Records are not only kept in Wau-- kegan of all persons who die bunt af the year is seventy--seven. : .. ing to Edward CHB, city Realth in-- A crusade is being made there to take all possible precautions against four Lake county men, Lee McDon-- ough, Charles Noll and J. A. Jensen of Waukegan and Richard J. Lyons of Mundelein. Representative N. L. Jackson, a candidate for renomination is the sole entry from Boone county. McHenry county has four candidates, William M. Carroll, Peter William Frett, Charles H. Francis, and Roy J. Stewart, the latter being a candidate for inated, while there are nine Ke-- publicans and three Democrats in the On the county ticket there are two spirited contests.: There are five can-- didates for coroner and four for coun-- ty surveyor. Coroner Taylor is ask-- ing to be returned to office, while he is opposed by Edward Conrad, Norton (Continued on Page 8) 12 MORE DOGS ARE DESTROYED and over into Deerfield and then back to Waukegan. o The machines all carried Emmer-- son--Caristrom--Glenn--Stratton . ban-- ners and the sight of this large mo-- tor caravan boosting the four head-- lines on such a disagreeable day was a most impressive one. Much credit for the success of the parade is due W. L Lindgren, chairman of the parade committee. Bill Smith, Jim Welch, George Bair-- stow and Elmer Green have been us-- ing the large slush fund of Governor Small all over Lake county during the past few days trying to stem the tide, but one of the managers of the than ever before. . street through the business district and into Sheridan road, North Chi-- cago, through the city of North Chi-- cago, through Lake Bluff, Lake For-- most unfavorable Saturday, there be-- ing a downpour of rain all morning and a snowstorm in the afternoon, but this failed to dampen the ardor of the supporters of the Emmerson uons jonk 100 aetomghiies on 15-- ditions, some 200 earry-- inig around 700 voters of Lake coun-- ty, took part in the parade, * Headed by a band riding in a truck, the parade started at the in-- tersection of North Jackson street and Glen Plora avenue. in Waukegan and went south in Jackson street to Grand avenue, east in Grand avenue to Genesee street, south in Genesee returned to office on his record; At-- torney Otis F. Glenn, United States senatorial candidate, and William J. Stratton, secretary of state candidate. 'The political automobile parade was unquestionably the biggest af-- fair of this, nature ever held in Lake county. Weather conditions were rade held in Lake county Saturday afternoon strongly indicated the vot-- ers of the county are overwhelmingly for the Emmerson ticket. The par-- ade was held to boost the candidacies of Louis L. Emmerson, gubernatorial candidate; Attorney General Oscar William J. Stratton, candidate for secretary of state, and the only Lake county man ever accorded the op-- portunity of filling a high state of-- fice, that the Emmerson ticket may consequently be given even a greater majority than 10,000 in Lake county. Have Parade Saturday + that Lake county people so bitterly resent the campaign made by Bili Smith, editor of Governor Len thestate show an unusually heavy swing over the week end to the slate headed by Secretary of State Louis n'w@tdnumberdlh'ly ips kiled in Waukegan for political -- leaders throughout the state predict the Emmerson ticket As the vote is being cast at thmmCit&Attonq Max L. Przyborski of North Chi-- Ticket; Leaders P redict 200,000 Vote Lead. YOTES PILE UP SUNDAY have ticket there are Highland Park Caristrem, for Che to The 'agent of County Treasurer Morse, in Fremont township was to submit a report on collection Mon-- day. Reports are to be m.d..s M:nl in wu&?' sad Cuba, on Wednesday agen Grant and on Thursday by the agents in Antioch and Avon. } ty Treasurer M said that he would 06 unabic to spen ie latter part of this week. non, Ela and Warren during the past hy monneedl: da%t'm it was onday Treasurer Jay B. Morse. 'l{abooh of the agents of the county treasurer were turned back last week and re-- checked. The approximate amounts callected in these townships folliw: $135,000 TAX SUM REPORTED The Community Service of High-- land Park Friday filed objections in the County court to taxes of $1,113.02 being assessed, being the first organ-- ization to object to taxes this year. The Community Service contends that their property should not be taxed as it is used entirely for char-- itable purposes. facture of candy. Some of the latest types of machinery for candy making will be installed in the var-- jous departments. The plant will be aquipped with a syrup tank and pumping, supplying the entire build-- COMPANY FILES TAX OBJECTION of the plant throughout, thus in-- suring ideal climatic conditions at all times of the year--a im-- portant consideration in th:%nuo will be equipped for both quantity and efficient production. The