14--If the lccal chiro jasses his it'xver with =.« shiny, new Rolls--mce and its rear end bears the enameled sign, "Excuse my dust!" . = 3--If he is asked to contribute co-- niomlytohorz:lwthn serve on the-- ital board gratis, treating many people free who whould. be employing a private phy-- 13--If is has to pay $29 ¢r a $7 A vver tire * 1 f the golf club ward has '\im?over the course lm at the 17th, one down. 4--If his patients tell him not to come any more in the belief that he pads his cases and continues attend-- ance long after the necessity has 12--If tis patients argue Chris-- tran Science with him. s wub you will Teei the tingling heat. through and through. Pain and sore-- 15--If he pays $10 for a hat and ;!;at: the hat dealer's sore foot for _5--Whose patients pay no atten-- fiontohho&hm ' 11--If he does not know the name aof Fis alderman, senator or congress-- man, In other words. any practitioner of medicine is eligible. 11--Who has a furnace that needs eoal--but a coal man who never be-- comes i genuine, with the name Rowles on each ited means are allowed to bring two cows each with them from the home herd. Under the direction of 6--Who cannot remember half of the requirements of the Harrison act. 10--If he runs out of prescriptions and needs some quickly to save a evitical case, Q--If. after having enjoyed a fairly good year. the government comes alornge and takes all the jovy avt of life by stinging him for taxes At the University of Illinois, these students receive every en-- couragement, Prof. H. A. Ruehe, in charge of dairy husbandry, has in-- formed the institute. There sev-- eral of these students, attired in their spotless white uniforms, may be found busily at work in-- the school's model dariry. While earn-- ing their way through' college they are learning in detail the most mod-- ern of dairy methods. * One of the most novel of the stu-- dents' self help plans brought to light by the survey was the one in effectat the University of Okla-- homa. There ten students of lim-- I--If in his town a $2 charge is corsidered outrageous for a two--mile trip at 2 a. m. § R--If he never gets an uninter-- rupted night's sleep and yet is ex-- pected to have "a cheerful beiside marner."* 16--If he reads a paper before the state society and the local newspaper forgets to even mention it 17--Ift a good--looking patient names her baby after him and the 'rate husband refuses to pay his bill. 1--Who is <trying to support a hrgemdhm% 2--If he can testify over one-- half of the billsy he mails out the first of the month are ignored. Prof. A. C. Baer, widely known dairy specialist, the cows--and they mmtbewm-m tested. The examination finished and the animats found free from disease, they are housed in a spe-- gial section of the school barns. Q@--If a wnm'xznrtient who left him a year ago inturable asth-- }naric complications shows np at the r--« »linie. NALY TC CARN CQOLLEEE FEFS ganization of the Physicians' Coun-- cil," Amaigamated mm Goats, more briefly and popularly known as "The Goat Club." The skill they acquired back home in the cow stable, with the battered bucket and the three--legged milking stool, is ,enabling hundreds of en-- ergetic farm boys to pay all or part of their expenses in the agricultu-- ral colléeges of their states, accord-- ing to a survey just made by the Blue Valley Creamery Institute of Each "cow student" works one hour a week for the university as payment for the stall privileges. the The heat of red mcl takes "ouch" i sore, lame back. It can not hurt you, and it certainly ends the torture at @ o s 'h:nay::c:re Mm""- w""""'?d-)mttrymw and you will have the quickest » oo is seon as you apply Red Pep. per Rub you will feel the tingling heat ---- The physicians' council will have 4 s#pecial button, showin% an Angora goat, rampant, upon a eld of Latin chemical terms..with an outlawed bill for professional services for & back-- ground. 