the meetings and introduced the can-- didates, including Charles S. De-- neen, then a candidate for Senator and Lon Smaill, candidate for gov-- ernor. Upon this year's trip Senat-- or Deneen and Governor Small wil) reciprorate by presiding> at the meetings and introducing Smith as a'* for Senator. It is rath-- er noticeable that the entire party Smith "took out" two years ago as candidates have this year ifoined to "take him out" as a candidate. keep from eating supper that way. Primarily, the meetings planned for the trip are to be organizatior meetings. 'There will be district meetings in each congressional dis: trict, to be attended by all the coun-- ty charrmen g#nd «ecretaries and all precin"t committeemen--also by th< congressional, legislative and county cand'dates for the whole district-- at wa'ch organization work wil} be discus--ea. There will, however. br public meetings at each stop made by the "Caravan," at which the can-- didate: will diseuss the issues of thr campa'gn, and to which all voters are <nvited. s Also in the official party will be Natisral Committeeman Allen F Moors and Chairman G. J. Johnson of 'the State Central Committee. In the various districts, candidates for Congress and for Legisiative office will join : the: "Caravan" as" well a: all courrty candidates and officers Taken all together the trail of the "Caruvan" is expected to give the best c@cemonstration of both party unity end party strength that 1H-- nois has ever seen. { USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN .!'cwhm; at Large--Henry R. Rathbone, and Richaro Yates. + Senator Chas. 8: 'Deneen. Govern Len Small. Lject. Governor Fred E. Sterling. Sesretary of State Louis L. Em-- mersaa _ ~ ¥i%».__ ~ . State Auditor Oscar Nelson. Stase Treasurer Cmer N. Custer. Attorrey General Oscar E. Carl-- strom Free of Charge By V.SLGevernment Voterinarian D. C. GRINNELL Inspector in Charge Ofice with Farm Burean For unsightiy skin eruptions, rash or CATTLE TESTED Broken Out Skin and Itching Eczema Helped Over Night for Tuberculosis 6 G6 6 Rhone Libertyville 329 is a Prescription for It kills the germs. State Officers. VETERINARY SURGEON _ Assistant State Veterinarian Telephone 66 ° LIBERTYVI] Pnblicnofleohhubysfiwfiat will and testament of George Baucr, deceased, will attend ~the Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, 'on the first monday of December next, 1926, when and where all per-- sons having claims against said es-- tate are. notified and requested to-- present the same to said Court for get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper udcfremn'g"en.ttay drug store. You will have the quick-- est relief known. Always say "Rowles." the pain. Break up congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time. »"Rdlmw&fieddm edy that .:fiuttelic(. It can-- not bhurt it certainly seems to gestion soreness right out. Nah(hnnémfip.- trating heat as red peppers, when heat penetrates right down into colds, Tok you Teur the onginig hant, in ace DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD Waukegan, IIL, Sept. 20, 1926. -- Benjamin H. Miller, Attorney -- | BREAK CHEST COLDS WITH RED PEPPER joints relief comes at once. We Are As Near to You _ As Your Telephone §z ----LAKE COUNTY REGISTER Call'us up and tell your needs and we will take care of them, * wish to buy. Our classified advertisments have a record of nearly 100% results and thou-- sands have found them the fierfeet medium thi'ough which to make their wants known. Make use of this service when you have some-- thing to sell or when there is something you Albino rats were employed in a series of experiments in food --values carried out'"z students in public schools of and Tyler, Tex., under supervision of an extension in« structor of the University of Texas, as part of a month's program in nu-- trition and health. -- Much interest was aroused, and the experiments abundantly proved to the children Your curtains advertise to the passing gublic the kind of a housekeeper you are. ou can make them tell the right story--if you let us launder them. We will wash them gently in pure wat-- er,mildmds,drythemtruetotger, ir orig-- inal size and shape, give them a cri and smoothness, an evenness of "han;! that is impossible to get by home laundering methods. . | Try us and see. Phone . Reliable Laundry sn n e " Dry Cleaners as well as PHONE 290 -- LIBERTYYVILLE ILLINOIS P e ee The breakfast food concerns at Battle Creek are using ads to urge people to "eat more corn products." Tlgeydon'tuy anything -- about g them. " and their parents the necessity of proper food for growing children and of home FOR SALE--Strictly modern Eng-- lish cottage of five rooms. -- Just completed. Fire place. Good loca-- FOR SALE--Dodge Commercial % FOR SALE--Brass bed, mahogony dresser, reed davenport, and rock-- FOR"%ALE--CementShveSilofiP;- tent' or wooden cow stanchians: FOR SALE--Girl's winter coat size 14. Very reasonable. Phone 882--J. i. P§--Bt. FOR adster in good con--| dition. 31%.00---'0!