type of construction selected will provide for a maximum amount of daylight in all departments, Industry one of the most modern and efficient plants of its kind in be thoroughly up--to--date, it pimant, Covering 10,.000 square feet. A spur of sidetrack of the North-- western rafroad will be run t the, west entrance of the plant, thus im-- proving shipping facilities. The rapid expansion of Zion Candy --Industry sales throughout the country, has rendered a larger plant imperative, this institution last year having done a business of $490,000, an increase of approximate-- ly 20 per cent over that of 192%6. Announcement was made Satur-- day that construction has begun on a three--story addition to Zion Candy Industry building, at Zion . City, which, in connection with the pres-- ent cement block unit of the plant, will give a three--story building 140 by 90 feet, with a floor space NO. 28 . LION INDUSTRY PLANS BUILDING show this year is called "Minstrel Echoes" and is to be rehearsed and m by the John B. Rogers pro-- company. lbhmna}"dth:forflgsmnovnn;i:ur way cast is putting in tir:;tobemdyfor the opening night. i. the annual American Legion mins-- trel will be the attraction at the high school auditorium with a cast of over a hundred local people. The Tonight (Tuesday) the Garrick Players of Lake Forest college are staging a comedy entitled "Tommy" under the sponsorship of the Kiwan-- is club, the proceeds ur)hfo to the Elizabeth Condell Memo hospital. The Garrick Players have appeared here on previous occasions and are always sure of a warm welcome. The senior class of the Liberty-- ville township high school will pre-- sent its annual class play on Friday and Saturday nights of this week. The presentation this year will be "Honor Bright" a three act comedy by Meredith and Kenyon Nicholson which is being staged by special ar-- rangement with the authors. l Present Many Entertainments A wide variety of entertainment is to be afforded residents in this vicinity during this and the coming week by the programs which are to be presented here by the various organizations. x w4 "This 'has been an open secret for several weeks. Since the announce-- ment made by Supervisor Ira Hold-- ridge that he will not be in the race for the chairmanship Murphy's elec-- North Chicago is slated to become vhairman of the board of supervisors made to open the office of the county ~treasurer next® Wednesday to receive tax money,. . ONCE AGAIN! MURPHY WILL HEAD BOARD the command, "stick 'em up." Imme-- diately the driver of the car stepped out, went through his pockets and extracted the $14. ' Brumback said the bandit holding the gun then ordered him to walk fast and not turn around or he would be shot. The pair then jumped in their machine and sped away. TOWNS SENDING BACK TAX BOOKS Brumback complied. As he reached the coupe the bandit placed a gun against his bac® with he started to give directi e in-- qujrtng bandit said: pne M in "Step over and tell the driver." _ Three squads of police armed with 'ma:hme mms"edlnd sawed off . shot guns, patro Waukegan in auto-- mobiles during the late hours Fri-- day night and ~Saturday morning searching for two armed stick--up bandits who robbed John Bmmbfi of 633 Second St. of $14 in cash ea%ged.w up occurred on the north west corner of Madison and Utica streets about 8:30 o'clock. Brumback "Fellow workmen-- rushed to his aid and he was taken at once to the hos-- pital where first aid was given to him. "menhnbeenn.ng_ leak in one of the pipes in the pit for some time but. employes have been oiling the pumps regularly ever since the plant started to operate in Waukegan. As an official of the company I wish to express my heartfelt sorrow and sym-- pathy to those who survive him." Dr. Hoag stated that the man's hair and eyebrows were completely burned off and his clothes were badly burned. Wonderlin is suryived by his widow and a son. He had been employed at the plant for several months, coming to Waukegan from Lexington, . "The accident occurred in a large gasoline pump pit which ',ve'haveln our plant. The gasoline from a large 15,000 gallon gasoline tank is pumped ,::Jbetesfimrqomsbypummm-uw ' "Wonderlin, who was engaged as an oller, had just opened the door lead-- ing to the pit and had taken a step into the room. He reached over and turned on the switch and as he did so the explosion oecurred. He was knocked backward about five feet out of the room, his clothes catching on ARMED SQUADS : --SEEK BANDITS afternoon reached the following ver-- dict, that he came to his death from burns recelvi:d flalfeter the. igniting gg gas fumes gas pump the Johnson Motor plant whfg in the employ of that concern and that the explosion was caused by faulty installation of equipment in said it. A s First Serious Accident J. G. Rayniak, vice president of the Johnson Motor Co. stated Mon-- day that it was the