'l'heneedformchanordlrhl hbeen long felt among the physicians of this our native land, and any med-- ical practitioner who can meet the rigid speciflcctionl,ell_m for membership. ui. 2 °* Concerning %fi eligibilit; lt>° thoGt' Or-- der of Sublime ts, physicians' eouncil, any physician can qualify: The society is well under way; grips, embiems, passwords and high-- signs have been suggested and wait onlythefinnlupprovdoftholfll" chamber of deputies of the A. O. RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS BAGKAGHE SUELIME GCOATS ARE ORCANIZED Announcement is made of the or-- £ the golf club for a jar of Rowles Be sure to get the Th cent. In the middle west, thirty--four out of ci?hty-oitht cities rt:h:"l: no change, forty--four repo wer rents and in ten cities ine of the cighty--eight there were small in-- creases. In the south, rents were stable in twelve out of twenty--two cities reporting; they were lower in nine-- cities and only one city re-- ported a slight increase during the Rents since July, 1925, have de-- msl:?wht in all l&t two of largest cities, two ex-- ceptions being Baltimore and Phila-- CIVE WARNNG ~ __~ ON SNAKEROOT ard, who, considering the seriousness of the situation,. today issued the following warning: ' § "Rem'ithinthepasthndnyfl indicate that perhaps a dozen lives and some financial loss in dairy stock has been the toll of the deadly white snakeroot poisoning. The situation has reached alarming proportions. SPRINGFIELD, ILL., Oct. 4.-- From various sections reports con-- tinue to reach the department of ag-- rieculture of sickness and deaths re-- sulting from white snmnakeroot pois-- oning. according to Director Stan-- Rents throughout the country have been :h-dlx declining since July, 1924, when they reached their peak following the cessation of building during the war, according to a survey by the national indus-- trial conference board of New York. Out of 171 cities reporting to the conference board, rents during the tweive months ending with August of this year were stable in seventy-- nine cities, declined. in seventy--nine other cities, while increases were noted in thirteen localities, In the eastern section of the country, thir-- ty--three cities out of sixty--one cov-- ered by the investigation reported no change, twenty--six ported slight decreases lndt,.ouly twr: cities small increases not exceeding 10 per delphia, where rental values remain-- ed stable throughout the year end-- ing with July, 1926. c "The immediate and complete eradication of the white snakeroot plant is a physical impossibility, The only recourse, as I see it, is to dis-- Cddfl-hG.fim Flu, 'I;'enxue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. The covers 171 cities of all chas:om refers to rental of houses and apartments occupied 'by wage earners and people of. moderate than in July, 1914, while rents at their in July, 1924, were 86 per cent her than at the outbreak of the World war. » 2 per cent from August, 1925, to August, 1926, while there was an avy-- erage Cecrease of nearly 4 per cent The average rents as of August of this year were 7g per cent higher He cares for the animals, and he must keep a careful record of their production. . The revenue is his, The average net income is $200 for each two cows for the ning--month--school Rents in August of the current year were nearly 6 per cent lower than in Jfl;"lm. more than 2 per cent lower than in August, 1925, and more than 1 per cent lower than last January, That the downward movement since Aug. of a year ago has been at much slower rate than during the previous twelve months is indicated by the fact that rents on the aver-- age Jdeclined only a little more than parents of these students --borrow the money from their home banks to pay for the animals. . Allowing for a 10 per cent interest the plan enables them to send their son to tollege for the ~surprisingly low RENT SURVEY SHOWS DROP sum of $45. IT IS GOOD BUSINESS--OUR SERVICE OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY LAUNDRY Prafrie Ave; Highwood, 111. 666 It kills the germs. PHONE 87 SsSMILES BYy MILE $ MELEN ROSE TOSSED AND | LOOnED amo rELr eveny | mius3! uemame MADE | peaCEPrUL, RESTIUL wherein the plant exists, so long as there remains-- any trace of the growth,. Samplew have been> re-- ceived at this office from various sec-- tions of the state. These indicate that the plant is flourishing. at 10 o'clock a. m., or as soon there-- after as the business of the Court will permit. All persons delh'lpg:'nay file objections in said Court before said day and may mppear at the hearing and make their defense, Said Ordinance provides for the col-- lection of said assessment in ten an-- nual installments with annual inter-- est at the rate of six per cent' per annum. 