& double. | Phone 138--J. "I--tf. | FOR SALE--Hubbard squash. New goose feathers, $1.00 per Ib. Home woven, double wool blankets. $15 each. Phone 618--M--2. "74--6t FOR SALE--Hoosier Kitchen Cabi-- net. Carl Schreck. Phone 667--R--2. FOR SALE--Base Burner. Guod condition. Splendid heater. Phone 3$41--J. 74--2t FOR SALE--Smail pickling FOR SALE--1924 Ford Coupe and steel garage. John Surma, Mun-- FOR SALE---- %Acres 220x152 close HON.lilwauheeAvqu Phone 28 FOR SALE -- Many bargains in FOR SALE--Many other good buys in farms, houses and lots. FOR RENT--2 large new stores, Price $5500 for quick sale. FOR SALE--Five lots in desirable FOR SALE--New five--room bunga-- low on a large lot with some fruit FOR SALE--183 acre farm in Ken-- FOR SALE--Apartment site Sunny-- side Place, 60x110. All improve-- ments in. No better location in FOR SALE--96 acre farm on a cor-- ner of two cement roads; very fer-- _ tile soil, can all be plowed; good _ buildings; three miles from sta-- FOR SALE--New, modern, 6--room bungalow with sun parlor on a large corner lot with concrete FOR SALE--100 acre farm, 20 acres of timber, balance all tiled and un-- der plow; good house and fair outbuildings with plenty shade and fruit trees. Price $140 per and stave, deep"well with wind-- mill, good house. Price $100 per akre if taken at once. FOR SALE--60 acre farm, good black soil; new bungalow and al-- most new barn; young shade and FOR SALE--New 6 room house in Oakwood Terrace. -- Hard wo o d floors and trim.-- Open fireplace, FOR SALE--80 acre farm, all work land; with large new barn and FOR RENT--Modern house on New-- berry Ave. Convyenient to stores miles. Good as new. Call 81 4RA WCARINEE . AMLL RMLVNEE W CAVOLULGL« 424100 baby bed, high chair, and stroller. call 217--W. 7O--4t--pd. tent' or wooden cow stanchians; barn doors with roller tracks; hay carrier; rope; fork; corn crib; hen house and other out buildings. Ce-- ment blocks and lumber. Will A. Ray on the A. L. Dorfler Farm. Mundelein, Illinois. Phone 452--R. 71--4t. er, rugs kitchen Easy terms. See A. R. Schnaebele, Libertyville. 70--6t, Phone 626--M--2. in, at lot prices, E. Z. terms, no taxes till 1928. Inquire of C. F. across the Iilincis State line; good road frontage, cement on one side and gravel on another; good black soil and well tiled; improved build-- ings. Priced for quick sale at $125 There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cest as you can if you make your wants known bere. A trial will convince you. many shade trees, a wonderful bar-- sunporch, hot water heat. Garage, sidewalks, lawn and drive are in. Shown by appointment. Libertyville for apartments. month. chicken house, two silos rent or exchange;, ov if you wan columns. You will get .esults. Minimum charge, 25¢. _ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. ? SELLERS & PETERSEN Phone 451 SELLERS & PETERSEN If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to EDWIN AUSTIN Telephone 147--M. houses . Maple Ave., to buy anytming, or if you have something to a ; or if you want help, make it known through x 4t 74--1t 74--1t Harrison 2815 Libertyville 236--W ATTORNEY--AT--LAW Telephone 57 LIB L ~ WILLIAM P. WHITNEY Glenview, Illinois 6 _ . &X Phones: Office 163 " M'"fi Luce Bldg. Meets First Tuesday --Gridley Hall 'FOR RENT--Room for | _ 301--M. WANTED--To rent a farm near Lib ertyville. Address F. H. care of Lake County Register. 664. WANTED--Carpet and rug weaving. ' Mrs. John A. Hagi. Phone Deer-- field 235--R--1. 'N-fi WANTED--Reliable woman who take care of children during moth-- er's absence. Phone 550. _ 72--2t. WANTED--10 boys by day or week at the Mundelein Recreation Par-- LYELL H. MORRIS _ ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR WANTED--Maid for cooking and general housework. Swedish or German. No laundry. Good u Phone Lake Forest 1377. FOR RENT--First fiat for rent. In-- FRED GRABBE _ Auctioneer -- Real Estate ~ Pianos FOR RENT WANTED--Young or middle aged woman to look after 2 children ane night per week and every othe Tuesday afternoon. Phnef Libertyville Post No. 329 7 AMERICAN LEGION FOR RENT--1 Large sleeping room. Hot water heat. Inquire rear _ (upstairs) North Shore Station. FOR RENT--Four room uppéer flat FOR RENT--8 room house on Brain-- erd Avenue. Inquire R. E. Thom-- as. Phone 619--W--2. wo _ o+ _ FOR RENT--Garage space. 208 Lin-- coln Avenue Phone $47--M. 78--2t. DWIGHT EDRUS COOK FOR RENT--Modern 5 room furn-- ished flat. Garage in conection. 203 Lincoln Ave. Pll-sm-:.-" NBRENT--BMMQMS& CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. PHEYSICIAN AND SURGCEON Office over Nat'l Tea Store Hours: 9--12%2, 2--5 and T--2 Libertyville every Monday. Or-- ders taken at Ray Furniture Store lor. Phone 162--R or 318--J. or call or write C. J. Diehl, Wood-- housekeeping, with use of kitchen for cooking. Phone 616--M. R near transportation. --Call at 114 E. Sunnyside Ave. Phone 880--W. garage. Kennedy Brothers. Phone 513. mo e Professional Services MISCELLANEOUS TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 432--R 539 Milwaukee Avenue B. H. MILLER FOR RENT Telephone 18 . Phone 347--M. "4--1t--pd 74--1t--pd "A--1t