first serious acci-- dent that the company has had since its organization, ten years ago. f His statement regarding the acci-- dent follows: © « ceived second degree burns about the burns on the face. ~He was burned lmunmwunwmm.l The coroner's jury impanelled Monday morning to investi the mdmwwrfizwm thorities worked hard to save his life, Wonderlin passed away after a fight of thirty--four and a half hours. Chester 8. Wonderlin, 40, father of one child, 1014 Massana Ave., Wau-- kegan received fatal burns Saturday at 1--P. M. at the Johnson Mo-- tor company when,gasoline vapors in when he switched on .ge electric when hne switched on the electric light in the pit, The man was rushed to the Victory Memorial hospital where Dr. Howard Chester -- Wonderlin, © 40, Is Fatally Hurt When Gas Vapors Explode At Johnson Motor Company Plant. MAN DIES OF BURNS IN BLAST attend him. heard by Justice Coulson on Thurs-- day, April 12. > property taxes. Attome{BSmithfi last week started 33 civil suits in the court of Justice of the Peace Hervey C. Coulson against individuals and firms in Lake coun-- ty, owning personal property in the county and délinquent in persona' his personal, property taxes. -- State's Attorney A. V. Smith sent a letter to Druggan> several weeks ago warning him that unless he paid these taxes within a reasonable per-- iod of gime, he would be sued and thus would sooner or later have -- to pay the taxes and also cost charges. Col. Smith had planned to start this suit this week. County Treasurer Morse reports that --since Col. Smith sent out these warning notices, a large number of delinquents 'have paild up. State's occurred, but neither she nor her mother were injured. pains in her shoulder later in the 'eve-- ning caused her to call Dr. W. S. Bel-- Icws this morning. She was found to be suffering from a broken collarbone. McCarthy was going west on Six~ teenth. street at the time of the crash and according to the police report, was not to blame for the accident. Both cars were badly damaged. Miss Smith was driving when the accident TERRY DRUGGAN _ _ <~PAYS HIS TAXES Miss Burke received first aid treat-- ment immediately after the accident and went to hér home, believing that streets, North Chicago, while Miss Bwte.'fleo. B. Smith of 232 Ridge-- land a , and her daughter, Mar-- celine, were traveling south on Lin-- Miss Gertrude Burke, daughter of Supervisor Frank Burke of 719 North County. St., Waukegan, sustained a broken collar bone and minor bruises Thursday when a machine in which she was riding was hit by a car driv-- en by J. A. McCarthy, 543 Chestnut street. The crash occurred at the Friday night a crowd of 7 men, five Emmerson supporters 'and two of Bill Smith's gang, waited. in vain for the Sun editor and Jim. George and Elmer to put in their appear-- ance. -- At Libertyville the crowd lined up to hear the talks of the Sma't leaders numbered six. Two of the six persons signified they were for Small and the others wore Emmer-- son buttons. r . the Small campaign were scheduled to rk at Libertyville in the in-- terests of the governor and Fri night they were billed for a str road, North Chi . 'They failed to show -- up at either Libertyville or North Chicago. -- According to those on the "inside" Bill Smith is said to have called off both ~meetings because of lack of interest in Small in Libertyville and North Chicago. INJURED WHEN AUTOS COLLIDE What has become of Billy Smith, Jim Welich, George Bairstow -- and Elmer Green, campaign managers and handlers of the Governor Len Small large slush fund in Lake coun-- ty? SMALL MEETINGS . _ \ ARE CALLED OFF clusion as far as Libertyville is cofl-i The favorable weather is bringing cerned with the popular sentiment' out a big vote and the local interest in the nexfhborhood of four to one| is helping to swell the total. A in favor of Emmerson. The refusal check of the three 'polling places in of Governor Small and his highway| Libertyville township at one o'clock T arm ariinence perauting The tit | hime handied Toted "hake aaalh lage authorities to regulate the traf--| been cast with the heavy afternoon o rchme; mas reprted to t derrimett |mageies fin hilak e ces af avenue, rea to the detri predi ore the close 0 fo the Srial! ticket, The detem f})l};hpolhthemvmhv:begxeanew ination 0 present state 'high mark established for num-- tration to make a four lane throu gber of ballots cast at a general elec-- route of Milwaukee avenue between | tion. * The outcome of the contest for the office of Governor is a foregone con-- clusion as far as Libertyville is con-- cerned with the popular sentiment Unusual local interest is center::i ed Saturday night and a belated in the outcome of the vote becau # drive started to round up a few of--the fact that there are three cam») strangling votes for the governor. didates from this immediate vicinity: The offices