'Dated at Mundelein, Illincis, this 5bth day of October, A. D. lfi&. * FRANK C. SHADDLE, -- The person appointed to make said be--furnished, constructed and laid in Woodlawn Drive and other streets in the Village of Mundelein, Illinois. m Assessment No« 15, the Or-- for the same being on file in the office of the Villags Clork of said Vfllafidand the said Village having app to the County Court of Lake Caung; Illinois, for an as-- sessment of costs of said im-- provement, according to benefits. and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will} be had on m':&t F' gc&.' E: 3 or mumm.mm precaution should be <taken. Kn'r the cattle out of the woods unless it is positively known that no snake-- root exists, Search the premises for mpieioumcflsnt:.uduindoubt, submit s to this department for analysis, Make application now for a copy of Bulletin No. 846, from which much may be learned of the danger arising from this weed. and State of Illinois, having ordered the construction of a local improve-- ment consisting of a connected sys-- tem of water mains, together with hydrants, hydrant connections, valyv-- es, valve boxes and connections shall the 23rd day of October, A, D. "In this situation, this department can' oag warn the pub-- lic against the danger and, gided by what has been gained in knowl-- edge of this disease through the in-- vestigation ordered by Governor Len Small last , we are able to give to the p_nbdc much information that Notice is hereby given to all per-- sons interested that the President andBoudometeuoftheVimg Board of Mundelein, County of. Lake deadly weed." SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Protecting Used Car Buyers A Sound Policy Followed by Authorized Ford Dealers provided regarding the * o. YJ J. M. McKitrick, Inc. 16--78. BUY ON YOUR OWN TERMS scation for at one day a week ihtmdodnd. it:otdnrw read-- Thder state law, beatds: of educe tion are authorized to provide a lib-- rarian to meet this local demand. Commandér, C. C. Hosking -- $45--J Meets First Tuesday -- Gridley Hal ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building Telephone 57 LIBERTYVIL Architect 4 Harrison 2815 _ Libertyville 236--W Luce Bldg. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR DWIGHT EDRUS COOK Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION FRED GRABBE _ Auctioneer -- Real Estate CHAS. N. STEPHENS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Nat'l Tea Store Hours: 9--12, 2--5 and 7--9 TEACHER OF YVOCAL ----7'i'm'm" e 432--R 589 Milwaukee Avenue -- T Ten vVIC T ; AIREEIDIED + : Office 163 ---- Res. 20--J B. H. MILLER Telephone 46 YVa{/rte All our used Ford cars have been thoroughly inspected by our trained * absolutely consistent with the values Come in and see the guaranteed j . _ s out how little it takes to own a car st the entire time of one in-- voted to the promotion of % ts fay hn neimaion ) dn |2) Piay mad e ecpredion j ie achools, £ A tem pongfenuutomvide' tmptnryp'tnfiinatoh hinc:er.n and feedi Rustlinc"? Mogooahozmg » # &A dgoodad&%thi:dm'm € Ee Building Material, Feed, Coal, Etc. Aptakisic, Illinois. EMIL GEEST GOOD farmers right around--here have found it pays to use tunport:r?{eflm to provide--temporary pasturage and to hog with "RED TOP®" Steel Posts *% PHONE 611--M--2 pale d Quickly Erected sakt FOR SALE--100 acre farm, 20 acres of timber, balance all tiled and un-- FOR SALE--188 acre farm in Ken-- FOR SALE--96 acre farm on a cor-- ner of two cement roads; very fer-- tile soil, can all be plowed; good buildings; three miles from sta-- FOR SALE--80 acre farm, all work -- land; with large new barn and --chicken house, two silos cement _ and stave, deep well with wind-- 'min,goodlwue. Price $100 per acre if taken at once. FOR SALE--New five--room bunga-- low on a large lot with some fruit ed, close to business,. Furnace heat, 2[1 m&mmm screened porch., . best proposi-- tion in way of a small home. Price $5300.00, worth it! FOR SALE--Milw. Ave. business , 69 ft. frontage; in-- comies neateg T »heart. af retedl FOR RENT--Modern house on New-- berry Ave. Convenient to stores and transportation $60.00 p:r month. FOR SALE--A: site Sunny-- side Place, m .. All improve-- ments in. No better. location in Libertyville for apartments. d'l"' ' » FOR SALE--Two 50 ft. lots on Cook