of the boosters are seeking nomination for public offic@ held by Jay Cairns as president and of coroner and their friends are| Charles D. Nalley as secretary. The making a strong campaign for their other offices were. not filled because favorites. Richard J. Lyons of Mun--| the membership was exhausted when delein is one of the .leading. c:mdi-1 the first two were appointed. Harry @ates for state representative and | Gotti offered to join the association indications fiicnt to an almost solid! on condition that he be made treas-- support of Dick in thig vicinity. urer but, so far, his name doés not gem.tor Rodney B.Swift, of High--| appear on the official stationery. land Park, who is seeking renomina+! The organization sent out a batch tion was for manj' years a resident| of letters Monday with the same old of Libertyville and has many friends| theme of Len's good roads and warn-- here who are working for his return iny the people of the danger that to Ideal weather conditions greete%i Chicago and Milwaukee, 'has also the local voters Tuesday mornin | cost the Small crowd many local when the polls opened for the prim« votes, * ary election,. which marks the er_ld_-} So desperate has the situation be-- ing of the intensive campaign which come in the last few days of the has engaged the attention of thl.'ff campaign that, as a last effort by and other portions of the state fof| Small supporters to make a showing the past several yeeks. +/ the Better Roads Boosters was form-- Primary Election Returns to Be Given at Register Office On-- Thursday night the leaders of ceéeived at the Rféfiister office and an effort will be made to keg) ose interested informed of the progress of the count. This office will be in direct connection with the W@ukegan Daily News and county and state bulletins will be available to local people. Phone calls to Libertyville 90 will get you the returns as far as they have been received. --_ Returns of the primary election céived at the Register office and an e LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1928 Published Twice Weekly notorious nurtty Renqister Utilities company. The Consumers company, a Pea-- bodycontrolled concern, is indirectly affected by the merger. e units taking part in the merger were the Commonwealth Edison company, People's Gas Light and Coke com-- _ The burglary was discovered by Mr. and Mrs. Bray«--at 10:30 Thursday night when they returned home after being absent all day. Chief of Police Edward Maroney was immediately notified and an investigation started. Chief . Maroney stated -- Friday that he believes entrance was gained through a window at the rear of the INSULL MERGER S COMPLETED Thieves sometime Thursday or early that ni'%ht broke into the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, at 1040 Lincoln avenue, Highhnd ¥'ark, and took $5 in cash and sevéral evening gowns of considerable value. Katherine 'Robinson of Waukegan was granted a divorce 'Saturday irom Richard Robinson by Circuit Judge Claire C. Edwards. The charge was desertion. They were married on Feb. 19, 1924 and lived together un-- til June 30, 1925. The following divorce actions were started Monday in the Circuit court: Hilma Maki of Waukegan against Harold Maki. The charge is driink-- enness. -- _ Reginald Colby of Waukegan vs. Emil Colby. The charge is desertion. Mabel Bronerick of Waukegan vs. Van Bronerick. Cruelty is charged. Joseph Hroza of Waukegan against Vina Hroza. Desertion is charged. . Leona Jones of Waukegan against Ralph Jones. She charges desertion. GOWNS TAKEN of the alleys for the night shortly after 9:30 o'clock when he discovered the rear door of the shoe store open and the stock piled for removal. The policeman stated that the thieves were: probably frightened away when he tested the lock on the front door of the store a few minutes before en-- tering the alley. . . Entrance into the store was gained by forcing open a window. To gain entrance was an easy matter as the store is undergoing extensive remod-- eling at the present time and work-- men had a few days ago removed the iron bars from the rear windows. MANY DECREES autemobile when Officer Loesch hap-- pened along-- and frightened them away. Loesch was making 'his first patrol of the alleys for the night shortly The vigilance of Patrolman Peter Loesch, of the Highland Park police department, Sunday night frustrated anuuemgtofahndofbnrglmto loot the Fell Brothers shoe store on Central avenue in that city of hund-- reds of dollars worth of stock. The thieves had gained entrance and piled over 50 boxes of shoes, sev-- eral pairs of boots and boxes of hos-- lery near the door of the store pre-- STORE THEFT been cast with the heavy afternoon balloting just commencing. It is predicteéed that before the close of the polls there will have been a new high mark established for the num-- ber of ballots cast at a general elec-- check of the three polling places in Libertyville township at one o'clock as we go to press shows that over nine hundred votes have already The organization sent out a batch of letters Monday with the same old theme of Len's good roads and warn-- ing the rle of the danger that all road mding will stop, the gun will go out and the.heavens fall if Small is not nominated. * the Better Roads Boosters was form-- ed Saturday night and a belated drive started to round up a few strangling votes for the governor. The offices of the boosters are held by Jay Cairns as president and ARE REQUESTED BY BURGLARS ie FRUSTRATED 3K ny,. a Pea--| Northwestern University and J. C. is indirectly' Brown of DeKalb, president of the dent of schools, _fi':lc:e Friday at the Boone. County. ~Teachers' . Institute. which was held u%Belvidere. "New Methods in Rural Teaching" was the subject he discussed. Others who appeared on the pro-- gcram were: Dr. Franklyn Snyder of SIMPSON TALKS AT GATHERING Florida and California, while many Waukegan young folks who are uni-- versity and couege students are to send in their votes by mail. primary day. After they are received at the clerk's office, they are sent to prof; er-- precincts, chec&ed' of£f£ the boo and returned with the votes cast .It was learned Saturday from Count{' Clerk Hendee that around 200 ballots have been sent to various parts of the country to Waukegan people who will be absent on Tuesday, AprA 10 and want to cast votes in the primary. A number 6f ballots 200 MAY VOTE THROUGH MAIL A jury is to réport in the County court on April 17 to hear civil and criminal . cases. Attorney Wilfred Hall is to handle criminal prosecu-- tions in the County court for the of-- fice of State's Attorney Smith dur-- ing the April term. & On recommendation of the state, Judge Persons ordered the padlock removed from the place of William Bock of Fox Lake. This establish-- ment was closed a year ago because of liquor violations. $2,000 BOND ---- 18 FORFEITED All three youths are liable to pros-- ecution by the government authori-- ties for violation of the Dyer act, a federal cha.rfie of transporting stol-- en automobiles from one state to another. It is possible that the gov-- ermnment may be requested to take a hand in the cage. Monday morninng at 5 o'clock }}li-k and Greinke ch-%eed'.to emerge rom a hedge near Waukegan road which hail hidden them most of the night, intendin&eto catch a ride on a truck, when y virtually walked managed to elude their pursuers temporarily. ESchawd was immediately taken to headquarters by one of the police-- men while the others continued the ued south. They'"were bound for Chi-- cago, according o their statements. The boys attracted the attention of the poli¢e Sunday night when they :E:;l south on Waukegan Road i :eg:d Lalke Forest a:az:ut r& s . lnscovering they were ing pursued, Schawd, was at the wheel, stopped the machine and all three jumped out and fled into mpontetatP y i2 MR at hi Bz adccentat d J VoVHns who embarked on a career of crime Sunday by stealing two automo-- biles, were behiul the bars in the Lake Forest city jail Monday charg-- ed with f:nd Aarceny and were a-- waiting t artival . of * Milwaukee detectives to rfium them for trial. Two of the youths were captured at 5:15 Monday mhorning after ban? hunted all night long by a detail o police led by Captain Jack Dunn. Complete confessions .hnave been made by each of the youths to Chief of Police Lester: Tiffany. The boys stole a Chrysler sedan in Mfiwaukeemdarmeitutuu!u- cine where they. abandoned it and 3 TAKEN IN FOR THEFTS OF MACHINES two motor pdlicemen pur-- of sedan and contin-- ty superinten-- in Henxy, were injured Thursday when their Car tan Hito a ditch two miles east of Lake Zurich Mrs. Jensen sustained --a fractured chest bone ;nd four fractured ribs while her usband received a scalp wound and cuts about his arms. PAIR INJURED IN AUTO CRASH If the jetty is built, no further trouble will be ex. rienced with sand flowing into its mouth. For the past several years, the harbor has been blocked every spring and it has been necessary for a government dredge to come'and dig it out to the required man Carl Chindblom stating that work on the survey of the survey of the harbor was to be expediated. : Mayor Yager--and the commission-- ers of the city started the move to improve the harbor almost a year ago and enlisted the aid of Congress-- man Chindblom to help get the mat-- ter before the rivers and harbors committee of the government. ° The request of the city came before the committee in January and orders were issued to have the engineering department survey the harbor rela-- tive to installing the jetty. Mayor'Yager of Waukegan met in Chicago Saturday with Col. Schultz, district Gov. engineer, in connectioo with the move under way to build a jetty out from the