Ave. Sewer, water and gas; con-- crete street; best lot buy in neigh-- borhood. ® FOR SALE--Many other good buys in farms, houses and lots. FOR SALE--New, m#dern, 6--room FOR RENT--2 large new stores. FOR SALE--Smaill home, well locat-- FOR SALE--SO acre FOR SALE--New, modern, five--room English cottage. East front. Only two blocks from transportation. A mighty good buy. FOR SALE--New modern dwelling in Oakwood Terrace. Six rooms and sunparlor. Garage. A very pleasant home. Priced right. FOR SALE--Modern eight--r oo m home. South side on lot 200x300. A good investment. FOR SALE--Lots for es, apart-- mentsmdbuineubm'fions in different parts of the village. _-- Everyone who has purchased Real money--You can do the same. FOR SALE---- % Acres 220x152 close in, at lot prices, E. Z. terms, no taxes till 1928. Inquire of C. F. EDWIN AUSTIN 410 N. Milwaukee Avenue : Phone 23 Estate through this office has made FOR SALE--Base Burner. FOR SALE--New madern five--room FOR _ SALE--Five--room, modern brick bungalow on VM street. Near transportation-- Very reason-- across the Illinois State line; good road frontage, cement on one side and gravel on another; good black soil and well tiled; improved build-- ings. Priced for quick sale at $12%5 and fruit trees. Price $140 There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known bere. A trial will convinee you. Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns,. You will get ~esults. many shade trees, a wonderful bar-- most new barn; young shade and Phone 276 condition. Splendid heater, Phone MHJ. . ~\_, e sMlA--2L farms, houses and lots HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN HERMAN A. SCHWERM 205 W. Maple Ave., SELLERS & PETERSEN Phone 451 SELLERS & PETERSEN A. R. SCHNAEBELE A-- R. SCHNAEBELE REALTOR 111 W. Church Street REALTOR 111 W. Church & Telephone 147--M. Classified Ads just FOR SALE--Dodge Commercial % miles. Good as new. Call 31 FOR SALE--Concord Grapes. Phone 255--R. _TM--IL. FOR SALE--Patent or FOR SALE--Choice Concord Grapets WANTED--Carpet and rug we Mrs. John A. Hagi. : field 235--R--1. % W ANTED--Reliable an take care of ° er's absence. Phone 15¢ each. Emily Lusk. 140 Cook Ave. 1 FOR SALE--Base burner in g condition. Phone 248--R. i WANTED--To rent a farm near 1 ertyville. Aw-:r.n'.-?- Lake County Register. 66 FOR SALE--Hoogier Kitchen Cabi-- net. Carl Schreck. Phone 667--RZ FOR SALE--Hubbard squash. New FOR SALE--Closed Mcaaz gsen"".&l one Singer . k lc & Church Streets. Phone 532. . FOR SALE--1 Simmons Bed com-- plete, 1 dresser, «lining table and six chairs, 1 day bed, 2 rugs. Phone Mundelein 374--M. 16--2t. FOR SALE--Hard Coal Heater in gooul condition Also -- Leghorn FOR SALE--Simmons bed, and mattress; small dining 1 set; congoleum rug 6x9. + cally new. Phone 210--KM. --76--%. FOR RENT--Three modern FOR SALE--3 Poland China Spring FORSALE--MMW'W lets. Phone 622--J. e > FOR RENT--Furnished rooms upstairs after 4 P. M. at 226 FOR SALE--Water power '-w machine $5.00. Heating or coal. 219 Maple A';-h-u 123--R. ¥ "6--1t. FOR RENT--Flat--4 rooms bath. 222 Thind Street. : FOR RENT--One 8 room house one 7 room house-- 4 each. Kennedy Bros. Avé. Phone 280. * FOR RENT--Furnished rooms. 123 Hurburt Court. « 71--6t. FOR RENT --Storage room furniture. Also a garage. 1 167--J. LOST--String of ke ©Libertyville w@nd W' turn to the Register O WANTED--Young or. middle & woman to look after 2 children night ber week and every 0 Tuesday afternoon. Phone 55 FOR RENT--7 room house, eb light ter in kitchen, turni:hs." Phone 630--R 2. /' WANTED--Housekeeper. Newcastle Hotel, hm'fl FOR RENT--8 mhm-lg garage. Kennedy Brothers, stanchions. Will A. Ray on the Dorfler Farm, Mundelein, Hlinois. Phone 452--R. Tbe4t. Boars. George Fincutter, GT lake. Phone Libertyville 615--M--1. rooster. Phone 567--J. 162. woven, double wool blankets. $15 each. Phone 618--M--2. 74--6t Lake--water, electricity John Dictz. Mundelein, DL Volkman, for light Mm. wi rage. Also one si room. First Street. Phone 42%5--K. goose feathers, $1.00 per Ib. Home Iibertyville every Monday. ders taken at Ray Furniture otcallorvrihc!.J.Dlehl,' m'm Phone Woo Phone 232--R. 'ANTED--Two roomers for ;?ggom. 112 Third Street, 513. N. + 9 MISCELLANEOUS saATISFACTION GIVER Old or New Work _ 601 West Park Avenue > FLOOR SURFAGCGING FOR RENT . Hu Phona 286 44 "5--2t.