north pier at the --harbor to kee% the sand from washing in and blocking the mouth. His trip followed the re-- The four appointments were made by Po Piug on recommendation of Geoprega c&w Mundelein The 'priests elevated by the church have been amongi the most active of the Catholic clergy in the Chi-- cago area. llsg. Kealy was named rector of the Mundelein seminary when it was first opened. The Very Kev. D. J. Durne, pastor of Holy Cross church, Chicago; the Rev. David McDonald, pastor of St. Andrew's chu:ch, Chicago, and the Rev. D. P. O'Brien, pastor of St. Columbanus church, Chicago. _The Very Rev. J. Gerald Kealy, of St. Mary o. the Lake Seminary a Mundelein has been honwcd 5y be-- ing eleveted by the Pope to the rank of demestic prelate, it -- was learned last week. Rev. Kealy was one of four priests made domestic prelates The others upon whom this honor was conferred folow: Lee A. Huson who lives in Liber-- g:\lle until recently connected with Lake County lZand Asen., will operate the farm and take up resi-- dence there with his wife and two daughtérs. Mr. Huson is a practical farmer of broad experience. "Construction of the buildings will proceed as rapidly as possible." said Mr. Learned. "in order that actual operation may be started at the earliest possible date." Both the house and the barn will be wired according to Red Seal speci-- fications which provide for a definite number of convenience outlets for the attachment of various appliances. It is believed that this will be the first barn ever wired under the Red open for inspection and study, and as a practical farm to be operated on an efficient business basis. Cows of good grad= will be purchased for the farm,.and horses will be kept for the comparatively few field activities not aone mechanically. When completed the farm will serve both as a model electrical farm able with that of the average lay-- man. In other words, the methods and practices to be used on the mod-- el farm will not be such as to require special mechanical or clectri~al abil-- ity." * Farm buildings will include a resi-- dence, barn, garage, hog house, chicken house, implement shed, farm office, brooder house, model dairy house, farm workshop, 'well--house, and silo. * same manner on any other farm in this region. The farm will be oper-- ated by a practical farmer, whose knowledge of electricity is compar-- is Deing established by the Public Bervice Company of Northern Iilinois on an 80--acre tract known as the Putman farm about two miles central portion of L&ke county. "The company has felt for som-- timé," said Vice President John -- G. To Construct A Model Farm A model farm on which practically Jens Jensen, of Mc-- as well as music and entertainment with many large baskets of food giv-- en away as well as many beautiful and useful gifts by the exhibitors who have worked out many ideas in distributing their gifts. __With no admission charges of any kind to be asked, the public will be more than pleased with the efforts that have been put in this show to make it pleasing to all that attend. It is very seldom that a show of this kind' is attempted without some sort of admission charge. There will be daily and nightly attendance awards Waukegan's first event of this kind. ERvery effort is being exercised as the show is nearing its opening date to make this something just a little du;e&ntundmmmmm an ever there with themn' thm"wm Waukegan's first event . The Waukegan Daily News Firs: Annual Trade and Food Show will carry many novelties and features as plans are being completed for $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE NOVELTIES AT THE FOOD SHOW tocomeoutpublidyanda'luvi& him that the world is fiat. For Glenn, Stratton, Carlstrom The endorsements of Overseer Vol-- iva follow: : Glenn. Glenn Voliva came to see me last week and said that i#f I would go along with all things favored the overseer T1 would get his &-. ment," declared Senator Swift Mon-- day. "I sent word back by his agent make my own decisions in all mat-- ters arising in the senate and would not have Voliva dictate to me. Among other things he asked me ceeded in adding 105 miles of cement roads to the $100,000,000 road bill, for Lake, McHenry and Boone counties. Volinbowevernbctednnym of Wauconda, opponent of Senator Swift, to support. Paddock is en-- dorsed by the Small organization, while Senator Swift has mafie -- a Ithremlbdthltmmm Senator Swift launched investiga-- tion in the senate in refard to the that Route 173, the Zion to Rock-- ford state aid route road would be started at Twenty--first street, Zion, utheommr.ndlm&"* to vote for him for renomination. County Surveyor--Charlee E. Rus-- State's Attorney--Ashbel V. Smith. Coroner--John L Tavior. LION SPLITS TICKET FOR PRIMARIES "An agent of Overseer Wilbur On his visit to Zion on Why He Was Not Approved; Stratton Is Choice. to 173 for